THLE MICHIGAN DAILY Hfocking Valley Ry., COUVNTES ITS L'EXCLLEN IT,, TRAIN SERVICE Tou will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo jr Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union D(3pots in Toledo,;and Uo- lum biiss S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich.. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING (Gas and Electric Students' Supplile A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 tEst Libserty Street Finest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. 10c. Salted Va. Peanuts, I ac hed per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. tor 25c. Peanut Brittle per lb. I15c. ___ We buy Peanuts in car Iota of 25,000-lbs. Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts for less money than any house in this vicinity. 214 Sooth DEAN & CO. Asn Arbor Main St. Michigan SELF-FILLIN4G PEN Bar a Isll naft tscns o t a ls snh, 55 r,,5atd Really Fills Itself. y- 55550500 Filss etssttts'sssf;rtt Itself focdol ~st I t st Tptlac alsotsti lasy e>1ea' , t y.Ikflog a s,, r' ,'(it ti ts 55,5 antes a5ud ir iys'lws" wte tssstie pto t etl t oue'1'S, II orcfTle sntE CK ltNtPeN CO,sL +PN 1. " -7 Now Ready Ft .. . ' , : ,, t , 1 ' /r t ; I ' ;YY . ~ rl , ,, rr eR ,oesseso 51{7 RGHE 0 New Line of Spring Hats Very Fine and Dressy. You Must See Them. Lindenschmit, Apfel &-"Co. I' Suits and Overcoats ( nimIOUnhni(nwn Buy Direct and Save L FMsrom $16.00 to $23.00 tiC~ 11UOUUIII5UI~JLI Money. 118=120 E. Liberty. e __j U. of M~. BARBER SHOP PhotographerR N$C ~ 319 1. Huron _RA N D A L L Trojonowski State St. R JC L PHOTO GRAPH ER AMAN'S Alma Mater distin- guishes him no moreV talan h's cigarettes. Mien, crita in their selections, smoke }a) bcause of their origi- nal and exquisite flavor, and because they. fid that flavor uniform day in and out and un- equalled in every point of highest quality. 10 for 15 Cents\J By raifoostaid-Ifyou cn't get,'isses' (' &,'etts atotyeti dealer's, send r. for tess; 75c.jorfifty; ego/sOr see hunsdred ALANRASA;1I Ff hAvenue, New York ty 7 hIIKINSO N CHOSEN CAPTAIN The Stamp of Superiority h -ows in the whiteness itt the linen laim, Illstc gym team las disbandedl for de red by us, its "'Just tight"'' tarch in r, thei year. Atkison, 0 7 eninesers s its jtst-enoussh not-too-ouch gloss, Ow 1ee cose atoltIsucceed Catptaisn Coth-®tomfort iof a welltaltting shirt rollar, dii Lae IIis i5the nsewl y elected caslt.ts detsschedlcoitls' asd ftay le sedged osl's , sc~n ear asslie gymsicsas swetun etnou. 'rie itnly start: has beers implrasinc steadily antd \wa lack is hat of price -otiss is railsr this yearIle swas site aofthe cleasnest eut . under thbassoes-othier.. (tississi It si' ettlers of thtegymn sist.s sendt tou 'wsiisttlt t i eetn wsssssasimsssass dissl eIs ill ytt i-tt dou tlsstateanlstescettlsni capin. Theliw wh wee aardd te }ltlVek.rsity Lek wmdr~y tm tnca are is Ittotits's :litisssss '5C'4, 117 S. 4th Ave. Beth Plrosses 928 Maas, (wernandtt, Kuhtns, Etiker. Atkissons ndts Caittains 'Cotchsrne.Att of thsee x- cet Ctchsransetrill tbe hack test yeasr, The Anns Arhor Press (tormserly Par' snduith th ie tratitnist'hitey tare rcei'edher & Sssydcr), prinsters o1 the Micigans inthe par1st seaisoth~~e Iprotspects fraitsDailyThc Alussmsnss, Inslander, 'host'sI rtsalystog etemare tttt p5 omils-great hook ott foothball, the'T'echssic, 6. 0 A S'IEINE VACATION RATES. Aprtitl1, 13 tutu 14, tse Michigasn 'I it il itvs'sretdutetd rates lt stus- lits to all11points51iniMichtigttassandto Ch itago, SthliBIesndlssndlisnterssetiate lc~rl pontsals ts certains poistsin Upper1' lPenisulasst aris Chicago, onsussr- renerif crt ificteeissuettd by Sieretarey Wadtte. eod-4gs \VAsNlT I It-righst vtingus rsen for Stttttr ss Work. Aitl1117' 1 tss34, Cosak l 1 4ilse.31-44 Fosr t, sitest isdeas int photographsy tsc to Alexasnder & Co., H-enssing block. eod-tf s'A.-''sTION ,\'T'GRANGER'S. 'slt classes astilaissitblites ias tsual. Durig th vactionteisaicotty will ibe otpes toitttiitied sstssusber 'Wedssesday and11Satutrday nists tIisItsis o'clock. 'siter v acatiosntse samsse chstrge sill bse madise soribalconsyhias wsnstirs. 'sWe indstIis te otsly tray we castcosntrol it. B lotttapiririlieges sre absused. 41-42 Shirt waists msade. Prices reasonahle. 708 S. State street. t C. A. hsansdhook, etc., rtc., arr pebsters to thsr studens t ody117 R. Washuisig- Ion street. t H~ildreth's genineveat hisses at Cushissg's. Soils pressed, 25c; troitsers, toe FuPller & O'Cosnnor. tf COOK HOUSE ; Op-siteaout House Squarsee FIS-LASS IN ALL BRANCHS S '$2.00 $2.30 $3.00' Steam Heat and5 Elovator All ssgssi service SUNDAY t),wsoao A SPoEIALTY. S0c Fars Vaondenilp to Gei., Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watcbes and Jewelry ; repaired at the Right Place Huy your U. of _Tl. Pins where they keep a lot1 itne at the Lo we s t prices. No ; . a poor stock intou oestore. s -Noth ng charged for "6 loooking at our goodsoor '' ge Ltin g prices on repairs, etc. A lartm clocks $ 1.00 and up Call at the right place. opisosite Law Building. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING0 S. ROTT ENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. STUD)Y $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1.3 Cent per Hour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. I tNG YOUR UNFRAMEDnPICsTUES TOs D~f RIES ART STOREf and save tes framed with Choice Mouldings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. _ r ' ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORINGi