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April 08, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-04-08

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The Michigan .,Daily


No. 138.

'.OCT)' GOAx~M.

s plxins of ictoriousanxd lanquished
Teamxs at La t.Night's hex /
oe Did Not Compete-Gradle Cham-
pion Fencer-Exhibition by Henry
Schulte, the German Hercules.
Ia. I cxenxxg lhe faculty werexcguests
af the athletic association at the maita-
,ixionimeet.Ahie it seveiniutdred guests
Were present andii wititessed the rariexd
xlagianiiiof rares. held events, fencing.
athletic stunxts, andi xwork of the Germanix
II erctiles, Schltle.
Coxe didnot i compxlete ini the shot lpxxi
'icatixe of lhis injuiry xf last S-ilticeay.
]]()wererxtie comxpetiitionxtwixeenx Duni-
lap anIdl Carr'els was keen.x Johnnxieha
it cinichedrixthxxa xutIof 43 feel 3 -2
ice.Then Dnlapxtooitixk a ])race. foxr-
(rtis ]lainec Cxxeexandxlshovedxlthe bxtll
oult 44 fret 4 ixches.
'f'ieshout itaxsxftollowexdclbyxxanxiex-
hiiioxiiitic horizxtamxi ilxxar lbythe
gymixtexixi. ITlix iprovedl lxxhle oue i
showixedlharldxwork . oxxiiihecpartiiof the
lxexii. Nix places werc ,xawardedx, buti
Cxchrae, uhi diaerIdxwereii xespec- ir
ally' goxoxi. ThxeIteam was ldlxx li.
Row on oxiinei xxi sideantiney xixcndxiGood-
witihx Ramiey secoxnd 1a'ndxlCoxethird. lThe
tru e xlxis x xi:4 oix2-3.xii
xxii. Cilark wxoniieasily frontixCoxttonx iand
Btristxil ini 144 x lx-a ic hefoxity-xarI
high lixixill x lcixixixco Coittxoniiand
Khle Ifiixheici the licordrcI namiedin x
:0, 3- . Cxiiioniwontxxtii lowhurdle
fromxx xatcxxii xxi iandlBistl in i:0,2-';.
The foi cnist was lois elyiconestedi
ii xi i xiin wotw- iutexboutx.Gradlei' xxii
by i sexierif 7 lxx 6cciiiiinig te xxxi-
vexiiy clnaixixxixxip.x Thec parallel cxc
worxt: asxioinn,1althouxilxxxiiieqiualtolx
that xiion ixth eiznxtallxaxc
Tuie tile:x'vaulitidIighxjuimip exenxts
iwere'blxxxiin xxx tu r xiie xxiexhxibitixons.
Hixixl d Maertil'Ix c x iedatg feet3 icies
inn thie forxrc nd ii nchilxHopiuixxanxii
Perris tll 1q1111 ltilaboxt 5x-2feet.
Kaixaga l leaibeen iinjxted, lxxtiSchulxte
andx Green.ippearecxlxxxinacleixer sketch
utitledi "Thec GcxxxmanxHercules." Schxule
provedxl xxbelierci xitronxggracefll.and
clever xxxIlsixfeet.
Dr. May xin clbsiningcentieritainedi
tox the xaccompanlixmexnxcii xf Cicty" Gra-
lhaiiixoilixhe piano.
Thle lasxt cxecxxitheveighit-lapi relay
rxace, was the mosinii ter extiniguof the
entire prig raxmt. It xwaistartedivery
impressively bxy tixeiprinxciixxls, Grxaam
andi Cuirtis. Curtis von theelaix. and his
side ikeptithe leadiutill"Siider" Foe
stole eiioiighxfor Octy" inoixake it cxcix.
Fie giiessedi well aixdiallxowedrisxixdxiitoi
xii ie eveint by xa few feel. Nix de-
(Continued on page 4.)

Wins Game For Varsity With Drive
Over Fence-Score 3 tb -Alle-
bach Does Weird Work.
Yesterday xafterxooin iwo huiiidred
baxsball extuiaxts gatheedi atiFerry'
fldixtixxwatchite fitreal gmiec'of the
seasont. Fntil tx' sixth ininxixg neither
teamxi lxxiiscoredl.lxiibut iittsexioii
FPax' Kelly1 cxie to te rescue witi a
beautxifuxilong drie iove the leftfiell
fence.lbreakiig xxithex'gxxmie. Terexfter
.e score reminlxedi inchlage,. 3 to 0
eixiglte fixal counii.
Th~e gaxmxe waxs rereshiing, beig c-
mxarkaxbliy fee, nxxionlxy fromxterocxslxii
fromii he'adwo'irk. 'ihe ixpites iee the
cexl sixirs f ite gaxmxehlinhxigile ias-
menicixowiii n oxafei satecedihis, x-
ceipi xwhe'iithe exrsity biiichedtwoxin xi-
gle;ax aonbls. xandx xi iitx aix hxoimite rcniin i
the sixiti.The exatchi f a foul fy aix
a can twox-axggechy Lwell flilexiot
liiiexxxxeies fxsnsaix alxxxlaxys. .Alle-
lixci's uiixnxg asxxxixal created a grea
dleal nof ixixi xxxi xxii" Ally" is iely
tox lioeedii ci Itiermanencxxtixosiioi.
Fxatxercxiii xi sxhortIcntihinuedxisliihight
clas wrkx Il n olyxxiiipxuxclledoff onie
f the mostix xxxxxaxloxxal ixiys of thex
lia.e,x lxxuixifxl one-haixnxexi soxf x
drixe of itt exxxx atxliithirowxig the cxx-
ir xxiixi xax xxirs lxxbut lii te sixirlx-
ting. sugi''xt'xc'an txvo-axgge' andi
axiiaxs lxx"uetinxxxe.',
DleNeffexsxxxtxeci xxvi deiixeycomxxi-
pletelyliba ffled theYan ixxgaxx tatsxmeii ithi
fixurx ixnixg inix'ct lie xofficiaid xas
boxartictxi,xxs iii te exceitionixof at-
terso',itw baxere c'xitheieininiig ot
lie gametihiie lxx l iiiexiiitgitiny-
Sthixng xxlhiiciixchtee x]resm ex it; ini i
fxact Pattriin'ws xtiaonxyxvinxwh
recedf ist lhase xxixxie hefcfe w'xs
iitchinghiht hexiiliiexcepiinixof cue xxxe
onx bls . ange xx woriexi telast fine
innng ianihd is ownxi xxiiwaxy tintil tie
ninith, xxhlxixPatlixerxcii xxxd'ixose lxxoii
fsinigled.ihelatte1.h oweivix'ier, beig a
lxx the lxirx xxxnning ii exi xf tile
'x'.axxxigxxnsxiereitx ha'xe axwalawavxx.
After ticeffexi dv xxihrxionx Sllixxxxot mx
atx fist Pattiersxnxxxblxexi tixleft.Thexi
''tie" teadiixdforicix Gixdinixgs to i
to l'inxcandxximelts iirin lg iToosi'
outxitxfi lrxit "'ve xxxain iixiithec eighth
diii tlie'Yaixnigansx trexitenxiiisenire.
W~ithi xxxix'n"'xxix e llxiconnxxiiecedxitihit
one xf xager, xsxitsfor itwoisxcks.
G~illcrt'rxiiegeliy ticx'ioxresonxiltix waisxxi
thonl i'rixvxxii ienixxiito iDuxixte. XWih
Sullivanxat atLxxowxxeii folishy tooxk xa
lonxg tecanxi dixtasx xcautght ofmftseconxdx
Againxi hiecxixsig roxundxitloioex
Sselves ftxxxi shux-utxxiiPhaiersoni
rexchexd Ioxixecepxivxe xxxitccureeandi
ixixglexi over 'hlls xadinto homrstxcencx-
ter. Giddihix fiedito Dxinxie xxiii'oose
'gvtit xxluckylii, lxxhalxibieiig just ti-
yondx xl IS iiicit xeiccciiWhieeleecwas
'i t xhxixnxxxii byiTaft-at dirtexigthe
't'he vlrity weviitxxiitixore xite
1 irs ixnixgtigliiCapxinxiWXedieltopneid
thieiex xciiod itxh ita I o-haggec oxhici,
lxiiiforxtheitx'ixff iwetxindixiwxulxdiihxave
heexi ahmrix Theiexxtixxithree ixeixxvwer
easy outsx Gilerixxixpichixg seadiiiy
xxxiii keptxtheliii sixwell scxxieed utii
lie sixih htexnci Maiicxrt in off.wxiihxia
lfcee tcaisxoxttixii.xilie xweniifromitfirs
toiii iiionxa xxiituicix aitdiscoedi a
ixiiuxitiecer ext Tft cutxedite xxii
'trouighthe iiitciher's box for a ciaxi
sixge. Kellyxxwax up "next and xc cin-
'ineieduixxary forticte fsiioixe ciii
a of thei xo6 xexxiiinixn erry fedii. T'his
'Piliesprtiof the rootersxwaxihady
cmenuxixidali. Aioighthte ibase-runi-

