For Art and Skill in Tilorin fSen irC Caln $1.73 From Swingo'" $1.00 For Comment SAM BURCHFIEL-D & Co. lsea ctmn>r te h The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City M C b 106 EAST HURON STREET n s4' at t o = -No gat 1 and Gowns MONEY LOANED to Comrmerveemeait On Watches, Di anonds Jewelry, and all High Clasi hattel 'mot Week and Coliateral necnrity. obetter worn by U. of NT. Senior W .L U I the price. Leave your order at 104 4th Ave. Oppaosite Court House Two dnorn snuth of new Y.M. C. A. OFFICE HOURSn 8:30 no 11:0 1 to 5; COM AN 7 to 8.15. I srCQDAI DIVE Q_ nnc Ah Wl MR 9% ILT I" ACI U A . F-T f N£ i 3S i £. t. aji t~L~1 c (WJDIXIJ. and of Offieial Athletic Sppllie. AICE C IG Base Bal, Lawn Tennis Foot Bali 11Cricket Larse Croquet Bowerin QuityA LLEN, THE CILOTHIE1I1, M AIN ST. Arc plemqents ferl[sorts 'NEE Lowter in QuaityFroeraqatr facn n Bae Ball i lilpeo lina Ask A. M. SMIrril Advance Sylsin Spring ClothingjNow Readyhismarethe adancentof .. 1^",."ti, Every re isninte for Lawne Teen /{and of 11AnArbor Savings ank Bock N n TeniSpalding's Tad.larho Yourngs Hats, Spring Shiapes. N~one Better Made" YorAhletic InplimenIn __________________________gies you an adantage oer the other player, an yon neave a bettr atile, lslngr gveesjtter saifactinon. STATE SAINGS BANKceoto, n Ye llllnnseecl lnt iiltnn c DIRaCTORSnstoemaeteol fnrnetfo IKN AC TO aanO efe~o lenllnl cione JBooth Jno VSheehan A. 1G. S11.'ii PArtlift u n l V\~l'O 'lono lce.fBR S R'.Arnold Dr V C Vaghan RA~ljl~ nlc i iiifsl nlill TES 110K STUDENTS Ne om Cncnn SmEnininn N. J. Kyer John Haaree Jn.F oH. d f . i .ntrc lie lae N te. Ie (;ow nnitnh s it ne ", lnii ey faoin i Such_ an . ZmK ach CPrfi.s.tan artliiiinlii l~ li n- ifin _ - .Zmneaa hisinM ri eilniy. pal iis -;lsodin e d thiiIii l i ii iln ii n surrereiIr fcertiicantc signctdby & O________________________ Dn Aprl 28 Pennsylvani's varsiy iiiglit supporitlit , Iif i i it e nninought liisecrenary cf lt' Univrsiy, April 12, 13, " n ad fesh an ighs wll ow gaistin he onfrene anua etin. , ite :nin Aniiirrailrod will nmakc PrinIitiofth 'cist laniscig nd il os oofte nval ii lt c ti-ii ic neiny ri-idiuciI raes lto sltunts io ll points ins aicaemy at A\nniplis oner tilictwo-nmile [ cigai, inI alsoi io Toledo, Ohio. f8-4 CO lble iirt'in ilc Si-n.lii iiiwe ltt li sa1 ol tnie t ililla - ie mae abig 'hit 'with clegiegm v. Coninc god bunsinen with FOR10KRENT'-For one year, frooi Fat as a panakaniustatle mtat good ,judgmenti in rlccling ,then '.iI r a aisw n iby ithe 1 iiiiis. iwhoiise-irtliail tier u ng o h of i rst I'Tint-reporit nt-e rcasnrr of the jun- Jeuiii fniii f 'i-l l, l y I i io6, largc brick residence, well pathniy ic ld.V-y ed dragirat to whonnnt.Yl, wih hastinishlecnd ciipleasantly siuated. Soft- apte ncasny n ti. i when o a vyea na eviar onin- in ned lrileiilnil- tVlo hal-s th 1Fr c iiiyerinncti-n l d a d pt a.istre yusae iBrigtn" n bun of hisi car. ]o V einan - hl tinnd n- ibelieni manepbic ,shows a -ur lue Cciabuh leiifr a sororiti. Audress, fox AK, and ciasp tihet piyniiel eyounn an fn. -mile. slritscihlmi'iiii i tii'ii i hu nhiiits inl'len i ty i on'tbet ayycorenibylipseill-n n aiiIhalnidlofii$,oo. 'Tis issitecwhat l-l -lmti Iii a-n i n5 Ct. PURE SILK25o A PAR hieperle e wihimeheapnworkiati lien-erl tli-ilan _v__,of__tt__ he precriptli cnennr. We keplen-in r-than the surplusoif the jnunior hup inureg. a inniieN,In ia isdeleili iPatlin' three Regitered Phmlarnanetsist l e- n ennjittee Iere at 'Michligamn. iiill fr cielie- ii iibl Ie Suit Caes. Special lries ths week. yearn of experiecne.wnirln o w tnie pdl linelece i d ae ' vie trn ninin' seacly anwiten \an,& C . tt tet 94 N iniacompin-nv- iveof C Plnnli s lnu n$iii. ln- iiilfu aiiie i.,Sctc srcI 9 ragsat tbitihini.theill.niny he Y ale mini - - clilatie iwill lhe' lthe ninnial Patunieni mienliiwasin itub hI---e b day ac abndnt proof r f cnO - -Baroinneiin -I 'i. lle ii n- li Pit-re le Couencliiof }ranee.. try Phelps Perfectioin chocolae puffs I anmdienImi 15 v -inimnimi i ____ 131chips Ial Cshingn pharimacy. Susoneer m kel QU11AR11R.1Y'S Pietonlvii ids in soi mv K-nlved,____________01i~ , ileieP ne'-niiit v- c c x l enin n1 ae do hasliil'lii eiii nil lisn s repaired. IMaktS , 4 iir for c - -s -n c)a01 bo sch l e in-yeelisii fciairieeesful - oly fitted aid teted. Phiada. __tn __ y n, ,__ II cth ecpet fa e}intlllltii ii GEORGE HALIER, Mais St.- iinenm1 filils'I ltehletldlteiiliIdlei72.IThli -heaveyorodrsfrCAPS AND IGOWNS to vro s miniing c. iliimnhies m in e in isc nneli-d ihth11 111 llliil lilt I e -lm lme fand fa tt migte) c ie i esld'n un nelnnofn nit iol u-COMMENCEMENT WEEK Sr w ere beCooa pis )i Saltemke i- Satisfactoriytairing at saisfactory I tlnnin teteil m ton iill:iiSalt fake CityI pice s.EFller & OConnor 619J. \W i- A ged otit ann be bonin-gt liner $75 tnIl I lnnImt-e -cnneeinnithLreliriutsip.I\imimstret4 ifCas, 125 to $1.75. $ mteecat ~sAgls IceCram hemesruOr Fr),f tha evn__cliainstret _i ____Scatal Oedea. $1.75 $1.00 Ice'reaiU1nversitflni Nebraskan is agiat ___________Cap tanigowni pitres at seifor raes. COX SONS & VINNtNG, New Vrk in amoem nt amocing te cofereceem rhae caps mmd gowis to fit at studo.A F olee 00ook g o te graniting of per- -A.greeablie nsumiliernwoirk a hmleititcfinn \ti-mlexndr& Co., H eining lock. oil A. F. LOVELLateAgent, mission ao imtu ents to play 'snotmrer hsnestudiets whonaren\-lasous.i See 1 yen 332 S5 State S. S nerb ets Inill lid still le eligiblc to college teams. Pub.11Co.,kRoom i nA . A. bin1Bk lI. i>tra values ii negligee shirts at $1 Scholarshti nder the proposed shemte Phonme 231. i \\Itaener & C. Sate street. Jg-2 FINE LUNC HES lWe carry tie arge-t line of TURtKISH, DOMESThI & IM PORTED Cigaretts and Dometic & Imprted Cigrsea A complpie Fro g 'Legslin e of all smkiga articles. Woe are a ~nn " ,PIFES, alan for SIACYs & SCAIFE Frgs eg ew Spring Goods! _______lteBOLAY R. E. JOLLY. Stat. St. Club Ohio Central tines PARLOR. CARS Suit , T p Co ts nd ave etteoaltrains beeeni Tledo m andcs-la Ia Elegant mdenvarlo' aarn.wihftcl ass Sa dw ch sCafe Service heenvi Toledo, Cinlumus avd Hats s Carestan. ChickeHats, Caps, Shiritts and Neckwear D .ATDRTM ALA Special Cars to 2 aehac n 3 a. i., anlevery .. ~thorsauntiot:30P. in. Hor loal service to Detroit mama a. m., to 9:15 p. m~ ,then 11ni5. Twnv-tuloicaiservice to Jackn 7:15)i a. in. to 11:15 p. in. Large, Thick, SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS WAITN aROO, HUR05ON S. WS-c vieMAIs Juicy Steaks and the best of everything WADHAMS, 121-123 Main St. KODAKS in season, at9 INSTRUCTION FREE Toi all porch -eos,-lansimaiy 11st r a lessons as youiiwanit. -ytrB We Have Caps C P anxd G SeniorRas adGwsGiven on ALL THlE NEW 106 toFtat P R R I Sthese KDK BT PH NSStudio Photo Ar nstock. Let us show 467 them to you. 31 4o6tt7 Se Pos~as LXHiiiiaBk E. E. CALKINS 803_J ALE AN BER & CO*Hevxrj.35S.=tt t hn ain8m B l 320 Soth Stt. Street CI'F 9iF N1IVER ULVVDJiRSOLD---GOO0DYJ$AR'S DRUG S TQR1