THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE LEADING Tailors ,.Makers of Men's Clothes.I All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [ULL DRESS SUITSj A SPEfCIA[TY j 311 S. State St. ~Arnn Arbor, Mich. Engraved Cards and Announcements Ordered now will reach you in a very short timue. Don't put it off till the rush season and run the risk of delay. We're showing several new styles of cards. 100 Cards and Plate, $1.25, Script 2.50, Roman 3.00, Old English PrintlngCards from Plate, 75 cents per 100 Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Special Prices an~ Leather Pillows Inludig AICHIIGAN SEAL Until April 1t DARLING & rIALLEAUX 224-226 S. Stat S THE MICHIGAN DAILY. should conic to the recue. Now that MIA~SS M1EETI1\( l,1 ihi l'l Entered'a second clasmater at tim Ann Arhor Postoffice. Pabithed daily (Mondays ecepte) dringI the cotege year, at tey ast Wahingtn street. Bett phne 82. Hme phone 76. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. MANS EITORS. Y Athetis.........Clarene . Eldridge) Netws............Louis . Stikey Echange. ... ..Charles . Whttead Musin...........A. H. Ortmee Women ... Ci........Efie J. Atmstrng CDITORIAL STAFF. Hagh Aten Franklin C. Path. Arthur C. Fated. ASSOCIATES. Gerge A. Osorn Harad C. Snith Ferris N. Smith George A. Barnes Coert H. Cany Frank J. Clak Henry F. Shute Witianm A. Mutern . F. Steentn IHenry A. Montgomery) Genn 0 Bradley John F. Wrn Coy V. utt Foyd H. Jones RATES: Sa.t per year, ar $.ua i paid is adane. Addrea: WALTER R. HANS' BusinessII Manager. 286 S. 12th SL. Phone 849 L.-- SATURD)AY, APRIL 28,i 96. Editor today-GLENN D. BRADLEY. CALENDAR Aril 28-Basehall: Michigan vs. Illin- ois, at Ferry field. \W. A. A. electiotn of officers, 4 to 6 o'clock, at gym. Utiversity of Pennsylvania track meet. Litter-society deate etween Adephi attd Jeffersoriats societies, leaditg to the cp debate. April 3-Address y Karl W. Zimer- schied efore the Cemical Cllo- quitim. Room 203, eemical labor- atory, 4 p. tm. W. A. A. datnce at Baror gyn. D~aily board ltttcht at Oyster Byit to is'cltck today. Todaoyte local 1soi aseball season opets witht Illitois as otr oppotents. Wie eartestly desire victry, bit tiere are somoe tinigs that are ttore imiportat lthsn victory. We wottld raller see Miciigass lose after a clean, hiard-fogt contest in whichsotr oppoetts were treatesi with cotrtescy atd fairtess, tian to wins by tetse of tntckerishs tactics. It is tp to every Msichigan msan wo at- tendis the gooe tis aftetoon to see 'hat or opponetts ae treated with esry ptssiblecouttesy. Evett if tere were tt otiter reasot, it wold be bt a slight retrn to the Campaigt oyt fose ushiospitable receptions acored osur foostballi seoes last fall. Recesnt papers report as death frotm ears faiure dtritg a gooe of tetnis. It is indeed deplorable that Amsericats athtletics are characterized by such hor- rid buttality. The A. A. U., or somse siller regttlary cotsititted atthority, fosotball lass ecbseen arfslly expsrgaed, let the critics Itunteir attentist to othserbateftl thltticis. 'sitlshsorter ganmes. more open play, a shorter sea- sotn.attd the elinisatiotn of roughness, lawnt tetstis cats take its pslace, alotg sithsi solitaire, tiddl-de-stiks atd jack- strawos, as a high cass college gamoe. AUDI'T'OR GENERAL AND REGENTS IN IGHT AudiittsrtGecnecal Brasley has taens issue swt ithteioasrs of regets over cr- tai classes(f e-pndcitres siade usnde thec litrs svsocrsstnd recfusespasy uent f ts the snirsty's tmothtly lie- portionsiiifte fussd by teosne-fotrt sill tixselichs amsontsed to $39,45.50, psenintg -s decissoss itheicisater. Vouicherss tuun which te adito get- ceral looks wits disfavoc ae tosc cov- ettng thse expentss of numertcos trips of Prcsidlent Angl o alussnsi msetigs its various perts of tsc conity asd other tips shersee le has delivered addrsses, such as at te iagration of te prs- iuesit of te Univesity of Virgisia. Other vosucessre those for excenses of memttbcrs of te faculty on trips takcn undile tsc dircctions of te board of c- gcents or Prsident Agcll,te tis of prosfessors of thcecegiseerisg dpsrt- smscnt its cmpaysywitht their classes to mtanutfacturintg cntrs arc also se- The ight betweeni the egessts asd Auitossr General Bradley will be taess to tsuipecmsi court ad its otcomes is aiwaitedristihiasigreateat of istees. UPP5ER PENINSULA CLUB HOtLDIS SMOKER TONIGTr A\ll ssidessts frost the Uper Pesis- sula are usrges to tirntoti to the first socr f tecebb's exitec. Ample preparaitioss have hen miade by te commssitee its charged asd a good timec sisassredi tall. 1t is imsprtntttthat as sissy asspossibleicshould sttendeliso order tos becoecbtter sacuintsted asd pshsi the sew club. Attemptits hate beets siade before to orgasizecsitsUpper Pesisisula cisb,ut they isse failed ott accounit of sck of suppt~ort. Nowss is the right timeict gel strted, as s ig lu nchtil are etussiastic autu silling to do all tast is possile to tikthe newsci sestrec succeed. All out toniight abutve Oyster Bay at S oclc. ILLINOIS BAD TROUBLE BEATING NOTRE DAME By massinisg test rus ithie eighth ininssg, Illinois -ant the baseal gamse withs Notre Danme 'Tursday, after it was apparetlty lost. Pitcher Pece of Notre ODsase had the Illisi comipletely baffled inthie early stages of the game, but weahesed its the eighth, and three errors, sevenssitls asd a base on balls gaethe Canpaign boys ten runs asd te game. OGormsan, swlo relieved him, let Illinsois dosnsitheiiot a hisi. Jeiss of Illissois was givenas an fusl beaing, st lie stictchsie etire game out. Score: S2 3 4 56 78g9 K lE Illinois.... o0,t5o0 0 o 1 o0so-t2 9 6 Notrei,.100 22 0 0512 - 9136 'tEE 11CC I) 'Te prpossue ntsiscl mailsstsii mee isg for teserelief of ts' ass rsisisss suf ferers swill le eldsiniiUnier sty alt Tuesday cvctiitt, .\ayis, f ruuis7t 8 oclocik. Efforts aeiccgscmsakt se-c cue e sts''ci tiisss sithsittrritledils aster ia tcsie ft lc spcaker s forts- evening. lOthesr uuuuuuminen t .sakrs sil lie secured and ltensti)wtilltic as- nouncssedslaste. 'T'he fosllowiin lcestill licioend tisday to rece-ie cinrit) is: Xtir huot. store. Calinss'-dusit orsos ox sffice Univrsity Iiall lMc illansitf andilNessbitrev Its-Lt ver lya Micheligantsusdenti taikecthis por)uaity sit expressiigIhis st5sitysr the sufferers in as matetsial it it \i. A. A. ELECI'O~N. Yesterilsisafternoon, t a tlosean excitisig electioni. he foloinssg officer swere elected inth~e N'Nststasthle'iticl assocsiations: Presisdesnt, Emiiiv Strh. 43, Mre. Jacisit, 37; ice 5re sits's 0 Edith Lutes, .a, Clarai risetlodi, 3t; secretary, Olive Bichs, 42, lBlnche Milityots 24, Miss\Waler 9; t resrr MatyOBaer 64, 15555is\etWibur io, t)ais Russsll 7;: snioururspsetati5,5Rena Molssiter 56,Ruth Ifius 504,tin Xifredc Wilson 7; jusiorsrpsettis ivesu Harrit Stiallcy 34, Marart ITseter 33 Aits litoe Carter g, -MissI'temingis"3; tstihs mosire reprsenttivs I tara ITreea 38, Florcence iBakler 34 1 dil Iaylsr7. As is sects by tesabolists. urtniss, te electisos was assextremely clsetoe.s Inli he cisntest fos itsesidnts h mjistii is tsle sasie as iiwasislast year. COSMOPOLTANCILCUI 101;1) SUCCE'SSFUl. 1 'NQb 5,1 The Uniersity Cssmopolitiani lit) gate their firit sisioural baquasjstbi ight at Cittisg ftss. A'iltssthirt- ive rpresenttivs occ hif s an counttrie of thewisldstr t sot)nitosui a simiple butS elegantlytsesrscidimiesi. ''The giests (f the eeingitiwssr lrfcsosrs Mairtini i'Oogc tasnilC.'. i. osstloril. iand Dr. Chirles Wagier. A u5)ique sand i- terestinig pogamofttfastss> euiths~e evening's entetrtaintisss. Sranibass G;tltta ofsitasswiiasos tmai.tistsr. 'The Clib- iiyo Sie Inoi, Jsan. D'Osoge. 'fhe Foreigns Studenct-'A. S. Rirhjiitos Disc Cosstractingsog r~sl-Prf . C. 1_ 'fhe CbHisIouse- Consrtdsl'apis,1ter msay. 'Te Other Fllws-D~r. Charles Wise 'iieligats-FrankiLh a, Peh'ru. Hose We FeelWhlest 'tecAre Xii os Frosts Bomet-Jamtes IBird- Oer Duty-Jameos Sifre, IPoro Rico. 'fle commrsitee is casrge ioi the titu- shetstece as follsti: JohnissNumatr k~e, SitrassDassJalsia, Fresherichl. Up sonst. Try Phelps' Perfectiono chocolate puffs and chips alCusinitg's pharmiacy. iU A ha: c: Un v SENIORS Shouldileaveirerstionuce. 100 Cards aind Plate cmrass,,) inianysyl fi ci pt e d5e- $1.25 75c Old Engish, Ronde, Block, (inthic andl Ronman Types at LOWEST PRICES The Bookstore That's Never Undernold. Brief Making and the Use of Law Books A hooR es-cry law Stsudent ansd young itsyetS-cshoiuldi isare. Price, $2.00) Casih or Eixchange for your L~aw or Mledical Books C. E. BARTHELL 326s Sosath State Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. a : n .t an's ace a.s a righit to health anid. mifort. It cannt h lave these aless he 11151sts3 upons VILLI A S ' SSTIC K '1W Students' Lecture Association WILLIAM ELLIOT GRIFFIS............A LELAND T. POWERS.............. FREDERICK WARDE............ SIR CHIENTUING LIANG CHiENG, . . . I S .,L. A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to 6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. kpril 30 Cly2 Mlay 16 AAEIG LIG EE COLLAR is exactly what you wanst for style, conmfort and economy. It is the latest thing out. They have proved so popular that we have heen compelled to send in an immediate re-order. Call and examine tile line hefore buying a negligee shirt with an at- tached collar. If you desire a Spring Cravat, a Negli- gee Shirt, with or withottt a collar, or Tux- edo, we can fit you out. A th The Store of the Students, by the Students and for the Students. 1 i t t ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Aa Ar-bor Cuing North 5,505 a. no. and 4:35ip. no. Doing South 7,00 a. m.,t1135 .sm. and7t:33 p. m. .. 3. IttY, W. T. WILLS, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Agent, Toledos, Ohiuo Ann Arhur, Mich Bellt phone 53.5-1r Homenphone oil XW IGAN CENLR '7he ,Magfariy FatlosPRs Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains East-8.18 a. n., 2.40 p. in., 4.55 p. m., 9.320 p. no.11ue5 p. no. Lonals, *11.10a. n., *.05 p.m. *8.36 p. no. Through Trains Wet-2.ft a mo,, 7.58 a. n., 9.18 a. m.,'2.33 p. nm. 1t.0 p.m. Lonals Wet-tad . m., *0.28 a. n., *1.40 p. m., *61p, no. a (Ecept Sunmday.h Cjonnetion at Chieago for St. Loais Canan City and the We'st.w W. W. CASE. Agent, Ann Arbnr ii. a CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA. BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST.