THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. WILD Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of Aclusve styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for st- dents. 09 G. H. WILD & CO. S31 S. Sae S. A Fount ain Pen? Yes Sir! Try this Sheehan's Leader It writes smoothly Feeds evenly Has a solid gold pen Looks good---works good Its the best pen that can be sold at the price $1.00 You'll find it at -Sheehan & Co. Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewery repaired. Bargais in Watch s&4aDiamnods 011cc at res(iecee3:3tE. Lierty 't Ass Aror. flrs S to 1130 a. i., 175313035ad "t 9 p. M ALL 1BUINESS COFIENTILt JOSEPH . WATTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY. St iSlis 1f;Ij .-sS' AIRl SS theclltege tyear, a 0 Eao1st asint Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER E. HANS Athltics......... . I. E1,1,idtgt 1ew.............r1hur). foundlt~ Exhag .......... Charles E.istead Iloen ........ ....... .t J. .Almstn SLouis .D . Sickney. ( ASSO1CI ATES5. ( .erg 9.Otborne Ilald.ellC. 5Sith Add Eress:OWlTEJ eoe. ANS'Buiness Manger, 2ClaS.y1h StA, Pont849eL. 1). 1F. 1Ste.venson re\V al. rine lttttl. f RA iTEcS:15 petlyear, or $ile i f ade i M111ager,11)2361 1S.12tt.,Phonil89 L 1( 1111'.t,,te,. let LAB11 tEeL ti itl Editor1111117 .11) itgiY tW. LiL. 11t.1 2-8 P1.7n1,1111) tal, Ftrize9halt. It? rushthe mom o1a1pofm111 i7111inett 11111)7 S eeviiteditf b11177 771171 tolegs unf effect11711 711111 it 1a)lso 1thoe ite oom m ite, .h1)1)111111111 ogings,111117 soe of t h1711) nt know wh tiise rto drawit e line and 1ar)e9anientlce otf girls int Nettbtery all 1l171 1e1eningttaing as ee text ''"W11at Gotl Teacein ittie Bibe Cncerning11 1)117 Persolt RlatdionttIo 1Jeett Crit, I s7pec1ialyCottcectittg te 1Reationt 1117 iDeity atdit 1oettent 111b17etadntg 77111 emphasize7da1s wel 11111ss1771at 17111111le 7 71117111mong te hsst''idges771s. agadtetof Smith collegec etd otto of te ftt ttr onal0111 stdentttsecretaries,. witt1headquarters 77att isetnsv. Te 911111g Woane' 1171711711n7associatn is a prt of the 1977171 7 9Stu171t7Cirstiant Fdrtion, if 71111117JohtttR.'Mott isse crtry. Ih ftedIteat111n1number7s 101.000 11711- (f 171117 dif.1erentnatios. iTee aec 1)1117111inteite11111Sate 50 eColl7g17 wih11111grl tbcs iltiatedt tt htl thi11)1mov111111,11and1throug11h1out1th'l PFOMINiI NT 'ALUM' \iNtS 111913. James1 7A.1L117oy', Michiigttt'9, 1con- 71 twt ittess itlfil'to tb111l't'ame1'7in17six with1tne1Taf11ar'ytithe eite11777i- 117Phiitie oe J wo11177ttrtg ite 1ad-11 mif,traie ate n 1111 11717ts t 1s17iving '1them 117a naelts, aeccdigltoMr.l,c,,ii o. phesecmben tretdg ohn son itan117D1a atghs ouMexico Helofcils,7110 ohie ing, s1 ittiton has been 1111displeasing1 to1)11 Scretar a il '11111tna'tives have117lete the meaning of 111mer IiniX'overn'en'al ae r. nteeofcas Mi 9G ZINIS. Orders 1filed1atllo11)1177p117c11. 11111- 111 treent11 assur11ed71. Fra111'etlSorder17 solicited,1 1Phoe121. A51. 0.lehliilg. f Stit pressed,.257:1t17)111,e 0. Fller & OContnor. ti Flashltightslof te711sh. LY NDON, 72) N. Utivrsit. Girles11105'p117711071teir 9g111s111117at 332 S. Stoie.sret: 9g1ym 1107es t latt- 5 elt's. LOST. 3A9 1015119gIEsman Kodk. two 07 three1111177 11117site of W9hitmoec11111. If 9)1)111 1711711 to '1. R. Seottliat dree- 7717ar711.13-20 Flashli'gh t 'fte v ru)7 11h. tt tt LYNDON. 721 N. 9Univ'l""t1. ROOMS 5TO 191?NT. Froni tite .and11ttee clittero7ams1 bath1. 'Thteebck117ast 1of cempus.Ha Arcelt deed. 1)1-1 STUDENT'S. 9A f71e11insurance 17)11ic'ycostig $.01 1111)1 sage1 5)111$400. See 95. It. Smtit,. room11120 AntitAr971107ving,11 al7.1111111 or 71111 1117leu 111)1117249- i Alrmticeok at H[alle's. ie ltiSnyde)ofpriters7f0111. ch~a DalT heAa silnert,11111 )1 11117 s tlt's. Ura Ko nIVEoStbalNOthe' itC S. te senbode.t lit17 O11117 1)1111' ton streetiti. 11111 ay7107 11s1 ma tho lie. 11' 111111 ginso tate stre/et wh 7n)1)11 GYMNASIUM' SUPPLIES AT Reduced -''rites We furnish your entire out- fit at the lowest price quofa- tion in the city. Gymnasium Pants 50C Gymnasium Shirts 50C Gymnasium Oxfords 90C Supporters 25C Tota $2.15 Comlbinatioll Price $1.90 Textbooks AtlticieGoods COLLARS thi 11perfe'.: ftellds:it hich'match thee Cllars ' -- s=t' Cluet Ctr'. -Ottas soe Arrow ile lseete arealk r Cluctt, Petbody & Co. STATE SAVINGS BANK W.1J B1 ) Jeii . I sisV elhal W911 i . nol 1). V' C. Vagha, Ja~s. 5. IW a'e.t. F1. 1.Itle N. .d. Kyr .ioilii, i'sre I rt:I'. ai e r Ihri s ian t it A Little Money brings big face comfort and makes shaving easy, if invest- ed in the famous WILL1IAMS' SHAVING ALARM CLOCKS A10 to $1.0 Folliy Gu.arantesad Ou(le'latr Cteock are 5etiestade fortir 111'monley. ine wasthriri ngiit aspecially. J. L. Chapman, 206 . Main St. THEFtIARMNERS AND MCIHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capial, $5,00, Surplus an Prfis, $6,000 Doees a Geerrl BankinglBusieess end ay 6per cent ierest en Time ad Seeite'. lessl. Setry SDestsBees to rent at; $.00 eel pears B. KlrePErs. W1. C. OSereeS, Vie- Pr.. F. S. BELLEsss ash. IR.A.ItnLsAeseAs. % 111 hIAN CENTA THE SHORT LIRE CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to BUFFALO BOSTON t NEW YORK with direct conneetions at Chicago for St. Louis. Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. For information and through tickets call on or write to W1. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 SOUSA'S BAND ERNEST IH OSIPSON-SETON (Natusralist, authlor, anid~ lectturer.) JACOB RIIS (Social reformter 11577aeuthor) JEROME K. JEROME (Enlgland's humo77rist) LORADO TAFT (Ameerice' s greate'.tlivinscloptor) LELeAND T. POWERS (Ismpersonator)I F. HOPKINSON SMITH (Aeutsor, artist, asnd lecterer) HON. CHAS. B. LANDIS (Eloqcentlpoliticiean and eraser) FREDERICK SWARDE (NotedtnlihSakseaenactorasid lecturer) (Usniversty of Tirgisnia) ORATORICAL CONTEST (Open snssmser) S. L. A. Office-Main Corridor, University Rll; Hours, 4-6 dailly (Sat- urday excepted.) Richiean Slate Phose, 1152. elCourse Tickets, $2.00; Seats reserved ass xra; single idnission, $1.00. Tickets may beostained at S. L. A. office or from student sellers. co-o0p UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Co=Operat ive Store 310 SOUTH STATE STREET The Co-operative System is the only way for College men to secure low prices. The first week demonstrated its success. The ordinary business-for profit methods cannot cope with the Co-operative method. Join1 the Co-O0p Iji_ __ _..: - . ;w N OW .STIMPSON &5TIM'PS'ON O P EN