T~HE MICHIGAN DAILY i G. eWiLD co. LEADING Tailors !Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [U[[ DRESS SUITS A SPEfCIA[TY 311 S. StatS. Ann rbr.Mich. MDIUM PIE Tennis IRacketsI 1 Made by Tryon, of Philadel- phia. When you examine thema you will be surprised at their excellent models, qual- ity and finish. Star - - - $1.25 Wynclifie - $2.50 Special - $3.50 Tournament- Tape-wound neck, reinforced in center hy extra stringing, perfect balance - $5.00, Spalding. Wright & Ditson goods also. Sheeban & Co's Students' Bookstore Ili 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered as second lass mate at the Ann Abor Postfie. Pubished daly (Mondays encepted) doing the college yea, at 117 East Wfashingtnn street. ell phne 89z. Hase phone 7. Managing Editor. CLYDE L. DEW Business Masager. WALTER R. ANS EDITORS. Athletics ........Claece E. Eldidge Newss...........Lnuis . Sickey Enchanges......Chales E. Wistead Musicn............A. H. Ottmeye Wames... Ra........Efe J. Amstrtong EDITORIAL STAFF. Hogh Allen Fraskline C. Paths Athr C. Posd. ASSOCIATES. Geoge A. Osor Haold C. Sith Fetis N. Smith Geoge A. Bates Rohet . Clany Fnk J. Clak Henry F. Schlte Hery A. Mntgomery 0. F. Stenso John F. Wote Glenn 0 Badley Floyd H. Jones Rtoy V. Lll RATES: Sa.5s pee yea, oen Sass ii paid is adsne. Address: WALTER R. HANS Business Manager. 236 S. 12th St. Phone 849 L. TPUESDAY APRIL 24, 156. Editor today-C. I~. ELDRIDGE. CALENDAR. April 24-Classes resumled. Meeing of he board of regets. Re- grlls' room, law builinilg. April 26-Orgaln recital by August Schmidt, ill Factlty concert series. University all, 8 p. in. April 27-Meeting of Bird ehub. Ms- ent lectre riotm, 7 . 0. Banqeet of te Cosmopolian clb. Inlet-society debate between Alpha Ntn and Webster societies, leading to (e etpdebeatae. Aintntal banicuet of the Y. XW. C. A. at Neswberry all. April 28-Baseball : Sieligan vs. Illin ots, at Ferry field. University of Pentsylvania tract mcc. (inter-society debate betseei Adelphi antid Jeffersoi sittotcieies, leaitg to (lie tip debate. MVeetintg of Alpha Ntt society. Main bitilditig. 7:30 p. I. Atril 30-Address by Karl W. Zitmter- sclies before the Clenical Cllo- quittm. Rootis23, chetical laor- atory, 4 P. tn. Againth le festive ra-rah antt isli natisve ieath, ito frott of 'Tappani (all, in frot o f (le lair bilditg, atd itt fact tll ever te catmpis save within the li- bearsyialls. IBe is ack froitithis vaa- tiot, spent itnittrodutcitg the varsity style f iearitig apparel amtontg Iis "tp state" folks. Hle is back, tnd (e self- satisfieidatid oplentitmierhatts of State 'iceetswelcomtie his retitrt.Ile has coe back tilled with his owvti sortiatd the tore taisgible wsortli of his parettal bscker the latter beig of especial mo- tiet to (le local bsisitess tmet. Frotm the wst comtes the trrible' retort of earthquake antil iistter, yet by y this seesy(disaser the wester'rier of the Stet- sonti imm tttediately assiiies te great atid ipressive persotality of a hero. H-ossever, hie is ack. Agaiti the cloud of smioke iill arise frott the immlediate _foregrotinid of Tappans all. Again the tielice isill gisrite tpeaceatle citizen froim the noie f the belatei sttidett. Aigain the classic camputis of teutivtier- ily iwill restimte its reglticork of adinltg to the largest list of liviig lmiii of whlichi stny college or tnivtsersity f Aiterica caii (oast, ada~tlsgsitithe stt- dent iiiiy siill jit. or attiltll, its do- tng all ini tier psier to furthler the in- terests of teuiversity, gretest of the greati. Yet aiitoig these there is or groupt who do lotetseetitglai to rettrn. 'lTe seirhas a sistmstile iwhtnt lie greets his comrades. It is, for hiiim, the le- gininiig f (leeitd. Never gaiia iill lie ciiiiacsiks si stidett,.Never aginit isill lie e wseloeiiii asishle alights ii AniniuArbor fromtiti sliblrief sojistrti at hoiiime. Hereafter, if lie idoes reburti, it iwill le as ai graduiate, s a liss-been," iiikntiiwni.iuirecognizied, aattl to. His clas-sill leotne his frieiiis isill hasc left, adelhiis oily claiimi to faiie is that ofagraduate, sne if those swhio have goe b lefiire; yet, still le is a gadettte f te Uniiier sity of Micheligan, aiid it is fr the Mihign spilit f the future to iale ic m wii-elcoessu. TEFhI PICKEt) FOR INVITATION MET ( Cotititeidfroimiipge ione.) atiesw- trithle last fesw days aid has pieeiihiiiliiig(le ltte r nerly- 30 feet. Freniin i the briadljittp will be tp- piseid (y- somte f the (est meinIiithle ciiiiitry. Mt. Pleasait, (le Iidiati tuier fromtiCortell, sihit defeated imiii lastyesar, is still i, asis Symotds of Priiiceotiaid Risley. However, Frenht id 22 feet iices ottoie occasiontdu- ing sacatioii, autushosldieble ae lto laiid tplaice. IASEBALL TEAM RETURNS FROM SUCCSSFUL TRIP (Conttinedi lfromssphge o.) gamie. Kentuscky uiersity loleigtighle varsity to a scire of 7 to 4. DeNeffe startedin iitomuaeh iis96 ideitt, btt tir souterti biatters took quite a likitg to liis curs-es andelithle sevet, with the score ai ti, Sitger reptlaced O- Neffe cho ciisremoved for stupd lase- runintiig. Michiganth leti begans to clou antidlsentinIithe three riiiissi-hiciisott the gamiie. T(hle score: 234 56 7 59 MNichigan..--2 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0-7 13 2 Kentucky..-.0 022 00 0 00-4 8 4 Batteries-D~eNeffe, Stnger antdi-ec- man;iCheletad ailCtitich. DePrees'Tennesseeanss sere willig ictiims to(le slutgterentacuediby(t-hle Woilveineiisc. Oicee more ai Micignt pitherh(t(ible relievedin iiorer tat the gamte coitld le tmarkedltip oti the right site f the coluittti.DeNeffe tiii time uas the rescuer, std CattiiWet- dell the rescuteid. I (le sixth inittng, wih ith(le soetee o sgiiistteii, (le 'Michligati tmeit beganiisi lbiimbaridmiet. wh-liciresuiltedin th de folloini-g sitore: 'eitessee. i 0 21 0 0 0 ( -4d 55 8 Michtigani.. 00 00 0 5 3 40-2512 I Batteries--NVeeilell ant ICicrsiass. DeNeffe andi Taft : Parker andiltBalser. Ini the .secoinidganme ust sKiiii-ile. \Mas- liii sidle issirlisg -sdsil slowed-ciile soitttssbut si's cattesedsiss it ' and one sitn. 'h'l-soe:- 1231456ft7 S9s Michtigan- 4d 32 0 510 0 -11 0 0 'lettiesse 000 0 0o0 0- 1 75 Batteries-Mtartin asndil Cuestem (Rsher,Huker stnd Baiker. Thle litstsdefeati iamsits-hen teteaisismt isinaeidte friendily- territisry-ofaiib sf (estses kntwnss-is(le Cmmodoiirs. Angry- tit tis strasngeitelsimenchfrim (lie orth should (isi-c tskens (le sclpsi f their iighbosssansis slliss, ty genti afterich(iigansifisisshl stasrit andi woii the first.sdroppeth le seinsi, adto i showsist(at ther iiwas lno ioolness. testk (lie (thil gusteasdithle sisr.. Sls ' Sansger litssisttote slab forte(lirst gamie, itb(snug itcougtliiiis'toiim- d islate le imp~etiet suster esa' quiickly as tpossible. I tiowe-s-er, ilecai-is pionisilesikgiatstirtleiiof tsrwsct failsd to strikue the aticipaed(erriseo his hearts ofMc~ilgin's riens-it andsisilil result waui st siheisse seMcAlliser looskedlasith(le sires'oardusteisthetirlos (f nise iningssf (lay lisawsiswislits (is hadsiseenii(liiitwsice (eforer iw(ile cochil- ise Michtigsn-th-(is imargin in'iist M1irhs igansi. 'ITe sires'wisi ots3i . DeNs-ffr caesibacskilthe uessdsy -tusd is-llosils-i the on-timtie ictors tistilese iirfs54 lo 2.Ssaigr,.thirstinig f(tieengeugs-. giks'nsaiiothiei hacelissis e usrbilt isi Satutrdiay.hsusi slhosghlitiitooil ii ist sessis tssdeise(le gsmeu,themain tess agaiith Van'-stseebilt. '('le scre: it gaiiir 12 3 4 56 7 89 Mdichigan.t -.0 00 0 0 0 0 0-5 3 Vsaidserblt~... . 2 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 -3 7 -1 Batteris-Saiigrssinid 'sft:Ingi tash Psgler. 2dhgatme-..t2345 678') sichigan....-0202 000i00-47i1 Vanerbelilt.000000002-255 Bsatteries -eerfe .aniilT'sftS: EsyIs andil Psgler. 3id gaiisrt 234567891011 M\ichigsai. 0 0 0 02 0 0.1 0 055-0 Vsiiss'bii. 10 2 00 012 0 0 otr-6 Loive tunhdttglrr. GOL31F PR.AC'TICE BE1;GINS. 'Thlis sftersisotinwill blieldirhe (is'lst glf(pracicie of (le ye-sr, tushCsptin ClemisSiotisssusiges es-ry-stiets trnsitu tush hey for the trait. Cances foetess tieit sre good thisi y-ar, s Cptinsi Sitosotsaiid 'Trublod 'see the sitsly unit ses of the io5 tamtsleftitsolis. kit aditiionial incntie is sffered, s a in- tercsllegiate itatchs sill (stsoibtal e si- raisgesd.Ve-i if this projecst fsll- thiroutgh, sidual mitlwiithi fChissagis i certasin. Prssctiesill hise h t h lunses(sily- at 4:5 Develoipinug tushPrit inggto"s hs Istslis pholstgraphs~er, 72t N1Uniiver5sits. i i t SO Brief Making and the Use of Law Books A boiok every law s tudeetasntchyoung hias-ser shtotuld Price, $2.0() Cash or Exchange for your Law or Mledical Books C. E. BARTHELL Phosnen761 326u ScuthsStats Street, Acts Arhor, Mich. /Jen who Shave an big risks in using any- zing bttt the best shaving oap. That's the popular NIlLLIAMS .. TENNIS RACKETS - :$2s3~Line in - 2Cj~. The Ct ~.~2)tc Wright & CDitson's A Surprise' $1.50 «Hub" Otherssoat Special Prices on~ Leather Pillows Including f11CH-IGAN SEAL Until April lot DARLING & I1ALLEAUX 224-226 S. State St Students' Lecture Association S. L. A. OFFICE HIOURSe 5 to 6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. it i Men's "Swell" Shoes A shoe as well as a suit of clothing to give per- fect satisfaction as to service or style must be made to please different individuals. You can oniy secure such satisfaction by having your shoes made to order. We have made speciali arrangements with Whitehouse & Hardy, Yaie Outfitters of New Haven, Conn., to handie their men's sweli shoes. We have a complete line of samples of the latest Spring and Summer Styles. If you desire a stylish Oxford, Dancing Pump, or a shoe for Canoeing, we are pre- pared to give you entire satisfaction. Call and ex- amine our line before purchasing. 1 t ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tn-n..ies sLeastsaAsse. Arsbor Gong North 9s05 a. ci. and 4x35 p. mi. GoingRoust :0a. i, 11:35'.im. andt7:33ip. m. J. 2. KRIY. W. T. ILLS, Gentl Paso. Agent,. Agent, Tiutedot,Oios Ann Arhor; Mich Hell pusonel135Itr iHome phsone 698 V1CHWAN CNTRA "ThWONiitgtwtsFalbe iP5fe Chicago Busffalo Bioston New York Through Trains Ease-8.ts a. mi., 2.40 p. mi., 4.55 p. m., 9.30p.cm. 11.05p. cm. Locals East-6~.05c.i., 011.10 a-rn., *4005 p.m. 05)56 p. cM. Thnough Tnains West-aft7 a m~ ,7.58 a. mn., 0.18 a. mi., 2.a3p. mn. (0.20 p. cm. Locals West-224g a. mo., *8.28 a-.m., *1.40 p. tm., *6.10 p,. n S(Ecept Sunay.) Concastions at Chicaga or tot. Louis Kansas Citty anud (he West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Ashen BUY AT She CO -OP. I CIGARS, TOBACCO, CADDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST