THE MtII IAN D AILY [or Art and Skill in Iailoring Call or% SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. Tihe Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURONY STREET Sbenior %..a s arid Gowns $1.75 Irrom swirsliout to Comme.tCemerit $1.00 Foar Co:mmenC-emAentA Week Wool Serge Caps and (iowns. -\' l tere niieih} t .i of 11 )1o (0li s i5 tavt ime11no smat e ht h e 11w1 ( 1Leave your order at MAC ( COMPANY H1A LF-TO0NE S and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Aska A. MI. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wmt. Arsold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jas. H. Wade E F. Mills N. J. Kyor John Haarer J1s0. Koch Prof. 1. S. Carhart DIan I. Zimlmersian Christian Martin Prescription Combine C oni 1hiss et;ocdi iesiio with good judgmenit ini selecliiin the drugislt to whom ou is otruIset lheeflliing55of le dctr' wshs whein you avea iarhietuinnued ofhiseiL..You areireultolctI Dson'stts yre if byla piiiii I I g hisceren ceiiilwaitichap ol a( tohres'Registeid iarici wt do:itosihes.iexat as rit en havig iaco leeilnei o (". ny QUARRY'S 31 ALLEN, THE 6 T I ER, FAIN SIT. Advance Styles in Spring Clothing Now Ready. Youngs Hats, Spring Shapes. ""None Better Made" THE LSUSVN F CHRIST SACRED CANTATA B~Y DUBOIS St. Thomas' Church, SundaSy Eveninug, April 8th Adrmission. 15 Cents. Try Oyster Bay 10111titue fom pag oe. fraterni1is 1 t 11 me i etm nt111 nd Tile le 1cion 0illheji or Ti w ndju io Ieilli cti ssesllilr o tfour caJ i- tei n I e law1111rt 111111s te 1(l11 et n1n1 let11. o tiss t rXXcrs lilt (Ont ry to lItlit.76 1v1te,t'oJack. bega 75, 11. 1'. :Ml art1 i int, ladet .tit S ieltatn tid 11 100 hotlih,2-t 01 int cht e rc11 11 1 tat t ii 11 0o1. 11111 The (, an 11lel te=rn it t p~ h oilrd111101a.0re1ilt Tenwirwi lltte 'i Itt, IIrei tttt-atI.a1dilt 07 littill 1010o 1 a ti ditrto h tto li lcivm ttl S 115 IX XlVACA1111N coctt s tto to1 XlhlFS 1F111 S'Ii 1151>15 wht t here ______ aildidate, v%-ill t ri"ht tc ,it in a f("\%- days 1ir.ati()11. niter )tlsllil'ss 111"01- l" It is 1111- .M artill, l()t11 elates f('r tile trt Ogle, Jr.. date for I11a11- 11 r1n I- 11- al the e11C1 111.11 tl tes oto tdlt to a ii1111 it, Shirt w,,oisotitomtle. P1c1s0retol.. ;ttX S. Ste stroet.tfII Gli~srepaoired. arefulvly fttedlaniit estedl. 051.'51115511-c otur ordersorit tr){C> teis a (I ak hieluds ottA rnolud's 11110Fuller 1& OCnor, hig 1,. XVII- r I liantstre t. t ONLYLOAN[D anh eI li ols t01, iy ii Uuinelososictly tonidentil i. G. SPALDING & BROS. ofo lii a aihlt ttt r ile lane Ball, ILawn TIenis lFoot Bcall krchery (Roque (Gol Quots ;ricket Lacrosse Croquet lsnpientes tir illSprsemmma O ttt:V tSaling'radeMarl. o no o 13 lsiBa l itil iott ilhoas01 nt Itelltthettt'tC~ttteit 1oft 11 tt t y islto 1111otiLawn yourllla~l l IpcPln t I Iit l tl itt ini I t ilit it 51' A. GSPALOOINO f BRO1S. 001t0a it 10 c I. I 1 PR ay--2 0A piR it e l 0 t f CAPS AND GOWNS For SWF~IN01.11 andI COhVIMENCEoIVIEN WEEK Cai. $1.25 to $1.75. Rental Or-dor, $.75--$1.00 COX, SONS & VINNING, Nw Valk A. F. LVLL A>011, 3.2 S. iSteSt. FINE L NUJIES ie tleoirry 11 It fI I I t e 1 ,1 .111 olt ott 1 1101 151 i Al t tt tots 010011, 101 rto +,:tt A om pltes clici itt..11 t ist SEtrnalO hIj frIt "me I. t it t Ih 00 & C. haltO lttteoolote IIFi Ii 1 R. E. JOLLY. Stat St. Ohio Central [ines PARLOK LCARS Elei; tntli tt tt tot Itt ;, itt it 11111 cae evie1 ewenTodo oln11 an D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY S111II 1. hria C ts ,Ii .tat v r two ho ii . I _ IKO DAKS INSTRU 1CTION I li FREE1 1 011115 lions 111 Fool1%0 ant ALL flHI. NEW: 1906 KODAKS Are in stock. Let us show them to you. a E. C. CALKIS Dr , l~gSt 320 South State Street \; r-talo it 0 11 110 ttt t5 ito antoo Pub11. Itt," llt ot 11 Ph le 14I,. X o1' tt 11 111(, f,) 111k otli lii. lT Plps'it Perfectio1110.1hoco1late 1p1ff, 1 ottIu cipsit Cott itoh10s ihtormtacto I FOR OYSTERS STEAKS AND [INT LUNCB[S Everything FI.RST CLASS Open Evenings BOTH PHONES 467 . . New vqPrn odT Suits, Top Coats and Cravenelts Hats, Caps, Shirts and Neckwear I SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS WADHAMS (Q CO.,40121-123 Mift St. We Have Ceps and Gowns to Fit at Studio CAP dw anct "Ar"4 OWN Senior Rates Given on these Photos IffhUD'E"P ANE' ,l 11114 111 ~A s£ v ~v heo. 36?-R VAT J1XED ik (41 Phoe ie. AEA~wil (Cu I 0 4 NEVER WP41!'N V$ ?UDERSOLD --- G ODEAR'S DRUG S TOP1E