__________THE MICHIGAN DAILY__.. llockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT; TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily , From Toledo' Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on Nighti Trains Union Depolstin Toledojand Co lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martlus Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J, F. SCHUHi, 207 E. Washington St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS sporti no .3oooo j 121 East Liberty Street. PEjv-%A NUTS SFinest Quality Roasted Peanut-o per lb. loc. Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c. SPeanut Brittle per lb. 1 5c. We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-tbs. frDoing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts ' frless money than any house in this vicinity. 214 South DEAN &[ CO. Ace Arbor Main St. Michigan Now Ready 'i 7 4: :, i y S ' R " J ' :1 : -. y i1tP --.. ; .. -, r - a. : , ' - y' i' Ae r ;- 4' + / , , '/ 1 3o tf, 'RFf t :r ! ! :f : i3 J f" ZO{ ! 3t j ,fw 'T" 1JT jx l l d sr f .,, sera s fOPYR Gr TED 190'5,{1 p" 1 SELF-FILLING PEN PRScRrA randslrsln fwsecondsrao tie h ressres llandth Tofqthe hmbontesmdallrrojpetngschrktcom-rg ts pressesraninidcay sticinresesrvoirrwichy wnOfrthld relaseddrawspnllth ekarntplenpis istoanytaly frgle d re ore. S im le seoealry rl atio tattleFILLING rosy pLara asNl Penargth IIILN15 .Ni-laRe 5011ally Fillstelf.Fn loretdasutoagainroThersimpletlfmost pacFtamta Pat g- fahionetallp ille.No comphille artsdo a setrube Lagrinkcapacity.-Ink low. ihrmrkbeeens ThSedcanny els are hrhy eney.hesan eayHroeaCOilngking PeCO.KIN /N Sew Clanet sweFulyttr gu aated.Ob./ New Line of Spring Hats Very Fine and Dressy. You Must See Theni. Lindenschmnit, Apfel & .co. Suits and Overcoats Bu(DiemnandSav From $1600thi:$2.00Money. 118=120 IE. Liberty. U, of Me BARBER SHOP photographer REN TS CHLLER 319 En Huron1 R A N D A L L Trojonowski State St. PH O TO GR A PH EkR .t . i , 1a / , , y ',Y o f O :r -y _ -}-- , ,i . IA UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Impo11rt11 antireling (If Co-op memrsall "yr Ir oligili, 7lciiNilll hail, at (:45. « ' ,,,,Indianlalmenll o ld 10(10aloker over a ;, ''Dyster lay tlirevenaing. Adlmission - DR. DEAN T. SMITH LECTURES. Dr. Deara T. Smilth, sulrgeon of liar homoeo01patic laospitl, drlivered arnill- Ii) ~ ~ ~ terrtinlelictu~re 11s1 nigiat to liar Prac- titionersassociation, onl "Taberculosis fromltliarSialndpoilal ofliar Sarrgeona." Beauseor f tliitetlr imelaallowed for tisltu llre, Dr. Smitih wOaslunablie 10 hie M urad is discusls the subjct in detail. In a gall- 11 1 illicationso of ltuberrlosroiin1thr lymapia killrvs11011 ioner. fine' chainThelila 1k by Dr. Dreeyihis avaeling, onlltlar tieraipeuics ofltuberulaist, wili ,t Yn rendia1serieso (f s10 ditsrourses 011 taier- cular 1t1 hroesdrliveredi to prartiriog phlysitians. The Stamp of Superiority } -howsointoh11 whitaness of tiha linen 1l1111 dared by us,.its "'Juot right" ;Ilaritg, ito just-enougah, 0n1t-to0-muc1h gloss, 11e ctomfort (of a0wlntlfilting osirt roillar, ditto dtacheoallar aoat fraylies-edged acuii' 110we turnloron011u10. Phaonly supertority l wr turk to hut of priae--oulra to ruther, uder thana overothero. flood plae1t snyor washin~g, itlit Vaa-sity Lek xrndry 117 S. 4th Ave., Both PihoSSn92 r TH E flavor of ti 11naturally rich, natural dryness of pagnes. This qualii M-URAD CIGAIRLTTES is acquired, by bringing selected Turkish leaf to just the right point of ripeness. It took sixteen years' experience to make this quality perfect in the Murad ! 10 for 15 Cents By mail pNotpaid-I yeu care/get Macad Cigaet/tes at yoar dealers, send i,'c. for tea; 75c. foarffty;; fr o ne ahundred ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City CD-OP FMEMBERS MEET TONIGHT Thlere wlliiieia mraeetirng of liarearmrm- hers of tire Co-opa 11110everningagt 65:45 trin M ~ilirarant. Tisormeetngris fry lire prpiroeof doiiirg lire questioraof liar reterriorn of lire store nexot yealr. Toisreotornovasrrorrghtaipatortlie meretlilg al' weak argo, buat owirng1tolire srrmriarllarnaiarerno(1defriie arlior asar takaerr.Thlilaagemaerrttosvary anxiouso to haave alllire rmerrrbero preosenltarnorrder tirat arragreemrenti rmay ire reachead. Colurrmbiaihas lotool r rev e a taintr, I1. Ti.Pool. tHe lars byra corapelledito earvelire brrat becausre ofthreraterned hrearrt fairure. Hits rrss will be oeverely fair. Titoitohisorrhryear onathoe LaOST-aady's gold watch with "B" erngraved aor front. Lost between Circe- oar, Tiromrpson aod E. University. Re- ward if retrrred to in N. Statr. 35-36 Carp arnd gowsn pictures at oentor rates. IWe havr rapt anrd gowns to fit at strrdio. Alexarnder & Ca., Henning, block. rod 1 i i c Thre Arnr Arbor Preso (forarrly Par- her & Srnytder), prirniersofathe Mirrlga Daily, 'Tie Alumnusrr, Irrlasrrer, Yosr'o greal hooka011frootball, tire 'Tecict, . C. A. hasrdbook, ely., air., arr prirrter to liarstrrdernt body 117CE.rWaoinrg- ion strret. tf Sants pressetd, 25v; trorrsers, ior. Fuller & O'Conor. tf Hildretha'o gernrrtne velvet kioses at Crrlhtrg's. F pr~siteCaurt Hause Square FRTCLASS IN ALL BRfANCHIES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Steam Feat sad Elavator All nigh~t sevee SNDAY DItasaA .SPECIALT. 50cEachr Va'edrtip ea Gea. Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of 11. Pins1j where they keep a full line at the ... L ow esit prices. No tao1 2 oor stock in ourotore. s~ag!,i N oth in g charged for lo~i ooking at our goodsoor ge t ti1ng prices on repairs, etc. Alarm elocks $1.00 and op Cull at the right place. opposite Lawe Building. stetestr-ea BILL.I ARDS AND BOWLING S.ROTTENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. LAIPS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1=3 Cent per Hour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. BRING YOarsURaNRAMEDaaPICTURES T O DEFRIEIS ART STOREI and havse(11am framed with ChaicarMola~dings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main Si. L. ALWAYS AHEAD IN- STLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING' IN TAILORING