The Michigan Da ily tOh .XVI NO CHANGE IN MEIC DEPARTMENT PROBABLE talk of Finishing Medical Course in Detroit Revived-Regent Dean Scores Dean Vaughan. \nother mo0vemnt is oo foot to move ,cdicat department ti Detroit. A olerrin ed eftort has beo made by cer- anosf tts mdicat facty to sectre it rmoa of t least the clinicattde- tiseol to the mietropois. )r. Harri ssoninan 0 adtress before the I a ord of medical examiners at isiii statd that Deanaglans was favoOf ttissmsoe, as was aso a -rio f te medicat facoty. It has 1101(eanedttat ttis statement was ,ioad tsat Deao Vatglaohad called mees tig of the oeical facilty for the iups of dissssing the nmatter. Dr. 'ngas Isas establised himself its ti cdward aseue offices its Detroit atd de voting tree afternosons a seek to slacice there Regent Dean hosiever, is ot of te ;iisssstat the sisvemset swil develot lko ses isiptroporios.Ie sadl 1 do sot believe ta the msedical dprtmsent or assy prt of it wil ever removedt to Deroit sr away frons illArbor A tprecdentsi was estat- iied osg agssvtens Reget Asstin ;iir drsw ip a resolstiosi asinisg for Ow rsgnatoinof Professors rosling- 'ilil asd MLeanswhenis they attempted susireoia'it]resiset Aigell ho- -Olue civeredl tir grisissitiIsisrepies ists ossandeargedstee sout so clearly that anybodsy5oughlt to se tast it woib be soswi5e to Isisevany cdisistegraions of i uiversity. We ave ts scrimsp alog ini o ksec thisgs rninssg swihsthe isic one y at oir dispusasl. asiloe <;M easioly imaigine iwhai t tddistinal scs f iisrictirs atndleuimenrt its hItoi tiud ens.' JUSTICE CONFINEiD. O ccaussialy he outscomescof the ad- min15stratioinif iiisisies itsthe lass se- liarie ssesiprasctice cort isissase sscer- tin byli le deveopmenss t f slm issfi- oiii stacle. Siosietisses asiase is roisiscsissly trw irsin ut siln iuac si tSus. legsl teshiicality, sr nsitdsntssbeifallsa timer f he juryisistI'ridy te e- ics lldielayedl ll tes aftersnoisss te- cauisetiresntire jsits inadvissertenty imp~risonisdcintirisltcetot s1f dselisration. "Sheriff'lDighstonislocikid tir juy its :' cr rvii sssss snleantdsitbeisomsiisewhats of ai issvice ini the art of "foritsng a list." isrki thss key t hour o'cck caeao it suithstirjiry swere is igh siris-theyswsrisisslit a 5fosisso'clock sses suitand iwre stisisdtotisremin ini- insertedstie15oiicloksisnd ten wsere tilt safeisit tey were iwillig to sty sainii imake i st whess the scampss cilleissaolsiledsltire(stll of ditiartisg day, andsth st illst it iioice1f sature Isssterssl the fosisshedI word hunitiger, lily wsiesbeg inisnsstot r tireioddikeys in slestirpoktsrsi te stusbbort lock. us six o'clock tirassiatesr jurists were cslstierliiclasd sdrivni ossin sdesperatiosi io sore strinigentmsisures. They con- issssl their attacks ott three msassive hinges andslgiinig their liberty ied liesisetsesi Io their resectise rooms5, iis'rjoyrsl foressnce tis see he smiliing countetriance of a msoterly lssndlasy,asd t, reflecitsntir joys cit free citizenss. VARSITY MEET IS ARRANGED) FOR MAY 1S IDirector Basirdl annsonscdt yesterday littir ossitdoor evarsitymetitrswill be lietl this vear ontNXMay t2. This is tr tIrsi Satusrdlay befiore she Chicago dal mieet sant twooseeks after tir Pennisyl- vansia relay mseet. On tir samei day the tslirsity bassebsall tern will tilay Illinsois is Chasmpaigin. ANN ARBOR, M ICIGAN , TN LBS D-\, APRIL to, 1906. NO. 139 TRACK MEN BRAYE STORMY WEATHER In spite oftir baitseaher yeserdasy tir trackthsns iereoit its forergoing through their stitis. "Wild Bill Co msasdeIis frtotdssoor apearance ads practiced botts wish tir shot sndtiresdis- cus. It washIis firs attemspt at tring iwhens troswing tir discus, litslie slut well over iso fet French ad Clark serreot,bulisthislerslutd-any jussipisg. Bristol, uits suitC(trts racticedl sprintinitg, assetRime, Ciei Ramesy, itag- offini, Malonsysuit Dullsdis the sdis- ance its about 3:6iiilistslnbey, Dull sait Ransey sid tes (istsce its 5:0. "Pa5t" avey,1 quartr-islrrats a lpi sait a haslf its slowsittmes PROFESSOR MOULTONS LEC- TURE AT NEWIERRY BALI. liiwhtswsas to miasy the miost ejoy- able lecture of te recest series. Prof. Richasrdl G. MNosltoti adsressed a large audsiiessce its Nesberry shlt last eveing. His subject was "The [ook of Ecles- iases: osr, The Gostel of Scepicismi." Ptrofessor Moltontrt took spthe qes- hinosftiresatorsitsof tir Book f Ecclesiastes, swhichs is generally thought so hasve beens writteni by Soloonos. Pro- fessor Mioultons salthat alt cirusns- tial evisdencee disproves Solsmions sste asstsr. History aind tire sstomss asd traiditisissn stfacint literature raller pountstio Soomsoss as thes hero of this book. T'he lierary formssosit clesases is thast of ai series of tive essays, tireister- vats betwreeinswhichtsliled ii sitlshsosie proverbs. asdtir whole bontd isto a unity tby a prologute anst epilogue. Solo- mniswasssthe hero troughoutsthe boosk si th simsaginary eperimietitwhlichth ~e folowier of Solomns is desscribing. Professor.Mosltist tossk itestivie eossys andilthe prologue sait epilogue spairaty saitsoswed hose they weer rechted. IHIcgave as stir cssenceeof tir tissok, "Devoust scepticismi as a iblet- grouisistfor isaitsrathapiotnsess' Ied- find sceptiissmssas tireisesriness f te recettive fasculties.s Ihisgreat tpuiser of the boishliss ini teiimassisr iisehichs the austor emphassis ts gieatniss of ap- pisess. IeIseseks to indsuthe stoaninssg f thle uiverss isistIhis concepton Ireaks osesita kisg fo gasuted tst ifs'i ssisoundesontsylbyideth. This is this lst sitftssisris of as- sresses swhichs hsbeens i isoeuch sjoysid byv hosh studsessts asd faclty. VARSIT'Y OO'I'AI.L MtA NAGIR LEAYP'S COLLEGE Csalviin S. Lohmllster '07 egiieer, swhos wass recesnly elected smasnasgre of tir tgots varsity footbal tamt, has accettes ats sffer frissm the Chiago & Northwsest- ernsrailsay'andsil s'ltleae the itniversit st otter, te swas reuctant to eae the unsiversity before receivisgIis diplomia issutiresoffer sas attractive ad a dstIsito tsr acceptdl st thistie sue ot assll. Lohmtiiller suswsaisstebre sitthe Psi lUt- silots fratrntiy. ('OBSEQUILL HEARS PAPER ON YELLOW JOURN. LISM 'Chic Gooseustill at its regular msetisg last evesning its 'West hat, listesed o ass inerestitig paper ott "Yelow' Journasul- isnm," by George W. Barnumi.esitor sit tirUnisiersity Ness-Letter. Mr ex- lantd stir origini ansI deveoptsssttof yelowv journsaisms. An origital humisor- otts shoes story by George B. Deston, wish a college girl aisd mian, a stouer ad a daisnty stockisig inthti plot, convulsed theieetisg. At he society finals Friday igh, lbs folowing mieti were chosens to represent s he jeffersonian society:Boowter, Carl- son, Hoftman. Alt of she sort are ex- perienced debaters ands are looked uspons as a winninsg tramo. The judges were Brasley, MeGiffen and Morris. tS. SMIITHLECTURE'S TODIAY ON PENCTIT 1(1NERiS' CI)tHE The lcures gives y nesiI uus ofs'ssthe h m ptsiiiu' iisisc fsueuluy us ts' e acitioiners''s' cousrse swillus' scontinueid lllthis iweek. This muorninga' Ius)'clock, Dt.e. anssi TI. Ssmithuwisll lc usse iuonssurgery. Othierletres iwsill lic give ussu rig he wseeklbyus Its Copeilandsul Ir. l uey asuit Si. Ksinsoeusss hess si ss ofiitiecourse will usesusncluitd01n Iridaiy.s STUDENTS MAKE GREAT USE OF LIBRARY BOOKS Statistics Just Compiled Show 3,513 Booke Were Used by Students in One Week in March. Staisicus sI lss s" teuecofithercd 15ing ro u i is'he ue 'sral libra'r'u'of. thsut iviesi sisy s lbeeusepars' estbythes lirar' authites.ui Tluis as omsos foliowed cst 5h uer forhe isuepose sit compatiiring"lhe ciculacioo f iuthe s'liray usl sucsccesdinugs-ses I) sieig a su()isi sii55alsprsii ussusing boosilso us slu dierysskIsis rus nisl toiregise ills d1epartmilenItit u whih stsy blosngsi'. ore ift iIsituns oidicastes sthit ifuss hIt is nau ras i n uchsisil tabeistht s t figuressfusstheliteIsarsidipartment hss ould fars exscsel thosessofianyuothers departu men, f slue rofuuel ss ialliaiesar usonalul sush lus dthe useliof these ii shutsgsnesils1Islibry 555555 555olls'win'g saleso.sueci24: hisslugy........13220 0.3 Eng nee ing ... ... ... ... 74 2.0)i L aw .. ..... ...... ..... 195 .50 -l aliui I...... 2, . Ica .......sils........ hiss Iuisesil... ... . 353.10s Schuss's Isit hsic...... .... High sool.....s .... 22 6t2 Ct .....................sto .8 10000 This shores' s airisses' iiitheseslurlitof .1i5vum ises frte iws eeklosr uerly boo us's slay. Ishotusslul be' 1sssnss'isnsmids in5 comparlinlg thesscfig'usseoswils tose sit ast yersi'thalusasutsui ,oooosithelu mstbs ussd rsstsr'er Iuhoks ser Isse% shuehd iliiie'reainhsg romss,uwherer shersre asuessihluctoissudentss; usndiithiss thus'perioduical erosom i' sis us' openssfotus'el- eit uss. Nosrecrdshis keptusosthe stius oeisthr rubies' rens'ce hossks orus'bosundsss uprioicaesls. Nueitus's' sbuseisf igures incueuthue l of' boosub semii oinays studsens, terso1115s ahsites o slur stcks, issue thosse hells'raw bsfortueutsl- oudetshe liraur. hurvetrs ago abutss0 7 ter cent o1f tun eai'ngdonesinuusi tir lirtry wssbylu uiversity ostuesss. This tblesh ose tshat t heysnowso bsoere 99 upecrutsit ibs'eeordts uedhrkithelss irsr. t lsarry Atkinsoni, '07 egineer, wsu eleteid captsainsosithuesarsity gymsitesms for nxsyar ystrday aftensoo. El h1TIdI FROi ISVUTCH FERBFR'TB Georsge' J.H 1aletitas iiceit 5lster from "us stch"hs I' stsex-svarstyIhaf sucks whol s 5 i rsentsinus"Alitr rel:nsA Febcts eter"'gies 'a gosdties'ssi hi shssmoeoiebits uAk-hska, scorecting soimiiof 5hesspopulid ces cusscerinsg TRlmiuuiuli'fue. te sys heis usihesgsing 0 a twlve-ounssce