THE MICHIGAN DAILY n...-- -- - - - _.._ 6. U. WILD Co. LEADING Tailors RMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [A tSPEICIALTY 311 s. State t. Annas Arbor, Mel. Engraved Cards and Announcements Ordered now will reach you in a very short time Don't put it off till the rsh season and rn the risk of delay. We're showing several new styles of cards. 100 Cards and Plate, $1.25, Script 2.50, Roman 3.00, Old English Printing Cards from Plate, 75 cents per 100 Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Special Prices or Leather Pillows includig fUICHIGAN SEAL Vetil April lt DARLING & nIALLEAUX 224-226 S. State St f i THE MVICHIGAN DAILY. I'l N. TH' '~IS AFTE:RNOON. IArbr Potffie. IPubished dily (Mndasexcepteid dring the colege yer, at i7 Rast Wshingto sreet. Bell phne 892.Horne phone 7. I Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW rBusiness Manager. WALTER R. AS IEDITORS. IAthetic. ........ Cace . Edidge INews............ LunsD,. Stineoy IKEchnge ...... Chrls . Wisted IMsin............ A. H. Otiye rWome.......Effie J. Amntrnni EIf~TORIlALSTAFF. rHugh Alen Fnakin C. Fak AthurC. Pund. rASSOCIATES. rOGorge A. Osborna Hrod C. Sith rPers N. Somith Gerge A. Brnes r Hoberti H. Clncy Fnk J. Clak rHeny F. Shulte Williami A. Mhrn' r. F. Stevnsoono henyA. hAloney Glenn I0 BadeF John 1F. wn1a ioy V. Lll Fioyd I. Jnes RATES: $.o pe yer, or$.o it pid i adnce. Address: WALTER R. ANS' Business Manager. 230 S. 12th St. Phone 849 L. Edior Tdy-FRANK J. CLARK. 'toein ciarge of the iin111srl sho paie decidedloi ttii10Miild a parae Fri da,'y 011tof rslc 1o tie o'iiorx of Pro fsor Riissell. 'Thlis putsosoiiic ihat of a rest'.ricio(11100 iie' di'rrisiriig plnsof thercomittieec. wh'lil th sct sa030le iihastibee1 ler' eici'ougig.tili of tlicstident ocy to achive1i1111. suc Should ibooitie 'shw 1(nd gie it all he free oilvrrtiiig posible.c 1o b11 really11suiccsfl, te 11111srldshlo must .1apiear to heiaifinion11111fhc iihol(e 'tdeiii boy asowa'.tle cony fair last year. 1Wenimot s11111tiatiii w iliig adaiic hlp0111 i nourliii esihl- from11thi'.iliuilni 1. T iiiisitwiwill realfor mollre coidiciii toith scci ..of Ilihe cbhiiIouse troecif iin11g. ut Iie prope ir stuti seilnimentilil. Si letci cr- 11111gt beindiiiil'lul shoe. 'he acioiio f tilcChicago faculty ii huceli"thelifiiithabll giiiicwituh il- gall i'riiticlly aimotis to aib1eachiliof faith. For min iithe. reponsile posi ti111 tofofessorsii a great mike rip their acioniiiin thisimoler is prticlarl iiiiecoiiiig. Ililiihis ne atl hociave ctaglaiing examp13le'f 11a111faith to th .studcnts over whlonithy .rc51111 posed to exrt a benefiluoumiloral i- flutenice. TheucDaily udeires. Io eprss itie grn- eral csympatihy of the student boduywithtl lie fa'muil of Earle Xw. Garunr iitheir oildlbereement. This nf11111111 t 'clocki0111 senuhiora postponed1111'1Tueday'usonacount iof rai. Teli,. iwill assemler"iiRiom C, LUni vi yiii Iiall, it iiiila d ihie ioii tei' v i i lll.- 'll(, prog'ramiii iwill lbe the 1same 1as lar- rarge fo Tesdy.ini tenatiurl' Iof ai iiiort1 1ha11e1 excuise.11'Ptuoilessor Proufess.o I )Our iill lpnith exer- c iss \ith it'r ayerill afteir wh ih Prs li i ti 11(1 illt l- l a d es th o rho the1s1niorsi"swiiinl111111uil." 11 ,'stateilitriet, 1sou 1 tht tc headoutf ulc' 111u501s11reet u'3where auut il clumni i lltutl rni l-rii 'i. 'The rocesio wi ill itihiu iimarch to liii 'outhileast3 cor rif ite campiuiis, acii'.. ihi'cmus on diiecliagolaiil t th lirr : thin tuiriniig .uuitluuc hey w iill 31r1c101d3pastiTappan11OakIto i the green11in3111111of 3Tappan111htll. lere iindonwilltke i big paolramauuopic tue of1hothila1 ses. Sparatectu3110 wlilslib kn ifthelitsan engnier on1 3 133111 liall ,os seiors3 cons11 idrbliannoyacotsrnd it' iiiiulrrof u oflil town111visioto wer dsponeat rnt 5seeig hidCCrllol y. Gutii ii te111of tis luuitch ii e uirang- men, thei winoutt his e3r i iOa- pected' to1'.oiii "uunreceTetedsuccess iorsill 1he31i'oi'lie . Fair11weatherilis a tm'ii'' ioniccaion.11111fterthei llwi'g- outcslitolenir,,larcisilcili toiwea ther ap an gwn Tusdys11 iiiiiil ',Iad ia ot 3r imhhs if '3th ii 1 ~ ..R du siiiI'ooLucoo o hIior.'i getimpeofnatoiortolapperebefore11111 larg'efhouse i iinUivrsit' hatlie Tisii tSEIOS rsleavecyur orders forc beor eantinnaiioauies aAnds pasteputastoe. sinnos tfare Ff333131 1,3.'lEN STAR IN MINSTREL. SHIOW held hy 3-utDikey, the inconprahe, wii lii n.iootilto iis forer. Jack Ito'. lad uiiichiexperience ii the Ciuiedy liiliaust 3etcler Veren, aiiitthis th3retf lthe1t1111311inIs shape. The big1f11ball me hop iaoiiiid imore q311111ly 1at ii111istrd iiinthey een did hor .Cochl1 U ot-a sttemient w hch semnexaggeratedt ut coiie, whn itis'.recalledothai t tic huge fellw' go haorefooit11hl thepay iiind are n1111 hampe1 lrrdiiliiiith iyy cltdisos. MllBtrooksand ttDct. \Mirgtiniar s butiioi'ghoit rit playiastie gin.- eering profs'ors wereithle iiicnti of Fel uriry ijs iaiiiii"cni time Mee dilsiigiishsimiself in oneinostancoliv cacdhgthg' Ine "ortia" 'rier is that13slinder iymt is aouii to fait.' Me3il uanld itDicdoiiisog tunt that iil maketheminsrlsloo111113he3 lurtoes. A\ltoge'ther, teethe, Tu'onarlor, Morlugan 1113d Broos, cril tiioiigi 1111111' inhe 31ats iaid wiill urob- Idly marea ig iitt. TIe interstices 'onite sag wll le oi'ciipiii'ilyiv uuoiuileu'softhit'Siiieit ers, nacker's, andi3 itirr atendants.ii 'hlast ireflectionis 1.thai tis agrg'- 31111113 really-truly'aotors,. foiotall 11101 and iclli'g'e'typIis absluteliily gartees muc 1no noion, if nothing iels 3,113factlihihentiles "The lMerchuant of M\ichigan"' iorain:iilnhl('Ili of crri so ciii h liiiti'ho col stli, Ilse3re111031chreolitoldthe Russo-i S~TUDENiS' I Il'fil'ASS'N 113the'lo las eecting of lihe boardouuof regntstht ibdy doted a Irsoilutlionu proibliiuung'theSudnts'iliLscturu'i'01111 lion res 1111n1 msicl imnuuilrr.lier Sousiao' ia'iiiil ii iirsiy h31111.cre t rsi hl lo mne tm r tc isii ces i f dheuo ui ii sity u 'msicali sociol.. f arcloi u~1I mebr.111.i~il uo u''s 31111aon or hisiihep3or111' n on the ecture ofestingt th"em 110110's. I isliopei'd, if 1113thouumusic'al Try' Phelps' Perfecion chocolate puffs and chips at Cusings ptarmnacy. Fnasses repaired. ' Eyes careuilyitteiid and tesei. GEORGE HAU.1ER, Main S. H'ildrt's genuine veve kisses at Cashing's. Su~is prnsseu, 25; rousers, Ic. Fuller & OConnor. f I al if FRATERNITY SEAL Beautifuliy engt'aved in 1 plain of solud topper and mountnd on 0 onassive sild nf weatheted nub. Get the Official Coat-of-Arms of Your Fraternity Dimnnsionsi Ihisi. Weight 10 its. PRICE, $4.50 WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. Brief Making and the Use of Law Books A hook every law student alid young lawyer should have. Price, $2.00 Cash or Exchange for your Law or f ledlcal Books C. E. BARTHELL Phone 761 32t6 Soutth State Street, Ann Arbor, Minh. t Feels Good a your f ace and your face [ways feels soft and smooth, you use VILLIAMS'SHAVING 'ST I CK Students' Lecture Association FREDERICK WARDE............ I II If You Desire to Exercise in your canto in a quiet yet vigorous muanner, a punctihing bag stilt give you the beot oatisfaetion. The Victor 20th Century Striking Bag used aind recoimmended by Joe Hieitger, the champion bag ptunuher of the Middte West, eon be fastened to the frame of the door anod is practieatly noiseless. Mr. Hteitger will use thin bag in his exhibitions at the Union Minstrels this wceek. These bags eame to him t trough our store1 and wiltltie on exhibition in our window next Thursday and Friday. We also earry a lull tine of Tennis, Golf and Baseball Supplies A new line of B. G. 1. and Victor rackets has just lbeen te- ceived. P'rices range froni S0 cents to $8.05. A th The Store of the Students, by the Students and for the Students. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tret.naLewv. Anss.sArbor Going North 9:05 a. m. aod 4 :35 p. m. GoognSoth 7:10 a. m.,11:35 a.nm.aod 7:33 p. m. J. J. KIRBY, W. T. WILLS, Genol Fuss. Agent, Agent, Toledo, Ohio Ann Arhor, Mioh Beii phone 135-In Hone phone d98 VAICHII6AN CE IL'IjM "eM Nagara Falls Rout."' Chicago Buffalo Bostont New York Through Trains miast-8.18 a. mn., 2.40 p. mn.. 4.55 p. on., 9.30 p. n. 1i.05 p. m. Locals ilast-6I .05an., *11.t0 a. m., *4.05 p.m. *8.36tp. M Through Trains West-L.07 a in~ 7.58 a. mn., 9.18a. mn., 2.33ip. m. 10.10 p. m. Locals West-224 a.nm., 08,28 a. mn., t1.40 p. in., *6.10 p, m. * ilhceet lSundiay.) Connenctions at Chicago for St. Louis Kaosao City aod the West.~ W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor SIR CHENTUING LIANG CHENG, S. L. A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to 6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. May 16 1i I CIGARS, TOBACCO, CADDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST.