TH-E MICHIGAN DsAILY a ayN ira i.vaaavi t ], 1 " y,/ l7 1 J, 1 H A LF-TO0N E S and ' ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block WASiTED Competent man to handle all inds of insanc eeept life; also on to handle diidend paying stocks and approed ond; also o nto has ad some eperietcein tie real estateusi- GEO. J. HALLEP- f(Al CO. Campus Barber Shop 0. "A.-MOE, 705 N. Uni ersity Ave, The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital toc, $5,00. Surplus, $00t,000tOf Resorces. $2,00,t0 A General Bakng Bsnes Tanactd OreICEnR Chas. E. iscoc. Pes.; W. D 'i rriman Vice Pr -a liM..JPFrit. Cashier Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Ftfh A. New Phne 457 Bell Phoie 457-L THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS capital, $0,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 lioes a General Baningasiness and Pay 3per cent interest on Time and Savings Deosit. Safety Deposit Boes to rent at 12.50 andaupwards R. KaMe, Pie. W. (. SmEVNeSs, Vice-Pen. . H. BELER. Cash. U. A. WILLIAMtS As. BLOMII P[RFUMES Tretrteeflowrrs-deligtfl ~ntllastiig. MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S Main St. STRLINGS Italian, German, and of American Manufacture FOR ALL STRINGED INSTRUMENTS REASONABLE PRICES. SCHAEBERLE & SON 114 W. Liberty St._ ANN ARBOR En~och Dieter-le Embalmer and Funerai Director Anbulace-Calls at endel day or nicht. D10S. 4tir Ave.: RIesidence same Phone Sli. Ann Aror. ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.0 Faly Guaran-,ted Or Dollar Clocks are the knt made for the money. ine watch repairing aspecialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. You o..ngt e. Hot Lunch At Tse tt', 338 . Stat BILIARDS POOL HUSTON BROS. 312 S. STATE ST. TOBACCO CANDIES Men Should be Choosing their Easter Clothes Now H lE weather iiav suggest a dr-lay, bot Utime allow.rinoce. Yon'avre loisthan oniecwre-k-h *S T in iwhich to prepare yourseclf for Fadshioin'stparadc day. -Raster Sundaty---so tinake yrourX , ' . selection at orcer if possible. .. ~ Of coarse we shall cxpcct tror iher---rioomani can conisistently choiose his Easter aippairre be- ++ 4' forf paying this store a visit anai learing just what's what. /< .r We display every style Fashiiioi s sn oneicdit-arnd crone she hasn't, n.rd thet-e is niiany a pleasant surprise in Mtore for thoise whir conic. Of crorscoor varieties are larmer than in the past -they're the largest in tilt-i-ity, lint that's cro1ill.r Each price car-ries,with it note quarlity kinto cer. IWoolens mosy hate advaned in priice,+ buht tone dollars, it spent here, rwill ruy as inach, if nut mitt-c, clrrthes woirthi than tiey sil t > ohrstores last sp ing.r ' If you do, you muist reckon iwith ours, -.nn11 Anhur's tar gest rind hoot hoys' store. 7>With its extensive and mo -tcoiplelc stoik it nii turaily offcrseadvantaiges utterly imcpossile Y o'llhotter appireciate our oaiility topiEcaie iwten you coite: in fatitwe shall ietic etlyoii . ! any day. hecause, no motrwittcar p iilito isss acing a-icompetir Ia.riras iiithiisamirn ,-l >. iE_ s is noiw on view in New Fort's liding juieilecshop-.>;E M lien's Suits, Cravenettes and lop Coats. + $10, $15, $18, $20, and $25.50 4 The heat that can be builit to sell at these prices. The most complete showing in Ann Arbor. >= *: STAEBLER (o- WU VE.''RTH. Regu~lar Bronze Collegoe (a Seals FEW MORE LEFT While they las ~a $3.00 each Apply Room 46, Cook Housse. Betweerv 9 ax~d 12 a. in., arid 1 and 4 p. m. MONEY LOANED an .i iHigh Clans-Cht iti anduto latral si nity W. J. LOURIM lOS4tiAvei ppi~ -t ICoiltos Two dorscothof new Y.C.A ttrriu a HOURS,ra:ii i it:30 1 tii 5, Busneass Steicty Cnfidntial A. G. SPALDIiNG & BROS. targete-i 'aiiif .i t~in the Wo- tirld Base Bal, Lawn Tennis Foot Bali Archery Rloque Golf Quots Cricket Lacrosse Croquet Implements for allSports !! ' lirypl dig 1rade-Mok onr Baeit al icreis tin- f 5 Or ie eatLows '1 onssanidolt. Spldigc Tradertark ioi " nxlyriir Al hlrt-ic Imp i n t i s ciii e ayoQ a il pii-i ii ii i l a ye, 1rrI ix f iil iiir I I cr i- . n mi Cii loftr ~ ~--Vii A. G.SPALDING (tB. BROS. q t pat.rts ail ikirols sly 0fi n thsciis nud, e sri 103 yo~u e'lrigitn" och aid l iAt PURE SILK-25c A PAR Fioer SWINaz+ UT andede R o e 1 O . d o , , $ 1 . 5 $ . 0 C MXkSONSt&.,NN,cup-d Ynr. For Ss.INfof=OUf COMME NCNHESK A gcarrytlii lrn e. lnoub(lfttlolt, 'Rentalirders, Cia7--$1.00rilr iArF.LOVgEiLL,. Ageanct, eo 332 SLL.SateSt.St OhINEntrV I Line Cafe cet te hritreist oau'rrisiLiid D. Y. A. A. Jote Cir. RALWAYte lneallCs IA ii atierilsunWear reeiy fifr iD it & Ci. INKAi&i. ,ad 1 tio tintrap.Lsir. E AsSI OOO s 't1'i rrittsi 'wit firt lais Caf Ievc KODAKS Couusan SI l.IRSPR.\RE CLASS jSIRING V,\.A''IIN (Glats-iesrparied. - PRESENTS 'tl.\t'thl'l'Il R.V'ES 10(111SiTi)EN'i'S - Eyes carefully fitted arid tested. (GEORGE HALLER, Main St. iii (Gretiariil Iis companyhrl er e tll nliii riirndlierrof cetificatr-signedbyh-- _____- tro-siamre rist ight iy the memibhers ofiscreti ary of ithUnrsi-,-Aprl 12, 1,3, SINlOl --Lleave your orers e foe Proessr Tu-lcirrs clasrs-iniiShuokies- 4, tnhe n nI riOrriltradrwill torlkI 91710steirrnsc rndrraikrshiields at Arnolci's per hueenig 'lilrcltil." 0dil- 1i-e- ihiircraesctoiis-uirenitslrr all points. in eelery iceeni*'Dearconi-'Pares rind P.Heittski.\lichiigaii, rndalsio torToledo,.Oil -..541 wsr-- the fertureif the riffar. Si r--ilISaisfattiry-itailoerig at stisfactoec icily didirtireuderaconi treesitheirittackr F011RENT -For Bite yere, feon ripeset IFullerc & O'Connor, 61g E. OVil- thtIli.i h swcordi breoke inii irs a ndl lne July n, po6, lIrege Ireickrresidenrce, well ( iastri eet.t sctionlfIcwnof, titting ant eratur1ccclfiienishiedl cudpleasrantly situated. Sutl- spctaorirein the friec. rible foe a soreritiy..Addhtrss-, hBresAK, \V 10N' RIO--riglit e rig mient Io Mie. IIrHlister, wihto thancharge crf iheir ty. If -. rrmroloroek..aplyc Rotrit34.,tCool: rclastduring. Picofeso reblort~od's abt ---- ___ - II 1 us. 311-44 crenc.e, xpreccedlimself ari-ichareiil SrrtrC is-. Spelccrp.1rice-. thisc ri-c-h. uswi ithtthe bleumanierinn whlich tihueclots-i O~orgit&rC-., or-Shale steet.- 39-42 \gree-alesummorrr wr t oil merrr'f-.r lilst' d tihueulI pclahy. IInfaut, lie uric sito- -- ciodenrsac o a aot- i u-inis. S-eehvec pleac-tei haothlie inistedhaitil ble re- Try Phelps' Perfecioitnchle puifft Ib. of o., 1RoomutI I,-. . .Sav. Bk. 1311-. hac~afutrfer sprirngvacation. inch chili.-.f1 Etshirig's phiaermacy. lI]'rile 244t,. If t l r I" OXFORDS OXFOROS OXFORDS FOR MEN ANID WOMEN THEY HAVE ARRIVED Fine line of low shoes all leather, all shapes. Up-to-date exclusive designs CALL AT WAU(-OV[R SIIOP And have a look. ~ ~111 Souxth Mairi Street. y J IJ j ' f, r ; , ..,, .,,, :ti: ir~ _ , -. ,-.-. "4 1 "rJo t .: , . 1 'J J 1 1 1 J 1 V i The Ulliversity of Chicago The Unsiversity year is rdiivideS into fnur iluarters, 'i6snter, Springhumnner and Au- tumn. Admissionnnsgcasnted antliheupeningof each on fasuaey 2d. April 15, June Ktht, and October 1rt. Graduate instruction in offered in kilt Graduate Schools of Arts asid Litera- tures and'thin Ogden (Grauduate) Schiool of Science., Profeasional isstruction is offeed in the Divinity School thinfain Schuool. thin Basis Medical College (aiited), and the School of Educaion. Summer Q~uarter 1906, June 16 Septembher 1. First tesr:Jusnin- July 2t; Second Term:r July 2-August 31. Registration is permitted for tine entire quar- lee or for either term. F uih and regular cer-it is given for work done. Special corses are offered foe teachers. Par Information address The UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago. 1I11 We Have Caps and Gowns CAP and GOWN Senior Rates Given on to Fit at these Studio PORTRAITS Photos Pho66 neMich. 895_J ALEXANDER67 & COO ffnnrlgIM, T all 1111 I sS is- --,imunty lesosons is you rwslt. ALL TiHE NEW 1906 KODAKS Are in stock. Let us show them to you. E. E. CALKIN S Dr ,sg ist 320 SsoAth sState SSotiie m '41"? 4R1' NI$VJ$R UWJDhRSOI4D---GOOD IBAR'S DRUG STOI?