cshcksets, ashisoghstslur thsemomsusetee regstsers so2sdegreshbeow i zeuh. H slushesumsnsi s osty'ofsited duei loosh i shhdgmsesalhouusgho iithurd 'spri iou-sylug set'ables tre esaised. (h - seies thaitom nyus isi skleterris gross' ip season slushhatssshiroossscansescu pickeuiby tughissbsushe. His letrierusts sit'ian'apologyss usr slur use' sit putci,F as theinksutwas sphel ini frezing.p CARNET'k-ILL, REPOR'C (N n S1'TIL' tENEI'WORKc Chse lus arneys.s 'o hoisswssschosnu lug thess ct sl~ytistdiy ssoesieciale qustisthuoufssoioogy iisconetious with university isdsuity ifi ie, wiltnmaske i sulit reptlsof ithiss wsork st ani suenf meue'ingu of tun Socolougy cubs iiNes- berry' sll,\'W'ednesday eening Po use hpss i velutmsonts Mrh. Csreyt hass hissnsenggisd 555liiirsoniailivesi gatiiionsisthess'CausesosiTrStnysissy t hass iioisiitt sit thisuestiousntsspecalh rega~srdutohiedhs choouls of Cicago. irle. Carneyi isi iaus udtio hbusmnetlfittedus lulfl l tis appsountment, fuss bus hss Ituiist is work ini sesea.l utuning campius. A fuslrth insistofsofhiss omsp- tenes ohis abiluiy asaspeaker.uHiute st t rcsenti sudyings. for the inssisty ands s' smore stIhus usualbly irsted i re-b ssssc u I h lng thsrbinss.He ws app isdto ,aliiesumionts essiideny iii Chiag usy'sis comimisittee osistig 5of Proes sors Coosulsy 'usaysueruandAdaoms, sit Iisusreprtis nows pritsarut s asre- sushiofiti sfiveloss hs'sssuosocitsl st- Ca rnesy isis slecedstIo consoidser thasti thes truancytquestionsi sas ourelit sth mosusti ssusos slush clis siofsthes isisse sisgisinl"sowit iquency, beginnis tngsi wsihcilhood s ruancyssss~. Issudsysg thises atstsihetss' tus i sp i cose se- sonassl susyofsitomesrthiryir ort tam'isinsClhicsg.u Tesoiolo'uhsg lus haisiputsosthibsot' endevoreito ayhes'liisgexenss sit thus iansiappouintedifor th iiisiors. Is hastcin phannedsto spltihe unts ivietr- oiltyirepresentative witshsibi $oo hissrsrossm hissbo rut k-Itosit hise ussu itsee etfuse the s' : 's smontuhs orkusunsioslshbiens ste an asuficintsurIls sisedssytu guarntesuithersilltipoil tmasn wsilhehi appointedisforshnea5t'year Thesacosultyhu comiteeii i l sntisakethisappoinit-y smsesssthsustille rset usesirIbs workis- fosund sushiethucs isfsul.hI use r. Ciir555yss eporis acceptedhe ilsltbin guesi our sss ussut silo ittu fuse Iis W-A. . k-' sOFS ATtJktO'S' F rushayathisrioont he folingsis'i'slmi- ina tillssnsese madesfos fuesfirs sitthur Wsomenis 'Atlticassoiationfor toe si rusen s~ r'hsuinya:Fre ~sdent, k-ises Jat, iCareyiSo'htsk;for itsprs isdint, .is- sss TiruebloodIsot hn s uItes; for secr e sis s lishstBuksMunosWal- keusr; fus es usersi fsses tBker Rus- sill, WihlsurLtslorfistnstrsrspei- scth ivssMis '- ses Mosher, hRizerk-5'sh 'son;juirsi-hsseTuhssseSmaloley, Fleig 'saut" eo; sosshomorsseMisses Tayorsue Iregea ndoutForsncss}fakr '1, 15D 11 k-I t(NDI 'TS 1E15 k-I kttt f Carsul atre sluh sannoucinsg thur tmus- rusage of Miss Visilai Morano of Detrsoit iso "TeC"il" iasunmos, thor well-knoswns sAnnssArbuseorstudent who srecentsly lent. 1college. Frauscis F. Palnis, osne of Teid's D. K. E. brothers, with be best mns. MRAHMS AND LISZT. IN RECITAL PROGRAM Ihbert Lockwood Will Give Recital on Wednesday Afternoon- Final Con- cert in Historical Series. Thur tinaltconcet usthinhistorica see- eso withlhe givsen bigAteshockwsood Yesunssay afterenoons st 4:30 ococek; usi' Freehaoll Clihisprogra isowill be hsve to sissil t d'Lsz the bs iilIbt hI-at- el Vauruiatos Iterhezi ,Ballades, -HnsgareianiiDances suit asRha~psodicnre- us entins" hrasit ilI ILirstso- It iuus tisiIsSolitudesfsiiiiisnigr,- Fmnor C oncerhtLEtudesuithIbisRskocy k-lthougiihi His s usommsonsly recog- snidthe greatsthcomupose sithe pos- classeiod, hiss sorks havinevertie- less undergon a sighhtsnegeisand an opposrunitiy tohessr.a gsroup sit hiss piano ompoussitiossis arsidedThicusne' of tile egect, whiusho i o wise reflecs oii shun excellencesosit heuswok, aies- from thibe foridaiblue dilfficlty of per- formsingihiemsssusdifromtshessdesmasnd hiy maksle for suderssstdig isisthis pars of thur herer. TIo manusy locl los'es of the tlu arst sesthu r Ilesulupstrograsuithas bns thi st' ssineesing us hinseries and- the os5uedits bes awiedl iish the 1T1s conshscludig numberstoneso Wednes- das prisgramsareeaiseries of ger pi- tures us musicausl frescoing, by the iscii t-so rmig Liszt. These worki toou riequire apriodsigiousotechntical ma- ey anditfahesill iushhnsisof. ayone bu savituoso 'O luar Wneussdays pi roustatesrussaisartissieho commusads oll tir technical' resoursces suitdseho pocs- w5ss beis tis esurnsisless imupoetant hsset of tiroitund mt usssical iselignce is sll opossrtunihg fuse whichiAnisisArbor cannotsi le hiss graefutl. LtSN(;isAN STHRIEAk-TNED) vvk-I DtIREFUL, FAE Th ' iceesihsofcutthin hosissasure ion' awistsiedlwiuh consieressin iteest every sassbyhug"Shoerty" Lonugmanso, the vaniy - fushllback. Seldomsssd1100 lhe gray-uni- fusnuseubemuissary sitUnscle Samus make' Iis trip along South Ingaslls street withi- outu laineg a' Ie'ter for themokl-Wsernu slur O htousisethesesclriers ap- [cin centsusssesnsough, ho e nveloehpbe- 111ngt plaisaidtieardies s naty type- writtens. Bt shecnenssits, wriitnin redh suds sitriris's i'lbskosull and odmss-bones. bti n ussliasughsre stuubdesrucion,. woul btonsugnh to apal t he soutes Jeasy seyons o Ie' thur umoive which hiss ispis~redhthur authossr of theseonaony- mus commsssuictions. It is whisperesd shat thuerer is ai tle ist love, intrigue ansI biller essyunelyingthis affair which wossul eqiuiirertenof sta D~umas ts worthily sdescribe Lonsgmasns, irish chitseistichumuoid- esty, refuses o dissuss thor affair excep. toadi sutsishtshet ladrectivend anony- mouuusseterstiusrpiiirte o btsignemd by ccmmiite sitfi isahis tls iniuals wbso treastesnd inswith uaidriodflfchfate if hr slid sot cosnformssto theiseus of the writer. Howevir, theiiielsongsed oe seemss to conssiethis usatrea huge jokeasdtuhier s amspe reasons o be- lieve that lie does sot intniss to pusur thur ourseelsuet siswnsfoe himiusby hi' commsnitee. ALPHA NV TEAM CHOSEN. ok-s tun-ftutu tryousstun Alpha Nus society sit thin lieary dpasrtmsenthselect- ni tshhessamwhichs is to mset ue Web- stern idiebaesfter vacation. The mess chosen weren Freybsusger. Hosey and Wambshold, wits Barkdushh as alternate. tCounsidherable interesh has been shown its thur fights this year, as is evinced by the ntumbher oftuiniout.