THE MICHIGAN DAILY41' NWj¢ / e '1 ^ "/ " /V"I F V / '" "IM~tV"N1^V 1 / t , 0 I Hockillg Valley Ry.I I CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE Tou will find *Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carr on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night. Trainsiz, Union Depots. in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32-, Campus Martius Detroit, Mich.' F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 B. Washington St. BILEY & EDMUNDS ftrfn oobs 121 East Liberty Street. PEA NTS Finest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. 1loc. Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. i5c. 2 lbs. for 25c. Peanut Brittle per lb. 1 5c. We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-tbs. Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts for less money than any house in this vicinity. 214 Soath fDEANM&- CO.Ann Arbsr Main St. ~ -~~" ichiganr f f SELF-FILLING PEN PEBarBR% h RO ettn i easnt rolc c s it, Iisc col 001 Ft 'ho tit ('1 tothe1i01 ad the 1 en s instantl ,Ol-1', 0011. t il ls It elf. 1(10(Fill 11' ycoo """~ 101001s(ine whliteness of the 111100 10011 - ,,,,,,,,,0/ ~.dered 1y' 00,its "'just right" s tarehing;, J its jllot-eoulogllnout-too-mouch gloss, the S ~~. omllfort o(f a wellttting shirt collar, ditto deltac~he~dcolla'r and frayless-edged cuffs 0 110 Ias weturon '1111Iout. '(he only supeoriity' we1 talk is. hat of 111101-"011rs is rather' / u11er0 t11n1 0151'otheiro. Good 1111100tol I 0,11(In 10111' washimg' 1is't it . -~ Varsity Lausndry 117 S. 4th Ave. . Sth Plaons 928 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OfhAn Asbor, hl~ics. ' ED. Kano, tres. lloorisooo '101'. V 8, . wC11larlol. Caslite Capital,$100,0.Surplus01050110Profits. t11,l1 GtEORGE BISCHIOFF Choice Cunt Flaa'noa anad PIa&s rats ChapnaSt between Huaron and Biller Ave. COOK HOUSEI Oppoite Court 1111100 Sgnore FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BR'ANCHEiS $2.00 $2.50 $5.00 Steam Iteat and11Elevator' All iliIl evc 5050AY DIssERs A SoseALoso. 50C o (1h Vanderllp i. 000 , Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watcbes and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of I. Pins E where they keep ai fu'l prices. No lad r poor stock in our store. :s, "°.-..o No t h i ng charged for lo$~t ooking at or goodsor g et t ilng prices on repairs, etc. Alairm clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right place. opposite Law Building. J. F.SCHLE[9[, -0 o~h BILLIARDS1 S.ROTTENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave.. GAS STUDY SLAlPS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1=3 Cent per dour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble !ANN ARBOR GAS CO. BINGisYOUoRoUNFRoAMEsPICTUES TO0 DEFIRIEfS ART STORE and have them teamed with Choice Mouldings Only the Best French Glns3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING