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April 11, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-04-11

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The Michigan Dalily
\+N-N \RBOR, 'A Olf \ \\ifGN FI)\i ,SI)AYt_\fIRII iig196.

,dOL. XVI.

No. 140,

Hard Is the Order From Now On For
the Chorus, Olio and Farce Troupe
-Meeting This Afternoon.
This cx cixg at 7 o'clock, the chorus
of the minstrel show wiii meet in Roon
CUixersiystl. 'he commxittee has
decidirdlo00 hard work for the partici-
pantsin xtie show fromxi xow ox, ad
memberx~xs of the cioruxs who are ot pres-
ist tonigiht xil forfit their pacs. This
dlxastic xxestr is aparenty iniie witix
te stlicsof te mxaxagemsent, swhiicixis
promisinig tie siudent oy a xel-
driilixdthxorioxgilyipreiaredi troipe.
Befr csprixngxvactioxi aii te actors
foite farce wii e asgxeditieir iarts
xandi At to work learxnxxg tieir liies, six
thtlsill xviiih n redixxess for te dxii
rclxcaras after vaeatioxs 'heatc x of
le farce ixcdexsixome of the xxos
proxixixexntatltcex andxxxtos xf useecxi-
sersiiy and comxprss a xnumbeir x of fix-
makers who wouxld xxrixg s ginxto tie
lace of tie Sphxxxx. iTe farce isef
touicies off univxersity cirscers axxii
hap~penings ini amannerv tha t xiiixu-
hdouitedly crcatic xxxixxxxtxirxxxiiiadx
hlaisriiy on the evenings of Nisy 4 an 5.
Tue olio or li of xadiliistle sunts
also srnugs to te foxotigixtxs ixbxd f
capsfavoriies wihose xnicnamxxesare
oni the tonxges (f evryibod. Tiis bilii
f vaudixevilic sxrs is tesignexi to eciiise
in txalentiandxiii-aiixroundxxexcelence te
iixctixvhunixxtdrexi xiltiowwsiowivixg xi
xiie Templexc iiear ini Detroit.
i'rinciipai Reic, of te Unxiversiy
Coliege f Northx Waix s aic m xeistier of
th i sl educai iitxtionali coisiiixo, ax
x xx isenddrexs oni"Somxe Iter-
cxxix Festursi xxAmiericonUxiversi-
tis" deivteredi ieforv tasc gildii of grac-
tsf tihe IUniverstisof'Wale xai
dxcix sixi iiixxshrivy'fitirte rturnx of
thex comiixonifroits rix cvixxiitor.
xx x iclciitti caxxiiatiietics cin i
fori tieirreorvf attention.xi
xxxhv somse xtes,"sidiDr.Reiciel.
"ben in xxfuly struck bythetxv xuxxtier (f
studeticxs xviho ii5iixlxxwniiitxhiiits xundeir
thstrxainx fthixoriry dgrecc xvor,
andiithe iexi xixofien xiocurrdi us ti
itht e sihouxldi he going oxr xixxy xc-
ter lxxxiii thstudeniixxttisixni o te corn-
11-Y if xwe xxdi civ iaxiitraxiing s comi-
ipulsory axxxxpa xir ti r crrxium xi.
Latin. 'xxxx imay judsgtueth xxiihavtx
icrest I discsvered, asxxwe xxxentirundix
le Amiericax ii xxii rsiis iithaitot oxxii
lii tiey xoxiv xxiiialxmakixtfiili xxxii cxxi
iiiinititixitiroxiion xiifist"gxxiiisi rain-
xibutlx hai ithoxxiioxxxivoxxirsre ex-
cep ixxixti iey ipseit xonxevxxxixsudset.
enougtog secxxxtiefirs-yvear xstudets,
goi xxiii ixixtithexgymnasticretcrcisses.
andiaimp xiressives-x it it wii. 'Ije
lxxxi x4itieshuxexrillinhaliwiiascered
%o'(1t ;00 stdixntsxiix iiin exten sicor ri-
ilex iitx x1isiith tixgt xiiihell xlationecucxxx
onx a xx dai xxiiiut xxiiiifeet highxsti o
thein xstutor iixissuinig hisiscommandxxii s xandi
Ix slttg ilex iyhiiiixix x xxxii cxxofx xhxli
lass;theoccsionalxxiigrouxndingx''of tiii
dilxxt-h els rcaleixxilt'xi i amoux sixx
itixissi' utle soundisiof thunderixhxxxiiire-
iii xix
Axi iiI' SilC'ERSx 5' N TFi).-
dalexichoxitexchieixi xare xwantedsinl
xiii Pihiiittcx ar1hsiissxnxthe se-c

Halie iproxvixces lxaxxehirsocedtixoo xixici
fist~pue tcxx eai cixers xxxiiconsequtINhi
feg ' wopiiin axre-biing emploixyedi atx hres-
cxii ,xti gacxicart xs takenx not iii sendx
iiiemxxwhore it~ly wilixot ihaxxe relatives
andi fri'ndx I Tte text scixooxisessiotn
iltux ii ixitppxxcxs willihxxgixx Junie in,
antn? x ip isericani teachers wil repxort
for dxi) ;ofthis nnmher tono'ire mnxt


aissliiitingxxiixir srapidly giroingix forn-s


YOUNG PRACTITIONER~S icnizingtii ie;xxargx~elyinxxithis sciool's
ii cgiiniingits lduty txxixrdxtheichldrenii~~I
of i xifreign-Boixrn. h Tl is ixrxlexi xx
Much Good Advice Given to Members getixg tlxese chslde n rollxxxtetinxxthe
of Practitioners' Course in Horn schlsxan eeing xxim hert is if
oeopaihic Department. lxx lira iprtanice, tor the truanxt tixciix
the juvenile idxiiilinxixintIaxxiithixcihlixi
hDr. hDeans Smthxsfxlthe hiiixtis xxiiithisvaxriii xxii tiiicriminal.Tox i
faxculty-deivex-redi tutu a sits xxii e xxxdi 1,1 xxiiiruancytisito 510 lxixiotteltofthie
interestinsg lectuxrxxxi surge-ry bexfoxre theuue xsofimexii
hxxixxexuaiiic ipracitionlers' o rs-es I i lxxieport iiii xi x ipn t t ieiixii
terdhay. 'this lectxirenwst-xsnxxixoftteser
cxsxieiveredi befiore the memberxxxs of tixait s uiiiF Fl S 'NxoRKhIN N 'iiI i
coitise. hDr. Smxii iti ske oxi he it xxx _____
aspiets if surgery- ansd ishowediitosscar- iiDespite "et grous" the vasitsy
rigid onx xy the irese-nxi day phxysiin. , saltis eits g theis xxecssity liii
The speaker xmentxioniedi tse xprogress tlxtpiaciie- xotx xxii xoiifersy xildiiyes ity
lias hbtiten maiein xxsurgein lthelxxtielx andxxiiidiaroit dxxxii xx hsisi tliiihouixrs.
yearxs. iHe soixntei t iitt xitprxest Hoxiiier lithe xdamp xatmosphlts prtax
both tiheic muethodux sxxhnd istrumetls emiii d iiiok f erystrenuusxix
ihyedin isuxrgicali operatiiions hivead-naure.
ixixcex inlxaixxwoxnerfuli degree xiser lihios-e 'ix xtrckx mexti xxxiiitisriough thxeir
tisexd only xx lets-dicadessigo.s liii tiixxstusi as sa x.iiiionlyfewlxetilt
fior suitote s ienco rmouxs xincxxxase xin was l/Z-six-n-islspracticinxg sue tir-
thi niiumtber of opeinus. IthexxiiissedcIles thIe looixss b 1igxasx a xbarnilxii
himixself axsxxnfaiv-orabixe tix the xcareles ceas tlixb1riersxxin a wasy iiiaxisiakes
use if thi nkife. lie xxiisa /ix ittick"ai enotIsisCo
-"Pe'oiple inxtoxiii nysi asess- llow ixihixisittixeiss o oscosistenlviii sx ithxiithe
setvsstos lbe-opexraii-ted xsuponswhenithteirxTo xiiidsixxcidimxxxrovementuix xxithxthi
coiionli doeslxixnoht i-all fou chxixdrasttic iscss. The in rsidhuhaifist xiiieei
lxxxitixtilt.iiiiiilxxs s 'niiixg xxx j2
hr. Sixmithspokeii.-iisfthis-qualiistht iI' irsi tac ciet nilthin xxar
lit ithe puhysiciainitoi becoxixi a competttleii 5 urxxiiyxxtexdaxx lxxtonxi tringa
opetexor. lie s poke xl thse xiixxxntage xlf xiiisclexothatsixex mayxxinolii le ihble ito
stexdyiniv les and iciiiik atio .Mntyxxx etlxxx isape ixcfxrelthe- xnii xfithexiea-
caises lists-cmixixiost hiIxyidecisinan soiii lieiwas iratic ingixthinhlxaiijump
ixsxltiiciiknxowl-edige' xlthin parts ii(iper- ii whenx lie trinexixislxxl lethigh ixnxxx xii
axtedx tiphon. hDoctoirssire lixbtoxi belxxelxxxi xxxi of.xi Coxtltnx is lxx il li
xcarxexlssintheir uxreparatiionxfortliiip-sinp excelixentxprep schooixl record andxieiti
eraioni;ithey stairt lto xperatsi xisxisxxii asareadly showed cxsigns xl beinig xar-
uxlicationis lhcy lidoliinotiuxderstaxxxiihenteity caibire, aix-sii xxi hxlxx xi
thecy exisily mxake fItllmiisais." indoori coilxsitlxxxlxix ixndxi n sxxxxsee-
'Le sicaker idweiltlhpin theie xcxxsityxxiii xto 'xi ilxxxnsx x



iif cleanxiness andixh prorxi st xerilizatlionxsof
istrumxxentis toi prevecxitie infectionx of
patientsyti he bali er liilofioreignx sxxi-
sitnceswi itrxtodued intxxiiithe phsiy-
icallyx weai subxjeictlxid xaih suit fox
NxV ihl' BOYS xPLAYx
Ini C. S. Cirnest repxxiititonightl at
7 o'cloickin xxNic exerxyxilxchsiill tell
the stunv of theut nawayiiixs ol the sexvelI-
tex-ithit arx-xxx ft h xie mostiicongestetd
forxeignx iistricts xin Chxxxagxxixllutraxxtixxg
xxitht the irsi-ialstatelmeniii ofithe tru-
antsi thcuemses -asutoxwiii-hiyd-played
iuiuxiciy, xxwlxri theyxxxiiitswhat thue-
dix.tt i iidadhths1 xxxi tisse for ttemu.
1(hr. Cxxiiiex hutlxxxix thatxithue school
in thei sumsxits nost dsingi-whxalxiiit shuldt
fur thue "ihuidrienxof liii street,"xxand
jithxt time houpe oxlsxxinglxthue problemxi of

lRix 'i \ NIx I~t S/iPRIOGixxA'x
w-oxx ilusxipuresent a u lhuxss axndiszt
uxxgxuuthustprg ratmxbeingx tile last iof
tiii lustorxialsexrits. IThe irisgratltflii
this xxi xi ftno'sixoncert is is foio)hx-s
Variat in xxxiidIFxxxix ,flist xmajosrxxx
ai thute of xii14xxxili
1 iuicui-Op. ii i r.Nix. - antdlNix. (i.
Baxulxlade--p.ix o.No. i sindsNix. 2.
ihliihxiiiii i i tti) Nix. _l-
xxaltzes-xIii nliii. i8.
I 1xinii a xx DanI) e-l
Kranil/Lxiz lx(i8s-1it86).
lxxoiciin exitl sdialy lai Soxlixtde.
lxi uxign (anen xl liiigxxuixues-
Etude dxixConciiit -hmnr
Rakoiczyx arch.

I 'xli F kNROIi iINT' State Officials Give Great Credit
IN GRASDATE SCHO1OL0. to Professors Adams and Cooley
Thisannunxx cmet of the graduaxte -Eight Million Dollars Gained
scholinthsi litrary udepartmuenti of the by the State.
xuivity, l fis thlit nexi texcidxmic yer
ha ust lxecxnxisud, 'Lislicoxnit xin Sonixc xlflichiga's state legislator-
explaion ofus thexi linues f uvorkx w-hichu hae salwasys ciamsedthati ue appropria-
xxiii hi cstudeniusx xayvfollowss-the exl-t ixnssof monexuy for he universiy did xnoi
dislu xi mxii lerwxihipersonxs sre enroled,bring gotiutireturns to ue sae. 'This
and axregster of the suuents enolleid absurdlasserinthalixs aliay carriedi a
tiii ieaus S copysof thut'nnunuxxucemeuntxigreatn deal f weighixxxiiihaxbeeni ac-
mayibesixtured hisyxaddrssingthe sxc- cehuux-l as gspel hy the ripresetaivs
nia ft h xx axdlii minuuisraiive council t'ro- fruts the iback-countury dixiricts xwho ave
lxxxii 'xSWaleiDeixsuuon, Suits rSr u,upituredlthe uiersiy as a facory for
:Mich. turning outuua xxrh-rah" uproduuc, with ai
Thexxiiolloin g tableishowis le iprseuintccasionaluvixatioaiin ste shape of a
enrolxlmentu iliii graduaxxte courtses, ito besxpecacedisissy bouy suffex wih Latn
dstictusonbeng madue lure amonustg caxi- anuh(reek.'These viwsse actually
diast flix h axdegreex sof hMastxer xlftbenutxxxithinuiithe floor tuftile house,
Antsuit s-nixfu cie lDotcxr xof Phixl-accorinthuollseveral sae tfficlas who
ossuituxndxxiioctoisr of Sciencex. ixre appsiroachediby nmemibers of the Siiu-
Sune sesusxuxxiniofx190silo ......" i32 xdeitCounuucl fur iformationxuonuxthe ati-
Si dx xxii xxses it f I ..t....sin - xxx tudexiofl liii stie legislatiure. 'T'hese
Ein-thx i xx in uxxliur udeparmnt...u . -- -I viewxx lxxv coxIsthe uiersityiousads
Comleedunderusuigradtetisiic-ustse n ofdollar it n approlhupiaios.
hitbruaryxluio(x- - - - -x.....i... xxxowveritusis jxsibecumuig noiised
thrughut teshu tie ha thin great i-
141 tiiyiofitheiisate ofMin ichigani over the
Dedulctx forxiaus xiicountuedi twice.. -6 rairmudxin uturets ciioeuuldl xnii have been
wounxuti mire nxliiir husie uiversity.
Tl. ......- ..- - -....-15 he l ogcontinsueanau ruuous laos
O theusex:udiueisnin xetyxs xie a-ioflPruofexxors xamssstund Cooly are
neaudy c-instencgrees rnumixthe 'Dish-rhumlixto belngelyx reponsileifor the
city of Milchuganx axxi txenty-eighut iere vicory.- iThese tetustioduuisurily y
memersoflist inear's gradutinuug cas huxsitxlof.ovenorr Pigre, the fam-
lh iii her dtiehgrees grantueulinlq uuiosu tsoit m an uiuufacurer, sho tared
wer xa flloiisxv: thiiitax rfiormxxxmovment seven or eight
lste i os f m Science in xforetry.).. 5 yearsx ago Governor Pingre always
lfS iof mitst...x- -....... 41 gave crdilto rofesors Adamxs and
Doto ox f usi h'huiisiti........... /7Cooley fr advicesitu encuragemsent
lucthy glue sit ix lxixfight funreuu-h ax-
Ssit i . .. ...- ........... i5 aitonu xxxiijustassiss e nt o f the great
Thei uixviegesofm ie gramduaehoolMiigill corporaions ivhichx iere evad-
armnx-itou10graduattues ofthe diepartmet intg tie hpaymsentsof aix euitbleamonti
oflihtenalustex scence xxndiitue aris of list of taxexi
l Uivensity-oflMihciganxasitoisgratilts M1nyxxstlte officlas, inciulug Ator-
mu othiiin uuiIrstexsitud colegsx honh e n' xixv exral Bird ad formxer Atorney
saixmsix- tecadiixxsnrxixe councixl tixat xxinerlslaIirh,udeare tatithe state
liii arex is quifiedlto pussuxixxviiwiithxotit uolit hutvi'-is-aulits case if it wei-
shut immmmxxxico umrsisxxi tudyiofmxrii in smt lir lihy aidigivens by IProfessos
thu school. Adms xinxxiiCooley.
mmlxrygradxiiuse studetie wxhois cn- JunuxE. I Beal, ue satie representa-
dl xid r higher ere osi-units tie fromxthists iticiwasvaei-ryenthus-
lihe sum-callenm"unslusirtyssteiim"thinasully xxhiiiquexstionuedl aboutxProfessors
esni cosnes oxich l rexix xiaiiliii! SAdamstuamd Cooley's prtinxxgeting he
atin huofx sudxi,.axfial exaxminaxttxi '-lush tght shmillin dolarsiforxhutie stae. SWhen
thesis. 'I'iieistuent seects ai "xxxir usimlS"Whxatxlii iou think aout thu
stuui' andxin xxgxxenra lxviio "muinoxr 1511vxrsits plin th ie sae ax cases?'
stoies hmxxisclectionxs ibeing suject, how Srleal replied:
xir enosumhun approvami l he coucil.. lxxi mixdoI think aout theuniver-
(Continued on page 2.) styxpart us the sate tax cases? As
aYatushec answiesoone question y ask-
inganoheur, I would say:5 Wasnit it au
B ecom ing Popular graxl snap funri'Michigxan to have the
xkilii suche siiProfessors Adams
anudi Cooleiy xiuxhse csisa?'You ams
srap he shiv leimmwoxrmlximmxxr xxxiiinomt
lxii ettrlixttedxmxltxxvruhuaixxiwork, yet
tuysarexrighul lureonMusichiganu' fac-
f Ilh inmxug allitheu aitieslx ofx i nd01am
xiii huart lfo it'e geat'tssk You m ight
uxssihlxxhaie fundsmixxim xiellsuied--
us theyuight noit xxxi vei beelxxin co-
- .fuumtsix S u mxxi gitlxxix foundumme
lkoxii gun-t abixli lnug thein hunes.
havei ibul lidthexmlImxianisxiin1usmni thegir
cxi mixy xsoxiasum xxomweaknt.xl here wxxs
'rsq hux isapp~yxxiomiatillnmof lmu ninxgskill
mxxxiandg'hd ush dgmeiunulli umen whouucouldx
xxlot besbougt xscmxxxiifoolduoswmeredt
fnomuty l Ti Ihusxxi is the xiersity f
,xrMichig n'sxittlexiinmrs m itio iofanles
mxiionsmofxdhlmarsmix te tatexxuai few~
(111111RIll) SrRSiIVICIR xiT
CiNt uii(5TIt)N-S CHU-isRCII
'her illxvii i fhtxteencuxuminutes' er-
Shue librasry autxhoiies whiichx we xie nixGmod Friday dcii i13 asit2:05.
mumeutux every "week despisethe facts that xxxthut ptarors ointhlstCogregational
. .,,7-tl~ fl- -1- .1...., - 1,..,11,, 111-1hto...k;-1,i«xveryo...e.15 veryCot'-

IReading JDoom in General Library

'Leicrxceasedupopaxuxrity of the lillsaruy is misho lxiy hue figunes issxuedi lx
hiprintinel xxyesterdiay's iDailiy. Over 3,5)so booxks tine sdrawu nuxrsmte desk my st
anixmmxeseu mb iiuser of hooks are used frmmmxxhle referieuce shelves every day,
oxul andx txkenx Irons use library hy studeticxs sre ntoscouixein lxthis total

ana teat the t)ootzs Yt nscti are drawn

dialiy invited,

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