A THE MICHIGAN4 DAILY On Ui.I WILD CO. ITHE LEADING Tailors Maesof Men's Clothes. Althe latest London styles and fabrics for any snd all occasions. FULL DRESS SUITS A SPEICIALTY I 311 S. State St. ,Anne Arbor, MIcK. rShoes Base Gloves Bnil Bats Masks Pants THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Eterdtas scod clastmattrat thte Ann .. Arbotr Pcsttffic Fabished daly (Mondays ecepted drig t cottege yer, at ty7 East Wahigtn stret. Belt phane 82. tHoee phane 76. Managing Editor. CLYDE L DEW Business Manager. WALTER . HANS EDITORS. Athetis.........Claeace E. Eldide Nws ........Lttuis D. Stiktey Exchatest.. .....Chare E. Wittstead Mutsis........A. H. Otttee Wmtea.......Efi J. Attstatg EDITORIAL STAFF. Hugh Alet Fatkin C. Parks Arthutr C. Pttttnd. ASSOCIATES. George A. Osbornt Hattld C. Stith Ferris N. Smtitht Gerge A. Bartes Eabert H. Clatcy Fatk . Clrk Hery F. Schute Hettry A. Mntgoey 1). F. Steesan Jhtt F. Wre Gtettt D Bradley Floyd HI. Jtes Roy V. Lati adtace. Addres: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager 236i S. 12th S.. Phone 849 L. TTSI)AY. APRIL t, 190f. CEdfitor today-PHIL" STEVENSON. CALENDAR April itiIhistottcal recital of te works (f ralttts atd isz ot, iby Prof. Al ber1 Lokwood. Frizr Mrorial hall. L~etore by Percy W. Mac~aye, dratm- atlst, before Pilologial sooiety, ott 'The Amseriatt IDrama:o Soot'As pects attt Poetialitie's. Sarah Caswell Attgell httll, S p. tin. Relort of Chicago Cottttots scholar ship bly Chester S. Cartey, '6, fbe fore Sociological c. Subject: *The Inluetntce otthle Foreigtkle- nettt iT t'ruaatcv." Newbhrry hltl 7 f. ttt April t -'Icltetitts of Seths clttb. Itt Drttwttnt"roottt old1ettgiteerittEs botildint,7:30 Fpttt. April tl3-S ttt 5vtcatiott begins at thle cloreof th cysclasse'.. Apirl16-Lttw Sortia rittitdacte. rat- April 4-Carse'.reumted. ',Iteetitta of te boatd of regetts. Re- gcts rotttttlaw butiltitg. Aprl oh Otganttrecital ly Attgst SchmtiadttinEFatlty cottcert series. t ersty alS8p. t. Apri 27--IMeting of Birt clttb. Ms- cumts lecture roomt, 7 p. tm. Banquitet of the Cosroptolitan cl. Intter-society deate betweena Alpha Nu antd Wiebster societies. leaig to te cuptt deate. Thte regentts are te cort of last re- sort itt tnivesiry affairs, antd tey do tot proptose t let thatt fact grt unntotced. Regent I letry'S. ])cal of Aon Aror voicedthtiis fact switit his caracteristic frtattess andt decisioni yesterday, we the workttci intthie latter Ihaif of tite taed- cal (coreItrattn'ferred(Ito Detroitousitng the bldiintg (tfite DetrirtiMedical cot- lt'ge for thtat purprlose. D~eant Vautghatn irrgaed that the emergencey clioirsswoaltl gsve the yosuntg doctors itetter balattced ErinngthttantAnristr, switht its smoall down tttilte Eauttlet Ittotetmedical cleana woudteverr litvile thit'univsersity inter- figihter ltimtself, atnIdtte trosplectsatee itright fo~r a.wr I t te kntife ontthlis mttler, esipecialyo whientthieretis a mteas- t-tiof loghic on eachlssitde. Wie tretwilliing ttt ttke betant Vautghant's, wodforat tha1:1t ti epatrtmtentwouild be t itsthne tiythe largerclitties of thei statle mtetroptolis. Onlth ie oter hsandc, R-egentt Detan.,sswho is konwsnt as a mtant tho ftt ihs Iatote finisht sithoutt cot-t po ise trgttes tihat disisions is weak- ttcos. 'lihottitere is trthtintshiis vi'ew wsill ntbletdettietd iy thotse whottthave obevdtile weakntess otf tite Nttrth- weestet stirit,wtthils telase ad metdicai schtottls fttr frotmt tteeilitts. antd kitt- tireti disvidledlltieges. Tihettuniversity is ttntdttubtedliy stronager btecause thte its terests ttf tll tile detttrtmtets are cell- tteretd tou totr campuls, but thiat this is tte f ite mtedicatletpartmtet alonte weare nit ipreparetttt sty. Thte tites- tttttttmtsIttome tup to thte regetnts for ittal settlcettt, anad, whlte tlhethazitness tf thte IDetrotit schtool's propositiont will irobltyspirevetnt seriolts considerationt tf thte chatgetheliaopaportuntity will ftc cite ftor NI essrs. tDeant andlVautghattot setle thir-e little disputte. 'T'he Datilsy ctingratalates Professtor IDitogte fttr tis intsighat ito Etnditng a pur- lose for tile tmemaorial builditag. In thte Alunu tlttlite attnountces that te large tssetmblly httll will prtodtuce bsetter feelitag ogtithelarstuenets. Perthatas, if thery cat e enticet inIsidte ttte mtemotriali. 'Te first of thte pro-contferensce bottle- tints lotsbtentisstted atiChicago. .A11 athletes whottshasve nttreceivedt motre thant the necessars ttnumbler of conts to Intercollegiate Notes. Presidentt David Statrr Jordta of L~e- latnd Statnfordi tos lteent lectutringt thte Un'tiversitryttf W\iscontsintdurintg ite list sweekt. D~eant N. S. Shlterttf Lawtree ccSci- etific schotttlI Hartvard, issuftfteing frotm a p lliiis. 'dii settsitt itas btentoarardedthtte large siler lov t tin tupfotr thte wsinn esttf thte clttbtcharts tsi t t iCicagtt a shottl litte iag. T h e U'niv ersity ttf Chticago teamttse'cutredtifrst ptato,'bttIttdtoing soa oneof th ie' mtaroonittruttte rs rant inside the tracka. 'tileoitadgerstprttedhiie thte cllp. 'Te secretory tif't'le untivsit'a annoucedth iat Seo-ttr Chauntcttesy De- hter tofit tiralectorpotration.'hiilave ite cottest ftor his seat teei Secre- tary 'Tft anad Contgr'essman.tt iiet-bert Patrsttns ttfNets'YotrnaCits-. T'elteont ttf SetourtDepteWssis sidt ttt'to h n to thte reportedi movuemttttent t lsIuitihstfrttmr thte corpotuiotnr esutinglEformthlie tis- cltttires iti theientsurtancr' is'vesltiaioul. Oni Maliy 30o atmemoturial 1sttuet ssill ibe tdetdicatetd at thte Uiverts"' ily of init"outa itt the Sitattisit-Atteeir'tttWr. MilliEPOST' CARDS. fCttawoodith studenIts'tttitoftt oti ar posta1 ltrdls. Onte is tineticated ttt 'Ypsi coedcaltiotntuntter lte settdittg. ''kit Holdtintg Ply Owntin si:' 'The 'oter taltes oandtltobaccottsmttoe, gaingsswist- A br m ed v TENNIS RACKETS Finest Line in The City { Wright- & 4 Ditson's "'Surprise" $1.50 " Huh" $2.00 ",Park" $2.50 Others at $3.50 $4.00 x$5.00 and $Z.o0 The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. Spalding Make at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Brief Making and the Use of Law Books A hook every law sturdetut antd yountg fatsyer shottuld have. Price, $2.00 Cash or Exchange for your Law or Mledical Books C. E. BARTHELL Phone 76i 326 Soath Slate St-eat, Anna Arbor, Mich. lie hkeptinteligile are tow' begitoottn ing ttuly attatifaceitt tile tune. BhntihtliIS boettnroled il ttthe ihospitali list. fprintedh, "Wiill ft ie ittW'ithYu Sooun."i 'liE IDEAL COLLEGE SPIRIT. 'Te folointsgtt editorial fromttta Wis.- contsiti studtettpubltictatin aprortisof the recentt debtate htere inidicates the tatgtifet spirit sshlicht is chtaracteristic of Wiscotisiti. At thte samte timte it sets forit te idettl relattionts of Michigant "M\ichtigantwo scott Cr thte past eighit or ten years boothoitt athletics anod debate WViscsonsint has hteard thtat phrase quite tfteti. Buttws-chave alway's tad thte coti- soltionut of knoowintg thiat outr represenota- tivs dtin thseir level best atod thtat Micht- tiaittitmenlie thse mostgetlesmattly witt tortsswithi whtom wse may loove thte pleas- ice ofiioetingctto W cknoow oar fehlows it jutite to themttselv'es atid to their utsversitsy itohdotre certaitn ithattey'sere a rdtt s. e contgratultiae yost, X11hin altitbut witha otir congratulhationts wse switsityu tot knoiw that appearantces tre drceitfultandtt11a1 twe tire stihl intshle rint Intittk alt fur ts text yearc," 'te lertutre delisva-icitbiy h. _\. hPar- her, ofi Detroithbeforce the hEnginein society itt Fridaty reenintgsiats tneiii otinedttelrep'cleatrly'the iprinciplies tif thte ptettsystemtoitt the CUnited Sttles. gisvittga goodl thea ofi shiatt catithoepat- etttetfaniscthetme todts of obtiinitg titt tprotectintg patetits. His broaditikittiss edhge iof engineerintg anist markedti abha l- itp' as ontei of thie letotitng patetttor-t nep's iiithte cottittry tsrre ldemonastrte' it s thanttswes'.lttiquestionts at thecdust' ofi his talk. AItt hoousintes s meetintg ioftile stocett N. H. 'Mfeyers wsselectedi regislta lt fil a vacancNI. Hf Ouise. 3y-44 Special PricOS on Leather Pillows Including 11ICHIGAN SEAL Vntili April lat DARLING & fIALLEAUX 224.226 S. State St 1 1 1 H-ildreth's genatitue velvet Cushing's. hisses Do You Play Base Ball ? Students' Lecture Association S. L. A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to 6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. We have a compiete Line of supplies at posi- tiveiy the lowest prices in the city. The quality is just what you want. at ftitts Gloves Base Balls Bats tl SLittle Money rings big f ace comfort and lakes shaving easy, if invest- Iin the f amous VILLIAMS'STĀ°CK $1.00 to $8.00 $ .45 to $3.50 $ .25 to $1.24 $ .25 to $1.50 ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trainas Le.v. Aany Arbor Gotng North 9:05 a. m.a.ntal4:35 p. Going South 7:2i a.,tm., ti:35 . m. andl7:51 p. m. J. J. KRBYI, W. T. WILLS, Gan't Pass. Agent, Agent, Toledot, Ohio Ann At-hue M1ial Bett pitone 135-1a Hams phone 698 R'774gagora dUs Rout " Chicago Buffalo Dillon New York Through Trains East-8.t8 a'.in., 2.40 p. in., 4.55 p. in.,.9.30 p. m..1tit5 p. m. Lsocals East-6.i5 a. in., *11.10 a. an., a4.05 p.m. *8.36gp. m Through Trains Weat-2.it a m~, 7.58 a. an., 9.18 a.an., 2.33p. an. 10.20p. an. Lscals West-n24 am., *8258a. an., *14 p. an.,*6.ti p, an. *h(Except Sunaea~y.) Connections at Chicago for Si. Louis Kansas City and the West..- W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor Let us order a base ball suit or shoes for you. A good fit is haif the game. BUY AT She CO OP. CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES' THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 3U3 SOUTH STATE ST