' THE MICHIGAN DAILSY __ .._ - i rfi. U. WILD CO. THE LEADING Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [ULL DRSS SUITS A SPEICIALTY L311 S. State "t. AnnesArbor, Mich. The Pim Tennis Racket is the recognized leading racket in the contry. With ita frame of lively ash, tape ond throat, stringing of et Eng- lish gt, perfect al- ance, it well deserves its popularity. Glad to show yon one at- Sbeehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Special ;Prices or~ Leather Pillows Including 1ICHiIAN SEAL Until 'April 1t DARLING & rIALLEAUX 24-26 S. Stat St TH~E MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered as secod class matet' at the Acts ..Arbor Postofice. Published daily (Mondaysecepted) drig the college year, at 117 least Washigton street. ell. phone 89a ,ome phone 76. Managing Editor CLYDE L DEW Buaineaa Manager. WALTER . HANS EDITORS. Athletics ......Ctarence E. Eldidge Newss...........Louis D. Sticney Exchanges........Charles E. Winstead Music ............A. H. Otmeyee Women ... ...Effie J. Amtrong EDITORIAL STAFF. Hugh Alec Fanklin C. Parks Arthur C. Pound. ASSOCIATES. Gerge A. Osbr Harold C. Smith Ferris N. Smith George A. Bares Roert H. Clancy rank J. Clark Henry F. Schulte Henry A. Montgomery Di. F. Steenson John F. Wura Glenn D, Bradley -Floyd H.. Jons Eoy V. Lll; RATES: $.*o'per jeart or $aneo i paid in adane. AddsitaWALTR .R AS' Buines Manager. 2$4 5.1 th lt.Phone849 L SATURDAY, APRIL 7. 1906. Editor Tdy-GEORGE A. OSBORN. CALENDAR. April 7-Banquet of sophonore lit at Whitmore Lake. Annual track tceet of the Woman's Athletic associatiot. Barbour gym, 2 p. m. Special itvitation indoor track meet. Watermcant gym, 8 p. u. 'rinvitationt track meet totigt will be act interestinsg antiutique event. The ptrpose of having adttissiott by ivita- tiont is to ave lie facuty largely repre- sented in lie acdience. Tis is a desir- able neats of britging faculty acdist- dents intto closer sympathy witt each othter. Whatever -form our ahlcetics take, it siould be suct as will receive thte patrottage and etcotrageccect of te faulscty. The greatest itterest of tece et iii be inthie sot pct.T'his is Wesley W. Co's last chatter to break te record es- taiblished by Raphc Rose. Needless to say, it woulds afford te student body great satisfactiotn if he soctld succeed. A good coctest is assured ithe other evetts. 'Those who attend will witness lice best indoor ued of the seasoc. A mcoement a beent started to i- duce stcudents to give tieir patronage to those bucsiness houses that advertise itt student pubicaticons. It is entirely pro- ee tat coaeerns solicitng scudenct trade should scpport student publications and the students should sow their apprecia- tico of tis support. A stmtc of mocey is beiig raised at Harvard toxard the fcnd for lie relief of the Japanese fanine. NURSrS' CONVENTION VERY SUCCESSFU. Yesterday afternoon ic Sarah Caswell Atigell,.bli occurred the last meeting of te Michigant Stale'Nurks' asoiatio, acnd the association' adjourned to meet agaicticc Battle Creek next spring. Dur- ittgte three days' sesioct here cmacy imcportant probliemas iccnursing were di- cussedi acnd cmeasures were takecn to pro- side for legislationct upon te professioc. Thce last order of butsiess was liceelec- tioct of officers acdthie appointtuent of comamittees to act for the folowing year. Before dispersicag, te fifty-eght regular mcecmtbers ancd te fifty-ive 'isiticg cturses whio swere present expressed thceselves as greatly pleased withc lie cordial receiptionctcxencded to temc by Acnn Arbor. Miss Mary C. iasrer, lie chirimtanc of lie sarrangemcets ccmit- tee, camce itt for lie greatest sare of congratuliationcs as chcrtcntiring ecergy andc comcprehcensive foresight hasdcmade te tree days' "visit extremely ipleasact for te city's guests. Miss Sophie F. Painer, of Rocester, N. Y., wh'io is ecitor-in-cief of lie An- ericact Journa of Nursing, lie official orgact of lie profession, emcpasized te naetd for legislation.t. her idea is to have state regculationc of muccses simcilar to thaul of doctors andt lawyers. 'lie purpose is to protect tie publaic as well as lie gradtuate cccrsesswho Ihave hadcacreftcl training for their professiocn. Last year lice bill wecnctthroucghc lie state senate ccct wscthrowntc tctof te iose oca tecnitcaity. Thce order of bucsiess for lie tree days is shot as follows: Wsedesay afttoonthlie executive board met, lie mcecmcbers and visitors were registered, atn lie ueticng was ced to order by Miss Sly,lie president. The invocation wcas thect delivered by Rev. Carl S. Pat- tac. Presidecnt Attgel delivered act ad- dress of welcomce, acd a respocnse was mcade iy Miss Nellie B. Hal of Gracd Rapids. The reports of lie various comcmcitees were heard acd Itec Miss Sarahc . Sty, of Bircmingan,cmade lie presidenect's address. Icc lie evening the associationc was tecdered a comcpiimcect- ary conccert iy mcembcers of the Uciver- sity Scool of Music ucder lie diretioct of Prof. Albert A. Stacnley. Thulrsdlay umornicng lie mceeting was opeced withcact address oct "State Regis- tration," ly' tr. Beverly D. Harrisocn, secretary of tcc state board of cmedical registratioc. Thie proposed bill for c- gistratiocn of cnurses was thect read. Miss Palmer told "How to Pass This Bill," and Misses E. IL. Parker and J. M. Lec- nocn, of Lansing, discssec lMiss Pal- ccer's paper. Thce afterncoonc sessiocn opened with act address ly Mrs. C. B. Crane, of Kalana- zoo, oct "A Neglected Field of Ntrsig the County Almcshouse." Miss L. E. Gretter of Detroit acd Miss A. M. Cole- mccc of Saginaw discussed the paper. At four o'clock lie umemobers adjourned to a surgica rusic in Uciversity hospial coduccted by Dr. Carles B. G. de Nan- credle. Icc lie evecnicg lie graduate ncurses of this city tedered lie associa- tioct a receptiocnicc Barbour gymnasium,. Yesterday cmornicnglie associatiocn heard the report oflie oinatig con- mitlee. Then a paper oct "Tuberculosis" wsas delivered iy Deanc Vatughan, i' cssicc hygiece andc mcacy oher sstets atteccdictg thte lecturce. iMs. L. J. Lpiu- ski acnd Miss Violet Beccer iothcof Grandc Rapids, then discussed thc dean's paper. Icn the aftercnoo the disctssio on tuberculosis was cotnticnued, andsltect ltce association proceeded to the eectioct of officers. Officers were elected as fa- lotss: Presidecnt, Miss Sarahc . Sly, Birmaicnghcamc;first vice-presidecnt Mrs. L. . retter, Hasrper ihospiltt Eetroit; seconcd ice-presidtent, LMiss Eiz'sbet Parker, Sacte Scool for te Bict, Lansicng; treasurer, Miss A. n'. Cole- cmac, Sagicaw; recordicng secretccry Ls Agnes ]Brac, Detroit; ccrrespondiicg sec- retary, Miss Katherine . Gifford. Grancd Rapids. 'rie fccllowicng cocmmittees wee at- 'oidted: Chaircmanc of ays a'ndc mceas Miss Jectcie Lecccoc, Laccsicg; cairmcanc of credenttials, Miss Ida LM. Barrett; chacirmcact of arrancgemcents Mrs. L. S. Paoy':chaircmanc of printing, Miss L. B. Dcurkee ; chacircmccc of nocmiatitgLMs. L._ J. tLuptiski ; c~airmancc of legislaive. Miss . L. Parker. GOOD 'TALK ON BIRDtS. At lie cmeeticg f te Bird cuctasct ight Mr. Wood, icstucctor itt cccnitol- ogy, lectcuredimocs icteesticgly' upnc te habits acnciappearances cf lie id' thatclhase titus far tat iccteir clpea- ance. 