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April 27, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-04-27

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The Michigan Daily

<'or,. xv'. 1\N ARBOR, MICITIGX'.s 1II).VS lI'Il ,27,191156
Baseball_ Squad Expected to Arrive at Large Mass Meeting Planned ForFe t r A a
45-Reports Don't Scare University Hall in Early Part
McAllister. of Next Week.
Th hr ll ttoi, bsebtall teamtitrsting tlans tre on foot for a large oas
for reveine 'toileager ito regain the mteetitng to lielhelil at Utniversity tallwetr chminipis xetdto healyatofetwekorheu-
arivet int townitati4:53 tis tfterttoott pose of givintg thte stuenetts of the ttii-
ovr theM ihisati Cenitral. IThey will vetrsity an otpiirtuitnity oif coittribtttittg
probably go otut to Fetty fheld fot i to te relief of the lionseless young ttett
short isorkcuttthis eventin.Tt e I lttittilan s witttnt itSatttFrancisco. Word
arte toiutedl to lie ittitci strottgert hits hasteen receiveil throutghthtle ititernsat-
wet itantlastittid Ovitz, their fteshtmanTtouta1 cotttmittee itf the Youttg Ment's
tiritlet, is satid tsolie the siosi pronmising Chistiatt associtaiiotn tffthe ptessitng
college pitchsert is iilias lbeentseent itsneedl fotrimmiatneitflutidlstfotthemits-t
eial 1 telif of the y ountgpeottle of ltit
Coachi 'sc llhtlet howiever, seetts in-tsrisckent . In iatppeil ha s btent mtade
chetotel tak e the relicitts of Tllittois' to tie stuttets ot all the untiversitites
senth thiis graintiof saltI an tclleges ini teUited Stiles fot <
I shut tbelitsve lhet they are anty bet- usttiatl contitutiiton to this wtorthyt
ter tanithe t rea teasaid lie.icause.
\llicit askedliiif econitdt~eel this year 's lTo tacilit te the collettotn of caish stilt
varsityt nitne asstronig as twas the o5 scrittions officetstwill lie oepneeltodin t
aggregationti"'the"it iouceerestevas- the followntg places Box office at Uti-
is' accordtingto"itte custonm (f Mlich-tvrtsit talliWalit's soolk stoec eMil-
igan coas. Isis tall attilNewblerty hiall. The tical
II c is isuot is stroinisosmse idepart- associtionthais lieentrequested ts act as
isis ists anditrosertititsothter s," as the cutstodian f ot recheffltits, attilsill
onuyitnttfortttiottthitatlhe sottldlsnich-tiromtlytiitrernsit ill Stich to thintrc-
safe ssis evr ,tiecsoaichiIsas little ntiai l coattittee fur itmtmediate dis-
sympttathysiiwit tlhussc swIo sateeaenitrtibutttitonitniiSaniiFranscisco. rdr / Sm-z 1it H~llC'i -t s th. hmsOrch( i/ii
stnintg sustinocksto inuditanietit- Bith~ert anstouttcettettas to the mass
lists citheitc am tsfist their stork otntthe mseetitig ittilsitealetsstill he maits tierti T hIle thiicirteenh nnal\fy1esita s. w ichtnumsibet
so tirn ti.tHe stitedltat thce tr-in Tse tiywill 1 11 1 I has een iittlfitll

No. x4


ta (1f

Central League Will Now Be a Tri-
angular Organization, Thus Ob-
viating Old Difficulties.
At thetmeetinig if this CenitrailDebtat-
tag league hieldl a few dasys ago, thes
qrantlsigtulasr leagute, ini existette for
eight years, was chanitged intoasti-
anigutlair letagute comostedlofiNotihwest-
titteslatttns tith Mitnntessota avse heen
tutu sually pleaisat, ii t-mas ielieved ad-
ssitletie theistoiiiwithsrawss becatuse itt
unifavoirattle 'gitgraphlical iuatioii,trlicl
slid te epeses itt traisstiocatiots
very high.
The foilloinitadvaniitageousi5chiantges
tresmisse tit facilitaite the ifiticuiltie's
enctnereil undtet the piietosssystemss
hiacklivtiersity trill have itoteants,
site affirmsatte aisilottenegaiive.
Nit teatmstof this leaguate will hare to
wotrke tilttwit debiates.
The aftifrmtativse teams trill retntaitn at
hsiite sattilthe negative I tas he the
visitoirs. IEach university wvill have a
teaitm dehatinig at house andilanther otne
oust if titn usiirig the same eventitag.
All idebaites isill oaccur itn the same
tight, sitti isi the saite subject, as for
liii Hity Yli. s-titstance ganlitits fitrmtative, versuis
Chticago. ne-ga tire, at 'AuitsArbor; North-
Ir thee unredwe iir. astitrmstativevsesssMichigain,
learnintg tisier iti'eisegative, aitEvainsltonsec
>rStattley, andi a Each sitsiversitytrill idebaie the other
'is beenithtes'result. twoiteciery yerc ilterteyiil athoett anitd
ie "salmof ic-asayI Isis rule trill obiviatie ste diffi-
:y Verit'sida,"cuilty eticotittisredli iot liavitig the
t i1 itert siltlibe samcettnivsistyt tettms dcebiste sit the
hittme tuwn oftsn enoughitost keep iiipathie
sHiswi artits ~ >studeniitinteccest.
isa i, Vaitsl Ittose. Itifcitittcteseatte is 1th euwoteamits
its btassstiand ic the ill debtei'agnsitsttiec thierits prepari-
Ithitlittle IMacoa.atiotia
a cl ivtiersity-wsl takI-casre cit the
TICI. ASS N expecises of its stin teamis.
)tCIRS 11)1) 's ITle iuestioitfotrsdebatceswilllie sin-
isotticeid the first iday iftt obliler, so that
m4 o , ccrsall stuenctts sandlall uiviersities stay
of offcirs oitheiicstarti oni itsequial fotinis
sca tutu I't'hcre Pr'liiiais swiltocctir is dursnug the
iddtsfreeypast. ITte si idebts stiltlibe selsecteid
silsl sts c ci frotmtonate cisit f reltistisaries, trhicht
cic Crets it ncx will Itegiti shout Nociembera 5 ittan d dat
lot ai sitinididts forItale
ticsfo t atiii tictheisimbers cit the leaguctfotrmesesa
is hstsj actitschemeti ittfixtiagthe dcling relations
litii sotshat they isottlidicbeleter aisapteid
ts mittatin a real live sasitaisgilein -
Jat a nsi Stark; tetrest ini the woerke if the dlebatinig
Trublo Ic iwteas It is nssr thought that speciail
irs, 'st i debstBuckill lie arrantgedh sithi 'Wisconi-
sits followsinig, itti e irraisgedl by the
treasurer, \Misses o iui istltosstt i lhats
sir, Luties ;itenirohaocal ascainadtedbtn

