THE MICHIGAN DAILY " Hlocking Valley. Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLET TRAIN SERVIC- You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotosin ToledojIand Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich.: F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUII, 207 E. Washington St.' BALY& EDMUNDS L~tEYs Liberty Stret. j Spring styles Now Inv MADE-TO-ORDEtR STYLES REGiAL SHOES College Men Almoosteveroy Regal style is di- rectly copied from a new design that has loei produced by the mot exclusive custom boot-mtokers of NreYork andlLondont. AnthetoRegal models that are most ppuI aolrisintetcolleges ecery- whfore or Iet and faithfulrer- produactioinsof certain costlyssatlr- to-o)rder shoes that hare come into highettfavor asonreglen eof the largest uiiversities ofte world. ,hsspeial hbranch of the Re,,,al buiesis dilecitdby liar tewiy establliedl College Butreau tic- partmtenlt, costpotd tholly of ex- anicrisilytteit. 'touo't hiave totstindawayyto setsre thte style that snits ytou. A. complete tooItoftCollege fRegals at $3.50 and $4.00 rih eenAnnArbr.Te ny R. A. HI. THOMPSON, Age nt Yr Studest Shop 611 E. William St. Ann Arbor The igh Stle in Men's Spring TheRlht tesClothes Everytlhitsg that's new and right will be fotund Ihere now. All lines greater its variety atsd lower in price tihan equal quali- ties fluffyhe obtained in any other store. Men's and 'Young Men's Spring Suits $10 to $20 Top Coats - - - $10 to $25 Rain Coats - - - $15 to $25 MEN'S FURNISHINGS A splenidid shsowittg of Mets's New Sprittg Shirts, Neckwear Gl uves, Hosiery attd Usnderwear. MEN'S SPRING HATS The snew shtapes in black and colors are to be seent as usual. Up-to-(lateness, sitre qttality are evident, throughont. REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL' S i G S O P IeT o l ld , d a n s p s we a t hs e r c a 't a r t tts c h l i ot g e r , atsd whtet it begitto warn titp you twsill iv antansew sit. Get bxssy attd let nousltow yonuittr -' NEW DOPE," also sttr New Ovtzss'OA'r. HENRY and KYER, Thalors to Meun ACADEMY OFFICE: -G'R ANGER'S OCDM Ground Floor, ORCHESIRA 310tee ii 5' Suits a2dIvroja~;ts00CnuriB rs uy Direct Liberty. I U. of M. BARBER SHOP Photographer RLNTS CHLER 3194LE. Huron R AN DA LL Trojonowski State St.- P HO TO GRA P H E R These Eight Pipe Tobaccos Are the Largest Selling, Most Popular, Highest. Grade T obaccos. in the World .1 Cr n "at 3C Every pipe connoisseur, the world over, knows one or more cf these tobaccos; and knows that higher qduality was never produced. H-e' know s, too, that a good pipe, season~ed by and filled with one of !ATA K, 'hese tobaccos, is3 better than the 1. , ,bst smoke of any H. O. 1+other kind. 1j' APTAI k ' fa~j tdiem ndtfll. Trebett -a- in so O,,ts, 1heavy, 25 ^ um tiIs.sila ,:000.5C.;ZMPEIAL CUBE CUT UNIVERSITY NOTICES. MlithigantFret rs'lcr lub tiee t tlly-t at 7 :15,\West sal;Prtfitulfort ila Fttrcstrv- Work itt Cottetctl. A mtieetintg of tiliettanidjates fotr the fresh lit citlast aeblall treat oill ite hldt tda. Siattogec. Aitril to, te atlirtic associationt of Nttritwsterne it iertsity guase lilt its charter otttl hereaftesswhatveratletics tutatrexstlat tI l elthodiisteititto will lue tticr thteeirection111of a foattity hor. It istuintersltodthtat tiletie- partstltme tof atletics is ito lheituaue a regtulrtutivecrsity it'aitt nt bylee-lt hocard of't rutees. 'its till 11ut1coachtes oitt the facult 11and l'ttrthcle. if ite shttttltiieltilt, still ibe "Prttfessor'"Sic- Corak tii otf tier tdertmetnt oi'ootall, NortswseriUiiversity. 'After vca~~tinthtoese gosig itot Grait- ger'sitalctoy will ite tobligeci tto1107 same: Is lttse takingpatorinittprugramt. 'ie a fact 11111at blonte rvi tleges tohav ecite abtstd;itooimcit lfter 10te 'loek crossde lt stiltSir. Granuger, 141 Official 'o6 SMichigan sells steld''tiy at Ye StidetlShoup, hit1,1. 'Williamis street. Seisior lws a111d1i tnier ltws pllae callfittiJ.51t. pitte;' Ii Sisirt waists mode. Prices reastnale. 708 S. State street. tf Estra saliues ini iegiigee siiris at $1. Whagnser & Cut., S1t11e stret.- 39-42 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mlob. E.OU.Kine.Pens. tiarrtsonoul V S. W. Cllarhsin, Ca-toter at~sofatl.t$100..Surnlusand Prufits. U0o00 GEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Chtaln.Cutst Flwo r and PI. IMt Chaptn 3t between Huron snd 1lillirAve. Pbone 555 The Builders o f theWorid ' need. Brawn and Brain, - ( whether they are Building /~Books or Building Business. S(In the whole wheat grain Nature has stored the material for building brawn and brain- but the white flour miller gives S you only the starch. You can't build muscle or -brain out of starch. In Shredded Whole Wheat you have all the body-building elements of the whole wheat prepared in digestible form. The Government uses it to build soldiers at West Point and sailors for the Navy at Annapolis. It is on the "training table" of every college and university. A food for the brain-worker, the outdoor man and the in- door man, for any meal, for any season. in any climate-a food to grow on, to think on, to work on, to live on. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms. BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The Biscuit is delicious for break- fast with hot or cold milk or cream, or -for any meal ins combination with fruit or vegetables. TRISCUIT- is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nourish- ing and appetizing. Delicious as a, toast with bever- ages or with cheese or preserves. r -".The oniginal cube-cutto * 7bacco. P i e rOique, Hnan, F + Virginia, Turkish - in M-(vauu n . 22 o. LstISApNAnlRUE M'g -Atllen & G ie's Coa- g mo 5 baof loiensine St. 1ames' Paish Periqe °"o -bes fori ixrs- in wxo'i- 26n.; 515 o,.400.aMIT YALE M0105S 0- A-- adnsdt Vrgna eec ICHOsNCLUB- A weetflavore..5i .pn atoom non-.; 55 z~ w 055ithHaanaTanaisha THREE .tTATSt-A soad Perique.. 1 -o00., delicious blendsof into a ants, oz.. 26C. - Virginia, Kenotscky and Some, one or more of these oz6. 0 ~. 1 famous brands' will Just suit- you and your pipe. If not found at', your dealer's,. sent postpaid. THE AMERICAN YTOBACCO CO. II Fifth. Avenue °Nw York - The" Vital Quesiion Cook Book" is sent free for the asking. THIS NATURAL FOOD CO. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.. "Its all in the Shreds" ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORQN