__ 7s THE MIC1IMOAN DAIL~Y 1 aI _ ) Hockinlg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find f'Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carr, on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trainstij Union Depotsvin Toledojand Co- lumbuo >s. E. CLARK, 31 Campus Martlus Detroit, Mich.: F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Glas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS %porti no Goa 121 East Liberty Street. j " TART" NEW SHOE=SHAAPE3S T hc strikinigslope toes of last sear's-hoes are "i "again this season--only more so. T he neowest thing ts a high receding bactk-ward slope toe, with a sodden flattening in ,froiit. Q; Von (aln'I go on to one siiigle camiptis in tiheowhole country r~ . , without seeing these clever new Regats ini every diiectioni \\ Plenty other reasonts besides 1 t style;lioitest iiaterials atid '' peg 'h..."totiest sworkmniship)all '\through, iiiside and out; $ 3.~~1 s0 0 permaneiit shape - retell- markfcorretsyl. 0 tonaiid sure fir fr. in Masheaoflilackit;u . i 5quarter sizes. l-aie ai roiteua uSill. F 4F tubi- ih oo i eSIo s" xft-ti $3.50 and $4.00 R. EG e he e tdent Shop glt E. Willt.rm t. Sate Agents To Engage the Assembly Rooms or Orchestra, call at Gran~er's Academy Office, 312 Mayllard Street :\ is hels usisis liiiss iuli ss iii iiiiiii isihet~ ilsi i, c l~ le sae e s ted to-I i l siassilthis ~s . s e i ll- W (jt j7 i i '' 1 I I 1 I 1 i h The Right Styles in Men's Spring Clothes Ever)ythiig that's niewvanid right will be fonnd here now. All liues greaiter ini variety atid lower in price thans equal quali- ties niay beuihtaiied iniallyother store. Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits$10 to $20 Top Coats - - - $10 to $25 Rain Coats - - - $15 to $25 MEN'S FURNISHINGS A spleniiid stoiniigusf 'Men's New Spritig Shirts, Neckwear Gloves, Holery'atid Underwear. MEN'S SPRING HATS The ito' shapes in black atid colors are to be seen as usutal. 0 i-to-iteliess, sore qutality are evident throughottt. REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL SIGNCS 0OF SPRING Thie ciold, uhaiip weather can't last tuch longer, iiiid wlieu it isegills to wsarm utp yotu will wanst a new suit. Get bxzsy and let ns show you onr NEW DOtPE," also onr Ngw OvEkcoA'. HENRY -%.rid KYER, Thilors to Meim 'a. l Suits and Overcoats (nnimj (lhni(IIm nl Buy Direct and Save To Measuare $1 6.00 to $28.00 Conu11 ers11 lo t i nULIIII5 UCIIIaLan Money. 118=120 El. Liberty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP Ph t g a h r i 7 L 319 F. Huron R A N D A L L~rjnwk tt t I L U SED wherever connoisseursv gather, and on every occasion where good taste and courtesy demand the best! M URAD CIGARETTES have exclusively proven that fine Turkish Cigarettes may possess both richness and mildness, and UNIVERSITY NOTICES. inlisa"ofMra Badtlse n ig inIi is Iat 'is . ~fli J Isiil Chiis al5 5 islsl n ts liss I I vIs 1t ushe at the ltistrl Shii - Cc Iss . isgsaithe ipi '-us hall.lisisi' Isi Isi ihimsr l fs'iI - w ih stis have for Ith riw)suferr hsbenpit s-sorsill ls e casissii f h la\v 1 i is iii l it s Ill to w l 'O t _Ils- in, Isss .ss ss is-sa iils- Rosssis I Si 'issi's' ns t i'assiof -l as revicn is S; i - II e l lsCiange isi ora le i- isccsisnt ofsni or 1.lsl5iin sills's' Al aeal li ii uiss illth ne rciass's i seris ar isisquesie, ii isdin te pais cis ilsan itrss '] to me before A i tercla51iss lsb s'llanageri SS'a k.lisds - iS iisis s5 si'sl''i.i A lsis phs'. ]isdsliingt e te's';'o re iue se sts asdltei ricemeatm e 708ris. Stal street. 4. tecno Iif lrsi ices-ii0si 10iii 1t 2, I 14 mistrelslae51st eturnedsis o s a te's, h tsikts fsor sFrdav lasiceiredi)'. J 51 70 'SS aiiest-ic. Y tii fei Slo 1i The i !' II a D Builders ... T I Gu of the WOrld I' need Brawn and Brain, I whether they are Building In/ the whole wheat grain Nature has stored the material __ <~-~ for building brawn and brain- but the white flour miller gives 2 'E~~' you only the starch. You can't build muscle or brain out of starch. In Shredded WholeWheat = you have all the body-building elements of the, whole wheat prepared in digestible form. The Government uses it to build soldiers at West Point arid sailors for the Navy at Annapolis. It is on the 'training table" of every college and university. food for the brain-worker, the outdoor man and the in- )or man, for any meal, for any season in any climate-a od to grow on, to think on, to work on, to live on. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms. BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The Biscuit is delicious for break- fast with hot or cold milk or cream, or for any meal in combination with fruit or vegetables. TRISCUIT is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nourish- ing ansd appetizing. Delicious as a. ioast with bever- ages or with cheese or preserves. I in the present equaled 11 By mailspaz dales, snd z ALLAN RAMV combination of the two, a flavor and aroma never before. o for 15 aid-Ifr you can't get ,cfor ten; 75c. for fif ISAY, 1ll Fifth AN Cents Mafuad Cigarettes at y'oure .eNe Yrk Cit The "Vital Qutesion Cook nook" is csent free for the asking. HIE NATURAL FOOD CO. [AGARA FALLS, N. Y. "It's all in the Shreds" ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVElla THING IN TAILORING6