" . a\N RBOR MJCH I'r A 'I1-k R SI) _ tA \.PRII 26 , 906 . deog. XVI. No. 145. MICHIGAN ATHLETES VARSITY DEFEATS LEAVE FOR PENNSY STATE NORMALS Enthusiastic Send=Off Given Team Ypsilanti Team Proves Easy Picking Last Night-Stay-at=Hlomes to -New Men Show Up Well- Continue Training. Wendell in Box. ''"A PSALM OF VICTORY'' MINSTREL RESERVED AT THE MAY FESTIVAL SEAT SALE MONDAY Prof. Stanley's New Composition to All Seats at Fifty Cents-Nobody Gets be Given-Program to he One a Free Pass-Parade Represent- Best Ever Presented. atives Meet Today. (Iloke muiciwof foorlhtunded voices ioind inalutyivlo oitote yell, tie i:3 trsalsputed iutitof the Micigns Cetralitast in lst nightt herigte rigt ie wosilluphs ol tie lhsnor ,,f Micslitan m Siltu-sstitysisnext agist the besi t track 51shlts tatitthe effete east cani isroducsi. S The.trc isethtiei- lesstod onithelsrearitpltfomeoth fle last carandsjinediiti iithtliyitll. I dsn't tknowiss- ilstisres iesilt wilis sh e'lay rasceosit', c.but yns csns te- pentuinitituatu se i-illdoiosse liet," ;aidlCoptsissRoimey just befoe hle bordted1 te tins. 'If wecan es at ieHarlo- ares I thisink we cassin it. They loea teamtishast is fuly s godsl iasesiosie lasts yeat, listsI thinktstast see 'ts stgee thanit ie isweeelst yer. Its obabeissily te est saiireeaiionii of atletes tatueve repesessedsiche- fil sotsatleft Asiti ereloe lst ight. Rowsee,ii.Ramiseytnd Msloncyevof tie fouri-mtsierliy isteamJ (itcs'.te greastest sll-ais sisissi tisiiithte stilt 'Wild Bilt"(Coeiholder stostf theworlIsi reiordiflithsitssht ptt;i"Diniy ilDun- sits.,swesteern int ecollei'ate caion shots-puttier, asit"ur(uEdI"iFtechsth broasds-juminwn d isi ssee frmThsilte'l iv-i es Alich. Th'ie lit f swtorleles-.wisimaitidi complt~iete by D istestor Keitu Filzptrsitk le g'etesta5thlt titine itsthywsrit visituritededown to1iitue tsn t iie velylastisiimits.And lstut sotiseast Csreneee ,Dtupe) Fidgil egso'sitof Thr eee Iisits\leMiic.atleicediitriof The Mis iit Dile, isccompsansiel the parsty uanidi isill titlishsiaI detilidaccoun of ts' hisicaitilifistSunsills issu of Thie Dilisi itefisee iiasills CasltaisisRameyshut Iis thasite wished llllste stkmisto icoisn- ittle taintingidslisnig the hy' eo }hissef as itu elitoisitzspstisci.iCan- didatses fli the ifs sfenventl s wiissill rei prttoiitse folloing 5'mtei foris ii - (quilltrstile-Goodin. D istaisieuis-Dull.i Polei IFstlt-Rad 'Spr its-Stewstl HrlsH dIes. i FR5F5(S5 ].IS ARRC TO SFT ii NQI?'.l' 1PRE;CDINi Att a smeetngs o it 55thecm ite' and spekiers fistheiiifteshislit banqtie tosi ibeii heldl essITesday is ein 5g idetils for tile evesntiswee .t't'g. is'['lie ecommsiit- tee hisisuoisptescesetitfrsit ishishetoi isshe iscaseadteeforee iiopes iii establsisisonesforfistureis ifeshmansitss casses. 'ile liasique isill le edidaeiv eni- sig t Whitmisoree Lake.'tisee ihslit teests deiedlelaitselabosreste isesiss sill le seeserv ied t te embies f te csss. Seveeeslifacultyiemesestill le peseti snditu iis exp~etedthttasimsijossity f te entireeclss sill le i tsieltendne. A specil oca rwill takle the Ibansqees fesmtiAsisArbsite insdlareangemiets sie tisse wheeebyte eturenstis will le tissest si seasosnabslse hsusi. ickets fist te evens tsre sietg sslsd by sm semes of te comitteeissiand iby itose iwho asitoi espondstoiitass Tey issueals its obitined aithesitio5n55prsevius is it site f siatisiswhch sill le slyel sfter 7io'losik Ttsisisill itisude all exuesiesses ssrairoadfasreie., sisdwillite soldsifistne oti ~l'sl is.Teibanqutigees outsiof the lintotsesissh sitssannsuas smioker. It wasdeciedsliol hold the k ee-nt as a cosintsosmsokeesintd ssas- quset. The feir lal stames wsit slaye-sil iisFieryitldystierdaisiftir- siss essi relsas'lamrie crossdiof rotills. 'The \ ssi st ii ensisdiownss beforei Cap- ta'ini Wendv'sssii ienb h soeo 7Io 2.iTheiivarsity wsi iailittle weakitnii clini n to s' iithe sill, hLt ini gevisi theis imrssiiissssave wsgood.sSulstltsivan iiin h et ilgenws 'all the'goosii maingsisisomle difficlses ahesais Siisiw-s tug- 5aiirity s-wi its ieha ets'.ing a thse-aggcses-wless its nesedeiv.is arli lisn istciosisten-is orkvines iliftsissndimalii illwi lists. I iiPa llt liirson, sthe freshm is liii is fill itg C iapa inid"Camipbll's shews sit shut, tstaschedsihimsesilfsosomesisiithi oiles iandiiaisoiimadeiiitwoiiof te w 5555ii scoresinettingto iiirstbiseifiouretisses out iof fisti timels tipi ceii o11iitlits. Capi ii tai issndl il i iisis'sxIkipt ille vissior isuitsn so eslit isitee iits situ strucki o)stus t six men. iTheiNo imil sill siasl al sittits ss ed. useyshsisowed the efilts ts ain iitsiitaigsuitoisisvyusachs 'urer, anstud teyprsomiseitoideelsop iit isnsssiof thesst in ithe M icitancol- lege ileaiuee Else Coac"i eywl likedsinso 'si tile if the lest siensof thei Ni til 51555 55issisi 1pitheriswho isadiliiiv'r- sits- reaceinissfot' Iis leli han'sde'ive'r', andsi puslisd hiselsf esutsof 'a s-i-stdifts- cult hol sitn tie ith iiitt i it s si w en te lir threesi e tuupsicoinsnectediiifoislits. lisne t hree iminsiveri' s-silt' iis- psedissiof situ icigan' sirspet fist -srs ws rot.I iws eidenht ifroms hard ptiosposiitionbeoriili mesn Th e ssee Iv ini555igs I1234567859 ItGRS h:'I Cl i"':\I\lt's N iBNi 'The tiriteesstI annualtil aMo tesis-si whtii' iiitioscur NIyito50 Ill.2, prom-tit ie oequal iiif ntilsurpa55ss ixspeeless- - sues itspinsts sitaitisics ex'ellentce sansel 'sitnmnt iAn sucetio1n1al ly s sitgt cs's iof sirtistshis ishuseesseisr.dewhichis togethier wthi the FThomassitrchsestra, i Prosf. 7'Thomasss C. 'Je'blood PROF. TRUEBLOODt VISITS SEVERAL SOUTH IERN SCHOOtiLS ProsfessorTruesebsloodsi issjust rturiedc Frmaery eitjsyshseletpiiin iith s-iisuth. (ist 'tarels 23.,safteerte Wisill siti te- atie si-suit iii Ness-O(tleosswhiei' lie wss imsut isy ties.Tirutilossd, lii isis seturnngfisomssCalisfoisa.si While v isitd ltisvtutu rsits andloiltherits- stitins ofss esi iingsuhi Aftersp etsdhng a weilsits NtisOlts i.i.i senti ts Coli- iimbuiistiMis.,ntilretheisiipp1i51In- ssti tu sh I sssIndusteial sollegie Wisvsis- itd. 'Til, s shoolsilii l ushih m usiic adtheinustri arts pils ay ty p1rom55inet Iartin ediucatuiialfietutesItiris te fst shoolii ofiits kitd to beiestibishiedh ini 'smsrscaasdith idea sits sbests'fist- hiss~ byi masilt totuersouitherniistiles. Nesaerte"iris' sechool there1istitlist i- -tiutionssfist'btitssealledite Agtricutural's techr silsrsoltstthes last tInsstshiuttills ssool t Ann 'silto'sts issyviii Ths"staits untiver sipyit Oxsford, ttiss., wa s thusneits oinsuits uPFr(f. Trebltood's itineav hereii iii ndtshlso it Cousmusu hue dlivuseredlutit us.FromsuOxft-dus a journey tws madtoih ii siiiiihisSTutu.. suere sit vetrClidayi s sitrsestit) tuh sit dei n ti sillCusufC tec~iitiiss .1suiusic feastiof this highest, isussua issr i arDork' Stit NIset'' std Vits it,-tsiahusiles this IPsalmsssof Victr suis biy Ftrofessors Stanley."'I'he Psal sif itViitory" and StabtMater" siu usbe uhsdinths~e fsuit concert sit I tuseuly esening, seilse "Asia"eill hue itsn sithe Soaturrdsy es-s'sitsgetconcert. IThue sitsuts fuse tieheist concert siill its thus. illtianu I"e-sch Rteadc, Msiss Grac see isits itsl(erit Hall atusH erbsert Wss itespoon.ii (it'uFriday evenssing suoiscel'laneouis st-mphony u econucerthihu e g"setsvrevd is issu ee icititus hue NIis I Muusn.At lts usisnc liiiheSchutit'iti C shsts ismphtony usitnu11 sior ull huegus-cut Frda even cituiing te twousrest slts, t\'luu iltti tithe sprano, eho wsti lib ieas tusolstthe irs t stisse iii eAussArblist lus thei olud fusorcesCampans siswill conrutie to ts he sprogramtutu tht ithey swill saits:a si tongcoisstini sutr sdt Tse furthssit eretonSuit urdayseafter- noon w sill hue dslitses1 to usrchessit situork laiely biutillIIhue varedbysp s-calisevec- hi s Isuitsn 1H tuhand 'aigroup if in umbersusiss byht leuit Vn dtsuens Beeg ttusaliih imviitxi.of thusestits "cesc.wtill siteur sitsSatuday eveususug When itthis'pesuites ouritsasts,'"Aidat' wviii his'given. At slits cers5tutun op- pouniluty trill hectivens ts huearit 'shti'itiit. lustslts. 'snoulssieMules,'Withlerspoonis andHuilantutuieslehsser usrlists whit usillitake'smiorsspillts. itll smch ssta s ities sf conersts ini stire,'stilt Ahoits sicislutis smayiwtell is1 tI: l 1 Ii i ~1 ii Monda auuis ita.issuereservedlsests foe lu bg ( Uinsmistrselishow will e tcethonsitatle iat VWaih s okstore. sleuse inutes ts lieus umtanifested its e lug eentsandssmait inqs~uiies ave ses maduse by studets adtusouwspeptilie gardsing he iveosefte seat sle otd e usice sof thitseavts Ie iv ocomcte- silee deciedtvat s as l iouf te sests shoul gusat tiusneise I Iis prce was xiii stlifict silsiit rder tht every tudents couuhuldafoto Isse te show. luss fll thuastpersts moutre msoey vosulhe msade by charinug a scole of icer, the samsse as inttsh letres;lut i tiriert usaintainttutie emsoctic piiuof te Mcigonsiosnsumouvement lutiste moierateste wisixed. I tessoIiecsiedsltt few' cotispi- sues-arytickes iiosul he issed, not sent isthuse ommiustteevwhchels lstbeen soritensg sit eneetisclly fuse the pst ye sueekstsumiokisthe f1ir assuccess. fisew suusisus it sies sillhe gieni to he ress, lut ihis is thus cusy xcvptini os thus-rulethit "nobhdys alt k" -How- se, eachiiofithiscomissttec eucihes illbeaowdt hu reiusshii shsr e tsseats ie- tire te getter-streseresingts-aises slce. phis sula utst vson is usre itesiteusure if a.'testi esice thn usof apriilege As aistesre eausnest f theintsseres thot 's senug 5itake tusnthe is-tg msistelhstreet its iii nuberof eresentatsies rust frteitsies tudhesushi t udent or- smiituionssppeaueinehusRoomtuiC yester- as. ]'his xvias acly selly s testiet- tug takles plase tosSait t Ptatsde Marshal Fred Stsnwiltlti~t tie reresenta- ties st fsous thlcin uRoomssC; f Uni- veesitey is-ll a'tush ratee-"-cutsfoe the parae l xiib esisade Such sproominesst tscitisasthe ii- shehssauit, Sphiinx tMasdasgacrirs , Toasmstuers sanud Rotcksy Muultusi tutubuss ui udoubtisedl- take parit asuit i sexpeictedu sialt tc misses'puointilstt ave ubsuwtill also uit- aideleeatiosuits uslsts' testerdaysMa'slStrai itnluappointd '"tivisc"Blin andtushPh" lasnsout th paradeh suomssitties.Bohhof these isl aet lttthadexpueenuesi arrangings patrads ofvrioiussssortstutudithei ex- peie-ini''ciil sudosiublyhe.hu (f geat its'e intsingit-the psaelasisuccess. IC F. Kauffmanii (fCshey cish fooe wsh otedsisbiy CGeseral Masager Poundsuutoiusaskeliuarge f te vasudevile' stusts, -sndulis treasy ustisworkspoishig tiff thur routshiedges its the prouctioss of te college ceerites whos have qul- iilfuseplaces int he show. G;REATs- INiTIREST IN SEM-I- FINAL CUP DEBATE 'Te sei-u-istl culls deiate between tec Wetsisse andsl phasiNtseatsisg soce- lies cill behueieilFiday eening at S o'culockits Room Bi-, low busiinhug. 'Te interest int he cupt debaste this year Iass becensitense 'st of the mses isisboths e.atuus resmassi ts 'titus Arbridsuig te spinig vaaon iii tsspolishi the Puss' poinssosf their argumetssi. 'Te ques- tiotut is:s"Resolvevs, that te poicy sif subhstsantiallyhenlcrig urisunasvy is pe-- feresssethu masintistg us t itisesenti strensgthsandstefficiency.e R. S. Ila ck, J.IH.Passmorse ad . L. Rsx us ie irprestitthe tWese society of the lissueptmntieih.asd W. It. Freyburiger C. V ssety and N. ohuts'Wambohtsld will compossse te Alphsa Nultea oeuusf ithe it udeartmsentI-folders tf OratouricalSassosuciation tickes wilhe admuiiutedS free 'l'o osensudmissions will lie fifteesn cests. -Secretasry ofele ''easuy Lesie M. Shaowteiver-ed sa lecture at Ilioi out Wedneseday eveunisg, upoun the sbjec, "Evoutioni in Sef-Govenment." Chitirman its Soliius of tihe sensiors' o ts- lo t: forwardt Isuit pleaiist nicsu huwct-u -:esti ensgisee-lithg' studuensis - toistile cominssgfestival. louist- usujunio' sait' su ccompanedu sir es tit'ts-c huiaveul a ~s if acmaidNuts ithutle interest attacuhues totet by Pofsor al eh. reen s lie Il-f yeusterda whnhasuu' suits' itie his' Ptii iiu Suir. t'si i - - u S ngecilsisl irlist conucerti (f thu:e ' 1 se esuc use if thes- u-n-le f this--stginieeinig fi t yhie massses of Ni iii'tti shui-s u-ied s ' heis-esei fel i s S tis i t- tilateu' tu 1" rg 15iiYussgssie esi ssStuent Shop~. 'stasi-y 55inq ir-is hv tta a hs tm il cu h theanua spin tip hrug th estfist public e ndsuhsit i of trofessorit aniss- 1 arbo for''oc susi te lu-ftn'sof t tilt:aisis-r- eagers'to iobitainithi sn ~ -tit t fussnS iiet 11th is it fg he eu. Vcsisisu wsich s t i worksu ofsthsie patti -'sit Fromushil thus i-s' theltereSea5(5 n abutii' us-ussr.amter hs-ft'i tsssu siis}t' ii i s lSt-eil-} i i uuu eti'hIahsuu ui sue i venuI s t tuusitia s ii theusgptsh su it Isurgit s ti uS 14 stu e t' ilstv sees th S eli uiuusia aets iheclssu rut snumeralsiu Inuisuu'Sis 0 5 'e .u .. s s land -t Slitnin ithi sits hc rieitis'stuodolsit-tit- eis : sss St otherutsh tils sit ii t~si u'iuuuss'uuu Ishe C ssuus 5xrtvu ~ list u ts' 5hwsh isa ts'se ithissutmhei wii us aluusu-u ifhut nt linse thsni tilt before's signal i Couss pists. 11's i -- lit .s 0pruuuentedus-iundhswillsuieesisitu iitsir sustu sitediiApri D i ssh hif. ar w s ;sisus ususssr'sls sire- charusgedi ia uuquresr r i tts ut usi ht sitt il n vcae''u e s;s buy'the us ic.e Te v-titus i Sue titisfSpoints of steest. s Shie uS extra'sss ht. Sis utiiiii it he ls te saptaS I ion. Chi its N. S iuTw sendti Il 5s 's OR lISC'tIitIR'5 iissefoi-tile use if thus'chouis. extendedsl sivryi ussite stpssible toilte STTLE'l ENit t'sORN atyl escour tilgt' hrillthisouthiithise ___cIaINp-CRE I GEC c's55r11 Scit it slutcsits tilehiaiseon suititre t- s u ber ofss "it hariies"terl1, hy dvo d te da ciey ?IS :R 11lf f A I ' uo inslesti il- ip yardmnus. hts'fullowin t's suits -C suitsspvsss es susitestSl- dayh~ wa.s spent usNewi YoNkthisiitsn hue hese sttuhs wishuingsss- usu sie-u us-ukuis us Inthe slure5usen'ce oifkRug (Gs-sigs-.of plantis sitShivMetropitanht s Strevt Ra iltlsesushiousftresh i r u wcsils 'ss. s Grceece.suitS Prisncs Albet, -'srchie I}llns, wavcopas adsheDeavasMchne.sit'ee isishng, et, os fClar-'Miciganits premsier spitlervuwon inthue lupn. A i a eoedt h dss tRoomii ios No.sTS6 FiI.fl iitheue." seus-Bhuus firts hiv 500-siter nrace. saiuus usoutei plasuts uS NuittraFathis, ilsstudetyavasui ng luimset-lf o Itis Plistoillstush'Multtun Isis vontshests, anse paliushs. u'Ihaves uisi Pttu i anit xiilst sexelenst eoppou nitusy I sit Cuicets 1uke os liu- pally. suitsocuiogsical trths Thtin isvecry iberg capturedsuiecondpuSates'suit serte 'his, s on lthe partyitSiveledhitS a littl'if sty reunerau t u it titbsve she als uaslifi st orthusfisushi prvt.tlinn cradtisw ssd-atual exessv situtityonetinterstech hu t hue pit minariesuis fuss thus oo-mt er traed iiat te varuuspoiitsvisited andtin thittls hutnstilt stusisyShut"Clhsites" rae, fr ''ueatI ssisshto y if Chicasgo usied st i hustilsq utes.s sA tsp of thiss sue athusu en iu iu illht s tskeCns by enin~ieeigstuduensts ______________ cu-cry spingh ecch pesn pausy itng utsh is Ir. tFsitesrilt (;. Ntivyuprofessoru if Itsestidynt.i Shifty of sits colliege suitsxpsets. 'snhtseneftit isto livIs iauthiogy us hue I titerity if 'sihieS sondaytix smoringsanounscedthSe receipt sherietsdiftrtutusuits a unit sinscv uisushu"a l i sts sitd Irif. 's.Lusesat, of h etuPas- uof aIcomunuutuuicatiounsftrsutsA'ndrew Ussr- opportunites are ouffereitSforist ctux ionu teartIt n1stiltute, 1Paits, use the ofsifcial uuc'gts' offe runts- o give- $20,00o o wards'snu if thes' -re-unthu-tsnuf'curu ig plants I .uspouu rs orusu eau e s on stS heiv stilt this$ioo 000 propsed bi hy thue boardehof iset Puss ecuss ite lInocutios Againsttrissiteus its u uan ssus sl usig Alisresreutstyiroesuseoutu itt hilis Prtozoaleis heases,"ibeforethi sesctionu eudowmensut fsund. C'reieepurovidees brasry ifthue Cuiversity uuf Isaoolphooloauh gs' y anduus- btuh ct'eiolouhgy otf ttic tsthueremainstuter of the fuss eheraiseed bsefore uitsucouldhuegotteundersu cottroIntsernionsuhilCohtness ost'eucusse, }iehrte No tituslimtus spiecified. the sntitsstrutiure sl s al tfwicine ues a itIsbhon, Poretugal, fessul Pesuuluusickip is csidnth that tue thue booksxluhd beeus destroyed. Ahut 1 sg uo Aptri 26, uptifi amunstiwll he obtain el wuthuin a peat.