1HR WO-14tdAR fbAtt.Y Ui.flWILD CO. LEADING Tailors A Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL DRSS SUITS t A SPEfCIALTY Ann ~ Arbor, Mih. Shoes Base Gloves 1Bats Ballii Masks Pants Spalding Make at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned O 'Patche, Dimond or other personal property. Watches and ewery repaired. B'rgalne in W t hers & Diamonds Dtee atretlence X31 E. Li.rty St Ann ,1cc lI'iesn te lI30 Irv. 1lt3:311-lndi l 5 sr.* ALL r-NV a esNWt cItsiAL JOSEPH1 C. WATTS TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Etered astseond clas mattn' at the Aun Arbur Postoffice. Published daily (Moendays exoepted) during the college year, at tIt7 East Washington street. Bell phone $9a. Heoce phone 70. Managing Editor. CLYDE 1- DEW B usianes Maager. WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Athletics ........Clarence E. Eldridge NIews .........LouiesD. Stickney Exchanges........Charles E . Winstead IMusic .........A. 31. Ortneyer rWomen .......... Effe JArmstron r EDITORIAL STAFF. rHugh Allen Franklin C. Parks Arthur C. huand. ASSOCIATES: C George A. Osborn Harold C. Stmith P erris N. Smith Georat A. Barnes r Rtohert H. Clancy Frank' j. Clark fiHnery F. Schulte Henry A. Montgomnery 11). P.Steevenson john. .Wore rGlenn D Bradley Floyd H. Jones t oy V. Lull rRATES : la.topee pear, or $Sate if paid in r advance. r Addres: WALTER R. HANS' Bsusiaess 1Maaager. 236 S. 12th St.. Phoae 549 L. FRIDAY, AP~RL 13. 1906. Editor today-=ROY V. LULL. CALENDAR. Aplril r3-=-Spring vocation begins, at tile close of the day's classes. April 16-Law'Social club dattce. Gratt- gr's acadenis. \tsril 24-Classes resumed. Mleetissg of the board of regents. Re- genlls'room, losw bsilding. .\pril 26-Organs recital by Augulst Schsibidt, ito Faculity concert series. t nisersity suit, 8 p. ti. A\prl: 27Meeting of Bird ciltb. Mus- 1111 leclture room, 7 I. O. laniulqel of tbe Cosmopolitals cluil. Iter-society debate betweelsAlphsa Nulatnd Webster societies, coaing to the cop tdebate. 'With today's isn e The D~aily sus- petnds pulblicationtltuttil after Easier va- catiots. The text issue will be Tuesday moslrnlig, April 24. sre abutost tielisit of our ostioor tri- ing. As a result of these suntosard cot- ditos Mul. iichiganiessters the championt- ship race handicapped; or oen are as yet heavy and consequently slow. The long southern trip, though it wilt be a hard put, is just the thing to pt the players it shaie for the rest of the clallpiolship season. Its the sunty suutilalid tiey arc sure to seet with warmer weather, she prayer of all base- alt artists since it reduice their weight assd gtsste picinig sarmss its codiion. If M~iciganl retirns fromttie sothbut- defeated, the teami will be prepared to do battle iss real earlest for the retettion of tse campionshlip earted so eatly last year. Coach McAllister found a strong co- lections of oldi players wens he retrted tisisprig. Tie vacant place lve sets fillicit is a careful process of selection, s that tieleamcolsems well-aansced. beter ill this respect even thal last year. Its fal compni~ay tiese yonlgsteisay havesage-fright. sit we will swatch ue Chicago gamie withs eager eyes, consciossa lthatMichigans selh figit every ics cf tile will whastever thseotlcone. telmore conisident, iperasis beause ue ivincile Saniger will lei te ceter cii tieit- isod. Te Daily bids you faresell, boiyscwisis the kiowedge that Michigan, wivin or lose, will sot sffe ill reputation for gamseness y tisin tvasions into for- egnt Iainus. W INSTEAD ANt) BOWMAN ELECTED TO S. L. A. OFFICES At a mleeig of the bord of control of tie Sudseiss' ~ecture asociation, Charles I. \iisead, '07, taisppoited corresponidingg ecretary and Ward S. Biwimain,oWS, was made treasurer, rie ew board met lst ight std perfected ani organiziaion. Te board is composed f Presideist Clre, Messrs. Wistiead. Bowtiatn, Ce aisc Motigmiery, aiid Professrs Glover aid Goddard. Due ations of the new issud ivasssial the trustees are to lbe allowed th le tres- clii aiidlparicipate ill the cdiscusssisi of se bioird. It is deteermsiie diis year to tmae the associatioin a imoire repre- sentaive organiziation,. asse the action toil ight ini regardi iiitle rstsees is a sleps in this directioin. TWO ENI;AGEM9ENTS ARE ANNOUNCED) Frienids are coigrtulainig tail young ladies of the Sorosis sorority sho ave recently annsoniced their engagement. Mcis Leliai Voland is te facee ofi Clif- ford Seveeisoii of the Sigisa Ni frat- ernity anid Miss Lucille IHoyt liss a- nunotcedi her eiggemen to Clogs Br- scsi of she Delta Upilon frateriity. Prof. F. N. Scott has retrsed from liii letringtour in the eas. Five lec- tures were delivered: he Prosody of Wat Whitmiamn" as Bryis Mawr aid Col- isiibia, aisd "A Mysterious Lectre" be- fore he graduate clb.Hils remainsinslg two stip were at Vassar aid O)hio State. The tour was estirely successful, Profesor Scott beinig received every- shelesbiylarge sinsdlapreciative aindi- BASEIIALL TEM LEAVES ON LONG SOUTHERN TRIP (Coninsued frois page onie.) TENNIS RACKETS MIagarimy, If....4 Kaufm-an, iii.....4 Husekini, is ....4 Gitddiings 21) ....4 Lowvell, c........ 4 Pollock 3s.......4 Pierce. rf..... 4 Weller......... 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z O 2 O I 2 O i I 9 7 3 0 O 2 I O 3 0 0 I O O I O O By intnisigs- Varsity ... YV'iiiuigans .. 3=4 Ij72710 2 23456789 00003 1000-4 .00 100000 0-1 Finest Line in The City Wright & Ditson's "Star" $1.00 Surprise" $1.50 "Hub" $2.00 "Park" $2.50 Others at $:3.50 $4.00 $5.00 and:$r.o Ininiigs pitceds-By DeNeffe 4. by Saisger :i. H-its off DeNeffe 4, off Sans- ger 3. Bases ons sails off Sanger i, off Weller 3. Two-base hits-Katufmiani, Lowell. Three-base hits-Wendell, O'Briens. Stisless bases-Relley, Sistli- sass. Raufimani, Lowell, Pierce. Steack list-B D eNeffe 3, by Sager 6.,lby Weller 7. liii lippitcedeibal-Martins. Umirsie-Buolin. '1HI11 WEEK'S ISSUE OF INL.ANDER NOW REA\DY Thie Inlanscer for tsis week issnoswsOst 'isesinduse wealth of goodst erial wvicit i afforsds has causedi very fasvor- abile ciommusens. "College Life ini Dramia" forsstse csaptioin for a sveryesiiomiendc- absie article byi'Riolaisd S. Cruise.,swhile ''Tue Vial iof Heau,"iv yJohn S. Mar- ray.,usnsdl"At ishViing Wiell," lip Bar- sara 7sieAlva.ip.are sothinssereitisigisort stiirie s wisis leserlycoinceivediiplots. 'Thle edlitorius i thilis issue are epc ally signifiicaisi, shoiwiing consicderabile thou gist a'di el-ioiisdedsiniforioniss iii tie'msaters sdissised. In all the In- landier is fully sip tiithsutaindarid anid furishiles aci rycciaceptsable fissisiof ini terestinigsiniciprofitiaible 'eainig. ENGINEERS TARE EAS'T- ERN VACATION TRIP Abouit t hirtyuif te nicssbers if she juiiir ieiginseerilig class still lease Anns Arbior lthismorniug sillai siecial 5tsails isouit for their aisniul easternip el. 'The surly will vil stteeiginseerinig shops ini tir pirisscipls icities iof use east. Begisn- iilg witissToledou, wichel willbliesited tomolurroiw, they wel il ispect the lig maicinae planits ctiPittsbitig. Waishing- soil. New Yosrk ansd Niagara. The party. will lie ini charge ofi Prolfessis Sadler cansd lsisley. iliti ssis'lul s iii i ii'fealedi,. 1'I f.cii eiss cew'*'':ui a sdebate upionl she :,ojeci, "Resisesi, tubiftshe srisicis Ic ofi instervention esissltici'iis-d inithe pest- ictiieaty'wills '-)a',lDoio'shield lie 'ecced liy tile LuiseilPl Pr' tincs'- Isis uipheld ithe um-uctise. Official 'oh6 michigau ieil;sil'oily' at Ye Stiudessi Shop. (mis.E. Willi-ani streil. Seniiir las ajn,-ss i sssiclaws pleaise caiii fur J. Mi. pinc.. tf Lest ye forget, I say it yet-Visa needc ai picture. Lvyndoni. WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. COAT SHIRTS are mode nf the best white or cnlor-fuel fabrics. You can gte precisely what yet wont of your dealer if you insest on it. $1.50 and more. Cluett Evening Dress Coat Shirt are the hest you cot get. CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. Lagtkes ollars andshirt s in oth e ld. FUNERAL O. M.L JVartlll DIRECTOR Oltica2f0) S. 4th Ave Phone 198. tlnsidecnce 302 hi. 5th Ave. Phone 314 ASIBULABON ttCALL You are Not Fair to your face unless you sup- ply it with the creamy, heal- ing lather of WILLIAMS' TSHAVING Tonmorrowsethe varsity baseball team opens the imtercollegiate season at Chi- cago.,ilayitng Staggi teanm at Marshaoll field. Michigans athletes are isot apt to forget thait somse five msonths ago other .Micihiganm athletes bit thue dust itn a foot- ball gaime where they were sot out- playedl. Bat it will do nso haris for The D~aily ts remnmd she ball-tossers that vie- tosry will seem all thie dearer if it has in it te elemeets of revenge, atnd that for the samte reasont a isiut-ouit woutld fill sue hearts with lthsgivinsg. Mhichuiganmhsc a long trip anth a bard onie ahead of her. Our mnimsust play eight gooses on foreign fiehds. Uip ho datie Michigan has siifferedh more thiams thie sts r westeris teatms frotisac iase sp ring anid sad weathser; teno practices ; I ences. __ El Students' Lecture Association S. L A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Men' "well Soes A shoe as well as a suit of clothing to give per- fect satisfaction as to service or style must be made to please different individuals. You can only secure such satisfaction by having your shoes made to order. We have made special arrangements with Whitehouse & Hardy, Yale Outfitters of New Haven, Conn., to handle their men's swell shoes. We have a complete line of samples of the latest Spring and Summer Styles. If you desire 'a stylish Oxford, Dancing Pump, or a shoe for Canoeing, we are pre- pared to give you entire satisfaction. Call and ex- amine our line before purchasing. BUY AT Vhe CO-OPf. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Ts'w.ts eLseave AwArbor' toeing North 9:05 a. m. and 4s35 p. m. Going Sooth 7:20 a. in., 11:3.5 . m. andl7:3tlp. m. J. J. KIRBv, W. T. WILLS, Get 1Putt. Agent, Agent, Taledo, Ohio Situ Arh )r nMich felt phone 135-1r Home chone 13a8 t 1CH1CtN CENTRMSL rte xigar Flk dAnusan Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Thrsagh TeaistEs t-8.18a. in., 2.i0p. in., 4.55 p. in., 9.30 p. m. 11.05 p. m Locals Ease-.na a. in., 011.10 a. in., *4.05 p.m. *8.36p. m Through Tratns West-t.0t a in,,7t5t a. in., 9.18 a. in., 2.33p. m. 10.20 p. m. Locats West-t24 a. in., 08.28 a. in., *1.40 p. M., *6.10p, M. *h(Except ,Sunday.) Conneetions at Chicago lee St Louis. Kansas City and the West. - W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbsr .) ,New Oxford '.: Just IReceived WAHR-I~The Shoeman 218 So. Mai n St.