2"qq - THlE MICHIGAN DAILY r 6.1Ho WILD Gos THE LEADING Tailors 7.Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [FULL DRESS SIS A SPECIALTY 311 S State St. Ann Arbor, Mich. MEDIUM PRICED Tennis Rackets Made by Tryon, of Philadel- phia. When you examine them you will he surprised at their excellent models, qual- ity and finish. Star - - - $1.25 Wysseliffe - $2.50 Speelal - - $3.50 Tournament- Tape-wound neck, reinforced in center hy extra stringing, perfect halance - $5.00 Spalding, Wright & Ditson goods also. Sheehan & Go's Students' Bookstore r r r r r r r M r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r is r i i i, i r THE MICHIGAN DAILY. En~tered as secnd casst matter at the An,, Arbor Postoffice. Puhlish~ed daily (Mattdays exctpted) during the college yea,, at sty East Washington str-eet. Sell phase 89a. Haste phane 70. Massaging Esitior, CLYDE L. DEW Business Massager, WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Athletias.........Clarenc E. Eldridge Newss...........Lauis D. Stiahney Exahanget...... Charles E. Winstead Music .........A. H. Orteye Wastes .........Effie J. Arststrang EDITORIAL STAFF. Hugh Alles Frasklis C. Packs Acthur C. Pound. ASSOCIATES. Geocge A. Osbora Harald C. Sstith Fercis N. Sstith Geacge A. Sarnes Rahert H. Classy Frask J. Clack Henry F'. Schulte Hescy A. Mostgastery D. F. Stevenssan Jahn F. Wart Glenn 0 Bradley Flayd H. Jones Ray V. Lull RATES, $2.5a pea yeac, oc $.oo if paid is advance. butmtatty seniocrs are aitathcetic attd ara ttot icliinedt to take lice ttatter seriously. 1rahitiocts anti casloms arc necessary to tite perp~etuattion as well as to itac cx- pressiont of a trite collegc spirit. Those who refuse to support and encourage titis castom na d othcrs thcat we have are tldoing titeir part to retartd the develop- tttrtt of Michigan spirit. Thei resignaationsof Professors Kirca- cer- acid .McLautghtlint htave teett officially tiacceictedl. It is ntncecessary to tdwell onc the great ltoss thact thtis tmeacis to tihe ituiversity. Thcclccss is deeply appcre- ciatd. If sttchtintcidlents cc-rceaticona- mntite ottlooccicfccr Michtigan woutclie ttturelhcpicclc. Btic inte list year the uiviersity htas lost Icy deaith or resignta- tiuottficvc of its mtacprontitent profes- socs. Thteir tittes cacntttstle filed icy cttnctofl rqual iprestige andti ability. The fitnancial condcitionctccf the uctcversity will incecitablcy place cte stamtp of cmecdiocrity itt cte itistituttioifcthle legislatucretines cot coccme to cit e rscute. Thte cryincg teed of iith cuiiercity is imocrcccmoney. r Address: WALTER R. HANS Business aditinitto A'Te ])aily staff ocf Williamtc Msanager, a3s S. 12thaSt., Phsse 849aL ThiURSDAY, APRIL, 26, Ho6. Editor today-JOHN F. WURZ. CALENDAR. April 26a-Orgaa recital hy August Schtmidt, itt Facalty cotacert series. Unaiversity hall, 8 p. at. April 27-Meeting of Bird clith. Muts- eumn lectare room, 7 p. a. Batnquet of cte Cosnaopolitaa clah. Itnter-society dehate hetweea Alpha Nit and Wehster societies, leadinag to lice cap dehate. Acicntal hanqaet of cte Y. Wi. C. A. at Newberry hail. Soph lit receptinaacidnce. Bar- littr gymnasiaum. April 28-Bacehall: Michcigatn vs. Illini- ois, tat Ferry field. W. A. A. electint of officers, 4 in 6 o'clock, at gym. Untiversity of Pentisylvantia track maeet. Itter-society dehate hetween Adelphi anad Jeffersonaian societiec, leadinig In the cap dehate. Meeting of Alpha Na society. Main hailding, 7 :30 p. to. April 3o-Addrecsshy Karl W. Zimamer- schtied hefore the Chemical Cohno- qaiuma. Roona 203, chtentical taboe- atorY, 4 P. tm. Wc. A. A. dance at Baritone gyma. The settior cwintg-outt is ne of Mick- igac's estabclisked castomas, antdlonae of thce maost intterestintg feattires of the cen- inc yeatr. Every sencior shlcd icirncoat aci htelpcto atake te swicng-oauttis year a success. Thte cetti-ittec that at- tachces in this ceremaotty is ccit chteapnor costecitatiouts. We bcelieve Iliactlice cus- tm is- righttly retaiined acad that it will gaicn rather thata lose significace in years to conte. The amtoant of intierest shtowc thtis year is rallier etncouragitig, A. Mlhlierni. Mcr. Aluiclieric is ac jcucior ltaw,.ccciiiatprcopcos oflhis appinictmientwe itaty expcress t oe t hatlct candeidiates tio alt cepacrtmcencts will coetti ount for Tlie iDailyiboardi test fIlch A retire- sentatice staff is icecessacry ico ccthorc- tougihy represetative cllege tatter. licltigttc icent cace jucst ctise for prile ithce trcciteacmcttut ciiireicre- secctthcemc at thce Penncsylvtanita teet. WViitfester mten ecnteredltcancanciy of te cotter conctestincg scols, 7M/ichigan id is fair ictocmke lice cmost credlitabtle shcow- intg. Theite rckitecaci cad Directcir Fitzitat- rick cctsaccaiedi The Daily's athcletic editorc, Clarece C. Eldridige, iccPhtilai- deiai last tighct. "Doipe'' will attenad te Pen'ntcsylvantia invcitatincmieet. D)ETROuIT PA\PER MAKES PLEA FOR UNIVERSITY 'lie Detroit CEcecnicig Newss inc an ed- itrial icc yesterdaty's issue cadvocated 'ht rea-nabtlte propottrtioni" of te cccerflowssingig marttty schoolfn d cicirececit- ly aciriedi iy ac decisionitcompaieliag racilroadcs icc pay their tax assessmnts, ice gic-en the unciversity to lie utilized itt providincg cetter scalaries focr icecacers of thce facutltyscithtuu ichiigact cay nittlose ciccre ciierrcenownccedl edctrccs. The edlitcrial icc fulllis: 'Yesterday's cieeticigcclfte regents ccl the Univ-ersity ccf iMichaigani was largelyconcerertc wsithc bctsiccess of a icaticreiliac is calculated tn set hothi the maecicbers of thce coardi acidlice frietnds ol te icistitictin to thininiig seriously aboucct its future. Amcotig the acatters preseccied for cnidceration were the rcesigntaitis of twoc of thte mitaiiemaictent cieccbers of the faculcty, of two valued istrctocrs ini scienctific departceints acid of the curator of the uniiversity icucieuita. Mr. Kircner's retireicetit fron thIe lawj faculty, of swhciic e tas long heec aa concspcicuouccs oramcictc, is apiparecatly dute icc sipeciacl cicises thcat tire cwithout geic-; eral significace. All the ite acan- ricsatptar trcchctve bcent created iy te finacictial iciabiility ot MVietigac's great seat of learninig to. coitpete withcotiter eductaiona listitcutios acd idtht cott- mtercial employers for the serices of in who ave estalished reutationis ia particlar liles of scolarshipiiath research. Two of te deparicg istrc- tors inth ie entgineeriing departimentcliac been laned away iy the spierir tattrac- tioncs of iprivate eimpiloymetaccini their proftessiocts. Curttor Adcamts, our of Amterica's few tiaraof mtitn tthis cdiffi- cucinihtg, goes to lie Cincinnattti icas- ecimc, whilie Prof. Mcacighlini succumbcls to the einticem-ts of Sadacctrd Oil satt- ary acdctter cs-ighty advsacttgestcci dered int Iy Chicagounivciersity. 'These are onity a few of te losses that Acnn Arbcor has suffered sitteer-c itouis eindowimecnts of teRocckefele cor Staiford type hbegtnito c-ptercatc-cit the iccreasing deitandl for scietiic at-~ tainmiettsiinutria life ino iccake the' igher learninica tbusicess casset. E- cept for the devotionccd hlocctattach- cieint of imany of the mcore disinigsedc itectbiers cf hirefaculty , Ann tArbortc woudihtare suffeediimutchi mocre secerely- thatnctstearcs itt this particulard. 'lie ticme is rapitly approctacinig, if it is ccci tready teree, whinithte pratle f Adi- gait imust sobierly coccside whieter thae itniversidy is tocaccept ci secotntdr iplace amiotng Ameuricaitcriters o f it- siructtioni iy reasont if iailtiity toideci- quately compenrcsate steciltalttettorc whether thcey-willtaktie mtesures ico keci it icc the frtiediviisionitbiy proccaingitait icoime catter icc keepicgciticte trw condteitions swtith Itodern deelopctccci tas created. "Circumtantces caner or less focti- tocts seemt ichavie cmatde the tpresecttd opotritneocicasiont for etiracete ccitt sideration of lietproklemt. The suprtemei court's cdecisiontsusttaiig te stu ti vaoremittax tia- for corpocrtitincsnitc only tmakes immtaeitely avcaiiabhle attun precedeited sittt if tmotey for the licne- fit of har commoniiweathi's iditatitiniciil funtds, ut it insures a large andit te pendabl~e ittcrease in, the tanal recrits Inc the future. It is ceairtat tere must atnd wiltle i toner ielesseradicl retadjutsttmetiof ccnstititiottnal ccidisiat- uttiry resicttincs afcting th~ ie -tpcilic- iattof these retenues itnd c ittmcy- Ie rathter farttitice thatthedise - tat the univiersity ineets tic-c beniesteciailly emphciasied this spri ite. I a re-sionable protportinaoif theiewe iccctte tatt is assutred cain ie nobtained atariscurtedtflic thte hpdse, that.presige cclisAnn A'roir, the sonidness of its tadeitionsantc the ability atndzeal a1 its rincing faIcultty with go far tic garatete the cia inteanccie of its present stacntincg aog te worlds great fouts of learcnitg. Oter wise, it itucst icevitably fail to kepipchaer with the progress f heage acird cci- just its programt humbctler asirtiotns thanti those whichc htaie dictedi its des tiny uptt~o this ont." SENIORS-Leave yor orders for i9o6a stemns atid oak shields at Artnld's ewery store. f Sirt waists made. Prices reasottable. 708 . State street. f ... .......... t f I __ Engraved Cards SENIORS Sole ave arderasa attinc. 100 Cards and Plate Engravedtinaniy styleao cript de siretd, only $1.25 100 Cardicsinomaitei, 78c Old Englith, Rosnde, Black, Gothic and RoasaTypes at LOWEST PRICES WA HR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. Brief Making and the Use of Law Books A book every law tudetit atnd young lawyer should have. Price, $2.00 Cash or Exchange for your Law or fledical Books C. E. BARTHELL Phase 761 326 Saath State Street, Ass Arbor, Mich. Special Prices ois Leather Pillows Including MUCHIGAN SEAL Untll April Ist DARLINU & 11ALLEAUX 224.226 S. StateSt5 ii 1 i t 1 z c i The Only Soap that won't smart or dry on the face. The oniy soap that makes shaving easy. WILLIAMS' SHTVINK I Students' Lecture Association WILLIAM ELLIOT GRIFFIS, LELAND T. POWERS, FREDERICK WARDE, SIR CHENTUNG LIANG CH-ENG, April 30 .fIlay 2 May 16 A NEGLIGEE COLLAR is exactly what you wanst for style, conmfort and economy. It is the latest thing out. They have proved so popular that we have been compelled to send in an immediate re-order. Call and examine tihe line before buying a negligee shirt with an at- tached collar. If you desire a Spring Cravat, a Negli- gee Shirt, witb or without a collar, or Tux- edo, we can fit you out. At Uhe Co-Op The Store of the Students, by the Students and for the Students. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tsala aLeave Ann'.a Arbssr Gintg North 9:05 a. mt.anad 4:35p. a. GongsSauth 7:20 a. mt., 11:t5a. m. asd7:33p. a. J. J. KIRBY, W. T. WILLS, Genat Pass. Agant, Agest, Toleda, Ohia Ass Arbar, Mick Bell phone l3t-ir Hosts phase 698 XAIHGAN CiniRi d"tfl Aiagara Falls Roume" Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through TrainsEast-8.18 a. mt., 2.d0 p.m. 4.55 p. st., 9.30 p. st. 11.05 p. st. Loaals East-6.05 a. st., *11.t an ., *4.05 p. ca.3 p. m Through Trains Wet-2.07 an,,~7.58 a. n., 9.18 a. mt., 2.3 . st. 10.20 p. m Locals West-l2a.an., *8.28 a. mt., eats0 p. st., a6.10 pa. * (Exccept Sueaday.) Caonneciass at Chicago for St. Louis Kansas City and lbs West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbar S. L. A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to 6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. IJ i CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST