THE MICHI1GAN DAILY IA LF-T 0N E ; and ZINC E'TCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH II An Arbor Savings Baka Block Tihe Ann Arbor Savings Bank Captal stich.$50000. Surplus, $20,00 Rlesources $2.00000 AGeneral Bankig iBusises Trasacted p r 1 55 rB:Cas. E.Hilsssosk, tres;W. I it uiaVice Ires; '.1.1 FitzllCashe Rowe's Laundry 'Ihomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fith Ae. ie'Phoe 45 Ol Bll hone 457-L WANMTED 1, s GLO. J. e'. HALLE, (A e Co. Campus Barber Shop O. A. MOE, 705 N. Uni'ersity Ave TH F'AM[RS ANI MElCHANICS BANK MAIN AND) HiURON STREETS Capital, $0,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 Dosa Gener'al Ilaki;;IBusiness ad ay 3 pe ctienit1 uerestI o'ime'nduSu aigs lleposits. Sofely IDepoit loxes torent at V..0 adupwards lt. raP, Pres. W. C. Seusos.':Nie-Pres. F.B11 LSEesno.Cash. it. A. 55 1l Ans uAst. MANN'S DRUG STORE 2i3 S. Main St. Italian, Gjerman, and of American Manufacture FOR ALL S'1RINi i)D INST1RUMENT5s REASONABLisPRICES. SCHAEBERLE & SON 114 W. Libety St. ANN ARBOR En~och Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance-Calls attedet ay r night. '110. 411hAve.:slResiene s0me Phone1 40. Anns Arbor. ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $.50 Fu.iy Gsa-r'aend lOr Dolar Clos~ are the bst made for tlhe 11010y. 11110 wachIrpilrng aspeialt. IJ. L. Chapman, 206 . Main St. Yo- cc _ en~t a. Hot Lunch At T'.ttin's, 338 S. Stat League Baseball Reports Received by Innings Daily At HUSTON BROTHERS' I ft+*ei*ei*ri r+*r re 4i*r *t+*ei* i*ea*rs+er4ei+rr+eo*as*ee*er*a+ tr*ta*es*r+*ti*r*ai4ta.4ra*t+*ts*+r*rr*es re*r 4ei*rt*r .*te ar*ri+ei*ti*er*a+ ei*ri4arrs re*t+Trs*ts*sa+ t ts*ri*e+*rs e+ t+ *t+*a+4e >. .....m...... i i GI, Na dt'A~t 0 t00 P n~ F Course you young fellows DON'T WANT and WON'T WEAR the clothes we choose for your -"Governors." We ktnosv that the staid maturer effects that please themo, can't possibly appeal to youtrmtore flnicky fancy. We knlolw that post know and we boutght COLLEGE BRAND CLOTHES just for yottr sake. Notloittg cottservative about t/ee sutits. They're togs like tile merchtatnt tailors create in college towns,- as extreme, as gracefttl, as boldly otiginlal, as well setting, and very mulch less in cost--as tmttclt less inodeed as te "ordinlary comonl gard tt variety" of read) -tade clothtes. it, it, a+ fit. i i i i STAEBL.ER (t WVERTH + +>+>a>t+i~>r>r~>+ r>itr+> ..s+i+ a>r+a+>a>+ i+ +>+>a+>rA A A>a+>a+aA><+sA>a+s<++ss+>r+r+><+>a>aA>a+>+>t+>aAt+ii >t>r+>a+>++t+>r+t+fr, -1 NIl;HTII SI I RI'P ARADE ISSLIRRI)Ilwtit0loolea~d. 'C110 storoey(1r1m SENIOR ' CAPS AND) (TIWNS._ tecircitlo1f lie 0it1llt t 111cthe ff101 t1at th Ilawts isill 11his. year'hesdsieds te plea'.sure'0'oflt nightl ssirtIparade ha1111 met0 a1dec'ided'srepulse'. Thsosoeiwhlsthasse benin llte'haitof sitatinslg mattes'' i ihlls' sdep111111'entsisdoeolare isal, iso it weal or woe, the Ilsre .1shallisbettaiparsal onith nis ight ossthesenlitoosnig-oust. st tigtnssioftheli igspIol it t. a 'cess- brio o t hesir Ito which 10h11ass nocle- equaleinthlisthistoryI) offthe ode'part'- \es'stsiiss to lt'e1reports. gatheredt frillsthllmore1ledis'gthis"11h1.tsofte si- I is ii 1Q it a e saflllsaild11t1hat' id outland the parilo this )ylar' sill .\llC'C 1(I I\ tERI ST SHOXWN IN NIRIIllItfRN 1If (GUlf Cti)Nl'lfS't' Proifessio'Truebioissod has roecoosd lot- Iters o if inquiry ornigthesoEsrth- lroliii tihitosiaskedticonice'rnig Nlloieis' prsecof iii nn tsigP'oitstor'.1Trusie- blootd appeared'iI01111etivliatreicets'l, as thotcme tfa ots t ofstils sotllis alaits'tM ditout ii sush li'ial dcso is silt'.Resgardloss iof t'e 1111111110 st'e hi~s ihetops 1.00'piscedin iths'litle birownsiiisi~i' 'ability tsorsytifflt'e tituslo ill favsor iffotbaiitll is likloy to reutistheiso tsli tiltnsit toe oommsittee and t' steil'e 'ttir'ereorgaiatsnof itse sstmittftdiooctigsisan 01111nductling 1111- leisat the'sivsity"st. Thecomtteelll still dt~oiile'ossobesticoosiotd iya sisglo- 1ede o dtetpslartmentwhssich islol lie re- siosile to te presidenoof the collego. It isfeti, insop~iteof itSIfltenyears' triall ifth ls stslols. tialtItse atlic Oomit-l teo is a failtuoo. InJsine the chsange is eciloltd.-Cornsoll S111. Agreeaiiie summeri wor at hltomlettor stuosloslwh'ss oore-istasotes. See 'Tyler tPub. Co., Rfoomli11, A. A. Sav,.lBt. t1llk. Phonels 0244G. tf tAll Ol~s and tgows orde srsed ttIfur t'e '.011111'swingoutsillhate bens rcoi ed RKstily osll at t'lies onv0111enlienc an 110ba siis1 stttsoI fi-Mac t& C. . if Glasses repaired. Eyes carefully fitted and testesd. GEORGE ItIALLER, Matn St. Offioial 'o6 Micihiganlsescs.soldt 'only at 'ho StudstlShst.op, 1[1 I. -illia'11 street. Sessisir lasa11111iini110lats 1510a1e0 01111for J. M. pipos. If POR StILE -Ne Remlinlgtonltypo- writcr,11100te stoe, Ilat areducledI tric. C'1l11e1venings at 713 E. Unsiversity. 43-48 Psor Kodaklls allotSupspsies, Amnateusr Deve'lopsing11111 Printing, go to Lyndson, photoligraphsler, 72t N. University. tf Satisfactory tailoring at satisfactory prices. Fuller & G'Connor, 619 E. Wil- liam street. tf The Ansn Arbor Press (formerly Par- kser & Snyder), printers of the Michigan Dally, Thle Alumnus, Inlander, Y'ost's greal hoots on football, the 'Technic, S. C. A. handbook, etc., etc., are printers to the student body 117 E. Washing- ton street. t WA 'NTEfD-Studenots for summel~lr sork aill every oily ienlMichigan 111101west- 0051 territsory. George W. Weks, Jr., Amessritan holll, Satulrdlay a. 11. 44-47 1 i i r -I 7 ~iONEY [OAN[O Orr WatchesbDiamonds beweley and 11allpihClass 'boattel and Collateral security. W. J. LOURIM 104 4th Ace. Opposite Court House Twoeeoourssoutotafnew Y.30.C.A. OrFICEHOUS,8:0.0to 11.30, 1 tu >, 7 to 8-15. Buiness Strictly Coafidential A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Largest SManufatulrers 1in115'th eold ofl~tIicial Atleltli'cOSpplies. Base Ball, Lawn Tennis Foot Bnll Archery Roque Golf Quois Cricket Lacrosse Croquet ® s Impementsfor10l0Sprs Froe uarter uf a rce QP I ury Spalding's TradMark v5 T500'aD 0 aonBaue BallimpllI~~lents5 has thiseparti1ularees'port. u 1 :ver'y reqoisits' toe Lawn ' AK Tenn'111an Gl. qDI Spaiding's Trade 'mark on1 yourseAtletic Iplemlents ivpes yosu sanladtvantage ovetr threothser layer, as yosusha110a n Isstlsoarticle, lasts longuer, gives bttesr satisfacto1n1. 0't's'rit tse' Ball 1ct a.I er 8st st r osss i ssenit f for1 a.scopI'll sit tsssisssfo .Spsing oandst Sumrsoe Ct(11(e--iiiiO sis. A. G. SPALDINIG ft BROS. Ns'w Ysset. s'siesspss P ast 1ransoi maea big 'bitt'withege men. Ilt s a pancak,ajstablei, metal parts.hPaoily niseedi. Theyiold up thetsocssnuglynealy. PBe sueyou0ee'"Brighton" o o PURE SILK-250 A PAIR Suspede Makers CAPS AND GOWNS Fm.' Corrmenceerriet Week RENTAL, - $1.00 Or'der' ae.y time. A. F. LOVELL 332 S. State St. Agenart e COY, SOBS & VINNING, New York sltlegeoto irica osnt0221s1t:roailsts- 11111 in siffalit sndl cntrss Ohsiss. Roe- Hi oles of ''M4''scrookattsc ertficates I ports' sotito initelisss'that oachtosithelsse geourstbosial.51alot'.(..Only aifoso left ilos'alitie'. still sndilassigetlelgatiion sof a'sit 1taes t1o wesit to 10get 11101. alm i t itneiss thecontesot atIOblsinIts ynsots, 15101tographeor. 43-46 .11the oxstitg sof \isy 4. A 1good-s ied dlesgationt swill leaiso .01 ichiitstpints 151oetslf price. Sal- AnnssArbsit''T'husdiays'enoling for Ie- tity stile $1.oo01p111';;ooocts1. WVi. lritfroslsswh'ectteyss'ill tave l bitjArisolds, Jotsoler, 221) MisstSt. 46-47 I'OXFORDS XF R S OXFORDS FOR MEN AND WOMEN THEY HAVE ARRIVED Fine line of low shoes all leather, all shapes. Up-to-date exclusive designs CALL AT WAU(-OV[R SHOIP And have a look. , - II Souzth Mai Street. ---- ?'' ;' ,, ' 1 1 1 J J r T 1 r r r i r 'r r r r r r r r C C FINE LVNCHES W~e carry till'lar)4eclineItosfutTUiRKISH IOMES'rb es & lhtOblREl) Cgaurettes and D)omestic & bImportedl Cigars. A euntolep linof allsokinlg artile s. tWe asee e for DEMUTHu& 0Co., LINKMIAN A&C0. odS PIPES. alsu fur STACY'S & so IAO FEES' tineuchoculate IBON-BONS. R. E. JOLLY. Stat. St. Ohio Central Lines PARLOR. CARS em all srasssstbstwseei Toledo ansdl Colutsmbus. I 5.1511n modernarloriisCars, withist-as Cafe Service betwn tl'oledo, Colusitsbusanib D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY SpeciltCarstsoIDetruit8 a. rn., and erery twobhoursountil 8tp. s. Special Cars ouiasictn 8:30 a. m., and every twou hoursauntils8:<30p, . louar local tervice tuoIDetruit 6:1 asTs't. o, to S:1.5p. 0., theon lb:15. Two-loar local sereiee to :Jacksonst15ta. m. tu 11:15 p. m. WAITINGmO OMHURiON ST. WEST' sseMAIN, KODAKS INSTRUCTION FREE 'To alt pusrchasers,-as many lessons .as you w ant. ALL THE NEW 1906 KOJIAKS Are in stock. Let us show them to you. E. E. CALKINS Dri~.ggist 320 Sousth State Str'eet i Ihe University of Chicago Tie OUsivesiits' yearis divuidedinoofur quaters, int pisu ng s,ss SummeritianudtAu- 10u111. AdmSlisio slss'rasleilttlo'ililsofsi ne, sitsJanuary 21d, ApsilI2d,..Junes'16ti h. andtl Octuber' tot.tGradtuateinlstructoiso'.fifered inth til'GradluateScolsof uSArts an'd Litera- lures ail hOtitgden'ss(Graduate)siScollofit Sciessce. Prosfe'.ssial inistruc'tionisof's'redt int theDiveinity wcoolthei Law bsoutsol. 0110 Ruash Mediusil Colsge (alslitl's, assdl tir Scholuniof Eduaons. SaummsletQuarter 1It0(; Jane I16 Septemesltre1. FirstIteras:Junie 1(i- July 126; Secosnd 'isenus uly 27-August 31. Rfegistraltionslispermuits'edfuselt'essnties'quar- tee ortfor eithtlesrm. ' Ilasnilregular credit. is givenefus orworkstile. Spsecialc'usesoaree tittered tor teachues. Foe intformattionsladdrless The UNIVERSITY OF CHiICAGO, Chicago II f We Hlave Caps and Gowns to Fit at Studio CAP and GOWN PORTRAITS Senior Rates Given on these Photos Phiesee Mich. 85-J37-JR I Y 14?RCOOHehirhlBlk. Im Ii WP -F4111?N1UVER UNDERSOLD---GOQD VIEAR'S DRUG STOI4