THE MICHIGAN DAILY I THE LEADING WMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. IFULL DREfSS SUITIS A SPECUIALTY j 311 S. State St. Ann Arbor. Micli. e Engraved Cards I and Announcements Ordered now will reach you in a very short ftume. Don't put it off till the rush season and run the risk of delay. We're showing several new styles of cards. 100 Cards and Plate, $1.25, Script 2.50, Roman 3.00, Old Einglish Printing Cards from Plate, 75 cents per 100 Sheeban & Co's Students' Bookstore 4v Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or ether personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at resideece 381 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. flours: 9Ito 1li30a. in.,1its 3:30ad 7Its 9 p. is. JOSEPH C. WATTS VIA i THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 cd assecnd lassie eaterat te As /1Arbr Pstisice. rPubiished daily (Mndys excepied) dsrinig r thresiolege year, citi y East Wahigon sire. Bel phae 82. Hes phese7p. / Maagng Edior CLYDE L. DEW jBusness Mager WALTER R. HANS SEDITORS. 1Ahis.........Carees E. Edridge I Ns.......s .....Lis . Stickey S xcage........Chares E. Wistad . ui ...........A. H, Ortmeyr Ixvcmen........Effis J. Arsrng 1 EDITORIAL STAFF. i-HcgS Alen Frankini C. Parka 1 Arhr C. Pacd. rASSOCIATS. OGerge A Okor Hard C. Seitih r ersN. Siith Gore A. Bares, 1Eberi H. Clascy Frak . Clark 1Henry F. Shlste Wiliaml A. Cleri 0V . F. Sievensn Heiry A. 9inigoment' leniD Bradiey Jhn F. Wr icNy V. Lsl Hyd H. Jees rRATES: $2ass per year, or $.se i paid in r ad ant. jAddress: WALTER R. HANS' Bsiess Maager 236 S. 12h S.. Phoe 49 L. Editr Tdy-ROBERT H. CLANCY. Olnc 1morCe11has(deathstickeiian abl M11iciganl 1man1. Professoar . C. Russel cor1I'9'CreputI~aion, 90111il AmerCic and 11ilIErope. ie 1101 beloedbyIis()1 I 11I1CIItwl e orcC(f depestCCIrgret to1every liteC'.91 ichigait 'tldent toIIIlearn 111111 theCfootball 011111wititltChicagis a'pparenCCtlyto he alledIIIIIoff. Iis ha1rCC toCexplaintChiagos atio,. ProbabIly i wcnsCediC~ Iby te 1101aCe11111sCnselesC idCeI of do~ig 11011111ith1all football gaesbewntthe it(g wCCtCrnCiver-1 C of the lant ICC extrCmely thay excptI t11111it CseeisC to (IC aIpart of ttheir(((till to rdce.IIthe111wCCternI uietCieiCCto te lCCCIl(f kintdergarCtns and femalaIC cin- 1111r1Cs. Itis s((id tat it will 110 aiay wi1 it tteIC r1CCfeeliig exitig bCtweCen the 111two 111 Cive 111CC . Titis to110ab- Iudto Ibe(C ioirticonilderaionI~. \What couldi mtakeC .Micigatmenlate1111Cicagl moreCCbitierly 1111111toibeCdieid ia canceC to et11en 1111p(ICe(dCfeat of (las taks- giig Andthis (bitter feelig IaC been IgrosCsly exggCrated. ''here is naturally a keenI(C ivnCary IbetwenI the tw0oii un ~CC i ii) b t tChere 1(1o1ld 11Cver haveCCboon any ItroubtleIChadthe Cicaii authoriiities 11111a muzz,.le ott A. Aoituii Stagg. lTe latter Ias timei aftr timel rushedin pi n 01(1t witht carIgs atdc cstostht teii111(1r1(ved to (IC fale, 111111stirred ip 11 1no t(f Itrl. 1B11 theC iCicgo faculty3 evidnty toiit is theC reCsult. 911,111 ile hose 111ruIIIde and, ucultue nit iidtials whC rto haveC ofacollegeI edcio wi cont ~IinCie toii pCCoke finttiCthe C ipticaiii'CtitiIOfC' i ot U11111'19PENINSULA 9 FAVORS MORE1<9 91fNY 11119 (CARSITY Th(11D(ily liningl9Journai~l, (f 'Mar quettei, 9Mict., illn cent edI CtiillChi states itsC hbelief9ta it iC'iabout' tfie cure aainstpiratcraidsC of its CiIls" IsasitiCIC atCICiii( "The upperlii ed IuoiCoCiveC (CCIII). (i (ct1(111ly inImbentsIwIo19'se '11orktgiesthe the 1' Cil i CI Ithey (CCr 1,1a1d il isi's ifte1C IcC. (IC (L). i li.Iitrnmi upon "Great leaCcheriiandi C, ientCCsC (CCat'e room. i inflencI. utsd a' el evry hee t As'Ii 'C C i)IlC IIIC" (IC 1111 c\ear ((('111 (1 iicivlCracrif took prideC 1111 his uthy. TheCeffectIof ti 11(1 piliioophyt of lih gt andIC((CCI CifiedC 11(11I 111 icaCCm atitsiesiicnibeItrced iIto T1i1 strenu11111s iiCI~idaismtiC gospCeCCof 'do vote workII).iwellI;ibecame CCthe iIurden dressC inltheIclass-ro1o(111li, p110deitCCiI hom withever iot )ofhis force; ii convIllrCCCiton(1he(tIahgh) ittmorr Cublhly, h tn ls 11 rciible,(11with) tiC eai'.C sC- soiesadneetiC 1111 articles by1, Haioy IC racki.i'0(((i s.C 1119. W ;iIldC (IC arl R. Mioore, ai I1. 9'.hn 9Wambld.ii Cu' 19o st ol' im ' ruImorJisii havelbeen of M1 botoue(OiaIditthe(Ic Ciriris. Theie wereI ffic11( ial Chilfit'll 0 '1 ht-ii day1ornig MenianewcardChllfr'ouiutIC loctl postC1(1(CcardCrut ImaCcits atitiar il((1CClowrti RthellSrlliwork," Iby CiiCaood,(one it last1CC1w(e(1ki andI stateCmenti "AttiFIoiiiiofi)Caioiigoin teIii' n, t forming11111 qu1ie aI suggestiveC crdIlifor cano(1ciI iiitCilild hoiiitoliilh 9C91 9.9 IC ('At IN. 'iiTo (Editor 91ih(iganiily:'i > liTheuboard of irei~ctorsiCCof Ithe Uii- 1,1 iii' 9ftiiai('Csoc(iet i resIC(CtoIrcall spc(Iial( attntion toltheixcepCC~tinaCl sItrngthof te (programs tolii(CCgileniat tei coi'ng \Iw F'esCtial, .'iidto the It sColdhe, (anditis , aCsouceIC of CC ide to all, that (the 9itilm 9A'r1111'feCtival is consii11i'li'idee n f thetii'reeCCgeatIfe- I iaa intis (11contry.iheCexcatdIiona qualitylof te greatichorus, the ill (iC'nCC iet an uity((f1ile.itpCrCgrams, aCreI (Chi been ade Iossile b\ teinterIIestC Te 11(111 lit (1 Iof 9iiii .9i'rbori'asC a muica tr i t fac11111111111 (ii'.tii li'Cii C ill c etoplitan ciies has beenC a 1111tc gnto( ('(Iit ic'Cii'Iity (om taIbu Cines poit Cf if. 91111urishesi''C 'Il another1,real Ii ICcIuiiiiiitudetiC to plce of ~tudyiIbit(IC'o9(dd' toC'CtC . il(11 IrciC Chill ifiiii t C 1(1111 .iiit aI resIi- dec iy. Cc i ai has11 ii ld biti l- thremy Ie , psibiliyofl any ut-i Cocr eiesi'andCI schIaCct til oiC((' as its (reputa 1ion, efficinc;t it'iii ur- The establishment of( feivaill other11 Ii \lclgIIctiesths1reulteCdlin, do 9' iiiinthe a rdactomlcaiiC'. Na1999 I1919199' II to9the. \19T' offse. thiC. imiI9iC (theifncreCasedlsuppiCrt ill citiCensand 'dni ts a hClie. iimperati'veC tivalmay 'Ct suf 'r'nt accuntI f it in aCr e eair ~v ed.o outt Er n'med creullyortiethatdahirsed ChtteORGE t'rA111festi auI Snt dulytaetin gttiinreaselisve kisses at SuIsprsed, icItours, ie Fpetkttere&'n. W A ti I FRATERNITY SEALj 'I' Beauifullty engeraued in :t plate of solid lcoppierand mtei~~iidI on 4 miassie shieldnofwethe~trd oak. Ocet the Oficial Coat-ef-Armse of YorFraternity Diiies~i ios6x1(;. Wti-icStI((lbs. IPRICE, $4.30 WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. THERE ARE COAT SHIRTS AND COAT SHIRTS BuT THERE IS ONLY ONE INSIST ON THE LABEL- IT MEANS RIGHT- NESS, FITNESS, WHITENESIS AND COLOR FASTNESS -$1.50 AND MORE. CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., TROY, N. Y. 0. M, f artill RCTRFUNERAL Officc 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone $8. Rtesidence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. AMBULANCE 0OR CALL I 7 t To Beard a Lion in his deu, first soften the beard thoroughly with the creamy lather of WILLIAMS' ST N Students' Lecture Association LELAND T. POWERS,......... FREDERICK WARDE........... SIR CHENTUNG LIANG CHENG,. Ilay 2 May 16 If You Desire to Exercise in youtrooin0auit et 0111yet vigoirous tilbianel aiaunuichinlg' bag' wilt give you the beut satisfaction. The Victor 20th Century Striking Bag ued and recomimiended hy Joe Hieitger, the chamopion baa ptincher of the Middle West, can lie fastened to the f raiie of the door and is practically noiseless. Mr. Hfeiger will utse this hag in his exhibitioins at the Union Minstrels thlis ulcek. 'Shese hags came toi hiiiittirough our sluire, and will hie in'xthiitton in our window nlext Thursday and Furiiday. Wc also carry a futll tine of Tennis, Golt and Baseball Supplies A9new line of B. G. 1. aiud Victor rackets tos jus1tuceen 'e- ceived. Prices range f roum 90 cents to $8.09. At Zhe Co-Op The Store of the Students, by the Students and for the Students. i t l 9 9 Y I U ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Train~s L.v.vs. AannArbor Going North 905 a. in. and 4u35 p. in. Going South 7:20 a. in., 11:35 a.n. andlut13ip. a. J. J. KIlIBY, W. T. WILLS, Osni1 Pass. Agent, Agent, Toledo, Ohio ' Ass Arbor, Mick Bell phone i35-1lr Hone phone 698 "The MNagara Falls Route." Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains East-8.18 a. in., 2.40 p. in., 4.55 p. in., 9.30 p. in.11.0S p. m Locals East-6u .05in., *e1.10 a. in., *405pi. *8.3e p. in. Through Trains West-S.0t a in,,7.58 a. in., 9.18,2.33 p. min.2i0epi. Locals West-22e a. m., *828a. m., i1.40 p. in., *6.10 p.,in. *l(ExceptSuanday.) Connections at Chicago for St. Louis Kansas City and the West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor S. L. A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to 61P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 1i New Oxfords Just Received WAHR=-The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.