ritic et ecout cred cscitrsthere its the
Ii sects aS "restlihanticiap to the toei
titus tws'ri iunaccussittoed tsit santd
, Ictissilthem dowtnttticotisidelsyt.
ishe tmentticre cpst thrtouighi aciar
prctceysitltedy itchthis coach itadle
ai itreendlius effortii toijet a little
its intotthis wirkIof teicnftieldl, hut it
wsia iffhiicutihtaisiTed Icit t hietippr
eityhigtiiily saue sihot iwas ntt
suffterig tftotuspingifeer.
t'lItIaiehiiiitt Aprttit It.-Specialit
Tlii- Uivertit Pnstlviss
cacs o it is-ttttt the fosi ur-ite telaus
raers'ctied si distinct set-isateltoilay
wuen ts ii i discotvcuedshas t Jonssotue
)it the stur ii ts mii csrs, ha ctde elopd
sprined' tencdon.sis s'lthke"Mitt-pitythe'
ictttsv trainecriswhoihlasisstehitslieaitt
sit Wininig thiss-seett is woringcus'hiaint
wuti Joneics iandl hopeito iihave' hit in i
shaptu e ySattu lathi ius statedhoni ihass
semiuts this' 'sissilauthort ithati sitht
Joecili the u temPensyhialssfosur rn-
nesialt situtwsstmtcasitio a tmileutuder
1:t0 To.'huere isstesty oftvrifyitig the
us-port. as 41iii tutu tatsupersistetlyte-
ftetto give stesuty timte itt the trialis.
Hissevidlenih- tly c'sois toerpaetratie iastun-
titse ociii N elit'attat tse list msinute.
Viltla Noitvsutwilspring aiarkhossrse
ill the broaitch mptinih stthe persn saof
Oit'titsnellitwhitsittittlp iioenr23feet ini
pra'sctice yecsierda y.Iash tutsume'sithliii
Mseithopolitan chitamionussshiiptshis-cleairec
_2 feet't titschiss
Theiuc' sichsu'suuuteasui sixpctesd toi'sic
ice htic-nt'iS is'clock tis es-siltg.
Ssaturanslttight its Iectsure Roomuul'Boh
tie ltiw butiing, the us' ptieebsat eisetwent
thin Jeff et sia sndtrhAdcelpi societies
utill behuelcd. J.C. Hofifma,Dowunir
stitc)(. 1,]loose iiill ireptrcsenitthin Jsef-
erSOilsuuasniss.14. hi. OUntgAgisess
andtu diniCh(affsethis Aldephi.T hlis
qluestiontius, Resohlveuh that thin hpolicy
of subtantaital enslargemseist of the Am-
cnncstsatvyus puseferabshe to thetpolicy
(if imaitaiinut it it isprsent strength
saideheffictic." hiissquestiont s the
saute itht-uas debasteshits thse Ceitral
lesuguein iithi ntestsnsbletween Chicago
'lhiis cup dsbatss il cilibe hhdahsharp
8 o'chlocik.'shin admoissions is free to alh
menmbers of the oratorical associathon
ansi tothsers fifteenscetits.

Allussimbhers of use fresh it chasstare
exptedc to he sit the At Arbor statiin
huntslyt at 6 o'clsock tonighst to le
fur W-hitmsore lake, iwtern the banueit
willtb hueldun th thin lake Hiouuse. Itis
suiran.t hasti sll itunusbeteout hiands
pnompitly sit six, astthintrinusstill cuss-n
ait thast time'. All tickets for hi,-eventi
trill iscsudes' rsilnoad hfsareastitch thi icket
is thi n uily expecnse usohue itncurredl.
Tickets ace einsg sol by tssue fifty
memberi s-n of thin clsass this mtoring.
WaVstkinisstiltltreceisve allusold tc-t
ait Uiverttsity hiallat 125'0thcte duhay,
tush isin te esn holin u nu~st soltchkets
it-lst sill scsi hucablec ho reptto holts
sit thaist Isits useeq uested iii rettursucud
ticketstohismIatitusu hut lubrryitweetns
/ stud 9 o'iclocthlits mosnng. Ti''cksets
foss this isanqueItill hue soldulatiliststa-
itinifroii:30it 6 o'closk.
Thtsbisuet ill he setrs-eldittheingts
dilig tit oomsusu at thin Liie .I louise, andc
sanothlertbalu's t wsill hue setsvcii inthue
-salleriingit roomi of thue saute huotel
ts thi sopihstatusesieicshie A rosal "tutu
timte is iplsuitedi tushfrostsptresenstt ilti
csatiosussthi ns siwsill casitriswiill. uhd
ssi"ouvir pr ogsrsuis hav e usar
rntgedh hy the csmmisstte lsTeurturns
trip ii sibhe msadesat us itcshck.
CROSS kCtkOU N Y 'hNN 'sI 'sORKe
Yesherdhay ifternoonuaunuschif shout
shinty-fits mesitsuirntedut nsfor theinlsy
crosat countsry rase.XXest led te squadu
fon si tsccesuie sassbace of the cemse-
tery sunh iysthse MichigsanCentral udeisot.
Of th issu e nu PBheliss seessto hue
te strongest rusisses and is shoinussg isi
espiec ilty-sielii ie still probiabslyhue
handicappedl absout a muinsute itsthi nas-
nualu nsuiswsiuchs sillbehueld ii lay- .
Thiis raice us so sear that thsetenswtill
lusts-' suisone hasrdiso get us conduitioun.
Dr. Archuhiald McI~eans, of Cinicinnsati,
foarmterly president of Betihansy college,
suit secretary of thin Boreigns Chsristians
Mt-issionsary society', will nuske ass ad-
dress st thin Chuurchs of Christ, South
University avenue, Sunday, at s10:30
o'clock. D~r. McLean is thin author of
several svell knsowvn missionary hooks.
Assinfornmal receptions till he given
to Dr. McLean on Saturday evninutg as
8 o'clock in the church parlor.

suitscst wils-st ol- ecttu- n is arge nu- tituut se-u dstinttits5ontof tnufesso
weshi tushastedichous is
A-Xnsiu 'sibuos. tOhnt oft tie u -uscoi a t tuintg thus testit-al th
tatosthis i-i-in sill its this tiontatio iss hs-byrof. Sisusui
orcetsrai uitsder this- it-s-atdisip ft sie suit itsvsndits "'Sabat
us- oni condutcit-tlshs/ sts uss e is Stioc.''ivcn.
'Thsis fasus orttc/istitua /twi sbepreset -Xmong s'thin well ka
at sillt Iiv e tc crtswhch i sa sira - ill stiltsarsate Ctiti
tse cu thi/isosrnhestsras sumbt shssthus luteor I u'tiusios
Sintcs thie ospsening, oitscol//e /s /ucthe /usar icelebrated soprano, (2
BX.11 s'hFt's's>D NIONiSIOtIlAN'S A'1I'IE
mtmiN'I ni 1'stNTNmi. St i/tX's- EECTIO)N C
Al/i -sensgs-esuu fsss rtt t/e is m uu ia - Tiis sfter'nti t, tnra
such c ussuit 1 ii stn 55hh usus theiis ttitis/electionitu
II -situnival resnowielltunis' usa
ind thtuteis it/itrcsentleerin d tiiucation W m n"tilei
thati thes caurstsn i tt/ /ibe acgran u cce~ s -ss f i tuIa s/sime swarn
spcalcrs ad r in n/usm Detrii st( unced tht/ shun isis
b t nits. Tte / tru s sit /cst/dns '-uind iiciprseiiside t othast thin
alm ihae aancd w s / tha s/uitson lies betweenus tl-
goagrgio wilom pbthadSak thCotighslts. idates/5in s folltows :
's/ilte fiter i tit-s and5/biiz;u- tutt i I sPr e usi n, M se j
iosivtdhavetmif eastd l e trr iepeiet Mse
itiars zeail i ge/ t' -i ltad lfosthir/ alt andsuit ttus;secret;
rsetv stn s inthe/ paradesiTs his lts it iand IIalkh r;
tauct alonissue sts ntc cus an attrai on of/5 / I rlkst, hRssse/i, Wilut
situ allu ceqc~uece. T e e his repis/i t a ttivesci 'liss
usl performtut sin(]ssoi-/s theslh-in"- holus \1thion itjuir 5 repro
u d r this uit/ipe tn t i -.5e'ttii of / I unt , Situ leyh i '
M iletic reesni arsi woikinsgt' vesit nigsit's/ut representativte;
with t heit us ialst- stuniistsu su ew suits. I is su uandi I isncse
Genieralkt C ssiha tirm unuhun itei
sueed situ /teras ai," etil ae l 1 I Y C
asgootutuchusf sltuonsheiscottut-
ices and evecyt mait s w rinsislve Ittitititit tights.
bs. 1nvr saw tnsous enthsusuiastis this Uplilies is ulatic
tush sill ing it t i//isrse tuthe interst o firsutstst-keu. 'hiss
th 'ad th I 555-55tushi/i its itcyt beeniisorgsinizdadtl-i
co titessssu uth siu tus vi deunstu uly' gstlherisis
wansuitoiis /see istelsh os/s aisis The co itt-ce Its
cess -u<trn tg-stestis ftr asi
In us rders ts it/u iyferstht ets a hig" crowd t is s-xp
l smayshlvet bees old thhoss/s is/shep b istefore its-c-i- u ndredsh -s-i een5
thi-susuti"e i/icg f he saash nniitouncesdlftrs part sitthi stacte tutu
Mondas atsl o'cock5a \Vstesthe ic onuituss int rset

es -tussier, iiser.
esettives, M'isses
sit" hausers scpis-
I hisses 'Nlor,
suture Oyster Bssy.
cish itill hosild its
-l11)sts ust itt seiy
hs is its first ssciaul
scsessfuli timand ut
)eeteil. 'There are
tromussthi n orthserns
a atrnnug surganizs-su
Xii saresuredshto

Tomoucrrows nighstthtssecond lannual
psarty sifltesouphomoraneIisn-ill take
tplacecut Baruriu gsyms.'Ihue commusittee
ini chasrge hiase pust fitsrtsheery efisort its
mascke the iffsun asi succsadit iis cx-
pecteidithat thus taurty still ri-cl all pre,-
s-sus socuilcivnuts us susecshy us se/h
cut soicially.
Thse tulanscurried oust it furmier 'us/
partnies iill hut'followssedtoosurrowsvnight.
Thin hashesosithiesnclass siill sattenud its
a hotly- ande then fellows will mseet thetn)
there. A recepitioni itill hue helud, fishl
lowedi by danscinig. Cardis ars idoh-se
gamsses will hue onisteprograms, stud re-
fre'shmtetisstill lie sersvcdl.
hii thindettse hbetweentNebhraiska and
thin Usiversityof iscnseu inu at Matdisn
oni Fridasy night, thin' Badgers sinsaitu-
ass ssusdscecision.s Ihue uuuessiusst was:
"Resoulved, thuat ini touts indhustries, sit
insist itn rairoansg atndlmntinsgI-.swonutd
he goodol ile to requir nesmployers ts
trcy comnssatinti/utunic enuploy-es fuir
inucdustrial1 accicdents." Wisconin his adu
the negative tide of the qus.those


sta en w55 iu is/sthtto nntinc te that
and Unsions (esitthis 5 havueustheiviltset's
sit reservi-gits" oitueat..sahititsadva-nse'
lis sailtsspidlustrin the regula
vatitos is the sut/u-particu usritsluswhich
tisse ts hshwasre tsritstest siftsrntly
thuait thin ipublic. Comittueesiseismters,
usesrformris us dtUshionusadiretcts ashouhl
commiuicaitseuswituhITri-assurer Frnsk P.
Htelsel itnthisseg arsi befosre' Sssav.

suns1 suit.
IX'O's.sXN'S 11:hG.'s P.\t'R'lY4
1I hitS 'slit I-NOO)N
'hueWe'sstns sIeag~ue grotupi undser the
leesip ofttiti t s sh-sargart ary till
entetainit Siteparlors of Barbsouur
gymnatsiumtthitshu tertsnoonus from 4:30 to
6 o'clock.s- Car/isst-itlhue the formi of
suuus susessttush flincht sill hut substituteid
fun those whe dn t'ot care to play cards.
All college moisten are cordially invited.

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