THE MICIRtAN DAILY For Art and Skill in Tailoring Call on~ The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURON STR2EET Senior Caps $1.75 From SwIragout t $1.00 For Cormnei Wool Serge Caps and Gowns.-\Tc (;as a- t ianytimcn1o10ia tt( I what1 once. MACK C(, H A LF-TO0NES§ and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality / Ask A. M. SMITH 11S Ann Arbor Savngs Bank Blocki STATE SAVINGS BANK. W. J.Booth Jho. V hehan Wmu. Arsold Dr. V. C. Vacothan Jas. II. GWae t F. 'mills N . .Kyer Juon lllioi Jso. Koch Procf. H. l.Ccciicit Danc F. Zicmmcermian CChcictiaiMarlin ti IPrescription ALLEN, THE 6LOTHIER, Advance Styles in Spring Clothing Yonngs Hats, Spring Shapes. ""None ARTlICLEf'I(iN i-ik CNN f INIS. P t f. W I i 11'i3)titCS f1 ithec- iiic-i ii ifhiioigh t iinewippers oci ficheshoe the opiions o- f Vicici-egainitcfarei iiios whollyii basiedc fuponiinew-s-,acciunii 116 alon wouifi1 cliemi. h siiiin aclimefic -ithlctul clocndioso exeiencef has showni tha-i s-I h is not th livest iimbenbichedi--by ft~r the fe ce iis t iftit iicsiic roii d fic-iiisluc adesicale ut m l in ii ifi cloi at h nd. ifost o da wth ift. ii if Siud ent.iiiiii ifea citmiefntcoiasiicusdil the street L'Iciii iiiif lh, ow veit l was diico"Teiii h-tfthe rumIfrccias stirt- ced cy i Iigncdiipfacocdi-n ifbifie- ship, rednK ) as ifollows:i fi rst-i 1c 1as sllm and Gowns MQN[Y LOANEID to Comrxmeeemerst iOnc Ii i c iiiioDiaodJwly meet Week adaliigh iCl iassChyte o bte wornwibri l .i oit it., ienir W J-LOURIM cheoprice.Leave your order at 1c4thcii . poit Court.illusc Omerlloutii ;4:i 0tc 10:ii 0; 1105 CO M PA 14 tuinessor Stricuty Confdtalt A. G. SPALIDING & BROS. or u-ii A hltc;s ppis Base Balt, Lawn Tlennis Foot Ball M AIN Archery Roque (jolt Quoits (-ricket Lacrose Croquet [-vN Vol over cii--iit or' ccii- ic - tu y Si-iligsc -tMark Now pReady.d headancmntco No'ily R ady~r~li p ctic i l pt. [ ,try rlocnitiat orfLakwn Better Made" ti ,Q c S aldii laeIiark isii i, y h ave i a c ciliii i artile, ass- oner i-tvsltfruciil i-u l-ill ii c li l-iiill. l I 1oldercif l-crouff ccc criicates -A. G. SPALIDING 1 to. DROS. o cciyou bookct traci-. finly a ccc Nleft N-w ill l Ia go arnc rai sc andc i ii ii l iii) ilcweekc i I-et: nicicic - andc ctllic cit Ccilush ig' pharima cy. - T rm ~ * ', " fllOf ic i l u \tiifigclr i a -1-- Icsolfdf iil cstret. Seniorlaws1c tiafd1imrll cc , nPiirct1 i icO oitr Ic-ic c 1 Ic j If lilre- Hi- 1-se c cI1 tii I on Ibox FOfR RliNt' for one ye10, fromliii 'i ' cc- l1111 ;piic7 Juify rl ti, fcargcfiucresidfcence, icllf PURE SILK-250 A PA R fuishe aiicd plefasfantlfy situiateif. Soil- 9 1 S abfefoIr a sritycic. Adfdressc ifoc 5 K, City- tf e =cplY. c ater, ci-llatst imodl, f-Ic redcl rrric~~c Cililliic cifici i13c 1"il iii. cci I cfc1i8 - - (t huhb Ca., flcciiiii it . . av. f11 f [11. tifidlic 2i41-ii CAPS AND GOWNS Suit presscced, 25C;trfot sers,1c C1c Fufler & O'Coninor. f C e I i11tW e ifIuccrflict ETL --$1.00 - t1cscorefiuffy f iiifatdan lectcd.l Or, csry Micron. GliORGif HACIIHR, haiirSt. Ak r I.V ;'~ I SC NlOIIS - 1 iccv ccyiii ciclcI foir 332 S.Sta t t Iccucofr ore. tfI (OX, SONS & VINNING, New York ; ,,.';: ; , t . it't of I tilt lul, li)ncli&i l 0 iiciicdi Cigais. A iom l-c. ci i ci o c cii sr icik ilantic i i ic are lage i) fI: ir Ii ic c ccli& ilAcioANc&3.,ii. and 311 11,14+,x+, a lso ifr ii1 iY'S & iCttAiP+R ft R. U. JOLL1Y. State St. O hio Central Laies PARLOR CARS Cafe Servce iiiiic iii iiiiiiCiilumus anid D. Y. A. A. J. R(AILWAY 1) iiig al C' i c i- rliiic:30 l aci . d e er tv1o houtis 11ll :,;O p, cii lici-lliiiii-local cciccaicuIiii KAr'ODAKS INSTRUCTlION [RL, fci all liiii if11c;it. ,was0man3 lesosric ccyii oat ALL THlE NEW 1906 KODAKS Are in stock. Let us show them to you. 320 Souoti State Street 'WADHAMS (t CO., 121-123 Maims St. We lHave Caps ' Senior Ratesr%0A m-f'Nkit y A r dand Gowns Given on to it at these AMlSui NP i i - -lm St di j (I j ~Photos - v N E & C O Phone Mich. 89-s-J AT'AhIRRCOeniolk °° Ho..m. 307 -R LJ.J J~~ WIP 4.R1?NEVER UNIDERSOL4D---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STOJH