TIIHEMICHIGAN DAILY __ I locking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Slasplag Cars on Night Trains Union Dopotsin Toledo~jand Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martlus Detroit, Mich.' F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING {Gas ansd Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IBAILEY & EDMUNDSL SporttnoG$oobe6 121 East Liberty Street. MADE-TO-ORDER STYLS REGAL. SHOES College Meni Almoemi ry Rlegal -tyle isdi sectly copied fromal nfea design that has ibeen produceld bhie mostc ex li cutomboota-laiaers of And tihi.Regal moadels that are mostpoularein the ealieget -evey- awhere areexct tasS faithful re-- Ileiciliiiiilceafinliosatly eadle- to-orereshloesctihatisavece 111 ito a-gect uivesitiies if theawoildS, esltblishetd Cile-e lBcreeatic-- paertmenit, comiipaced awially ofiex Youalion'tihaveltoselndiawalyito sellretilestyethlat csias yaa.A caepiete: tcofiClliegeiliialsatl $3.50 and $4.00 righ;leeeainAnnaArbor. Thianly sothiii c~smade i inqateizes.c The Right Styles in Men's. Spring Clothes Ev-erythiiig iliat'snaew and right will he fotud here now. All lines greater in variety asid lier in price th an etital quali- tieh smavlie obtainsedlisina noher store. Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits $10 to $20 Top Coats - - - $10 to $25 Rain Coats - - $15 to $25 MEN'S FURNISHINGS A splesiidtlicmovinig if NMcc's N ets Spriisg Sliii, Neckwvear GLvres, Hosier y asid Usiderwrear. MEN'S SPRING HATS Thse news shapes in bilack and colors are Io be seess as usual. Up-Inoclateness, sisre qusaliiy are evidentl lhrcnghnnl - REULE, CONLIN &, FIEGEL R. A. II. IOMPSON, A Ye Student Shop 611 E. William St. Annl illeit *ill Arbor, L l ACADEMY GOnFloor, GRAN ER ORH ESTRA 310 Maynard ma Street FURISING "DOPE" T IN SHIRTS New Colorings IN ECKWAR N HlIRY IN CAPS New Styles IN COAS HENRY and KYER II I i- I Suts nd vercatsoii~N lnthnii~nmanuBuy Direct and Save To Measure $16 0to $28.00 , U 1U l SIIIIIA ll C11JMoney. 118=120 E. Liberty. Fro p - "( J U. of M. BARBER SHOP PhotographerR TC~ R 319 E. Huron lR A N D A L L Trojonowski State St. l l JPH O TO G RA P H E IR I ..-- These Eight Pipe 'Tobaccos Are the Largest Selling, Most Popular, Highest- Grade Tobaccos in the World Every pipe connoisseur, the world over, knows one or more cf these tobaccos; and knows that higher quality was never produced. He knows, too, that a good pipe, seasoned by and filled with one of ATAbstsmkeofan AA these tobaccos, i_ better than the betsmkioin fief f illes- in vcu tins.. 13 o, aft.; 835 aoz.. C other kind. CAPS A- Mld, m - sengts, hieay, ie- diuand sild-iniia-u- ass insa. 1153oz., 25C.; 3j o., 45C. GARRIC-Finest iml- eortedi...aiue-Tirkish, Liati and irgicai, daiigtitliaaloaica- 30C.; as i z, O6ia. alerypopelar mixtare- Haansa, Prique, isstiats aineast Virginiaselec~- tioas. faa-ssal RIHMNDt aCLU-A m1ad aromatlia-inssweetalesansmokae- vauu ins. 13o., fiest Vigiia goldleafl, 90C.; 3's o. 40C with aanasTarkish 1n1Priue as3o., i5s.; 3 az., Eta. IMPEIAtCUB-aUT -m lds;, ime.; full baco.iu, aaa UNIVERSITY NOTICES. iiay a ingiert a lchill (Iaulioitlat ea eti-i i 161011i1 327, 5ut-luck Wedu- i ii) at lailtrounc stil hiiis atillnoon'at o'click.\liialail augi-. V. W.lii A.ii meeti atgli . i . Ciodiay. )r.Steihrtof enonCllepeak.s~ig oni"ieaChriii a--Slide.ts-cliaic \Icet 11o la 1,\eit nuice aclius aI oClck 1ol larialaore-Nideie el acagoiteri sleeilthi cisiiiateinooSuit- cleatsfur -"fcciidi.toculhasea.llea at. C ?al vle ifngigesitsa t FOR 2. 3 aiiilr14neile iaigfrom tm-ucacil u-ilagi ecbicktrsi desnce, wtl- furaniih ealeasnlyticii scied.cSlici a-bifiiiaoity.cAddriiacgl1ii AKr itiy. tiifj Ctal S wiilii iriiuidiirat is.to diui duetsi toi ll aiioinsinica leiae atol aeaPainsucylavaChi.go 3ns-3( FIRST NiATIONAL BANK Of Ass Arbor. Mich. E. Di. Kisse, Pres. Hlarisona;'Saue. V { .,W. Clarhkcoa, Cashier CCapitai, $110000. Surelas ad Praftta. Utoee UEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Colc. Cust IFlow.'.a and Plak imts IChpn3 between Huron and ilier Ave. JJJPhone 80 Builders aof theWorld J need Brawn and Brain, whether they are Building - 2 Books or Building Business. ' In the whole wheat grain Nature has stored the material / for building brawn and brain- but the white flour miller gives you only the-starch. You can't build muscle or brain out of starch. In Shredded Whole Wheat you have all the body-building elements of the whole wheaIt prepared ill digestible form. The Government uses it to build soldiers at West Point and sailors for the Navy at Annapolis. It is on the "training table" of every college and university. A food for the brain-worker, the outdoor man and the in- door man, for any meal, for any season in any climate-a food to grow on, to think on, to work on, to live on. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms. BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The Biscuit is delicious for break- fast with ha-S or cold milk or cream, or for any meal in combination with fruit or vegetables. TRISCUIT is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nourish. ing arnd appetizing. Delicious as a. toast with bever- ages or with cheese or preserves. Some one or more of these famous brands will just suit you and yoi If not found at your dealer's, sent THE AMERICAN TOBACCI 111 Fifth Avenue, New York The " athaI Questinn Cook Book" is sent free for the asking. THE NATURAL FOOD CO. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Yn "It's all in the Shreds" -ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVEjtY THIING IN TAILORI NQ