The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S NT HRI) Y, APRIl 28, 1906. vrOL. XVI. NO.- 147. FITZPATRICK SAY S ILLINOIS45 MICHIGAN WILL WIN Coach Is Undismayed by Reports of Peonsy's Strength-Dunlap Out of Discus. OHtl)lIR OF EVENTS AT HHAY' 1IS PRNNSY GAM RS 200 1 ole vault. ':o-He'h I jump. 00Shot1011. 3;3- in l heal in 1huirdles. 4:30-Disiosiothirow. 1:_1_x-To-mile relay race. Entries- C olmbitPnisylaiai. I)rmonih 4 o57- Hc bhundediiardidith1 111011-H '111001olcapsip1 r11)elay rc.Etines-Hydei'Park (Chic101) P1h11adellh10 Centa, Wsinitgto, New YoitrkcCommericia1l, 1Ph1ilielpia f 11a1nel 1raining1 Pitsburg. Br ook lyii loys, chool SyauePc 1111011111111Chicago t:0fu-ilticcamip ~itoip. EnItritis Pennsylvan0iaiii Michiigai, ac ByClctii 1111I Iliit. Phiiilcphia, bApri 27 loSpcil)-ln th reo itc' gret el-ti'crnivl1al oficheIMiciogan thleteicoreicinitheiibect lo.tih~lc condtitioiiin.Uillrsityoilf Peitni thatiti tutr-mitle tetmtavecragco 4:28 htit K nc Fzptici ic1k to undismtitayed 110 isaisthathc thinkslco Micignillii cl ineltistooliniithe fotr-milte ac, leavin 011nns lvan iial iae as iMich- gaits onlyotpponetin IIthe lg race. lie tro . 1icatotarriviedin it owni today withiaIt 1crtng tileteameti. Phi idlcphiaiPa.,t pil ii27.-after itentltwo11hour1110cociiiiiiili pet onili ai 11ur111 nIfalif the1ic ihign trckb ta l iichre it) Directr Keete Fit- 110 cii iarrivedi cheQaker City t y o'clock latd nigt.Ti hcy were hlltei tohe N 11111 itiic ihrc 0theyalee 111a- ,upper, ct11 it lited. fie imeni ll 111111 111e tripi 1011110kably iwel,1a1nd1ht ofi the hairdljouney. Thi c mrning ilne itarick ctol: t t libertoOitTh1 elter ftilheg ret four ltilerteatowrcelehseti arun ihetrc Oir lw qatrter titlasbal ae t le Amtericnt Ictaguie park.c Htecsitoitk '111v11ntge f heinig hecec111111solctcitheicsht ttrds, atd othieplnttots llih Iecofin tiereot 10 'Pit1'mentilliia11li ent ot110led erly agintiht, 111d1the1 lill ib e allowed t do notthlintomorrowit1111'b111tositottitd tandrecst.Thelie newh111011Micigat will litve to dfe-lISaturtd-aylbeanto iarrive this orning,"adthtie differett aheeo tre tinug oitppotuntity vtomet in iia firindly- oiy tie men ag'aint womot they will truggetonii tterly tomtorrow. Thie trill wa10 01e11 largcly ii playing wtio, at wichibill"thCo1a11d1Rowe sc-it tolhavttcarriedciioff allithe latrel. CaptiniRaiey uand tite ttheroemttler of playrs at tilge wht~ oiowere 0111- potoedlto hoecexpeIrt1lyr. The vic- tory osemt to he gien the capait and11itohillarne hid Iimipreooion that Ilhey were inveiciblec 00 they boldly, chal- letigetd any two iotembes ofo the party to engttge itoI friendly and oe-sided gameoi of dtplicate wlhit "Bill" Co and11 "Roic" promptly accepted, 11111 the Michigan With Crippled' Will Defend the Champia Against Strong Illini Agg tion--I'lcAllister Undism, TistoIernooniit promply ti013 the bn w1lill1011ceasoe playinig, 1 "13111' iByrontill0)sot"p'lay hall the homtie tbaseballseonotiof 19' beton. bWith a1110'sort(if cdecenltm the lrgest croowdit1111 eerovit a libae tll gate tie'1Ferry fiel west dcfcnthe l titlc againsot the tie cham~lpionsa from litinolo. 'The iponing game of tile homte fintideIlva1rs ily inia a elther codtion rn agels ittect to lie the greatest college ini the wIt,51 oill probab lly ntlble slab1 todaly. ItoHisocd right 01 dieelotpcdt Iiba101case0 if sorenie is bal i ttticed of ircot. 'T'h althoulighl Citachi Ncitioter go, tuth Sanger1's a1(ndtDcNeffe'o to, the litee-up, it to altogethier trohal the la11er n-ill go to the firinig liii play11 is catiled. Tue souithpaw~ great tail on the southierit trill ini grail fotim11111th cpr esenit tieo 11a1 aine111aslsortettof beautiful swreeingi curves'0111d1al fair tI 0110e1d1101110 astee urc foutr or fS handl~edl battersonottthe Itiniiois solttd pove tory effective ifg 'The itotercripple to Maretint] left fieldler anug1100r,00111o1has leg 00hitohillpirottaily beephtdy Itsuneaiast) wl takelr i I 01111001Saner,0wtoo 111adigttenic lit'ing0010hit if lie doest 11100intoitheibio. this mingiia"ndt if.1htis10fittuini ther'e. i o doubht 111uitl that h illou WILL OPEN LOCAL BASEBALL SEASON TODAY Team THE BATTING ORDER AS unshi(lIVEN OUT BY COACHES rega- ayed. V.11thei ftttiritbse o'clockh~ tttiluit cli cout hel d Umupire Pprgtfed tuuua d SC yteth, fir t hit-h. teathiierGunncthr tuiessedOHi the orBushtntell itcer till to- If theil eign N Iatituu uic n er iior Sulhtuitu left fiehild. Kellyccod bas . seausonit (I, thi btutu ritptled t Wndcell, cituter field. eaIr ad-111111110 irot tist'.. titchuer Whee1 lot, ig hit fiel. tut the IaIt, Etiuoiutuu oti tLowell, ct'tut-etr. -ito too IeNeffe tr Suitger, itcI hir erefore, coatchi. 'Theciruuuirk was10 cedinugly ye out fattand11every mnllstutodu tilo11thelate11 tuituad lochuted the bitltut thltmoltost per- bl htfect form t haitus ualdisitnishintg charl- ie wenlcucristic of ttllinois teams.toaci~r h Iufi pitchiedh .sec itteulto hue fueulinig Itunedodenthuhciandh ouch is s tateid that, ini hits opitutont h1it a ue. IHea- f ineuchcatuce to mitt. Ithtiuk thuttwe , widie- -tue ctosidertubiystroutgor thtuniwe were tirnt if lIt yea10,'"IheI retarked. Co~h:1.lit vt heft- CitI fIhl Oitetheo much-hleratloud frcshmntt lost, he pitcherot wull cottauitly start the gante toe h a pae l ~i tlt' Wherohon1riht,11a10for the 1111li, 1s Itowas working 1111 111e tattr huts 11sk iledconsicerably in yesterday)'wththe ochltwatchuing hiso tie star leatut1111.0C toilh\tc literots1)0 thutltihe eery movue. II.ecsl itohnoticoedup ilmuiuchi ; a sotenendtouus t out ithy tonett at ing tentdutalter a fewc hmiutestofswil wuatts i otltetoaututhat toecall cotleoctnthi slakesi orderedtictot. o htc witt it urobable tthaull anwotltlau 1111 yeighut IThuere uro uvo tew 111011 111the Iltitti a0 beentatutuSatnger leftiniiicatoo.telatteritolhne-tu 'Pope, tarth11s010 Sntyder, sprinug, litle t itIlcit ("ininguuua"nttiOi the Cartutheris 1a11stat ga~rtdcnl Ihue I11to011it ot111111 110' ca, comaidIt fo ftbahilltand truck atlel tittuutnetve- Sllti- Co1ac011IIHubfatiedscuyeterday11ap111ed inbaseba llifre. d 1u1111 af~d terotinatndiafter doitngtt"truitsto I thtik thuat ltd haveo at hoelstlatevent eligiblhe at tile Cotokico1111101rtt rcien111oIFIciy ic111at)n011e 0to i eetohetitg wourds huube 1pu1tfiteld, Iwhtre thude lt lten t ogh a luveo tf Ctoll h :t lii tc Is Ito Icft tilefietld ehy thtatIllachico 1de1thotlt at chtltetyeofut Ito lost nught. J I OLMPC'CAPO Formr Mchign Sriner Wns ina Heti tudedMtrRc Foruter Mcts anrSupntfeMrWins1Fialurut roeting Hcndred Meite eAtttc chub, 101o11thtofill h1tiiithel undtred- mloer race odhtayIII Ii utbiltsIOlympic champuuuin. His tiw forthtietditnce, at rifle 11001 1013y.ardho cos i1-5 se- ond.s F, . I-loNtuultotutofiithe Kunsas City Athlicttcltublta10ston01it, tnduliatr- ker ofAtstraiathui turt. Til SE;CII IIS HOUI ABOUT ITHOSE'IENDh Ii\N minustrel soa' o uuiu s tt1 p 1ose o s-10 htively thilmt attroha11110100autdlthe utuni est stuntto will hid tulledoutff at thurmin-t srlsowutiettP'ritay aund ISatrdaut ights 111a11wlucid0101roct11 byuy utui- elite. Someiofitihec lttractuis ait aurcttdy arive n r euc1t 1 1 110homcingu acltimaitedtolithur 'utn ettArbor tmo 'hr hue clutey guarcdeud secret r- gattdinug two uof thet' utud met huts leated ou11 111111:.mltauthettic ocurce. 'Tiho 1wr tu b an .dil Ihtelttcdt al'the see yearesuwithuouttutuing 1aciviized nit~se n111 evlenla1wosridutulthishoweek.lo wNi thetalkttatlhithtowhliiasif trying tut maitkelull fr lsttush11110Catirman Ptt- Iere 11a10bwri competilleohtdlevise one itt his ingenioustooctions 111s11aIllid lto kece'tuthese twitabohiin ~ues stilt. '('le patrade commutitte alreaduy httlvt thirty-otte corganieationso that wilt htuve origoinl stutsiho'ihere will le fifteeni butnds, .eery 11110 uiffertnt 11101evey oe topt-noutcherso i tuer otupectie liecs. TheICc'mittee 11reuow1110ptlaunnintg t haveui llarr11 getel uotns itutde bettin 'T'uesdaty t wohic imuetltces for tie teter tf umarchi withhe tussigneu. toutis 1) Stickniey, chatirmauui of thec tuuveertisinug commitittee, saidl yesteroday "Wtit ill theteoplue see toe pel- grains. I hope they wohe crazy huo get one. 'Tey with certailty makea peachitf a souvueir, ut I'll ell yout what, tee tre goig to get eough itt them onutsouthautt everybotiuy can gtt one." There is every induicaionu at preseti that the largest crowud evr tssemblei, exceptitug the NWisconsii sett sale, will he senbled at Wahrs next Monday moninlg at 9 o'clock t get seat. The entire houise will he sould for fifty cents and all seats will be reserved. resulh t s that the defeenodersof tile NENV teiIX''iNIN ST't' 'EI. udehuuting" conitestsotrganizueuan outo sel I-tusumdcu chamuipionshlipu tere hueatent ottietotsnauthtis bodyh itis touiucipatdc, thre gtun.; uo'011t it foure by the soureito f TletGreek'htlotter on ciety to hut-wnll hut' incorprauu teud intoutIhe na~tionalt 2-0, t-0,0-1, tutnut3-0. 'Ieuc' nuqlerors :uorganuize'tinutuhis ou11 n tite DltaIc 11 Ntchaptr. uh ostrofheIto Nichuigan havte lnot eet cetusetdtotilowto u tith teir SigmtoaRhouttilliiaic rcoll hegituthonout 'onortuisoc~iety a t resetsoistofotttV. aclwnetutaul the tdefeateud tienthatue l etagute 01111lposedof Metnttu o-ttuhavtue-noC. Xtiuhict0111C.IIR.hBitchiaitN . R nt tmu'nttiontedth ohist since. presenoetiiu heu ivestiuiesofit \istctiosin, C tI "-roetuoc I' . NIallil to C'.NI-Ifoldl- 'h-ill"NI thoutey nas the tictimthott uaIutinosXI ututuc Micign,1ow. oriutaut IaS. 111111E1 J.harennyHI. K. pratcichtuitand attier cruteh jotke at the Neraka. Ihica"gt tandNort hietenin II egg . C X.A.I lcutliutJ. A.Rtuwlinuo conuclhusonofcthteuctril. Ithis atu radlitiontutu ercoltI litebte tntd itatory. A- T.;>.11111nd ,0goSonnietnochiein. tumtttng the trttckctuenuth11a1t entthey thontl")hithe.iltaof u h anit organiiza tleution IofiT. IC. 11utoodcioftl bichtigaun arc ciii trIiplthuelatutith ie crowol whouimautie husaidt ticveoigi"natced -t Mutt-hul opresie t heilorutanitzuetu conferenice hatttunsco huthra1ftrshtais eo lecteud it out t uuno definite actitonwtakePultitl ini Chiucug u oat wmeklontuPuol uf.C .. qutietly Ito corr' the shot 1an1dutois. pit 13, tul 0111o1111renctcuosoting" XicIlniutt of MIinnuesoutau 0015 ap- There hbei"tutu freshmanIitiltheto5011udtof Puoftsotts 1111 uh utloo ItoNIMcigan, pIio itdchi hrmanutof thle commt~ittee an autl huouuuyhbeintthe now lmani utntthur Ni)cutint toflMnnsotatutut rInch 01ucwhitcItpuncuteuntilh to'nutstituhittionuan hob- teamti Io oiauochluoeth torthlaubIouiucs Nebrasao, Xth 110 tfuIllinosuKellogglaoo'. 11110 disoogreeoaule look.XWhenoithe pickedof ittNotlust cttiiittld ClIttkhoif Chuicaugot, li isit 111assle1to1 got uohatthe Wooe 11t uuhme tt aretou t hut tdctuil ofthe XXII' olRS XVI N HI),A'l'E PhladelpthiautotoulieItohtouightt lthto lplanhItotutunt tiit X outuuuuwtr also was carry inug aIbIt urilr1oath troll 111retpresenitedulttis ontufterencethutlute his stilt rase, odutu wat~s tilt unttil he hitchbit a studeto and1theht tenrhby 011 The uirtrofttthe semti-fhita up ldeobnutte hadtrau rse hiubco ohutt hf ohther eigh lu .ius111 ntu inC hutagoOct10iosonus won byht'the Webter society blhocktso wlk tutthur hotel thatI toe is- h enrlai ufthisuo111anidathounitt the Iaw' uetptrtmuetit iut compietitionu covteredh slat lie waseturryuiug.Thte isto hoencourge oratoriandouuduebatinug, withthre/Alpoaitu Nttetuttofitthe litertury idea of te little and tppareittly slight uttdleulible memert u s lily bhiraw01n pturtmuenot.'Te debute was hld in hu I3o-lotutoler etarrying a sttit ctuoutcoti- ftiuuu lthaumniauueluuuuheuner-R'm , latuiltdintg, hefore ularge taining Iamtong othoen thtings a u1i-pbondlg"atuattesoittthue'affiliuated institutionts.tudtuieticue anchit wasotuhuarudfouaghut0011- shohtuu lughatule, hut te sight ions eenTNhe niv1110DelItt S 'uig liiRh o Itchsei tlest triuttstturt loufiutish. 'lue Webeior moutre theselethuts ohehe cittottt tursoof uitm ishowedup iestuecitlly stronlg anut ____________________ GreCteklquttat11111 meontingu"Ortoiry, the thtcir ciutunces tout'winntingtgh110chpinllthe N~icttiI 10tory elO~ o k y o on ht n finah conutest are excephtitully tooth Wiscnsi hasthity en ot'rk-Te seondld tebuate of thun semifinal ing for the varsity crew. The aspirantts Theoe eiutunituteohities ute charter to he resrnu eghtaremakng gnolutuutuueiit of t oely orgiztueul tatitnal series wiltlbe hueld toutighit, the chillest- sotwintg otht itt Inumbers antI ability. s01101010theitnsutittuuts wso'e St-111 uitthAohuiutuJeerutat Prof.NX. D. Penue, who 11a0 Ield the Iu thhc01.0101 o iuulb tctte chair of civil engineering at Pundue' 1)per ttlu i uuuoto uhumothap t oo andapli- university, has jnst been appointhed to 1 catiosIfortmemersthip have .alreahoy TeAoleo olg ael en the same positiont at Wiconsin. Pro- tru oct0h t110li truu uuto uuIctich will play here next 1m0n110o0 its fessor Pence is a graduate of the Illin- vetoito ov esternu tour, wai defeated aut Cornell ois department of engineering and was Last layI terve0)011wothauve re- on Wednesday. The score mao 7 too-. formerly on the faculty there. proseted Nichiuganin 1 oraoruical and Recenttly Amherst defeated YaleI to o.