-- --THE MICHIGAN DAILY 6.11. WI[D CO. ~S THE LEADING Tailors iQMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL. DRESS SUJITS A SPECIALTY Anii S. State St. AnArbor, M1011. Shoes Base Gloves Ball Bats Ball Masks l Pants THE 1, IHGAN DAILY. Enered at t6"' id casatterltmat th An ArbrPusttoffie. Pubihed daily (Mndaysmexcptd dungs thae oleg ea, at 11p ast Wahigton street. Bell phete92g. Haue phune. Masaging Eilior, CLYDE L DEW Bussiness Manager. WALTER R. ANS EDITORS. Athetis.........Careence E. Eldidg News,.........Luis . Stikey tEchsga....I...Chalet E. Wiatead Matic........A. H. Ot'tteye Woen............ Efie J. Amsttg EDITORIAL STAFF. Hugh Ale .Fakis C. Paks Athu C. FPotd. ASSOCIATES. Gorge A. OsbrstnUHarldC.Sitt Ferris N. Smith Getrge A. Bartess Rbet H. Clattcy Frak J. Clark Henry F. Schute Hery A. Mntgomery 1). F. Steenstott Jh F. Wr Glentn D Bradley Flyd H. Jnes Roy V. Lual RATES: $2.0 pr year, oat lass it pad i adace. Addriesat WALTER R. HANS Business Manager. 236. 12h S.. Phone 849 L THURSDAY. API , 12, i-)6. Editor Today-Henry A. Montgomery. CALENDAR April 12-Meeting of Sketch club. In Drawing room, old engineering building, 7:30 P. mn. April 13-Spring' vacation begins, at tte close of tte day's casses. Ari 6-Law Sociat cub (ance. Gran- grs academy. April 24-Ctasses resumed. Mleeting of the oard of regents. Re- grns' room, aw' buiding. April 26-Organ recital by August Schmidt in Faculty concert series. University all, 8 p. m. Aprl 27-Meeting of Bird club. Mus- eum1 lecture room, 7 p. 01. Banquet of the Cosmopolitan club. Inter-society deate between Alpha Nui andI Webster societies, leading to the cup debate. The appointmnt of Dr. James W. Glover as expert in the inestigation of isurance compaies by the Wisconsin legi sature and the Canadian parianent is a fattering recogitiou of Michiga's insraince department. We are iiclind to be too apathetic to the work that is ieitig done by our faculty. But such alpreciation by outside authorities is a fircible remind~er of the exceletce of our various departments. We feel sure hat the services of Dr. lover ii Iis iiaier will bring fresh laurels to the uniersity. I Johnny arrels inc lue the great- esl alt-aroutd athlete in the worldt Gar- els gave fresht evidence of his ability liv treeting the worl's record it discus mu luyag inl yesterday's practice. The wviiiierftl sotwing of this penoenta athlete itakes 'Micigatn's catces lrigt fr the track chamtpioisip of tof. Car- rels wiiilie the lrigittattd sinittng sttr of the iontlfertnc'tieet. Te possessiot of such ati athlete is the uore creditbe becatise arrels is an all-arotnd college man anuttd ant exeptiotally good student. .\i.SlC.\I, CLUBS ELECT OFFiCERS OR NEXT YAR At ut tieting it1 tie titsical cls heinitUn'tiversitv alTueseay ight, the anualtttue leitn ofifftuceen for te clis Ias uni. "Potts" Potter was tiaide president; "teac" Ellis, vice- itresidlent; Starkey secretary; Fred Bushy, itatiager;: I)ont Sterlitng, assistati mantiager; "Loue" ree, leader of the glee cliii):George Clark, leader of the muandoictb. Potter is well fitted to assune the responsiiities of ii office, beig identi- fidrit h the cls for te past three sears. Ile is ciairtiant of the lirettt coutitute of te uiersity mitntstrel sliuw to le givenuti the ear future, ati is a umemuber of 'htatuDlelta Cli fraterity. rect has sntg ithPe ctbs for the past four years. was stloist att first lass tit the cliqartet this year, atd is tmttsical director of the uiversity tmi- steels, anti sotoist at the Presbyterian chuirch.Ilie is a mtemtber of Sigma Nit fraternity. C'lirk hats btent a tmember of the clbls for foutr years. le is a most capable mutsieci aand is exiectedl to be a most efficient 111111fr ledter of the mandolin cub. le is a mtemiter of Phi Delta Theta fratertity. The plais for nex year's sork on the clubs are already strtd. For the first time the clbs will le orgatied as tnearly as possible beore the ctse of the semieser. 'letitgs of the glee clutb till le held this year t arurtge fete n cetly cme ncttteenstt of laors next yer. The mttanagemiett is plnnitgt gie the tint twit trips ii 196-07. PASTEUR INSTITUTE BUSY. Dr. W. J. Byrs a veteriary strgent whse h oe is at Cattlotte,nus edis- chargeid fromt the PasterItnttstittte at the tuiversity yestertdty, swhere le has teent taking treatmiett the past three ieeks. tDr. Byrs was called to see a horse ilt Msarch r9, ait while exa mi- ing the animial it it the doctor's left 111,cauttsitg a seere wsount which hus lnt as yet healed entirely. Te horse tiled the follwilig day. aid Dr. Byrs secured tin' brain atidl utportintiof te spititticolumnt, which lie lbrougheenolDr. Cuminigs at tetPasteurIstittte heee. who prononcedl the horse's death die to rabies. Twvo gineia pigs were ioctl- aler thl a portiont of the braiti ade they tiled withini several days. Dr. Byrr was given the fll twentyoteidays' treatmtenit at tie itstitte. At tile presett tmr there are aotiltiat' diozenl people takitigtretmliet at the Pasteur Istitute several of womi are women. 'These patints cmlie froit all prts of the cottry. A charge a re- cently bectilmade for this treatmietl The fee for resdeents of Micheigat is $2, finr itoit-residets $oo. Y'ANNICANS DEFEAT ANt) TIE THE YARSITY (Cotinuited front page one.) runts. The gamle wias called at the ende of the seventth on accoutnt of fatigue. 'T'he score, first game : TENNIS RACKETS alt. r. hi. po. a. Maltrtitt. If. ... ...4 2 2 0 0 'Tuft. ce..........2 0 0 4 2 Reenia..... . .. I1 I I I Kelley,....11 ... 4 o o 6 t Wh~leeler, rf....4 0 2 2 0 tDtunne, 1t..t.... 4 o 0 6 0 O'Brieni.311..... .4 0 2 1 1 Pattersoni, ss..... o o o0 o0 tiercee cf ......4 0 1 3 0 Gilbert, p......2 0 0 0 1 DeNeffe, p.t... io0 01I3 uToose ..........i 0 0 0 0 e. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 z 0 0 0 0 Finest Line in The City Wright & Ditson's "Star" $1.00 Surprise" $1.50 "Sub" $2.00 "Park" $2.50 Ohers at $3.50 $4.00 $5.00, and'$7.oO Totals .......35 3 8 24 9 3 *Batlted for lDeNeffe. Sian,if. s.......... 4 diills, rf.............. 3 WXalsh, c............. 2 \'elier........ . 2 r.i. po(. 0 13 1 03 005 1 a. c. 01 0 0 0 0 T r 0 0 0 0. 0 0 I0 3 0 61 .Spaldii ng Make at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Special Psrices or% Leather Pillows Inclutding 11ICHIGAN SEAL Vntil Aprill mt 1) A'-"*,L IN 0 & I1ALLEAUX; 224-226 S. State St Tots............ 29 4 5 27 11 3 By innlings- 12 3 456 78 9 Varsity..... 10 0 0 100 10-3 Yanttnigants ....... 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1.-4 Twso litse iits-Whleeler 2.3'Tree- btase lill s-1'uartiti. Inintgs pitchte-bty Cilluert 5,ity c~Nieffe 4. tilts off Cil- bert 4. off irN effr T. Struck out-buy Cilbiert 2, liy heNeffe 1, bty \Weler 3. Batses nut nalls-itoff Cilbet 3. CUtuhirt' - .\llebauch. Second gatume- 1 2 3 4 3~ 6 7 Varsity .............. 10 0 0 030-4 Vtttigulls ........... 1 0 0 0 1 2 0-4 Buttuerie's-I~eNeffe, Cilbtert tand' Deena; : Hilgli and 1Chitatey. lltUir'e -Taift. GIRL.S IN CYMINASTIC EXERCISE. 't'lue ginsh' anualuuu gymniaustic exhiltitiutut hel at Bethotue gytuilatst eveninig was a seeryprertty atffair. Thue first, secntu a111( thirtd vear classes were tutu thu ror- gramutfottestrittusexhiiiilonus such us clibswvinug'ing, umaurchinig, Cilberttdatucitug etc., antuthetiteuamti workslistuhan'ee wst v'ery creditabl e. A\large crttwdl wii- tned lte exercises. YACATI(ONATGRANGER'S. All causses andtt assembllies as usutal. 1Dhuring 'ther v'acation uthur batlctny will lie topet to ut limtitethnumbeu ir iWednuesdaty utnie Satiurduty tights tiltto 1u tuclock. Aftiersvacuation ithur samne charge silulhbe tmate for baltconuy as downtstairs. We findl this thur only sway iwe call contrttl it. Baulconiy prisileges are tubuuseud. 41-42 Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, toe. Fuller & O'Connor. tf TeBookstore That's Never Unesl.Brief M aking and the Use of Law Books A hook emvery law Studetit attd young laswyer should have. Price, $200 Cash or Exchange for your Law or !'ledical Books C. E. BARTHELL Phase 761 326 South State Strert, Ass Arbor, Mich. Chapped Faces are wors1e than slapped f aces. They last longer. Avoid chap- ped faces-use WILLIAMS' SHAVINGi El Students' Lecture Association S. L'A. 'OlF1CE HOURS, 5 to ,6 P. M. .4~tIQnday, ,Wednesday, Friday. Moen's"Swell" Shoes A shoe as well as a suit of clothing to give per- fect satisfaction as to serviee or style must be made to please different individuals. You can only secure such satisfaction by having your shoes made to order. We have made special arrangements with Whitehouse & Hardy, Yale Outfitters of New Haven, Conn., to handle their men's swell shoes. We have a complete line of samples of the latest Spring and Summer Styles. If you desire a stylish Oxford, Dancing Pump, or a shoe for Canoeing, we are pre- pared to give you entire satisfaction. Call and ex- amine our line before purchasing. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tsa issa La.osr. n Asians Going North 9:05 a. m..anod 4:35 p.:am. Going South 7:20 a. m.,t1:3.5 a. m. andt7ctt3p. a. J.3J. KIRY, W. T. WILLS, Geral Pass. Agent, Agante. Tuledo, Ohiu Anna Ache M l Belt phuone lao-ir Home ahuau 698 t ICHIGAN (CLETin1 Chicago Buffalo . Bostoi New York Throogh Trains East-8.18 a. mt.,.4d p. m. 4.55 p. mt., 9.30 p. m. 11.05 p. at. Lscals East-6.05 a. m., *11.10 a. mt. *4.05 p.m. *8.36 p. m Through Trains West-2.07 a at, 7.50 a. at., 9.t8 a.in., 2.3p. at. 10.t0p. m. Loctais West-224a. m., *8.28 a. in., *1.40 p. in., *6.tS p.,at. * (Except Sunada.) C~onnetios at Chicago fur St. Loais EassnC(ity and the Wet. - W. IW. CASE. Agent, Ann Arbor r ~BUY AT Ihe CO m OP. CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334, SOUTH STATE ST