THE MICHIGAN DAILY 6. H. WILD co. THE LEADING Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL DRESS SUIS A SPECIALY 311 S. Stat St. Ann Arbor Mch. If You Play The Game Be It Base Bali Ten~nisa Golf or any of the popular sports you r pleasure will be enhanced if you use Sporting Goods of y.Our stock is a complete one and we'll be glad to show you the goods at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Damonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repared. Bargatns to Watches & Damonds Office ai residence 381 E. Liberty 8t Ann Arbor. Hos: itto1:0 a..,to :90and7io 5B. M. ALL B50515055 01MEXInnnAL JOSEPH C. WATTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I. intred a eon d ces aer aii thie Ann t Arbor Postoffice. rPubised diy (Mndys exceped) drig t e coilege yea, at 17 Essi Washigo r sret. Belt phone 892. Home Pone 76. r Masaing Editor CLYDE i. DE W rBusiness Manager. WALTER R. HANS SEDITORS. jAthletics .......Clarence . Hdridge INewsn.........Loos . Sibney I Ehnge. ..... Charles . Wintead rMsic ..........._.A. H. Oniseye Womene..........Efe J. Armtrng r EDITORIAL STAFF. IHugh Ale Franklin C. Parks Atur C. Pud. ASSOCIATES. IGeorge A. Osbrn Harnld C. Sitk jFerris N. Smith George A. Barnes rRobert H. Clany Frank . Clark rHenry F. Sute Henry A. Mngeery . F. Steensos Jon F. Wrn Gien D Bradley Floyd tH. Jnes Hy V. Lll IRATES: $ain0per year, oen joes i paid is r adane. rAddess WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager. 236 S. 12th St. Phone 849 L FRID)AY, APRIL 6, 1906. Editor Today-ROBERT H. CLANCY. CALENDAR. April 6-.Frrry lectre by Professor Moulton, Chicago. Newberry hlst, Co-oil lmeeting, 6:45 M~cMillan hal. V. V. C. A. slpper ati Newberry April 6-Associaionibanqeiit, McMillan hle), 8 p. i. Ohio club smoker. Mleetieg of Bfirdl club. Msemlec- lre room, 7 p. nm. Lecure by Dr. W. A. Dewey, on "The Therapeutics of Tubrclosis." H-omlleopatic college, 7 :3o p. 0. M\eeing of the Mihigan Ntrses' asociation. Sarah Cawell Aigell hll). Lecture by Prof. R. G. Moulton, in Ferry lecture series. Newberry hall, 7 p. n. April 7-Banquet of sophomore lits at Whitmore Lake. Anneal track iet of the Wonan's Ahletic associaion. Barbour gym, 2p. mi. Special invitation indoor track nie. Wiaeriianu gym, 8 p. i. The elecion of juige Lane as chair- 111n11of the ahleic board of cotrol will be received with general satisfactionu by the stiitent ody. Under ite guidance of judge Laie we nay confidently expect a ust 11111 efficient mlanagemiet of ath- lic affairs. Judge Late has eidearedl himself io the siiiden oty ly iii great inierest ini all their affairs, antI especially inl ahletics. lie is a man5I of broad sym- pahies, high ideals aid good, practical jodgumen.liis policy will undoubtedly le broadl antI lieral-mintded, aiid the characer ofile 11a11 wiill t tie stamp~ of inegrity tipon his adiinistraion. We canl say 11o11morcc 11h111that judge aie is a worthy and fitig successor to thic late lamented Professor Patengill. This position is fraugh itivh resoiosi- bility aid axicty. During the football agiation thailisinosv become so ge- era) i is particularly trying. It is ai act of sef-sacrifice oiile )par of Jtdge Laiie1touderakee ihe onerous diieis of tiis pitiion. TieLcan be acuaiedby oly the highest motives-loyaly 10 M~ichigan, publics piriteudness, aid friiid- ship for the suienioiy. In reurna for thisi sacrifice the suieiis should show itieir ap~rciaioni by acordinghiimi their iiiira spplor. Thle Jiinior 111111ciiiimite are iithini telettcer of the law iitieir dispoiioii (f Iis year's surplus. But thyiold Ihave shouvi iiore ipublic 5iiri if they 1h,1d donat~led a arot ofiis sumilt10 the club house fiiid. No objection could be takeein o le coiiititte )roviig teiii selvesuwih siibsatial suienirs. Biit itisver they ineedi not ae uset more than half the siiii at their disposal to have secured such souvenirs. But by tsing the uwole of this very coisiceral amonihit they have laid themoseles opei to the imputaionii (f lesnliand11( selfish motllives. Te stIudenti body' cainot ra sonlably lok to alumi andli ithiler disi- teresiedi patics for financial assisiance if they' do ot themuuselves tdo everyhing in their oler in help themiselves. Andc iitiiiis home iwheii the possiiliy of st- ieiii self-gveriiiieit in the future is ii grille ouit, such evident lack Of piiblic spiritis exceediingy iinforniiite. Ihe repors of the local iosoffice samopwiviidow show a swondierful i- crease oer the receips (f last year. The saes for -Macel of the preseti year amouni In $5,59.6; last Macel the c- cipitisiwere $,91.57. The quartcerly r- prs a11s1 (ark a grlwh in the bulsiess. Qiuirterly receipts for this year, eidig ill Marcl, were $if6,85.86, iis beig a gaioof $1,757.21 over the corespoidiig peiodilast 111 yer. A iiual rports also sholw a seadcy ga. It is sail) that the AiiiiAbor p051116cc aides more mail lhan an1y ciy of ils sie i tie ceuntlry. The cage in the weahe is a sure indlicationi that the srg valctioi is iear at hand. PROFESSOR STANLEY'S SUITE HEARD IN CONCERT iDespite ite icleent ieaher a large croiwd assemibled in Friehle) last uigh) ill helrite Faculty cocer. Miss Schiete, Mr. Hoiwland and lMr. Ecii iere heardtin solo numniers nd gave the usulpleaicsuire. The eeinilg cs noable chiefy for the prformiance by Messrs. Ecri and Lockwood of Professor Sai- icy's suie for violiii amd iano11. The suite is ii thi old slye and, of course, scholarly, coiing s it does froni Pro- fessor Stnleys pen. Mr. Ecu aid Mbr. Lockwiood) played it wihi polish aid spirit, aiidlaii tiiforiiiatehicicatsec in rturniing'for a repeat iii 110 wise ililretI the plelasat effect of the whiole. Thue taudience was very eithusisic and by freqiient aplase ginel several ci- WiISCOiNSIN SIUIENI'S A\SK CO-IS tFORE iEI I'll Matdison, \\is, Aprl cl5.-At11a mct- ing' lasiinightithe stud1ets of1 tie Uni- versiy of Wisconsinu adopedi resoliioIns cimphiatically'declcarinig for ithecrelentiion of fooibal.Petitioisutoin111.11effeciIwerce circuliaed ithroulghl te gthieigad everyonie presenti sigied. A coe llice Thie resoluioni~s wii'iihe pe snted ito tie faculyiat 1ailmetig toightlfiliPres ieiit Jordan ofi thicIciand Sauiordl, Ji., Universiy of Cliforn'ialu~s iigt wi'h ia c1111mititee' (f sudlets 1and 5,1(1(1 tat ihe sentimnut is lagey illfevi' of the eentioni of fotbal iiide' cetinli regulations. le fraiiklv ,'idiiitei liotlie f''aei le w oil in1111 (v'11turs' a gue1ss as to the1 FRRESI3"'IRIAN C. I. HOLDS1) SUCCESSFUl. 11AN'l'i Uiversiy 111(11 d0101 ii'iliiiiil (cel prominiently ii the firs 'a11n1ual'aq111t of the Presbiverian uCisian iFinls'.ll(( atitiudedlby'uciraly 1111' 111111rcdi iiemi bicis f liiieuorgaiiizionan(111(ias a ('om- pleesuccess. Ihe taleilid'cora~in iere elabiir ae and11effeciie 'and thIe Byinoiieas thitleissitnyblepar of le (casionulweile lihi.po~n iala exercises.The office of inosmasterwa filled ly F. G. I.Kupadlife pie- gramtipreseniteidscsassfolloii: Fads a'iiihF'incies-Rloiy IR.l('(lilll'i Ihe lionlwion lon his ovs! Austiuu Lahiers Spring FPer. s ?.MyGodih Readig- .uiss HelieunSeez. AmieicanuVWomensKeikii lsia Mau's Mliuuann '1bl Isselen 'Ii, 11,. Vocal sii--li hss Louse Stretch. Our Society-Is D. I. loiscr. ihiigani ,'1 ichan I Dr .Lsi Frenceh. Sinuging, "Thei 'ellouw1and1tilels'I 0111(1CLU1.BSMfOKaE. The 01hio chu ili hod1(1th(11ir1sricod simokler of tie ear 1ton i in Culming-1 haum all, overciCuuniniis 1c ofetio- ry since (oii asiVWasinigonisret. Tie committuiee is (I'r's'nxio's(( that1((1all mens ufroumithistsate tI i ut, tie memubers of the cliii oir no.Absns mieeing will le Iel immuiedialey atir the fesiviies are oivcc 111( plans fir a limbbnotse fr mica)year wilheli - cussed. ]very lBuckey soluldhnot1fail in coeouon iuigit, saratileconini~ci' Dr). T. A. Balar) of Mashall gae a instrumetie anotiSieresinug addess Wd neday eveninmg in a goodsie udics at S. Thonmmas chtim huue' the ausice of the Catholic Sudentuus' Cl,thit'la f a cohrse of lectures cieiig givel iy the clib. .A11 of the ecies'sh(lls beendi greaty ap'ciaed adl ihis one wa': s exceptin. Dr. Bariii s tiii'uthoill f several bookhs out caonu lw- andiwork, i . i I 1 i 1 l TENNIS RACKETS Finest Line in The City Wright & Ditson's "4Star" $1.00 c' Surprise". $1.50 -s $2.00 "Park" r44;;C~~oi Others at I '4' ~ $3.50 7L7~J. $4.00 and $7.0 The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. p d 55a- AROW COLLARS giv tus, soltse eboiiwhionuost drieso suitl on a um aull incmeuiijust whait hue is loinfo1 fr. Beim;gimiadeof ('Iipc sh'r'uinkthefabrics, these clars wcarloge'r thanum thu ordinary, anmiiimu suice cocretQuatar Slurs. Quarter sizesinisures, miiithue other humid, perfect 15c each; 2 for 25c tutuo yoiuuefooshpslui Cluett, Peabody Q~ Co. andsthits iiintte 1orld. Offc2609 S. 4th Ave. Phone 985. losidenci. 301 S. 5tb Ava. Phone 314 AMBULANCE ON CALL I_ H Investments in face comfort, bring big re- turns. Thsere's big face con- fos'l ill the famaous IN I LAAMSHTC Students' Lecture Association S. L A. OFFICE HOURS, S to 6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. We have a complete Line of supplies nt posi- tively the lowest prices in the city. The quality is just what you want. Do You Play Base Ball ? PuItts Gloves Base Balls Bats $1.00 to $8.00 $ .45 to $3.50 $ .25 to $1.24 $ .25 to $1.50 I U ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Ta'a.Irs'ILea'veAssen.Arbor' Going North sm0 a m. and 4:35 p. m1. Going Sooth 7:0 a . 01., 11:35 a.01. and7:51 p. 01. J. J. KIRBOY, w. T. WPILLS, Gentl Coin. Agent, Agent, Tuodou, Ohia Ann Arbor, Much Bell piune 100-mr Hume phane 698 1(3HWGAN CENTIwAL ''e Nolgoes Rals Rweti Chicago Buffalo Boeston New York Through Trains East-.18 a. mi., 2.40_p. m1., 4.55 p. 0., .10 p. 01. 1105 p. m Localo East-6t. 0., *11.10 a. m., *4.05 p.m. *8.36 p.m Through Trains VWes-2.07a m~,,7.8a. m., 0.18 a. m., lea3p. mo. 10.00 p. mi. Lecas oWest-2td am., *8.28 a. 0m., 01.405p. *I(xcept Sunday.) Connections at Ghicago Con St. Louis Kansas City and the Wat. - W. Wi. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor Let us order a base ball suit or shoes for you. A good fit is half the game. BUSY AT Vhe CO OP. .ill New Oxfords Just Received WAHR-The S-hoeman 218 So. Main St.