hung andu atitixtiontioi signxais was somxe-
xwiat defective, the work nxthe whxoic
iras very satisfactory, anid it did not

a1)x. '. hi. xx. xa.
Sxxhtivxxxx cf.......3 0 0 0 0
Fatterson, x. x... 4 0 2 0 3
Giddinigs,. i......4 0 0 4 0
'inoxe. rf ......4 0 1 2 0
Wheeler, If....... 0 0 0 0
Kxufxiiaxx,11...... 2 0 0 13 0
GilbertiP......3 0 0 1t
Welrler. ....0 00 O 0 O0
.oas......293 0 4 24 to
Byinins- i21345S6 7 9
Vxxrxxly ....00000300'-
YC xxxxigxxxxx....o00ix 00 ii00 0 i-


seemxithaxt tie jexers axw'ardedi sev'erxalvof
thur plaxyecs xxere udeservexd.
'thur scuxci
ahi. r. ix.,ipi. a. e.
1\'Ixirxix.If......3 1 x 0 0 0
i'aqft..........i t 1 1 10
Kelliy, 2)........4 i I 1 3 0
Wendeiclcf....2 0 1t1t0
D~evisser, ef.i.. 0 0 2 0 0
htlxtxt 1)e......... 4 0 1i16 0
OiiBrienx. 3x.......3 0 1 2 i 0
Fierce. vi ......3 0 0 0 0 0
Ixilix,.'s......... 3 0 0 0 I 0
Dteieffe, ......0o. 0 0 1 3 0
Sanxger. p....... 2 0 0oit.1
.1oas ..... 27 .3 h 27 u6' o


lwoii aseiits-PxaI ttersLoel
Weidll cxxx H iomexuc xxiii i .cili In
pichxedibyxDeNeffe 4, ho Sangterc.5; by
Gilberti7, by xWlcueri. tix itt ScD
Ncffext, nif Sangrcx3; iff Gilbert 6.
itse lixalsof DNxtti ImuttfCGi-
bert-i3 oxff\\'eller 2.I li by ptxchiedi
blxtl--bx S xxx xc FPollock xxxidit.Kxufma.ix
Struckc rent-by I eixeie x, by Sxinger x.
byi Gilbert i . ildlpitich-Gilbecrt. Saic-
cifiee tit-L~owell. 'uixiire-Alexxcix.
Light Vote Polled in Three Elections
Held--One Spirited Contest for
Michiganensian Staff.
'lie three electionsxheldxiy'esterdaxy
mouxrnixug lbroughtilxxxthu a spiritexxiconl-
lxstin onxxxly mmmxcase-inxxxthy vleiox
fori sit'ent mxembxier's of the iii hi i i"iieux-
sxi nboauxrndof cxxixtrin xxthy juniorxxlxxx'
andii jmuuxl'r eugineiecgx"classes.
huie electixius heldi yxsitcriay,'ix hils
beeniann'uxnxxcedxthro ughmi' I tutDa'ycxxi-
txxxrns,. were tfor the ofitce's'anxditrustee
xxf tliv Students' iectuesclxi xiaitioxu, for
lh ii r i'xiuxof tliii atCixcxl a scixiotn,
andii forur denhmt umuxem's of ht' hefiuci-
xgxxxemxxxasulxx'oxrdi xf conl.xi
lxxliiiheS. .xA.xl'cioxmtieleyii'cxii-
test uvux fur time xffhce ofi recorinmg secre-
taru Her I Avxi'. 'hoxtxgomxerxy,'x canxdi-
date oftth regularxtixcket,.binmg opp~osedh
byx 11.G.C arvyi h'usric' mli x unixtg itt-
dependentxuxli. 'hhxuutgxxmtxcc 'lxandedIthe
offxce lbyiamimic ofi107 tlx66.xIx laxit"
Aoixium xxxisii anxi'oil li andxaxxxscx-
cmiaxe editor o f ix'I'~ hi i xxxily.
Iv xl datmxer xxlxiitfacultiytupeivsixxox
placedvupon xxxtisxcleciuitcsulttedinxxxthe
PrexsidenxiW.SV3. Clxrk, '07 xxaw, 148.
Vice-president-"Spider"' Cmxc.'07 cxx-
guuxiv, 14.
KRecordiiig xcet try-it. Ax. lxhutgoix-
ery, 107; i. G.Hiarvey, 66.
120';ixxx Grovex..'oi laxw, 112; G. Li.
Hiobart, 'oS lace,114; J. K. Waxtkinsi,
'ox) iaw,-ii iT.J.Stephxenisoni'o9 en-
xxtxeer, oo;' Ii'hXlitixs, 'o8lxxexdic, toi.
the elecioniuform officers ifte Orxxtor-
cxi axssociaionxx xasx a xmere foxrmxality as
lucre xxxs lxui mimicticket itt the fiiii.
'i lie .x lawike aswas annoiunuced itt
yestxrdaxy'x Datty wasxxelecitdafter a
It thxe iXcti ittuelsixa electionixthxe
caidatesi xxfromt tieleittdipxartmxent, the
(Continued on page 3.)

Large Number of Contetanta Enabes
Wearers of 1909 to Gain Victory
in Girls' Interclas Meet.
CThe girls' indcoor trackmetield xini
Bharbouir gymnxuasiumxx yesterday afterixooni
resultiniaiivictoxry for' tiefresixxei.
iThe meelxwxi .1 cxse i wiichx quantiy
cuxuxuxeuifor tmie lan utaiiy, adinii
tlxxhistefreshmixenmcouixiituth esily
tim elc'imxinaxris iwerexciii lxxt Tecs-
(lay' anithe cxasse malxxigtheix moxst
entriesxxxiiihlima stxxxii ntxis. Txexi
pointslwxxxixcountxedminxxwixthmte pinits
txai xxixiterdcxai, rolliguip te scors
appmccxaxliii' Ihe sexniorsdiixiexcehex
andi consiistntlwoxrck, aniiwithionity niniex
gixeted heyiuc'mixnatgedi txxwiliafoiur
firtxxiii tix fr a fifti.
Txitsophoores iade cx very goodu
showi itchandxrolei ip Ipoints by gaining
nmxxuurus secondsix xxiiitirds, bt t x
shxwinx'm any tatlyaxxrs. Miissi Turnerimxthe
shotiplxxxirxliivery gnoodiwork excedig
the dlx xx iist mde y axioxie vse y
xxviral feet. The io xr auivery few
xxxixiesx atdicamxexxumxxxisliii xheibliit.
' cxheir st xviwa 'hMiss Cary x ineihigih
Iup whxixuio lieitxiihMis'Stark '6 at
4 feex1inch.Mxxi'iss Lutesx also dmdxxinde
wokun..otte stationary rigs
Thex rcxiuixvhxaiiiseverl goodxpinuxt
xwinners. aMiss iBakrconixtie balcxec
beam andixxi 'MisI Trebloodi ix tietrax-
eing rings imui a xeeiats.xi iie slr
ofith seliv orteamxxii was hism ilytx hStark
mwlox xxiiitext of te txwety-xxve -points
giny tie sniors xxnbaace beaux
xxomrk. i lxxeixorkcsie di iid n ethecbeams
was orxigmu ina xxxiirequiredi perfect poise
f lindx'andxx'o-rinationxxof amscis.
Ix liesxwing jutmxxp Miss Siark md six
feetx xxixaiyie tie otiesxxnte exeat
stiiie atxvix fiet 8idihes.
Th inalmmxiscoire stoodiiax foliiows:
Fresitiiiii 1486' sophxomorescxx 1273;
senuiors,'xtugtu uiorus88
Dr. Carrowxiof Diiriti ixesnted lto
tlxv clxxxsuof x190x9,xx wih xfew axprorite
rmxxsiia silertloinxg cup Die min
tliv freshaiii"n is mthaxked himiixad
mmw xlixxithtcphlxiihigih xxx her iheadxilcx
it tiree.xrcummxing cheers for Scr.arrow.
Thi hox m oresmlxxxxxwininixg te scondi
Iags nccx xumxbixrcofixointxxwil'tie hue m-
sentedxiwih x slktbannie y Whr i & Co.
iS 'rge cxwdlattndedci tiiimmmcciadx
everone asxthuixmatic. Nuxmrusx
oiiginalxxiclass y'ls eii xcgien cxxxiitie
participantxxs ee cieeedxxxi y' excellen
rootxing fromxtim echersxm'c.
'The secondxtanuual iasketbax anqhxxxumet
helxst eveningxinBarbouxmr gyxxxasxtxx
xxaixaidmcidedisuccess. Tie ecaterig
xaxixneub y'Airs. Mxotey andaxiniaue
banxueixwsevexdx to fifty hutnxgry girls.
'ihecdininighlliwas' 'ecoratexiwittie
colorsciof a livheclxss limTe tamimis were
dlexciviltxxxiiihityacinthl adit'.xxi ieicb
plxxi wasxa.1ainmtiy meuxcxmamdtoatu~st list
ini unxixvxrsiy colors. 'lixhMare Winsor
cxii asto xnitcssIThe toasts aere
xxiv'enxas folliws:
COxxvYounxgest-Ruexne 'hohir'07.
The 'hichiganxxily-Ruti Kizer, '7.
The'highiialxxxBeenis-Alic. ey-
'i'ie Haxrdi iuck xixam-ive BStx~ ucks,
G;ymniux'vim Gils-Dr. Brooks.
Focitmimis Fvorixtie-RacheilLoxxel.
Piie parlors upstairs were decoratedi
wxii xiithbnes andxiipennxanxtafromixalliicl-
leges.xxxii after tie toass tie girls wen
xxp lureaxxii daceduilxxiifatigue xciii
themii ihxiue.
TxheEmpiire Sate cub elected officers
forc mmxiyearc Saturday afternooxi:

Prsidient-M'iss Elizabxeth Reixd.
Vi'e-prcesidient-Mx'iss Ethel - Streiixcrt.
Secretary-lkliss I'i armaon.
Treasutrer-=~mMiss 'Zoena Sutton.

cmxxx' xR.G.xiiiIiTN.
Address Occurs at 4 O'clock-Lectures
Have Proven Very Interesting~-
Abstract of Address.
iTelectures gixvex myPtrofessxor xMoul-
lonix xxNewiberry thlithave mccxx attenduedi
bmy largeaudinitiecesied uidui'nces. Pro-
fessorucVMouliton's stronxg draataic powier
makes his intierprrtationx of tiie Books
ot, the Biiile attictive axsivell as of
makedui xxcationalxvxl ue. humfaxct, somuxe
of lxis lectures bxeforce large Chicago and-
ices ixave mccxx characterizexi my iead-
mug Chicaugo critics as featsx of initellec-
tuxai anth dramanmati ver almxosithbeyonid
equiai. Titis is pamrticulaxrly trite ofxisi
lectuce mxxix.
Professoir Moulxut xiiiwideiver two
lectures today; mute at 9:135mutt., at New-
bxerry haiix onx ixixhe Boouk of Jeremiah
a Prophetic Autobxhiogcaphy," cod te
other at Univecsity haxll xxi 4 x. xi., on
",Tme Buok if Jobixoc time Mystery of
Suifferinig." The abusiract if tmimuocring
lecturue is givenx as followxs:x"lIn strict
form ihis, ike xotiier boouks of tetpco-
phietsixsi miseleixouthie literary
rexmins xxf Jere'mxiaxxbliminxaxxraid
readintg i a ll thexi eliv t ofmitanxauto-
biograhy. ixie keynte appmears xaithy
buegiuxuing the1bsiegedxituy ( the strain
of 'war xviihout is ilory)-xxx succesion
we ihave the liong perxiodif obutycii
xxxii wvnit oh success-the xsuddienxchange
amid emtergenciues of Jeremuui axa a ieader
-hisleadiershu iithrougih timesiege-he
mxeiacuxhoxly endinxg inlxEgypxi. Against
time ibackgundxxIof thisx gluoxoxxi.ands outi
thme glory of Jerexxumih xxpcophxet of the
New Covenaan md anicivpator of thie
It is expected tixat ax larger numxbder
of peoxpie witlh iear tieleicturce am Uni-
versity hali this afternonuthianx xiii hear
city of time othxers xinte series. Profes-
slur Moiutngixes asxaaibsxtrctciof tis
lecxtuire tixe followintg:x "Txhe Book of
Jo xis xa uiramxa ftamedxxinxxa uiacratice
stvory. Time situatdion presenuts suifterinug
xx in ixtmst myseciomis foxirxmi:te xost
righteouxs xf mnic v isitedi withx te xost
overxvhelmxxinxgcruin. xhe drtuamic pact
if the ixooksuxresentis, xxnudiffecenxi speak-
ers, ditterent xiewsxasliostiffecinigiciuy
amid false. .Mheaniwhilec mie narrative
story has givenl the re.aher ouf the bxookt
a supetrmnatnrai soutuioni lxxtihe iystery'
of suffeingwhxichx job and isi ifciend.tx
were nithpriviiegedi lxoiknouw."
Sunduxay evenxing at 8 o'ciock, hut St.
Thiomas chxurchx, D~ubiosx' celebrated xac-
redi'canttal.,x "Thte dcccxxLast Wordx of
Chrisi,"xviii be rendxeredi. This proigramt
is saildixy comxpetenut critics to xc evenx
fixer thxan "Stabat hMter'" which, Wdhein
giv'en three years agxo, crowdied St.
Thomas church to the doors.

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