I.: THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hooking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find 'Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotorin Toledoand Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32-4 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich.; F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS fportingi Goobo 121 East Liberty Street. SFinest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. loc. rSalted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c. SPeanut Brittle per lb. 1 5c. We buy Peanuts in car lots of 251,000-lbs. Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts for lets money than any house in this vicinity. 214 South DEAN &CO. Ann Arbor Main St. Micbigan SELF-FILLING PEN PRSar A 0 of hethmbonthciai gpotctItsedsclf iresgehapniea ici ik icaetvi-citwin , w hel th reieasedcawin he inkccaid1the "pen i nsanl eas -cltillg cltlt. fit IiNK iN iiN f-vice' clii. Icil eRnFills Revnedall Flotc s It self..,.:N t-N The uic y usedeJicekryspreve. h kfoibigIsl Now Read You ustSee Chem LindncmiAfe o I Suits and Overcoats (nnimuofthnf(mnn Buy Direct and Save ToMeasrue $ 1 6.00 to $28.00 U U e1111O IUUII6thingc manJ Money. 118=120 E. Liberty. i I U. of M. BARBER SHOP phtgahr- SH E 319 E. Huron R AN D A [L L Trojonowski State St. P HO TO G RA PH E R The Stamp of Superiority UNIVRSIT NOI=Sb owc in lhe ivhiteoess of the linen naun- S' dered bya. itsit Just right''- Starching, its jost-enough, not-too-much gloss, the Alio iehticciall mtout to comfor t of a wel lfitting shirt collar, ditto ")ih (' 1 )iil (t~aecat 3 P. m. dietachedI collar and frayless-edged culls op lit lasiimeetingtintRoom C,'\ .as 0e turin 'viiiout. The only superiority ' - - - '?erit t all. at4 p. ill, Thursday. cc lack is hat of price--soirs is rather 1(),S htba~hril Cadidaes ut fr udcr tha n over others. Good pt acs; to e 3Stil'ic3 ievseinc d ycriar inhino- ln't it' =-_ - o(lit hlactaill caiidvaies cmeeiin I . -Va.rsiy L tit1( ry It, ctttc. :; ada, ciccitat a 117 S. 4th Ave. Boni Phors.a 928 )O 'iG.'' . , _ .. THE product of sixteen years' experiment ; the successful re- sult of an effort to make a Turkish cigarette better than the best ! M URAD CIGARLTThS are unequaled in richness, smooth- ness and mildness-the one Turk-- ish cigarette that offers these qualities perfectly, and in perfect harmony. 10 for 15 Cents By mail postaid-If you can't get kurad Cigarettes at your dealeros, send xsc. for ten; 75c. for fifty; $z.5o for one hzundrea ALLAN RAMSAY, 155 Fifth Avenue, New York City Soh ii-Iermle rdyngt ill 'cit)teninicercta-seball ccadidates ie)t ttisterno-tionilat 4o . ck T1-ch c icfthemistcel shoci- i meet tii 0 11 - - i7 tonight. l£.ci-y Imm - c ipe te1tl1t(lpcesent. Cdiatesfiic '09 ecineer tbcsehall ta metill Rotioii 409 at 4 o'cloivcin- dattileta latain. Stiller. All canidali ii tic 'r 07 1itlbaseballtteant NTiI Icttiieporttiiii aaC, Univic-cty hall. thisaftenoon 4:1;.Ligitian. Afi ts vcatiiiithe teiniis couirt',ace open all13dIctotciembe's of they \Vo- itici, Atletiivc tsciatio. Scc the itls posted on itihelbulletiiiiboard at harou iii i iii itittociandcciircgister lhcre it titc- ticrciyiir itours. 143-45 I tiltrteniic tyiiacid stidtiitccacciza-i tinis cltdt o ieindi 5 ripcrcsentaitivs to conferci "pith thi-i-ticsity miictrelshoc, parade ttt~otitltitc. Chtairmian Fredl Sit-ait willimeiivthe rli'secntativ-es icc RootimiC'. L'ttc~i cilti, at 4 o'clock, til-lc-111('-, iiiaricic pac Satisfactotry tailoring at saticfactor3 prices. Fuler & O'Connor. 619 E. Wilu- hiam sireet. tf \yi 'NIED--Studenvts for summer \kin every cc~city i ihtigan acid west- ern tercritorcc. George Ws. 'Weeks, Jr., Amriti caii hotliScttirday a. cm. 44-47 I \t\N'ED-Bright young men for siiumecrcwocl,.Apply Roocic34, Cook ]louseo. 39-44 The Annc Arbcr Press (foricrlert- cvj- ker & Sntyder), trinuters nf thMich\iligani Daily h','ie Alumncici, Icnlandcer, Yost's great hook occfotbtall, Itie 'Trchnicc.S C. A. handbook, etc., etc., are priieris to the ctudent body c17 E. Wastil;,, ion street. tf Cushicng's. Lesi yreIforget, I cay itiye- outntcedi ai pictuire. Lycndocn. COOK HOUSE Opposite Court House Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $30 Steam teat and Eovator Act night service SUNDAY DINNERas A SPECIALTY. 50C 1gal-ti Vaesderllp ft . l. Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of fl. Pins I where they keep a foll line at the L ow es t prices. No . ",,s poor stock in our store. i9 No t h i n charged for loookingtoo our goods or ge tt i ng prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right place. opposite Law Huilding. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING S. ROTTENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave.,- GAS STUDY LA[1PS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1-3 Cent perlHour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR CO. GAS BaINGsOvoUNFRuAMEDsPICTURES TO DEFRlIES ART STORE and have them freamed with ChutceMouldings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE - TAILOR THE BEST OF EVER' THING IN TAILORING