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May 01, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-05-01

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The Michigan Daily



No. 149.


List of Stunts Contains Many Orig- i
inal tdeas-Sale of Seats For Big
Show Continues Today.
Yesterays temenncos seat sale
showe that tie statents hati confidence
inth itUniionttinistre sttw, even witi-
nitan'injtimiate kossedgof just wiat
tins itoe given. Last night, however,
ril mainaemienitogae itotepress ties
ltt of suinsts in the showtsn it is 1
planlyto e seen that the conienceb
oftle studenttloidy is flls jnstified
Testntttattdtottttine pityitute iseci
mange bi iigini ttstel siows it ealyit
'll tice1large cities itt the Uintet Sttes t
duitngi tic lst fittottswenty yers
"Te os svIiircipitreiione of le
lit sminttiti s h sttItit hilviecever sect.
It esiti siii 'smotthn i tessIPrimtrise tutd
iii ktsiles profe icssinal prductiomn.
It i tirp-es litor iy roducisittion if
til idin ingita iompanit~tty O f st-
icts ithose -aya-i'rollcinig d til-it-ic
critspiitins itusetaspedi hac
for cy resi . I Citulntt keIeciptstill
snug Yt it ift tirindlOldiRa. n
of the tlis situ ittc. Ti liothoriilist
ic-tnleills- stnts ws-ideclredcibi
at tie e mp e.t "Thiirealiii ii ut i
Butt stfa tutapeaeto ii frthuti
eSisdepsta iration.a In tititi i
lnttsiiues icis. ii ty -as ts
itsrtieusittitttioftyit Grts ahamtn Is
a cwall it howllic.stens iClut Smotct
aittsisanimpudn it ehit. othtsnoyi Ga-
reis-stpsltisill s ititmooniicad
outshsiis iiieithiotyJutnthetgetjCli
asitheldoes is toJptitorsOthti itetld.u
CirctisScut e. Lontti nt frisiTtuiirtl
nie Jand I allttheetibosiareiiihreis.
Thttit ite s tun tsttuoli e titlee
iof iby st illasrd.trsrelothighc-iast tir e
cuc-isr wCichi-eu rtti shy soft aigilacof
iFtgecretieadsvSilti-ithik e Sitr-
,ixituFts llitt h Ftttc eitger, Cia hs
sttJoeIitgeso thesttiadroignteist
te middle itestichasthetdyhfaitlas
agia ittit ttitst aswes sirtuh ofpse s-ren
iears.Cy elegbtrusigit tthosek iiiigiveso
il iin, trttisi Ern-etitiatytti attet s , u
Rob's-utitig. omyRan i
Jii(ffrtiiestedsteiinkttosvht erotist
Joeiapilte tatthsiafuntyii fiirlst
ciak atistutws otteofntheitiveryi
iittes-tfetuis oitar tylosalpriuctof
neisitown-oi tii yeasistategrsiteit
facy tg-utncitgis iche igivteti
skreialies.csimitastigntoe ariteoaiuteatin
tin ttotio afor it cttotigee s t intia iafe
Sior if ele---citesrtentitleds'on
ofsati most isnis ateitssaittBeht"
'venign fSni d TeDue
ChiGetchl. h elkoncrons
S-l paoiadme spmewhateesioilartor

a tuniquetnvel and artistic datteing

tut. T rutis, the monouitis ex-
tretmelty sitoll.(CC.lootstheRocist
w-ill give sseeril itdances andilsuits. A
feshmant balitlestiiiomtoscti if bttsb
Crmakr Lyiist c ititnKenntedis, tunnei
RitterFretcht atndlRsoiss-cI sill tutpear
it a ludnitcrosturn, itclosintt he i'list iof
-vaudesville stuntts.
itesitissitese tvaudeivills featuttisthe
cedintg issuts sof Thett ily
shuts ysteraexli t cdedill ec-ta-i
tos. Si--ts cante tic ined-ttc iftromi ne
itssi ltavit \Walte'

Details Are (liven Out to Student
Body---Contests Will Take
Place May 11=12.
i2. icil Ndle -ll-tt-rv(ayin theuder
clsle's tclndiiar. li11 these dactes
fotsf cicid tioot) till holdtlheir liit situg-

ropi;t;oscit l i1-a uctc t tioi Director Baird ts-inPhiltadelphia to
Thie conittest iviii statrt at atsigtnal etitt Arrange Big Eastern Game-Con-
titittpireandititietminteat ihis signl, test ts Practically Assured.
givent Niti tte cetnter if tti rcpie, tieri

lug' ai flcag, asttbettn itullie-di2mflest b'-
svildtheiiwitserlittetof tebtikil. This fit

"tc ; tillf li c of ccI
sth r i rasn t
isll li ii for lrt iii cc i
tlv- a ete ucn

indticicliti is tt-
w -i--i- t or
tt1ctesi lcand
hli Icc thatci the
ii ni lass uhityt

cccsiiti5tittittitpllig iiof i ttheniris. op- r
lsingteamcutt intoi te wcate. 'Te wthol' t
I' iris I iit s be itner te cntoloth1it eIt ft
stpr, h ill Isai-s theiauthoisty isoii ii
ipon s mtitudetuties 5asi tic idetis A:
iiisar t orth avcicanctec cclij uties11
o e ini ic the iiisttee. Itt cs iteti
,lass b tea s intorcinttetlites swit tits
,oret h itoryc will bticwarde
ht sther clss. it clets o f aytind 1
ie lit bili tiit''citottero cu ad notico
ichs usedci oni tsroescscithetimi
had.Terpicnnt beit tiditso ic
enuh ficialsionihtnd tsseptltti
' ile- tt--citwis- will Ie sc trcly liii ii
isc eoetcc-castmats iiut's ccfl
to prepare flori sitall-night stugtgle ciii i
th ~ tt Ihis ftesmttiti sill hivits
arckclihear ingc''-itlo-c~ uhc dwigiinccci
noti li-s tani ithrec'Ihutittredhcpuds
ihichchey ar to plce iintecmu
miccts 5io'clck ha cciii and
o'clock Satiutdayis oting.ui 'r it o h - i
mo c lass w i- ci1 iIsc-'althirs-t'iign ccits r
ti- ti'' ~t ckeepc cthismcrcciiiomh-it
ing plscd i-tin t heisace on
This 'tuc tus lcdns exhbitin t.
cil somei' ialie sretsc i resu it ndii'cu be-si t,
forecThusdaytsof thuscitikcani Iefti
ther cuerccfottyu-eight ur uu's'tintwichiI
ittr ifrshmenucre sic ibeht t e-i
moteituswher ndi howI u-utt s cirsit
I muust heun ceauc ldcatIeastneblc
fromiithis campltus atushownltoi onici i
onei ofi theuosfciadsl atii 6oclck y
oni theindavttsof theuteuttstI'iofc
il wiill ru n-it iii u t thu'ecku1 roi thcint
u lt icetistsette i lhitsfresh-t
men provide this cro ck dhavhi nit k i
"Ni" sic uch upon it. i I n cas n
ig-alt NiC s-tg-citeciithisrisipon, is usd,
thue clss -isioittdioi tt tcl-ecniteredint
th oes hi ttuahckinclan; masyiiiitus
tics metan,, whtueeintatinutg this tckf
sit isnitconceinthg it u hycmo
use a n-vhitslIt tutuat in pacut ing s it i
ci tise c msuuu To iiht icttsttinchedion
tin campuits, thusrockcimut siehis relyuc
insie tic islk arounthelcamn-ucus.
flit Sai itsturdy oringiti he tini occssacl
tiltsytrac tin'eret-feld siill ie careidu
outi oniithus liitrsck. Ninet-sis netinii
ll itill tcs, sixteenti mencuoniiechi i-
tis a clii uitum. hie udis it ecfo-Inci
races iis-iwo imtesechimatstoicruti22t
us-s Ter ill hetieeress.'re
runnerus waill ccut'itry uuas-'nurl fisg 2 i-2
iuy 1 fetcunfuruluedint thin str, sattd on
itple ix-usfct loctg atush1-inctihes ii
diamter.icTit Ihie'rcltys'smay he stted't
stitos s chdess ietutu siks its
tho tu and ulong touusrsThre sill
ie tnwctbhg oscli-ces- in etch 2-n yards
Immuuehiialyfoloing sstuherelyraesc
th igu- utpush hatllcntest cmeuss off atd
the clahsss sit'age i ir iluastatls-
tic-yal-. t tusl n the e ets 5o 1thus rs-t
man tiand iisophomore ccit-ss mayutegagec
i, this contes.ithusfiel s te ton
yards hcong situci;onyardswide.in' he tll
will tic'about ttsix fishet i imtseath
uwill hun'pltaedi initte middleusoifthuefied.
Mashclacsuss tiill takc theisrtepossiins tu
the tetds oif thufiel auttulit usignl
frmt he eiciree sill csare sonuthe
al.If the Itll goes-stt ihuuttt uds i
sshlhe brugu'ht itothe isddleto tsheli
fil-uhopipocsie the plasse siltsresituwet
ccitt ccliboundis. I'E'chtsu'esill he placei
ic-c s-arts frostutthisbtiltandu t it sigali
retesithe cntst.iThit sis gettitg
the basullcuter their oniutetstt gawis.
If aacuthite endof thirty tinutesniether
side hins bheroahe ingetthissbnlsiter
(Continued on page two)

Manactgee -ale Bir uhs easrtec
or Piladelpuinhls5iaito somplteicsthe ar--
tig-c'itntsfliiithinfoostba ll gsmeste h-
cu-cu -ich s"uuitan Ias-tutunstlaiatututts
.11 Harvardutu hus rei usdit i'ss-a
lit'e oiilist' footbl-lischeduleihisal
-icc-rstlt sGteorge NhMcisaddenchir-
s-si ofl thisfootballcci sctic nlits ils
i-sen cntithis sitatment
liThe footallcommi sututetesofthie Uli--
cisiuc cf ci isyu Ic tutu 1bc-s tiformcut
he' publhic tlaungt iat't ins egutnt c
cciithu or' morec a'-iccti-s--u-ten insitus-
stitchy hit icuh theitwtut tirucites
ltrinitocariiagreemct''ttfor-apio-c ofhc
uwc yecas io pay footbl l, te first
ci icto 'e playedin cuthitchdelphciict Nits.
7, tgist ccittthin tllowintuskeacitoicbIe
cutyest inithe cest 'Such in--rementutis
suj ct t approval byhit-this'faculy ccii-
ccte iniathlticis a tl thistiuionists,
ccci also toc atiosu cccsiess mtts:
ii ht'o-be 'arranged."s
-hhi- chiscliIitic ofc the ciainec siti
Suiigncisihevrybst i-eetha iuti
'c-sulva-ns ia c--usgiven l I hopeiof cl ca-
tug Icu~nru this tyear. \iMusagr Cich-
ciii of thi n- isilvsuiateamsitsn'tee
'cIoi ccosutsr tsinie tuswits his'uma ner
of Iavr wcit-cr h ilsthistuupurpst' cfIat-
rangngc;ifotbalcon ciits hbetrenthur
;wocivesurrsius - ticsrthus-ffll NiTere--
si6 tins a scdetci usrsbulf
hut recgardstoccthin' h'ns-tuu t1 tics-ibici-
gan foobsluan s Dr cr iteisct-
ic s i :
"I ws iilaelp ihiia underuh'limtitedi
instruction s tiltsond Iht c I ccsyl estni
isis Willin'ton ccmuec-cu i sciuscut ciths-
-situon uIaunut sutw it r.Birtchtithat
effeci. Asiii s anutsimusiladiiagrees--
enttwins conttcerndtshcias unoi taei
i ilt'luesecss utu I tle-grapuuhcsdsM.
Latuiic uit suiyonto icctladiuephic, atd
.uihcund utthis-attss hftrtscuyar
siill hbecihe.
Tihes studentebut isushuigh-selatedthalmt
ct lst til etc stsissenble itotwet thus
east ini fooctball il cuts ci rnsiuscedues
regardlesss f usht thes'prishpec-ts crsfor
cm gisdteaintte x lll.
1it, I,1 cis~iL iiTI.V'lRS'T'N
FisticccI te motucitp romtinet emehrs
f tie sumsfailitty nill prbhaly se-s-
thiriconneitctionu iwiths theun uivesity-
ntest Juuuui.
Such ti-is the tnnutu scueuut whm
scwhi ich muman 11,iB.iutchius of that de-
pacrtmetit startedi the snios ut ci class
meieting mhli yesteday.-iWhils the daii
mntittu-si oh allei , nunittc Ous uucusncusie
intfosrmatcinmupon~um the subiject ccii he ou-
ctiuect.it is suta utunic]p is' hast semsto c
heugoo ausuthstho crty'thast tie istrctrs
cuts Profecscuss ilgs, ogic. i-Bunker
andii Bates.
I is known ssthtt the forernetwoc hae
receiv-sdltetptitig offes fruittheCmi--
vr-sity f Chicago-faretire thathitch
crs' receiiglurewhinle it is sailthut
Ptrofesssccsltes-satith Bunkessr till pets'
lice tet year.
The saftettntis nts dsuebiy tie dcciii
asiareasntsmitwilythe lts- studentus shonudh
tdu nothig thact might trejudice tie
plucste of the side cagaitst the univr-
sit- cmnid tusmitiiigte agaist thu
chanuces oflobtiingmuttugeinuceacsed ai-
ipropuriation fume which the uiversis'
wiihiasukhihis iyeartusdhrichi it must
inure if its precstig'es thumtiaintained.
Coci eidfl ofhcm arvrdnhhis nts i-
nounitcedi thu-t thueewllle scimimage.-
wvork ini thu.spsurigfostbmhal upat icc
thisterHisie- ist-lto ist hintsmuchi
thits gamue itas heni ieise i y the nest
rules. Sprtig pactce egati April 3.

I,-hue itc (is-i Ifem [P1111APPs
SlNIfti'SWIis'f (3(
Thei'seior i hts smitdc-ngineersswi-tg
cmii toilayiat 4tii chits.Fill wi ithei
cstabihshes csustom ththihumcsses5 sill
apipear tfistheticrutst ttciin theirc-ths
and si-isg it-wn sIIa s'uunm and dh iugnified-
iparsadecuabomut this catmpuisiwalks. lime
t-ocmlahsses still gather at 3:4s, this hut
ill Riomi C, n thsueliisugiussis itl Rutm
309). ccl thesirtespiu veuusbuildinugssswiere
the senumtio s wiilumon iher sombrii.trei
gaunt furthue ftestutime. Ilie enugiees
stilt marithsitemuss U nhumC ertsitty hiiiall tcn
inl thus is. isshortcu hiatpel seertice
itill b hisld lpromtluy -it 4 oclush. Pren
fessori itDigsestillcsniduct theisese
s-tessattdlPutesidhenstAnelhlstill Ifollowi
uthi shlimt Iaddureis.afte muwhush thus
senios wsill swng tugtmmiii fisthnecf
mtarchi till me -us piosmuslt atnucd
tytudonutsswilhalins-caifotrty-fot sta sndm
eerctedi itt fronit cml Taptipan hl, ft-cit
wchl a pauneramicpiciture siill lustakenc-u
ofl the settiors, stnditig ilfit-c sitsix
semiuu-cirecuerusc-s.fOtihuepicturecs wilil
amiso hun taksnosmuthue hine uof utuarch.
LloydsiT. Crne huns meii apintmuiued
interclauss hbasebalul imsnatcgeeritt-Mcmi-
nger Chsarlse laierd. tieCraeau is icm
ptromsinienutmtetmber of thu S Tnf its tash c
msetmtber of thue Sigmass Nut featernsit-.
lie expects to hacve ua scheueti reamly
bty text ,Mnday.

fliti. Mtic of - t1
taci' cc. bli is
sm-ill hueary

estic is cwilhue spec-
ccck, nonci i t'ctlt asu
ia iccgar uit t-is
csic'cdcccich osterccon

ist sies muchccceriedch as
acin esn lin ctci ti e, ittul-ittit'.
ne v i d ,eri till ibe calledh itmi
play as c cr I scbee sknownuinhitr-
cuting tirs anycus cc compeiicctituseclass
cu~tm. t i th latcopouity mchoi
the ophoor sico setliett's - 'cc-i
kil sctTOI iiir s tis iin5a .1e tiuiiig
o'in-i tchrcvct ht tiitcolsleug
andaaleclsis -- ctswhitch mcanimin-
Thrmill hbe fourcicmncsepraec'ssiists,
a tug f itariacoss the IHurontstheplic-
sum'; cf 'ascnumeral's u-c-h It mtiecalipmmhsubiy'
llic it) n I s 5a ota-isclshireaiys race' n
« ig -p mu-icbhll cntest. Tlistassils cf
cii are-g''usc-mu Ois-icm.
Tei,,ofwrcontiest acrcoss lthi
lium cn ccu I Friay ciftercosms sill iseauni
he uartetiofislit s and (ticishudruedh
ii sitwenty isnshccssccc'mti-will engcage
in tis spi c hmc-l visit. 'T'hirty lust
e ci su icabechsen bVtechcifclthei' mtt-
derctltsC scnthes lis'sterary iiidenginteer-
hii iiicii' ttictsicof 'som cospond'ttctting
clsss ll t c-th rilepacrtumnt, if sum
sein -cii sit cuss-cnstumsitutec- aiside.
Th ts' i-i mf'wartiill ht'ithheldiboutthliles
hude yardsuit elow ums isicwheretisuliu its-chue
surem u iss ofsumsifris depthadt sihue
hankths ccc atsedltic this-contiest. 'Phe

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