0PtHE MICHIGAN DAILY r 6. Hil WILD CO THE LEADING Tallors gMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULJL DRfSS SITIS J A SPECIALY 311 S. State St. Ann Arbor, HlcK. Engraved Cards and Announcements ordered now will reach you iu a very short time. Don't put it off till the rush season ad run the risk of delay. We're showing several new styles of cards. 100 Cards and Plate, $1.25, Script 2.50, Roman 3.00, Old English Printing Cards from Plate, 75 cents per 100 Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Special Prices 01% Leather Pillows Including f IICHIGAN SEAL Vnttli April lt DARLING & IIALLEAUX 224-226 S. Stat St THME MICHIGAN DAILY. Ictheimbicaboclolthei ~-oleh-student 1)dy(1 A fewir iresosib ole. aiiii nscrop- At-bor Pootoffice. mayii e toun iiiiii llycisociil -oupini --- - -- - - -- cases -like tis, d icdittheii whole sf1- Published daily (Mi~odaysexcepte-d) duinigx.c"ItiV. 'I'licsobor aid icspoicsible cC- thecollege year-, at 7 te at iWashington s sol- rsn hs dmntain stre-et. Bell phonte 892. House phoiie 76.icioiildccttc-itiiii ili Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW vent thirii oeiiOeiil1 Rosiness Manager. WALTER R. HANS -_ ______ EDOITORS. IMPORTA1NT6 A1'66L111 Athletis,......Clar-ence E. Eldridge___ News.............LoutiesD. Stiikttey Etxchangee.......Chatlee E. Wittttead 61ta well-iiiciiied class-. occi ii' co SMusco .............A.It. Otmteyer e liii icc iiiiiiiiithe o coolagsi cided Womeno..........Eflse 3. Atrttttron tog ci iiici iliito have1 octi t o wIcithi EDItTORIAL STAFF. theioN ii coo f bc iiitlsliiiihe senior fHugh AllenFt-attklin C. Pat-ks. oi ' il-otithaii ight-irt parade. ' At-thiut-C. Found. lhe action01cc. itikeniiafter iailoig and ASSOCIATES. iiuiiieldodiscsionofi theiilnii ,an Geot-ge A. Osborn Hat-old C. Soith after ilieilto aniaddressli on 00 he.isui - SFerrtie N. Sotith Geot-ge A. Bat-se ic0. by DeinIil chis 1 n ftl E obet-t H. Classy Fr-ank J. Chat-k pilclliiii embcrs1 of1te.11lass op Hest-y F. Schulte Williatm A. Itllhern D. F. Stevenson t-tenrtyA. Nlontgiots 101 t rlliliiiulitii lljl r Glenn 0 Bradley Johin F. Woura 1111a10Il l behlf of tisi,11I1111-11111111 rIRoy V. Loll Floyd it. Jones cusioim, 11bti iiiithe tceintireclsNvr i 1 l 1 r :l :i c t rl c 16;I11:CIit,:\S5 It):NtI 1S't S c (lC ontinued from111 pag,1 one1 ) lhiir oppou11ents' 1 1 , IS 1o1testishall 1cease 1and 1that s011111 alilw111 lare th ir111 ens' oyl.l ill 0those ieic gage tin1111 thscotsisal er tis Th 1 push Iha l con 11st 1eds two 1day of111111srnu 1ity1o sisfyilith ei inot cimgt i uderlasman ani is in1th1Hu1n.1teted ining;111 1theiiit lig11llo. iThe111 tlel 11 111111 11111111pointed1 by the1n1 del asses and the Student111 un RATES: lo pet- year-, or- $a.oo it paid is advanse Aeddress: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager. 286S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. 18851) 66. II6Y i, 5116. Editot- Tody-D. F. STEVENSON. Thris o 110 ubtliitha1111theiexutberant s111011.. (f 011111 otiiieints criedl 11011 too far Satiuriday i it te1r theicco- bainp or. 'Te tifacir00111Statc disregrdiiioflawiand1order and desgrc- furtheur ficiiom iits uroe,. ciil 1had1tic taffair beencondiiiictedthroughicttac- coirodiigtoisip1lin,1-therie iiilithave bee no iting disioreile toiithei linion or the0u11111101y.11) is ipiarticr 111110theoo01101wiii of tiecluci iiiiiandi tie pieopleofiheittice11is0 eecill needed b iy bot th isUnicn andlog iii- for0 11h1 stiiilentibody,1but1its right to r0011110d01 io ns,1110itosIvery righit oicx- istencedepeiids on11tlestuiieit.slihoi- ing tiiim1100110s11011111sileicaiiilcapable oi 0011-golernmoct.1 Tle futire growthii financialll ciio. It is 110ghd11110 ab1111 tc eilist thie ovnipatiiiiiof tle legis- of iiuieowieii Michuiganusill1bitoutc- stirippedI l b- youniger atiioiwealtier in- o1t1tutions11if presenticondititionis continue to ubti.u M)iore equipiiintiist10needed ,Ihilghuer satiriesst111e11paidllo10r0- tinii professors of nole aid abiliy. Coo- tain- lie poe ieof itie slateswilbe more ready 10 suipportithe university if lie 01111e iapers oiot111continue to con- tain11sltos of osiidiiitirresponsoibility Aiiithier phase of itie quiois th1111 1110 minior~lityive inorighttispejui oce tiocla fiirii of socailed rouuvdyismc s11111ldii e li m inauted r t o lleg1111 l i fe11, at 1111s1 inisoilfarO 110thiiisenio -la110 are uae iu o d isc-ion asuthon-iii 'iito s i C m ll t itm 11111xerciles. It held dni il-iconinumcementi-ell an sn up, wh1 iletwnspoploeit and11teil t i r G 1 r E s FRATERNITY SEAL Beautifulliy enigrvd is 0 pl ate ofi soidiicoppee td oilton aii ma sive siofweathered oak. Oet thte Official Coat-at-At-nt ot Your FrFtetrnsity PRICE, $4.50 WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. ioo r. Schoerci c. Pbonuh ti o I cting t1 clasp til. C:Ili8VS GII,iSii SCCCI:SS I thi anua 1,881 1 1