THE MICH4IGAN DAILY ,r r+ T tl 1 T IV Q +*+ *++t++4++4r+*t+*ra*++4t+*++4++* +*++*a+ta+*++*r,*++F+ #++*w*++*+, ++ ++ ++e+i r, ++ +,!++!++t. !.+1+,';++'!++t++j.*!++!'+444-4.4++++,'!+, t+4. J.-+- ,*-+. . ..,+- . ,+.. ...+. --+-*. .+. ..+.. a+.. .....+,.s++,'!+,* A+ 1 AqPI ItlALr-I1 INLr, and ~ ZINC ETCHINGS jCo Lower in Price - Better in Quality W Ask A. M. SMITH ..ktow that 11 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank ninck W ANT ED Hr j: just for o oinuace ptli e alnetoTheyre tog hade divdn aigsok n approedC ds O P C-hoosubadas extreme, GOW. J. HALLEK ft CO.vr mc __________________________cotmmon ga Campus Barber Shop ~ STAE O. A. MOE, 705 N. University Ave The Ann Arbor Savings Bank____________ capital stoc, 050,000. surplus, $200,1000 Resources. $2,00,000____________________ A General Baking Business Transacted OFFIsCERS: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pes',W I ntrcllgite Not Harriman Vice Pres.till. O, it. ( tCatrcllgite Noes Row 's Laundry - 1o-3 lii ,,,,has Bee retile t li Thomas Rowe, Proprietor Minstatttt had fooballoacitftr 326 N, FithAve. it va ith'll alry f $,00 . Nw Phone 47 Bo-l ,l oe41 . T1E lFARME~RS AND MECHANICS BANK "i f te ecei ate c bi'trg MAIN AND HURON STRET Ia i Cris'~is , 111cnttitoscl tf Capital, $0,000, Surplus and Profits, $65000 Di)111 1, S hitr, Nal] 1oes a GeneraltRanhintgttusioess,,attilpay Aa 1111 ld tte ~s onb tat 3 pee cent interest on fT ute ad a vti ng 't.=c g inst si I it ,'Tttt '111q'tuttsttttn Deposits. Safety tDeposit Btoes to reent at 82.00 and upwards \al'~c oill, uicia ~vcstl i. tzmF, ro~ es. . 0C. SeneoEs .Vice-Bes.Ofplli u liis I" H BELSERnCast, it A It' L sAst aheCelebratend I te t t- a1 t ensl's Iii ,Stili BLOCHI V[R[UMIS llm' 11',t xiil Ito dI It t i lit ei t. nti 1111 ii tts liven ut.' MANN'S DRUG STORE heas, \ l~l t '\ltjt cs 8tlrttitt 213 S Main St. a t i t s l iatotfiend1, 11Keee iii STR ING S hitt's gi ertleslin i Italian, German, and of American 'i;] fottilb aeb Manufacture 1i o ee i tii l rm , nin FOR ALL STIiNGEDO INSTRUMENS Iolitiin11111 iii icc" oi REASONABLE; PRICES.___ SCHAEBERLE & SON At tecri I ouncoaig h 14 W. Liberty St. ANN ARBOR W ltnr11 t a1 1 t ayofl~an~it, EnOCh Dieterle Iof I, c- 11111 aiIs itgI'itt t iiVI I io Embalmer and Funeral Director Bitain eceied te deree f0Dotoit Ambulance-Call at edel day or night I v nth 11 ih liasadi iil Phoote 04. Ann, AborI.i.i , r' i1, tte', I r cic, Sir eIt's c c bt rt awiI f ALARM CLOCKS _______________________________________ $1.00 to $1.50 Fully Gvuai-r.iud OreDlolaetClocks are tebet,. d Ifothte money. Pioe atchrpiigO F R apecialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St You cun ge ~t ea.r / Hot Lunchv At Tutin's, 338 S. Stat THEY HAVE A r,-. it'.'. _f it a f ?fr*4} i*f1*1 i*I1*ti*t *f +4 + *f1*t1 t '*{#*f i*F * i*t *{ * f s 4r*r *ti, r s4i'fs+°'.i'r +a ,'arti*rs* *ra*s t i *ra*+ ra t *t +ti* *t *t k ' ' curse you young fellows DON'T WANT and WON'T " :AR the clothes we choose for your "