The Michigan Daily ,TOL. XVI. CHICAGO FOOTBALL GAME PROBABLY CALLED OFF Chicago Has Apparently Asked to Be Released Fronm Contract--Mich- igan Will rant Request. From pre'scnt indicsations it is highly inpoal hat the foothll gaite te- fur nexti Nouieimibir iwill eversi le plye. ACiaodshpth sin oeof last ight's Deitpes sttiI that te ftoestli ,,f ie L iii iiiti of .Chiicguhail o- I Idd eutist toiPrIidsieit t igell ltiuuuhsitis iupsisilitobas exact iformiiionsiii situeiubstiet, it l ilasiKeen Imad ii b t thiciago siiiit ttat it T isegastestbylie tchssig's hoiait f \Vhens iashedin iregardn toi thesimatte sat ight, Juds itc ito fl.tbane, chair- li o te lboard of csaontolsi deth tPrieisiet AnigeslItis asedstie to >ee hti tomoiiioiaiil staites thilalie hadil eei iit5 os iiiiiiistieiiifroiiithe isriseecitsiof Chicagoi Tat is altha I kowsonc iierniiiingtei-siiet. If Ci- co s iskedssiittote irelacs. tfail to see hosshe hoaiiiiitof cotel caii io auili - ecep t grn teir' equest. \he ecertanly icinsiniitfostce teiiito ly},swth 5itsiteyi doinot sists tii it member5 lifstheiboardsitofisointol, lss maeiheittseiisit thiat itwaseshIis c- io piintst if t ici ihad sksite i, besi eesd I firiimIheri'contactt the hoardestofsscintrol wsousthesoblied sti sgrasiitie eqest. It'AN I It 'TIIllNS \l SfjOT'fltf) The Dailyreegret the fatthtssDeaii Iftcitiiss is thelw dueatets e sististediliiyeteds pate. The mistakile issesitiilysuiiitetionaiii,.but isse the lss aningwito ithis itlsi. hAsaimattitsrisitflist ItsDiiiI tiiteiiiss id sut statebefoiiie5ties cniiiilawsthatt tisur embtiiles f the lii faiettty weree abit sitoii si rthesiioncinwt the ssiesite. botisierel edthe sis iii iistense w-ti i it iithe itnualimlit shirit tiasrsieIbessus e itiwsulibeto dse-s geeat lnt it reporssts oifwhcihh circuslatisgaioisdithsit tte tsmsi igt i- juetie reptatioisisof the' titus i sc t atimitsishssi iteas so idistessigyin i isis itsi flsli thtcaleged istisentl si Isean Huthinswsrelaeds-to iDsil)is ediitri itsa iuuiuuiuui-msemb les-oftthei siors iiiwitcls.O cicountssisof te lt1 of te hsuitssatnd ithe proiensciiof te mallswi o tid-Ihis st is-st, it iw'si tousght cieto publsh t wtht istuse - sishestissis \ItCtf hh : RhN IATEtHNOREDt Ir Ec fsther 5V tintheis sitsi-Isi gradt- uatediilfissms teierssitts init180t, aisd swhossfote atie year a s bi eesinstrcs- tril the- iWoitsii's colee it fBalti isosee'., st aiiblesnispptited hotlie f the Ca-seiesfelltshIssip oftsasit ictli research iinst thtse esssin'Sichoioof CasssialStuis it Romt.ts his isicon- slitsedias' M is 1'Esthisi'Gosdthttwite, :Michigani 'g.}, listsbeen sitsinsistes to a sfelssiptit ini dsliutics ciencse t tColumia. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \,VK)Nl'P Sh.\Y.h Y 2, 1906. BLACK-FACE MEN DO BRILLIANT WORK Many Seats Are Still Left-End Men, Chorus and Orchestra Are Highly Praised by a Professional. Nosc twitssdigthe east set sits of the lIs tso asthelise sesmtiny goosots51 ftl Teseicis liioslatinses st W's toily fomsit toii.9Last een (inig FistsnseeCairmaeins"Jps" ItslI sellc sait: Neve bfoe isthe histoui of sisteit prouuctsioihaIthlese beeni sucehs -tieasy sitsasue s eu t s It its eve. s tiesr e easotisis ithloussni seatslto ibe ispoiissdof foi the tso nighstese'ais-imaunigoodt sessleftlt, In fitsilts tiltstiltliiive the otpo tunitytoick utstpsgoodseasits ii ini pt sit the hiouse lssi eise siceeitiso large iiitia iusita adsenicprosidictins sint sst issbott 's good a~ s aintes. Themuntre ithiiwiotess5it-ststhe miniisitst issich tics I isi is the lpar t tt gssves the sowtit sitse iind clisttenos efforsihave itee tumse Ihythe Imanait- sens in sitnsegiigssse insstrsicielito a Ihsig stt f listfetion.Th te msicisallitbst ittisoits-s iaisethitof tlentsitind stitttees silisiteeest fresii the reet of the sri- senit bodsy. n this geetnivtersiy uof fots-fise husiirees stieneslidawnsfesit sll serts (fthe'si-sld tee aee smaiy- yosutisehluldsiittmiake theielivtin-ig iii lie p'rofessioial stage if the- sere enut sappreenticeedltoithe faculty. A seuuiumutee of miinstel sois fromii Dtrioit si-ilsest the rehlersal of the chorus lstnigh lt 'I'is mta has ar lge sit miost f te minsitiel sow ut111oi at te Nlasoici itempe asuetarmniecss hai IDetsit itisndIsas alolsagedttess duiciui eisIitionsfro iPorlhn, sMinelto Prl lansuit.Otee'o"stiasnulfomsithe etublicseosi Mtexiso to tse hDomaiioii ohCssasit IIc was tedethi5etihous svey critscally In ttsecesf thereesalsid ii wisthgieat ethists:s I is oit li1to aethlat geousp uf muuisstrs trouiglthe Amiclantcities. It it-sislitetainliy et sie asi nist f' boIl s ar te realy tot-otersee i this iislin.Te esd.setunlsts wiltsmake us decieeslehittesosgisiecalctchtly' sndinstensely origit'd, the eostumses ae stikinigisasd theesoitiostsesappy andlasigs to te eye. ]eytig goes wsthit ssna itnda Ibsing wih the bosys issa sieluusubtsdly oli fr the twou eefirianes. Ti he colege pirit less ieuumaicssl suiatsee lto thewhloe, ads tis i the hiring sentmetswich-ieshols ian asndsiesptellbound."is Bert Clark.the byhisy uts te fig-ost voiceiswill hlielsociutor. le is oe f the msteptiotulait suet biilliast st- detsinusclegelbeig saimembder of manuiy- e55115i155o01aniziatios. Bet Ias slsos thelhonsorsof Ieissg aessiber uf the most excetusive cltubfl--te faculty- sincee le is soss tsst-fof Esglic init- steiictors. Fr his eioice lie wilt forget hii fastlty 1 wa stidedseav-ore-to lhe res-sitemocsitic liesdientertaininsg. The seit seitcoisist sit ass even hialf- dozeniosf dit ly sdimpledl elecitims whseo amIislir isistes ae ot ia it the itotrsi ottin.thsIte exteeenetds sreeheist bss"ell"tDuttoti std "Ssub~ Ceutisti eect"Dell"the "iepeesscibile, erisigyoungtirabi"i seeds 510 istottoi- tioi lto thi sctdenthbosy. i-e msaetut- self fms last yeac isdetv-isig tuniee sttistot dertisitig the conty fai. Thisiiyerc te is vacsity baeball mas- agse-saitgensealt factotisttaof the thl- ltiliassocsistsn. ictaletitalit-syih (Continued on page 3.) o.s 130. PROFESSOR I. C. RUSSELL jPASSES SUDDENLY AWAY Head otf(Geologyv Denartment Falls Chisslite lhsscssssstss fists sf t l1this 'tss o 1lthus hhusi si(lssi VARSITY MEETS OBERLIN LELAND T. POWERS TODAY ON FERRY FIELD LECTURES TONIGHT Michigan May Present Changed Line= Popular Impersonator Speaks on S. Up Against Congregationalists L. A. Course Tonight-His Four- -Martin Will Pitch. teenth Visit to Ann Arbor. Tis afternoonsssu Otbs-rliss clls-ge l- 'i' ehousT .' Powiuers tillaspeit onight pear' soistDerryfheldistustieco nuss d g minu ts tiu-sity Ihall suithue S -'., 1. cuse - of thus- ies'seson. .T'odaslsy s t'sise swill fsir'thie'fouresenths timse us thehs- ltous' lie-, sussus mo eer t e cond s t hushsi'sal sitha i nztsi u"ssion. Its i hi rdly- is-cr Obiuerlsin ott sice'this'opeing ofs theS thlii ni neces se sity ts annu ncusse thtisiMrs. sa n. The isit g"muit edat ratt sihursiotes sh]I behue e tasr < ac d isyc 5vsitoey fh iss tit he scre h use, fhits hissrep't'tioniss to lsi- it o u I in uto 1 bts ati thustiti Wi leyue IX it sx' itl usuive D ic ns' - theis piterewus slsht iiitt 'hpe. If he Itise hiss eoundued itso useorm luotw' he in'ia l .1O e s i l tditsfthe i"Power- sushi Isroubileifuss Casltasit hen elltuss le 1 tiftl 1 ssion)51 inIi stuit andi Ills itti t t f isuggessthi is sit h avei 5thes largeit repertssire if us-sets Mte-histers his is tee shut tht asitslhings'impuesonas ut'to. Ile hiss susch Muartin isI cluuc ou oftiit se 'usthi slaitcitrsois expessions andsi ftch giv-ing Is lcia w ie ie is' Lduet a recititsav s withuissue thus' pesio uhsussueshy wt:h fIsis brlin.hus I itus isthit hue lists e eh s-sri t's--itdiby-u Ionwill oe ITsft sswsi la tch eorthe v ilr itsta s con heitslutes hie Shl)ime- Irisli sity. Alhthosugh Coachutil his tehswses pesoIffyhit til tcess ntsthe__________itsvery_ tasucuhis lst itili i~iiu :111 .0\It Ii 'Tu EItt h t IS-ttit pear ttthusvslists lisse-ipts hiss siter 10 St'F't-'tzi 'lzi 'h IGh i' us-tie-es' uglg'luestios shI made th s to hissresttheilchanlghiswilluttbe.5Thses-aesse us si hue casliedst 4i . .he asbal n n wee nale olav b n isUiesrsitsy isall stsiistwsekit thi h seh il ui isu uustihe usis ils utha s isisntfund iimpositite ts hldstthis I~pclcse student suimshst huheteius isfois tut bodhysi s it anii eatile diteits it hiasibeein 's et-, e lft fieidt Kellysecos d easehi O'Bienii thu ird b se ; tC.ssut 11 suit it ttsho u t huts 'uhabe ts utilize'thes' o V ictim of Pneumonia-- End of a Busy and Useful Life. Ioi-rissue-itutCok'Russiili, hecad si thile geoulogy e prtmtu et of stte Ii' 5- slsty iest Stiexpctedl uty'at Iis Ishisse yeserdy ateroo thle hadsl fes ill bu l' ue ut niulsaund de ts scthi s- lth ufas iis'ss's sattk osi t nn na I hits deaul-sthstheus' ivesi'uuch ty ushd this higet d ite to hssb's'lss- L w In as col'ls'ito I lutist with the.sreputa- tits's of Proesu sorIhuss its I its hs dushs muh o ar letitit'" this'osutarsho ,dace s5 itsHiws tam utss il stailtg stghisolog~ ithits sits swsldsis utsit So (lis su je -tel;; urisue" tilnalc sIfis i iut I hsssiti s tsr oni tesubjec ofs c sicy line 18sushie'lhts souit ia uh es His idow thre daghtesiRtO Pros s souss-ltesas i t sitDc ite 'lilte from he Ui5eithe olsNec VOki n hi 872,us stool:uspa'tushaduasu Isturies ity, suit ltesr tisk:thits' ilcso bl . this tUitedStah'srasi titVe us c- to 8 'cuetess/suistt russ.179 o bits Sun5ivrity in 188 usosistan01 "s-gsi t u-t-'s th se.tU nsIi1d 11Sta tslugeo- gri cal antigt olog 'cc survy iwslt Unil '8o lesslusutuslh istims' eech israsel si ll uoupe ad utrislg thau yer tests mades eco'git tc fuss te nthuedl States geolgca hn. I sitsg thes iuh ofu hi ti me to ~igi na10 hretser eh, ivset itisiahuts rit it usl euasceau'i ;urrouclig th eruti lieaf silts P elce us ern suie c iet if'sit socts-tie andtu li-s cto s tt thus- stsime ofh s des t h . le- hat plnnd m loisushio in s m ;urcehihichiteas totheumaesn wills isornia sand in t iesuoc liyif su etlhh-- o sus Pairthis tlhit sh aehs. its sit's' suit rti tsiestforSt i gyinaltgirsc cerhu rn eets'--' s-uh u s h fohurlthe us esual havse nots asyitus ehis isissilly i ue Y-i Iesnsleet5eah gorevne hut swinei-u esedy f lnon i fspie ofis'es' s appo0 's i s'sn-lu utig ro ct'le itheu po stnemetells tsuit li pt honors'sed susmsthe scelbhrtionss luss its ofth romluineet in bth thh es list-su met at 5thi s ualiplac. i A st thi'else (It thics uiot ci c'eccussfn et-ig. th:)i- eadsingspirsles tihaiti- congtusiregated votethtt le sisy-thismst cceessu it thur history' sftthe suniversity, desspit' thur lacts Itthis'sisisrtchbuttthe ca' pi' f r L t siss ielhue h tCi lsts bas . ater- csn shtustop 1i vellor us ctchr; Whetusles, us hut fildts'Mastin.ts hr lED htsIfOfR~t R11OR- it.hI:l, O ii S-h ITlustsitay lii ht t a- tio sass suhlse tutufor Detro sit on their-suusus his fObserlin fits thus Northei-sitle-tsss ie osa- toricalcon sistsFrImhetrit they sillt tavel hiss-sia tsto Clee l suitd flutis tissue httolOberlin bthis'y hIsyoS uehiss sit ilt-little hrowsnu manus. wsitt hue 'Msiiuis 'si'prsnaie.Po Ies ssl tsuiteboo wuldnhtslsple-sitsbuct M ihuitiantsitshanus of s it isusssg, fuse,as th utiu isueaia soaoia test scannosust hue (nsuse at vet l' fuuu-the des'cision lus heist made.h trbto.Inusordertshit titshissy tbe dne'. lthe . , .hscnetestoit sillx sis'a collthionsutohi he itakensasithue Iet sr f Leladt .Poe soight. "like()icesiorcontib sutitns iltt he lutit sipsen tdaysat thts Illsoiri"places: hh'ssir'c tout oseali 'drg storec. : k-Msihlsssu tushnidsit suus isalls. lTst'licsii'tilvSssss-''cts' mencstarreds-s suitayhislusthus- Olympstice"amsss ato stsh- un. -hywre Jamess D.III sihtiy. thu us I') Friensuitwhosswonsus is hueatiiusthss 120 msetir's hithshturdles.o lihtohy's time st 12. Wiscuhi is fussa isac 35iee e s tusn Smie.s Findsi's hutsforthis120imteisstiurdshestrus rIs 1-4 seconsi. ' I If Tonight---LELAND T. POWERS Ugnivoersiy all I-