TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY __ Hockifig Valley Ry.} CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find 'Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains. Union Depots# in Toledo and Co- Iumbus 3. E. CLARK, 32-t Campus Martlus Detroit, Mich.. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Glas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IB ALLEY & EDMUNDS Zportf ng Gooo 121 East Ltberty Street. 1 PEA NUVTS Finest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb: tOc. Sa.ltedl V. Peanuts. Bleached pr lb: iSt 2 lbs. for 25C. $1. Nowl'Ready Peanut Brittle per lb. 1 5c. ___ We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,OO0-lbs. Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts ' for less money than any house in this vicinity. 214 south DEAN& CO. Ann Arbor Matn St. Michigan SREF-FIL OING PENIL fiia hu6RIGIN tii. 0ONLYGENINa ReaON Iil5ItPrfeilss -adaiona wseciitg on i of - i tme The iN 110. a otf-lth e t m ots te 811 111Fsol ib I( o( Prtss y in ide ( ,;fle outiiiioii t ihi hti whel.y 'the rei s otdras i llou th adtiel peff, ii st ntl filed le d y u e .-o sEoeyis theon-i-- h~t FLIN e THe aONKLi lsPEN sCO ..P ' il Th 14uicly1djtled lo girsea evoedos. iOksfo. en Isl tI -" yaY J^ '. } itG' C.:. ,', S / w t't 1 / x " ,,tiC / , ,. r /' i . s "Jrt v. . 'e': b sa. r ' . or ' t ' ., S rt. 'f ,y t' 'X r r } ff;t , ,/' r _: .. lrs' .L New Line of Spring Hats Very Fine and Dressy. You Must See Them. Lindenschmit, Apfel & Co. I Suits and Overcoats Buy DirIectin anoffdallaBu oMerFrom $1.0t$2.0o ~ nu JrsCotinko)an oney. 118=120 E. Liberty. =mom U. of M, BARBER SHOP Photographer REN1VTSCHLJ$R 319 E. H-uron R A N D A L L Trojonowski State St. PH O TO G RA PH E R THE flavor of the Murad is naturally rich, just like the natural dryness of fine cham- pagnes. This quality in CIGAHLT S is acquired, by bringing selected Turkish leaf to just the right point of ripeness. It took sixteen years' experience to make this quality perfect in the Murad ! f 10 l for15 Cents By mad potaid-If you cn't get Murad Cgardeeot your deles d en d zf'. for ttrn; 75cfo ffty ;$rSo fore h10tundred k~ ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City r Mar UNIVERSITY NOTICES. S n rc ice a t Ouster 11,1v itnighit at ititiuttix iii-V< cdYturni 8uclt. - iii ec I th cub mo erabolt- The Stamp of Superiority hon- i nithoeishitenesof ttie linen laitii dereil by usi, its - -just right"- stur-lung, its jist-enough, not-too-touch gloss, tin- coiort if a well fitting shirt collar, ditto iletached collar and frayles-edgedl cult's an we tiutn 'emioutit. iThe only supet-iority ye laik is that of toticc--ours is rather- unidet- than over othet-. o.(odilaet- to -eni yioitr-washing, iloot it Varsity L .. rsdry 117 S. 4th Ave. ]Both Plnoenes 928 o bitt iltilt it can get the" chili qui 1r ib Cll Iai iii I~ el Fridaif or Saturtday. -1SI lit- oyv iiii at i3 in tlo ever nii ti ci of t ytioneiiilio-riat-i- iitelb teliSaudaate1 p.nii.1llt lii 1 ioii tt ceity sii tuit ntill heiil c 1i ithi e.t losoftih iii thociec churchthi evnn,8t oocck thii iii liiihe -iit iittiigo-ifiiiiiAl toe touiii ttI Iit iilii i ne. mii-.siia tteiurgedi toottn tthe tte t tigt. H l 'l(, s)h m r iii il ie ii i- o e r kilh el t iti \thaltot heeitoinic in lfIt i it etir i i o-e. illoue of a itteit i me.a \ tt tl tto eiotttal li mii-. a i asi e itg raowil tie omliel Ce trali- ciiti--i-Leitoei-atog. It atmia reapiti ot olandtat tm-gaiiai hastitere n di>,I -ed.itt Ink ic 7its lc icigat , Cui- cao anttol iithele iitiaeorme ai. Istt aoutoelormna.eweatingtt it iti ebrceth uivritie.s ;.Wtt rod VSuoit isedowa, ;ebrasaoloiiatoe 1littler &Ot 'onnest or.tfal Ilotlde toarogenn elvietriest Cebateund rtovwicsa.lei , . o of _._. ___ coorn.c r FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mich. E. D. tnns., tees. Harrison Soole, V S. W. Clarhsono.Cashier Capital. $100.00t. Surplus and Profits. $4000it GEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST ChoaesCsst F'low-aancd Plwrnts Chapin St between Huoneand Puller Ave.; Phose 80OjS COOK HOUSE i FRTCASIN ALL BRANCHES ' $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Steam Heat aod Eleator AC'.sight seroice SUNDAY D1INissaoA SPECALsTYoe. lo0CEtach Vcaderllp f. C n. Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Bluy your U. of Ti. Pins1 where they keep a full l ine at the L o wes t prices. No V'.".4. poor stock in our store. :9 N oth in g charged for iGIIC loooking at our goods or - g e tt i ng prices on repairs, etc. A lartm clocks. $1.00 and up Call at the right place, opposite Law Building.34 e0 J. fa.SCHIED[, 3ste ssst BILLIARDS1 AND BOWLING S. ROTrENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave.,- GHAS STUDY LAflPS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1.3 Cent per Hour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. BaINGsOUonUNFRAMEDoPICTRSTOn D[URI[S ART STOREf and have thaomfeamted with Choice Mouldings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 5. Male 5t. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD9, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVER Y THING IN TAIL RINC