THE MICHIGAN DAILY THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 ArborPtoeice. 1Published daily (Motsdays excepted) during TH~E the coltege year, at 117 East Washingtot street. Bell phtote 892. Hoate photte 76. LEADING Managing Editor. CLYDE L.. DEW I ~ *w - _ _ Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS aaiiors -Makers of Men's Clothes. SAll the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [UL.L DREfSS SUITS A SPEICIALTY 311 S. State St. Arn Arbor, Mich. MEDIUM PRICED Tennis Rackets Made by Try ot, of Philadel- paia. When yott exatuine thltt.toyOsoil b" surprtsed at theit excellen models, qual- ity 'tndfinisht Star - - - $1.25 Wynclifte - $2.50 Specsil - - $3.50 Tournament~ Tapr wound nick, rinfoorced in center byetastrttngting, perfect ibalanee - $5.00 Sptaldittg,' Wright & Ditson gloodls also. Sheebhan& Go's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds offce at resildence 38t E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hiours: 8tt 130a. im., Itto 3:30and 7to S p. M JOSEPH1 C. WATTS EDITORS. Athletics ........Clarenee E. Eldridge News............Louis 0. Stickney Eschattget...... Chtarles E. Winstead Masctte ...........A. H. Ortneyer ...... EarieJ. Armstroeg E DITORIAL STAFF. Hugh Alie Fraeklin C. Parks Arthar C. Paced. ASSOCIATES. George A. Osborst Harald C. Smith Robert H. Clancey Frank 3. Clark Hoary F. Schulte Wttliame A. Nlttthtrt 1). F. Stevenson Johne F. Ware Glenn 0 Bradtey Floyd tH. Jenes Roy V. Loll RATES: $2.$a per year, ar $.ea i pats ie IAddress: WALTER R. HANSW Business IManager. 236 S. 12th St.. Phone 849 L. Elltl1)AY. .APRIL, 27. 1906. Editor today-ROY V. LULL. CALENDAR. April 27-Meeintg of Bird clb. MttS- ettla lectutre rootm, 7 p. tm. tBttnqiet tf the Cosmlopolitanl clttl. Inter-society debote laetweett Alpha Nu antd Webster socirties, leaditng to thte cttp debate. Annual bantite of te Y. W. C. A. at Newbterry ball. Sottltlit recetiotn 1111 dan1ce. Bar- 1](o11r gymnatlsiu111. \tpril 28-Baseball:PlMichtigantvs.. 111int 105, a1 Ferry field. \V. A. A. electiott of officers, 4 to 6 'cloIckI, at gymtt. I.ntivet'sity of Petntsylvantiatracks meet. Iter-society dehate betwveent Adelphti 1111 Jeffersottian 'ocirties, leading 1o tile cttp debtate. April 30 -Addreslty Karl WV. Zitmmer- schtiredhefore te ltetnical Collo- quiutmt. Rtom 203, cemttical labor- atory, 4 P. tt. XV. .\. A. dattce at Barboulrg,-yi. 1111110 tinesasserted th11111college 1ie2 ol.'lTatteirchelief interests are wtitht affairs of tite utiversity'. Tht thett sMOiedge of politteal events is 1contfitetd very largely It)ote debatinlgs50 cielies. Thlat interest inotttsidte politico is1a ebb owlin~g perhtaps to Ite state 11111sIwhichlteiettvesttdettts of itetright of sttffrage. L~et tts admtit at cottsiderable tmeasurve of trotht intthtese statetntts or tnot, thte greatt tational disaster in Califorttia htas tottched tte tearts of people itt all parts of te ottatry. Thte sutferitngs of tite thlousantds of wotnt attd chtildrett trown11 htttelesrs011d1 huttgry ontthie c Y d r S r i porltraler) in til ewvtspapetrs". Te st- vind~icate te cargeilf inifferetce to outlsidle saffairs Iy' meetg te optorttn- ity which te isa ster Ias roght with generosity. Let everyote 110 shat they '1111Lac f Ilppolrltnities 1of seeitg goodll dramastic tperolrmanltces ias beett oftlentdepllored. 'T' sttttent b ootha conseqelyllv greetedlgenerotatsy the produlctionts f tie cmttedy' antd glee tclubis, and11 havse'generallyrttade tprc tiell)fIgointg 1toteatre' whienever tey' got away rmnAbr X' , a11d1 mae frequlentltrill. to IDetroit1. Partly' ottac- (1111n1 of this hu11nger for te drmta atd pasrty' 111 accout of itheIlreali merit (f te tperform'ancltes, tie ttitstrel sow adits accompany .117ig fare.Illotwhilt little attettio htas ee ctllet, promtise tol be at brilliatt sccess. aalelitg ita its lille te'effectiietess of tie coutnty' fir ofI 1ast ear. The farce 5wa5 srte 117 sotmte of tie cleverest gadttate ad undtlergraldutleItment arttttdtcollege. '['e gvnot, ill ensure te cllttpl'test suces'"'of 1t11 10(1ceebrt~r(i. The1 var'ity' hassealllitettmtfacs t 1a11at '11111ittleetttsesonof Iprctice, te 1m11eet tilfrdbe1111itt i nit. Tey soldihavsie Ills ear tiest sprtttaahlicthte 11u11 11a11 \is'iti tsholdliiscoe a5doulell vitovy ill tvrack11a11dlbaseal, aii, 'ts tie matt11evivwit a celebrat~iont 'I'l Xt'K MEN TA KE,'tIINS PASY Oitit Cataini Rattey and11 Director Fitzptrlics gone.thevremttttitittg tettt ter of tie track(squadtthowtted a se cidedti lspositinttle th inlg esy ttadrItwo wre apioittedt by' Captil 1(1111 fouI th ieir 1tasks5 5ey'eas. "Sleepyt" 111l11s appol~iitedto tttake chelr o'(f tile1di(tnce sutat, 1111tviett ihe iattedtiu111111tie trtet araet inathis tvastt u'it rettyto tae carge tf i ill. slepytneltert v(lsoereflectot, " ges tenits t vtttt distances left itt AtitAr- br. XYouId111111suppatose that I'Horse- power' wtrtyng t jolly 'mte,io 701?" tPohv"levt' wasa'o1111fir tefirst itte thisyearstr.111confitet his activities tolimbrn lu sup1and(111 tii11t11tiy' attytititg tvghertattfiv.e feet. ast year t,ete 11111teti5 feelttiliceidoors, bhtt sprvaineid his atkle soont after ottdoor (hintg itt comptetiiin. Boiittttttte freshttaattsrilterwo Ills he I7ittlifor simte litte.Iwas stlso out fur te fit titte y esertar. SENIORS--Leave yor ordero for' go6 steints attt oatshstields at Atold's jetwery stove. tf t tI'll- hB LL' ONEXII.X RIL, X tBall, the Sherock Ilmaes of ttt loesl lovcer, is auzzed fir te firsit tein all his long iatt illattcareer. tFirvs'srs '" 'ipt''has ltbettnte'tried kid ttse btttl n0o'his repu~tationtils stsi'ened1b' canttsav e hitttttttet'e'yes if thic' t N s st itt fternoonli atthef retetrei pnastit hichI ryssthe' lriiierty' f \ Is RutthtSteglicht f EGrtnd Rapid. Iti a shottimItte valutableis Avor tt$225 tacre cilletetst d ttth ie thief escaptedi unno-1 tced. Thteliss iras itedl is' jlis' Iteliciimmtsetdsitely uponiii lii' returni' dlesh sergeant 7011u11111 iete'vcal Xl. oft' tempttorarily' beasute 11e had 11111117' for d initter. lieealstdsate itthl'e en tg andby 1'cande-ightttandthei td if iit iec