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May 01, 1906 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1906-05-01

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FaoreyonondflosDO' AT n O'Tadt hg as ht~
Loe n rc I /WEAR the clothes we choose for your -(Governors." and CollaeaOeuriM
Bettr i QuaityWe know that the staid retrer effects that please
tecan't possibly appeal to your more finiky fancy. We mTw orsuiofnwv11.CA
Askc A. M. SMITH kn 1ow tihat ?tuo know and we boght" rIEHut;:0to11;1to;
II Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block C LL G7BA D L TH Sof
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank r ~A.G SPALDING & BROS.
Oapitol stock, 55,00. Surplus $20,005 Nrjust for your sake. Nothing conservative about the(se sis. aestyanfttrnn(h Wol
Resources, $2200500 taitoisfcriateAinltowns,--pAles.
A Genrarl Bnkiog Business Transated f hey'etg like the mrhn alr raei olg oes -Bs ~w
Lees rCrCShas.E iscackPrs, W0D " as extreme, as gaeua ody'orgniswlsetn, n .AceyBLRou IensIOtBl
-lr i s.ice Pres;S1i. .Fri to Cashier , 0aeefl, s bodly oiigiiallaswellsetiiig an
5TR +a very muchless in cost-as iiiiiciiless ideed asthe "ordinary ;Crckt paosrise o et
Rowe's Laundryts oral Sprt common garden variety" of reaidy-miade clothes.Ro es L u dy=orritiatrtfa
Thomas Rowe, Proprietor C L o ae a IAl .~t a
14326 N, Fifth As Ave.&D''ZSdZ YwZ YX thnleoic ina r i rt.
se 'om 5 ell iPhine 457-1,3 _ 1 Suisdue io rl e ol
altci S pai l d tscs iiing 5 iTra yii
:" o :" a '.A"A :" d $" ca d" b i Vr, aIr ci ail I[ iti I r ,
WANTED Iniclx iritStl ciisasic.~
iiimpte a i tnlie all kids ii , ossr ioss i s i r ir!t r, t r
ofrnurnc, ~tei if, ls oe " 1:AP \rTRN NEWSPAPERS classed their cmpeitors lrii slice tire PilE RENI' Siugie cicce cryi( witiiiil I
ip re od i;iiii e h h iia iPR I SE 151 I lit iis le itt s ari et ipearti isant iii"the i i"r. Xcew bons ;ts t e iipriieciintisi A. G. SPALDING ft BROS.
ecesuliss- ______Michiantt rcrisssiiil t i wss l-lessiAp yit 9ii1g P 'lst IHurioniistreet. {9 Nwici iie~ " ii i
IGF.O.J. HALLER ft CO. Theciuiniversat respect il sthich thie torues i tee arli whsilesicihigiani
icsierittiil s ersilies, andmiii liichigani iii s i it en yir ( ls };i ticissifIlappingsri FORiSE:\[,TI-Pracice ofsionly5 eisht * *
palricular a r ie receiv-eshthrughoutithe thel stl i nsiris es r ace. in rs iethesis Ohss isl iio-twn iioiprtnirs
C am' l pus B r e Sh p 1stis id eshicedr h e llor inghrs t-iiig iii ititisis i cuiti srtisi ibe givto add iisress C. I). J., cae of- iIRsliisosiit&
C ampus B arber Shop ~~~ii is-tich tppearedh inia Phiildelphia an oris ofstirMi hian tat houghisirs ii R andosis l pltih iri ed'i.s io. 4-0 .A(ME 0iNtniestyA eiaesstrSaudy'.et- ii)pssdhs w omeior tc yy
'lie twcefh annua ei cly nce s sit iii scons i lesi :[til ,rti heiasttwo Sill)ES Nk IDE RA) R iIt N? \
THlE FARMEIRS AND MECHIANICS BANK tie tiniesity of Peiiisyhviai si-echd me sir ytsl o tr h nen now sit esthe etire hoemakerii in t tit.s pke acigii t'wt o wef
MAIN AND HIURON STREETS ii aedt le siarkcedi iseriioiy oithe is iri thei t h isrdadfu rthilt s ares ti c sd cnngetworksousrtrmtly.titE - ap ncaitaes
capital, 50,000, Surplus ndPru its, $6,000 wse ahsr ileteovric e lieasterncit ihe dsesing fsir -cat Il.rdit ifor ct i tswn 'si lI's Sioetric S e iig SuithisMain ip thc scks suilyr us tic is -
1)cesaoenisral iianking Business usna Pay diistnce rti l tihtie iistdevents. Is- iri i i bargsts le t eltalishi a new scs tret 41) (ii ciiin bo
31per(sentiiinteiest o Time oan Sainsu edi was hicier proosnse ice-mark orhthtdicsi iii-- _
lee nrsits.Safiety Depsit Boxes to encot 5i5teiiiisisisrics e tth li ls iistt____ ________
a irsoindupiwards lreoftesuccessfulinuatircmceelitat I"ihe sssrrririsi seiritfthie i ric SE;NIOtCtAt'S ANt) GO\VNS. 4 PURE SILK--25o A PAIR
i. isuoroPres WC 0 cr sVEV ce-Pres
I iBis500 Cash. H A WILLAusAss. atrctd tleas.tis hoursandrh ighi school, i ichga Wrn wt tailcc d cci
Culobroitpodatorcaundcollege atltes irs uhis 2 tse heldist s s ti ~mmrshtclii AH caps anidh~ownse creredfr thet~' ~ i
ff NIM Traner :Aike rphty is arthoirity t mw res tic-otcse htKinti, stlliat etrliectist:sinveniese iris
BL C H EER UUM ES ft1 the statemeltthrillthis' siesitiree'ian s pettrintiniawt it prevetri ru iists t nd cfsrionsitsr thri lii
anraliUn VIg____Susdr "" y
In iii Sr icO itjudgietit iheslirle e lisi. ot s w r sld to ilir tha the l-titssttiii ot~h h}ft i il
,AN'Sn DRUG i uSO RE sloth isai( c~h issrstripsteatimiis this'best asts rs patilispantil n i m li tiltprsestllGasses repaired. 718e S -S
213 S. Main S. c reinn ofsr disancee riinier s i-se riv Ti snc v , ls r rons.r'r Eyes crfiilly fitted ad tested Philad dl _,
sTI 1 e c t r c ita y ec o l e g e t ts r i i n A i r e r - " I i t o c l ,I*i ai s trl a t ' s s r r a s s G = E O R G E H A L L E R , M a i b, S t . A i O
ItalianGerman, nd of A erican 'I' that i oldtin e os tile ay ts- ils-silani e slc nd threr ru orsFtr lit-itt-ipplesi-iton
S MaI~nufcu S in o eet icthistelamiMurphiasli- i sci 1ttheoditbcc sfasui ii ii iesttinrs tiiGAPStis nu rttri' ,5i- i-sA11 J )\~
Manufacturee peset i hm'Inspickteamisci froicitIatn tci si le ietsicrill hes nca-rrgdiaftetr IDeeloingtt and int C inhggo tor Lynioin, a
FiR AL TI N E N S NTRUMNTS al 1 h5 ea ern cslleges.andt out foo c tile in terciilc-siatst, la~t lai c ir t iishit1graihr, 72iN. Uniersiti- it
REASONABLE PRCES h isen crack csi i l ecles- strinig."______ 'Crma~caxe
SCH1AEBERLE & SON trytto elctieamofst ars fritont o-- -SENORS-Ihcaveryour orders for W~eek
1t4 w. Liberty t. ANN ARBOR mrtrc eas iuisitlng i he laserniciii- LOST-I usel of keys ner s \V ei- 1906 siins such oak shilds at Ainod's 1R.E T AL, - - $1.00
1(e.l'torcmps insder pleat' ilac-s e sra t i elry soe f Order ay- n te.
Enoch Dieterle I"Ihsenreord-mnaking tiiie ocuthie l iehi311; lmi uut c cii in 8-4i
Embalmer and Funeral Director igant teamnincciacitarly btipeiatledil by sSaisfactorys taioringlt stifactory A. F. I.OVELL
Ambulace-Clls utended day or ae ho i iseiwho int ntwitess the ierorim- T'I' se cl s esiins, i at rntger's gers prices uter & O'Coninor 1 . fg ViI i332S Stte 't
nines' 'hie Aiin Arborirnunnes wcie c c nr-r nd- tush i cIiinumag et'5 ins si ' inn' am ctreet. f A eI o
210 S. 4tdeli:R,5esidlence sme rishtresculd srI any sage of lhen'fisti- lii)yiigh r-t nuf danncinrg -____________COX, SONS & VINNING, ew YorE
litise-10. As Ahiu. silejoisneyri r-tes'obligedtoInsse theirc sill take plchr is Ti u esdarnis rgt. S $1.00oPhuts o cents;c50Gen hins 23. ___________________________
ow_________________________ cine , iris, ii act, s inn st- ins inso'ilockl l Sttrdtay tinly. Skins.Acnolds, Jw r.s-nienL ~YG 3
ALARM CLOCKS iweecy he 'atic' cihnef 'iiliii tel
$1.00 4o $1.50 hilISIP Iiii,&i; l' lI) iartesai
Our iDullarClcks are therestcimiidecieo l i kn tfs eaease
fec the sioneyPine watch repairig XFO DS XFO DS XFO DSferDc ilsi ASticOsMN S.atd.
J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St.i iio UaU1UQ I tR. tJOLALY.S State St
Yu- getOhio Central tines
H tL n h THEY H V R IE 1Cafe Seri c e ii td,0lul n
At Tuttl.'o. 338 S. State 14 V R IE -alsor
Fine line of low shoes all leather, all SpecilCars o estrita mus ndev
;peiaCasoli e o :0tIn, a I ve y
League Baseball Reports shapes. Up-to-date exclusive designs two qhourstliti :0,I
telip ~ hiit~
Received by Innings IDaily to 11:1l -W~i5 . hii m. ii is i i
And have a look. B rtHS O R T E S a
Il South Main Street.

_____________________________Grease Painot
Ilhe University of Chicago Cold Cer orTeuwriyya sdue nA-Fid s Sno ae ybo ecl
tnmiiiAdmissioiiisgcanled ahtte peninig of n G w sGiven on adut lii~
e , as January dAprili d, ue i han1s.G du eist cts ifardntis
lutre ii.Ociutelcscelu s iecu o t hs
tes u the auaedn ula Schtuons of Studio itrs Theatrlcal Sa pplea
lurs ndd te OP O R T R A ITSe) cholofPhotos
Siece oe siuo ntalinstcos'tiou is uoffee
ini thteDiviity Shonol, the Lawucholte. the
Rtush Medieal Clege (ffiliated, sod the ---_____________________________________
:School f Educationt Smmter(Quarer iSfh,
dsne iiiSeite ercI. Frs term:t June iii-
Juiy ilsecond Termn hly 2-August 31. . " i"( A K ~ a
tis io is permittued fo the entire ga-A E A D R ^ C S e rfrete em 1adrglrcei' g.E A KN
is gien venfor ok done Special conilssarc' es.MIo."9 -
ttered fr tacitecsHe .367-.R ellrgB~
Thr UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicagu Il ,______________.___

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