The Michigan Daily JToL. XVI. MICHIGAN IS SHUT OUT BY OBERLIN Varsity Gets Beautiful Trimming 3=0 -Errors Lose Game Despite Mar= tin's Good Pitching. 'th asitt didttl Clook notch like iiiptnpossvesteday. After- gtving a lt-iit beatintg lto two of the best col- thaleed lutgersott tie lotcti aggre- -u-sti were helpless before iin Oberlin tit iwhsetontiy qualifict iont ts a ither seemiedlto hi his aitlity to ptt iding ott teipart of histesiamn nates, 'alor haitittle iiffieclty itt adiinis- tilt Iaiteattiu otitoiithitewash to the Chittttptswitlte titeeigitt errors ite- itI iait ittienaitiedi the Conigregatioti- iotstitaiass tittertatiiies. i itwis thit ittorest exithititinif biase- ball ittaNicigtiitteamtiitts affordedi hi inr itid orrntbatses. lMcarti --tuedaneffective gtatte, atdtd htcile icii dthte kittdlof sutpptort thtitaty- odid.lea siswotlid tare litdciashut- ,,i o its tcrtdit. althtotugh his tto errors ithseethilthelped Oblerlitn to one of Ot theioterItatid. 01berlitt feltied at iiinli te ir tt iv errors ibeinigalott tits byRuitptiwhlict wtas entirely ex- titll anda tmttff hbyXWaters twhichi the lanuky first batsemaniti aftertwardls 't'heiilig wa s allthe itreuark- 1-sinteepatl of thie-gtame iris playedl s rainistosrmtiandilaihigh twindilmadte Iit ltost itmpitissilelito juidge ftytails. ice siattertutuditiotns itt-italso cii- usc so ;(tunt of i te varsitys errors. Rupscisredl Oberlin'ts first ruts inithe ount innintg iwhlithit l mmietticiottt a tit-biagger tiliitw ttit I l. eiwentt sothrdona passedttlliandiilseoredl whtet en ttilaenb huiiit siit tr escapiet Lightnter lei tillwithiia single ini the fith. Toddhilsacittficetilto tseetcid but lieiwas rn nut besttw ttiensecondti indtirdti iwh len Taylor copped otte at iiiitti it ie t~vlrwenlt itosecosntt ton 1atnserrandilsctireidwiteti \Viisoit lae atu tiwtiltagger tot left. Taylor alsti ital heichtototrtof setoritng Oberlins last rutni ttesevntthtweitlie reatcied fir st ott SI it ii's errr. I Ie wettol to ctch im ofttitir ltst ail scoredl ontti- AN-N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIIURS!) \1 MAY 3, 106 Nit. 151. FOOTBALL MEN STAR IN MINSTREL SHOW Nlo Parade Friday on Account of Prof. Russell's Funeral-Seat Sale Continues Today. As a tiark of respect to Prof. Israel C. Russell, twhose fineraltill le eli Firidlay aftertnoontheicottititee ii charge of the Uniontinttstiel catrtival at the stiggestioti of the Utioti iirectors, tat idecided to call off the prade sedti- tled for l tha rdit. Thits decisioi tats arrit-ed at s socntathle Itoutr of the futteral was determinied, it it twts the idlea f thte cotmttittettandlthe IUioi direttrs thatitheisi tititis tttetdant tpon the ptiae itoiudihIsarely te i keepintgtwithi thttstirt iift ltay. I-ow- ever, tit parade totiSaturdayi iiwill tke placee is hIlinined. The seatistle hits bien goitg ost brisky, ut there are still ti ltrge ntutt- ter of gototilseaslefi.Ysterday Ge- eral M-anaer Poundil imatie a test oif the cariotus serts of thet lhall whlile the re- hietrsttl tatgo ig--oni tinifotitdihtt there wtere tbout forttiseats ii the en- tire hall ithere the sotwcutli ot hei lietrdl tithi tirectc otifort. This mieatis that everybiody who twtatts to see the showat d ish vules to avid uc the i- conivenisencee f itwitig ii lie ott the ights of the perfomanmcs ae still the oppoirltunity tot resectve god setts. As list beenttediti heforetere istco extrtt pricechclatgeid for resevitg setts. Fifty cists bayis tanv seat ii the house. H-owever,ITrastte Jp 1-elsell ia- itoitteetlalst night thaIIticse who re- serveid seats an it ditinot Ipat for ithet tut ceal firthetirtody Seats till b e ottstitle tdayit itVthrs frottit9 tt 1 ini the mtitrnitntg ntl from t to 6 in the teitl te ctarinilare-urtgedl he those ii chstrge tot scurei their tickets nowt-i order ttitaivoid ittettruith attthe dors Frida adlavtt itlturda eintgs. CTe tonlyt iiof le shott-wvhict has nott lu-nexplasineinul TheIliDatily- is the roarinug faruce eititlid, liii Mercan of B elig ii I Ti is a liurlesctue ton linGret tollatortecilby tio n glish itstrutotrs andtwotitioif te titeritys brillitant litetirs lights wholii tre ot yet sit the faultty. It iisibastdI tnti"-Tu M51erehatofit Vetice" ut the sut tutd iticitettstre ll lcabein-it'takets fromt rdiliare -s twell -s the extcrardinary htappleninigs ilotithliiicatmttpts. There is nott a tutu lute itepitylet tand the liciirusstuti tontsthich ae beeti audiience-itisntocnutliosto flagtier. $vteii if the lines in sitattiots were tot tprovocatiseof humtiorIthe actors thtemtselsesswithottit inhes wiottld ritigidowntheiiihouse o see "Lilte lw"T-s lur iressedcupas ti ladylike Portit, CletitSmtoot cavortitg arottit it agenitotfteshtmuantiand"Octy' Gra- hamitsatinltg utigt tt represett a itatll, sithi bothi ears andto e antIa tonigue, tutd et(lthiitseve s ti arrier, t ec-hole atd abt rck-these are sights whitcht tiettorthlite fity cents tidmtissiontiprice inthienseitves. The etintetly pobae Johnnity Garrels beamititgbeetvolentlyi urponth ie actors aatt udittiececas ai mooti; Shltte atd Lonigmatn cdresseid as oys ii knicer- tockers; "Spider" Coe tatd "Slit" Cole as lusty beef-eaters; "Dad Gntdry, the lug trumttpeter twhotsnaakes a lite noise, andi Bolt Sitctir s Ite good-lookig Jetwess, Jessict-eachi or tll of these wottltd redeem tity orditary pay and gist- it a rnt of three hundttred atd sixty-fee nigts ii any theatre. ln hti le heay arts tre carridl by light tmeti-Jack Neni-rker as Sylock M-el Brooks as Bassanio, and Dick Moe- gait as Atntonio. These men are till expserientced actors, more or less, mostly more.. Jack Neumtarker is the first actor ini college; lie ocetupies that place ini the hearts of the matinee hahitues formerly (Continued onIPge Tan,) tot -s i;i-i-c; t.s Si itNitti. .i, I t iR.H .0 i s, c . .. .. .. 4 5 Siliti b. .. .. .. . 0 0t : . 0 3 3 0 r 0 p b CAMPANARI WILL APPEAR AT THE MAY FESTIVAL Famous Metropolitan Opera Baritone Will Take Part in the May Musical Event, SignortiCututuisa utth le fatuoitusan plsssiar Ititotntu ofithe ili- trotiitanu oiperuthuse shita iss i-n stirers-ites :Clat-tuusitulfetival 1this siteiing. lie isutuusutusult iacknowtledcugid si osie of tic- gretes-t ortiic stirs aust contuu c ttruactionis tf ste prcettlitte, lit alneofalrtsu e ars te distintctittn ttf hayin-gti-eest- entag-ediltttthet-tic-lest psuiituuu sitera ositufor-tutwitelveconec ifs tat s'cutso irtluoso ittte catltyuistge guiigciiicerts uun thelages- uop cuties. St thec igce 1fssiventttn lit ac- cpethet losittuittofsitu 'cellist ilth grtandi srchecstri if LiS culat iii Mi Vsctal rt, lutistveiii atutuactted hin greatly ,tusuctt 5atutust thwishsislutofItls famtiilyadt tejesitfits fricns lie secrcettsiudiedtoice utlusture.t Dur- lag Iis iareer as cloirut etusousieap- seared witiltexti torslut rv success thse leaditugcities sofIEuroesiaidst so aspi tetared in cthambersitmuusic scunt ithii masnt- ciiiehutticssuthi is soachsilt,5 iii- iawskt, Saiut-Satens, itt.It is nost e--su erally knowthatit Camlistii is asil- liatpinits sl itws a5ge'cel cliit Fhe twas bhught-' ito:Amutcaby1 tse manuuagemuenst of the Bosstonusymttuphonsy orchsestira whsereIte octupuidttechitri if first solos'cellist, -tushosstshi Isis fessorshsisip f thtecello si thtetNets hutg tutu Coniservatoruy of NSiuit usn Rostin lIhe re-siagnedtfrcntth ow e lvettr,-iaitt-nl set-crut yeats, desritng'toidevte slairnstuscf to hitsitocal it tir tutuandislit whlit sspliedcri-stilts, adisth ilswhisiastiltitt suiccess, thi-geliattst andis si cits it thisNIcet tittitlitaiitut era huseiialisth tire tinc tersit inttuit-c atushemuica pbicin gener-al siecl Inotw.i tlisth lutstv ute thad ~ihthegodfrtune it111eet asi admutire titus by uvurtuec-of tisucgenial, hiapspy tditpoithntigoodtierttxtremielys modssesthdeeanc-or,-alwa-ys a I sussiword for everyonseialways ecatyto issista (ti-nuttnudrut hag'the. CORNELL MAY FILL BROKEN CONTRACT' Board of Control Authorizes Director Baird to Open Negotiations With 1 Eastern University. , isit tChicuago! kultsr -nCnIeli Stuich is Icvery i i lkely o tieti- reu--tlt of teatsi lle i f te 1 tialds of i thethic wa -ra sfrm ihesenteofit i htsm'Vu- sitofkCica--o, asinsittlit-insoardf cusn- trsletosreleasett unuscusityfurauister crcluI ts lyafobl aeo Turry fltist t fatll. leIii masrsd fetii tilshta t tie lts i t i t oit l it to lust ugu lto gratictherequetst. lTOilltitt date. iadeVacatIbyithe11 c tinu of ICi caglii iluteaigi t scnci tsact Disector Lairduu asi-crtel ith l o rneIf ll. iststst tll den ti.-iece tiecncsufernme uect still Ibe 1hlt it Nornthwstesn. IiBIT-SIMAN ROCCK IS tl,A-CIEi ON EI.N IIOl: Th idigfreshmatun 1rsck its be t i ait sii at-ttraslt-d lame\u mber h sk oftisuer-stedl stadtilte, ost pec"u atec-- sillseoi ho sw tttsth r s lust silcture- move stitstlttsuthes i n ht ttechanuces src fis thir pltigit o it theucamptus. Thet rock wI-lis a itle ye sun Illillilpcut nds.ut I thiwas seturiedl iy tilt frestiat l l i ulius, I ltiscit anth Fi , and bearht is aloiick "Si snthetlt itli lls liiig0) tilt t ttthe Idercass g nc- iitithetic0Cmentarestu libeftto rus tituy iturock uuutitse ttur clocI kc iii lissudertictltss contest is alreasy coii- sidelt e, nd ttu sies- tiieit cla Imee ing~s tic- qu t lt lullrhe if thus-da-y-. S-Sthins i h ok st11115te bjci ofI not itttle Iattenu tu sitand crt situ etulsiastit siopit- on s ae plannuuu-ingtssetcuiet-hue see- vices of adttitue frosmutPiutkertonatnd keet iite iect iiigrautite suder the chits- et sarveillane. ,AW STUDENT KILLED AT 'DEAD MAN'S CURVE' arle W. Gardner, '08 Law, Struck by Fast Train-Home Is at Harbor Springs. 1uint- eW . Ga-inerssn tll St-i isv esti tut-i ilt spinsg .was s stiitru shand it- tuntu kiled by tills \Suic put - cir suin te SiebliuiCesntIl iat ut-ni 'escryaferoo. hilftautlity uc- it Yplsianti, t a sptllsuigestivesly tow ust"Ded ulls Cisc...Thet stilt wa s frighul-lytit Mangiledith e his itads suc-tsevere frott hei ttuk, iand the it ung sti oth i i sionuustet. Gardnerti i s w ingis nearll Yp isilntti thi DadMals CIts ."Ialists h itrin tirch N------------ast. giTh slut compaions tcrossed hul vtet to te ililsietriaicki ii h ra f lih t pasig -rig t sclleith seadohe ii ( i~asengetberi tg d iwsbeindtiustI btt stltsntic usthotnthgh ins heua- lilo t fthe s it o stwll.sushi heil adii and situlIteus twerusie iitit sde sl ut wich. rtllediuthio bsiliiethtrasits. takn t Ysillanitand laced in tye morue, La ilthe injuredl itt111 its a stil- sill suiDtroit-lie islutowl i thDe-s .ir tat hes I itltiuslive l Moltoit ts inthe tn listnhutsitchensitueslush iftitdIlnd huts arriv i l ts11city o a.Theu o' fahe isai mit tpt'hi ii ii i l l la t i-u oft the declutist u ctt sit ithytitlg '05. lit ls Gad tus nIniteeillesnit- Iants deah bing itoligt oelo those lill storiiesl tttih thet devlus l ur ils ofatitg 5111 h ll l Siisoioten lkfr, ud w ic h prs tiilellunfailis lw tilat lIst il ve lstillrythiltg.usAt tills himstlfil nahcl l dIiiitie s lur. leidd tlevec lige.ttNt5 wisng- 'o let ill 11paren iiitit w thesta tentoft I hit l rrngd ith tfrienill tohugoni Itsd liltmiland entltt Ypsianti ta e millts . sit ll twe t iwe tll:e paGureites -'sotuiguh u tl l t uatnepctdenansten ityis 'l h ut utiu Its l I tit bles eail huo1n -th it ltch e lis.tAps ht-i icAl l-tgtsite 'rtilg ifi i iso f teda till tti- ing-isott is e termeinat ion toilmakei tsmIanutyf titts- uf, uwa founin on1tilt ltisi i stl vsm us-illng oftNiutlal l uthemanger utfid- ertlathshibasebasli tll lm t itllibe. he t i- thseatutuetithe.oci tion ofi.ce att7:3 'lok the entssing. Alluthimangesustn Cyostnfme isenti ntf.hsese ls.sRuss- hei.eliileitfiplayeithhisss clsluie Theuu gaumys lilbginuy uft rItlusu:Maytu7,eifnhil Cothallilsr-tt etitm. ~TiiCr awu howsieerdothu tifail is touhaeyuut stutuinitilue fusethe Saturdauy paurade. whlichs sill utke plact- initaccordh witls [ausntcetents itt Fridauyts Daily. Fredt C. Straits, Chsairanu Paradhe Comsmittee. AhiB itR. I1 h-s-i. S. i-. ;iau ec , If. . . .. . . 3 0 o hiunneilt .... ...... 4 0 50 14 5 3 Patterso, s....d athelr .. ..t. . 0 1 t 00 T utv e ut isc............i3 i0 ai 6il 0 itiutup S1...lid....hit0,0iz t 't ted forPttescut itt tinsh at. us-tonn...... .......e 0 hoe0 1 a1i0e, tutu -se 1ichia ..t....u ...a ..u o 0e0i0ioidi 0i o S -itte Tot ase hint s -l- u thisonlieit 'Briena Wheelter. ofuekeoteyi artnc 6 ;egby Taylohue, te9n. utas us Sba sh-uOf Taysmtsor,5 sak-Ty ayloit rc D oe p bus--Pahersogm e sta fistDunil muNS YouiIe lst- spTod igStlen coties fteCsenl Ortuatial letue g amithOhio Wuesleyn untiv ersities