lets it.xlv inditesil stii' psiand lohsdae. lie sretdpatiel "'T'ip"a'' stsss'ttiiiii sll thei'gils illh 'Couldn't soimte o ougrs o fllr " ITe gis0wre'scktiedeiatsthliii'pro- poisitiontt.'ttii assurethe worlit'y its'is thttit (was 111nt Itir habi 10 "rush onto feller." '\X'eii. tesoett tt ~1 '1earch i the etoot,"' 'tggestd"ip." lie still 11111- ters wthy the grs ceds qery. taettit s tt ogthelis headiposse1 111 sessid(111yhistorical1 1 l the loode hondof jultts "ttic gi si:th ri cna' d isetned1and'ietis sit tic il Th'r iostt. trgt'hil X'ttoha ee in Oat tdan'c gullaat tte eientitients' S.ettiserben'stc ken '.X\ilithivslit thoatiaislic'b eti t' a tnis no111'ethte it deliers' stttlle$~o it' p si'cinsatthlui- vesift't155itytho tita edRegnt s'ite isJr\- po rsstlbtire.ei'ittdeersttenoit.if Engraved Cards SENIORS 100 Cards and Plato $1.25 75c tOtd EgliohRone, Elack,Gothtic andifRemanTyp eat LOWEST PRICES Thte Bookstore That's Never Undersold. WEAR LONG -'COAT SHIRTS j Itavethe qulity, 'pprarancsraod woeusing abilit eof cottonnale gamets hitr or color-fatfubriss. On aod off like acoat. $1.50 and more CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. 0, . Y Martinll ECO tdciant '02 S. lt Xse.Phonc 114. AMBULANCE 5N CALL A Fair Face deservXes fatr 1tt c'.iiiOet. et at f iir and t i Li-eIat ytttflit Alwso ses WILLkAA ''4'T CK Shtirt waists tmade. Prices reasotnabte. $1.00 tPils 50et it cettt 11111. 25. jo8 S. State street. If Satutrday ottly. WXn tn.XtoltdJetseler. Students' Lecture Association WILLIAM ELLIOT GRIFFIS.............April 30 LELAND T. POWERS,..... ............flay 2 FREDERICK WARDE............ SIR CHENTUJNG LIANGIICHIENG,. . - May 16 S. L. A. OFFICE HlOURS, 5 to 6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Ii A NEGLIGEE COLLAR ts exactly what yon want for style, comtfort attd ecotnonmy. fIt is the latest thinR ont. They love proved so popular tlhat we huave been conmpelled to send in an inmnediate re-order. Call and examine thte line before bnying a tnegligee shirt withanot at- taclted collar. If 7100 desire a Spring Cravat, a Negli- gee Shine, witha or withtotut a collar, or Tux- edo, we can fit yon ont. At Che Co-wOp The Store of the Students, by the Students and for the Students. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tsn.Its eLenass Ann Arbno- GociegNorth 9:1Y) a.mi n td 4.35p. im. Goog South 1:20 a. tm.,1lu33s,.in. atnd J..3K.B WEY X. T. OWILLS, Orn'l Fats. Agent, Ageet, Toledtt, Ottia Atno Arbor iolt tell phloe 135-itr 10111n0 phto1106it "Trhe Niagoaa l*'ttoteI Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Traine East-8.18a. in., 2.40 psIm., 4.55 p. in., 0.30 p. mu. 11.00 p. io. Locals EatS-6OS a. in., *11.10 a. in., 00.05 p. *8.36p. in. ThrougheTains Weat-2.07a 01,,7.58ta m., 9i.18in .,2.33p. in. 10.20p. tm. Locale Weet--224 a. at., 05.26 a, n., *1.40 p. M., e6.10pat. *tExeopt Sunoays.) Connections at Chicago for St. Louis Kansas (:ity and thec Wes.- W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor lNew oxfords Just Received WAIIR-The Shoe man21So Mai n St.