'rie birds ' this seasocn octhlie whcoleihae ieectlat ithieir crrival. Thisi is partly dcce to thec sddcecfccrry of cold weater of a week or toao gc. 1cc gecneral this delayed lie fetery dcc- izecns for abocut twelve or fourteens days. Suchic variations icc the weater codi- tiocts are especially liablce to affect lie nmigratiocn of birds early iccte seson. Thce early summccer birds r sedomcs re- tarded icctieir traves ancd as a rle acr- rive year after year at aouact ie scmce tose. Somae of lie mcos geceraly kowt birds that ase pu tt their aparanccee curingthlie last week are lh icsnicter wrenth ~e fox, socng acd vesper sparrcowss. several species of ductks acdateiuse c heron. Mr. Wcood exhibiited specicmens of these birds, poitd out te cdifferencces of markincgs accc sie, acd spoke itrest- icngly of their haiits. The fox siarrowe he characterized as the largest andcpset tiest of the sparrowe famaily acnd slso as lice bocldest of lie tribe icc their haiss of maigratiocn. T'hey' scmmecr icc lie fart- et regiotns of Labrador, whiere tey were seent ly Leotnidas H-ucbblard, of "The Lcre of lice Labrador Wcild" famea, ad tceir wicnters are specnt ic ic e neigblorhoodi of lice Ohio. The great bluce ihercoc, oct of lie mcost reumarkahle of lie larger birds, ax set onc ocne advance representactive so far. IThe nestincg places of the herons are msts interesting. Their segregated hones arc called hercocries and are rather scarce cc' tiis regiocn. The otly oce kownc is ac large oce icc lie tneighcborhcoodc of Jack- son5 andl a stalalioed of fcur or five cccsl. ecat of Ypsianti. Hildreth's genuine velvet kisses at Cushing's. Suits pressed, 25; trousers, Ic. Fuller & O'Connor. tf U TENNIS RACKETSI { i" 1 .i tY ! / . Finest Line in The City Wright & Ditson's "Slur" $1.00 "Surprise" $1.50 "Bob" $2.00 "Park"l $2.50 Others at $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 and $Z.00 WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. C. E. BARTHELL, Law and Medical Books N IW AND Si?('OND HAND. DICTIONARIES PRACTICE BOOKS QUIZ COMPENDS OUTLINES, ETC. Cask or [schange for your old books. C. E. BARTHELL Phone 761 3215S. State Street, 2d Floor Ann Arbor, Mich. If You Value your face, protect it from pain- ful irritation s, and keep it soft and smooth. Use WTILLIA MS' SHT INK Students' LediiNs -Asociatio, S. L. A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 tolP.M Mon day, Wtdneadayfjf f,!day. I . We have a complete Line of supplies at posi- tively the lowest prices in the city. The quality is just what you want. Do You Play Base Ball ? l'litts Choves Base Balls Bats $1.00 to $8.00 $ .45 to $3.50 $ .25 to $1.24 $ .25 to $1.50 C l 1 S c A ,r ,N ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tr.aisa'Laneva .Anssr Arsbor- Going North 9:05 a. or. and 4:35ap. or. oting South 7:20 a. m.,t11:35aa. m. and 7:51 p. m. J. J. KIEBY, W. T. WILLS, Genl Pans. Agent, Agent, Toledo, Ohto Ann Arbor, Mtch Belt phone 135-cr Home phone o6 "Ae gara Falls Roue' Chicagt Buffalo Bosttn New York Through Traino Eat-8.t8 a. or., 2.40.p. in., 4.5s5 p. in., 9.30 p. m. 11.05p. m Locals lEast-65a.nm., o15 10a. or., *4.05 p.m. *8.36 p. m. Through Trains Wet-2.07 a in, 7.55 a:., 9.18 a. or., 2.a3ap. m. cuss0 p. m. Locala West-ms4 a.m., *co28a. or., *1.40 p. or., *6.10 p,or. *I(Except Snday.) Goncetions at Chicago for St. Louis Kansas City and the Want.- W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor Let us order a base bail suit or shoes for you. A good fit is half the game. rt . l..- . , -: _ x, BUY AT 1he CO -OP. ... CIGARS, TOBACCO, CADDIES THE MECCA, BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST,