'HiE MICIGAN DAILY flocking Valley, Ry,. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo.2 Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotno in Toledo jand Co- lumbus Spring Styles MADE-TO-ORD[R STYLES College Meni Almost every Regal style is di- rectly copied from a new design that has ovan produced by the most exclusive custom boot-makers of New York and London. - Aisd the Rlegal models that are most popu lar in the colleges every- where are enact and faithful ye- productions of certain costlyminade- co-order shoes that have come into highest, favor amonglthe men of the large st universities of the sworld. Thlis special branch of te Re;;al business is directed byousr newly established College Bureau Die- partmseist, cocmposed wholly of ex- univeersity men. You don't hsave to send away to secure the style that suits you. A complete duels of College Reguls at $3.50 and $4.00 ight seren in Ann Arbor. Themcly shoe that ismare in quareter sizes. R. A. H. THOMPSON, Agent Yr Studet Shop 611 E. William St. Ann Arbor The Right Styles in Men's Spring, Clothes l 'erylluing that'sa new atnd righlt xwii le found here now. All linres greater in variety atndlowver iin price titan equal quali- tics may be ohtained ini any othcr store. Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits $10 to $20 Top Coats - - - $10 to $25 Rain Coats - - - $15 to $25 MEN'S FURNISHINGS A splendid shooing of Men's New Sprinlg Shirt', Neckwear Gloves, Hobiery and Underwear. MEN'S SPRING HATS The ntew shapes in bulack and colors are to be seen as us'ual. Up-to-dateness, 'ore duallty aireevident throughout. REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL LML FURNISHING1"DOP1E" New olorngs IN NECKWEAR New ColringsN HOSIERY IN COAS New Styles II.CP HESNRY and.KYEK S. IE. CLARK, 32 j Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Glas and Electric Students' 'Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS1 %porti n~o ob 121 Est Liberty Street.,. Now Ini RANERSACADEMY OundCE 0,RINGER ORCHESTRA 310 Mayard i Suits and Overcoats B(iDiecthndnav To Measure 1.0t 20 OnhiflUer UUlotinI5 UComp11ay DietadSv From$1600 t $2.00Money. 118=120 E. Liberty. U. of M. BARBER SHOP ~39E.HrnR A N D A LL Trojonowski State St. P H OTO G RA P H E R 1i~ UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Studer; Cooecilisecling tonightciati7.! ini "licigtaniti loos. ThIdiana ccc iiclubi will 1hold11a smoker 64 1 3 at fOyster Bayl'viuday, cat 6ip. im. r- I'lle Ieyst-oncc lbwill gite ai smoker at lieclob liou-c, Satiirday, ati8 p. in. Entiiesc'foretle gils'iidoor meect- loe today.611lgirl sicre rgc'dto qua lily beforec4o'clock. ) 'fi~Thee (lpia preilimina~ry cuil (ebatc will blie cliiFriudcy inightla1 7 :30, iiilic Adclphi ihll. ll teibcrs. arerequest- cid Inoenoie. Sulitsi i n slllwlaPrccfsol)]Cccr louiieo's lee- tt irc sesi' xi'cclo.cceilt for tie ic lee- toeSuinday' cfternonitlli tiiversity hicll. Tho~cstuwhoio iotobtitiacke cts liefore Fridax' cats seeure itemtitcc ic- Millain toll ori'Nc'svberry call. P-I-I 'Ibhere still Iceci dutmb-cell-paceticeat T HE product of sixteen years 3 :1.5 loinvirrow sfte riiooini lBrbotir, 1 " gyiicscotel, ad titil ciock icall girls experiment; the successful re-intenigto itakehipartt11te competitive suitof a effrt t makaTu isntrchiiig ore urged to be paresenit to rc- sultof a effrt o mae a urks iteir tIaults ad ti rctice.Al " three freshbian sectiots practice today cigarette better than the best! cit3 o'clock. Every girl is ulrged Ico lie aresesit. M U R A D 'CiOc Soits & gininsg, of NeiwYtork,j Ust ill fill yasir ordier fur ca andt gownt. Orders fccr sswingoutt mcay lie left ally littleiptoiccAipril 22. Orders fse coin- tieticetcet week antytiliec before Junie are unequaled -in richness, smooth-street . lcel set.325 tt ness and mildness-the one Tu~irk- Soitethting sew--Masquerade ottol ish cigarette that offers 'theselesktsctiaaraytoigt. 3 qualities perfectly, and in perfect The Anan Arbor Press (formerly Par- ' key &Sncyder), ptrinters of the Michigan harmony. 'Daily,'Thr Alumnus, Inlender, Yost's great book on footbaill, She Technic, S. 10 for 15 Cents C. A. haindbook, etc., etc., are printers to the student body 117 E. Washiisg- By mail pistpad-If yeu can't get Marad Cigarettes at year ion street. t dealer's, senud .fsr teen; 75e: fer fifty; $etyo for one shusdrea ALLAN RAMSAY, Ill Fifth Avenue, 'NOW York Cite Suits pressed, 25c;d trousers, ioc. Feller & O'Connor. if ilidreth's genuine velvet kisses at } Cushing's. _ The 411 "Builders of the Worki. i h need Brawn and Braill ( \I whether they are Buildinlg / ~ Books or Building Business. ' In the whole wheat grain Nature has stored the materi''. -- for building brawn and brain- but the white flour miller gives " ' you only the starch. You can't build muscle or brain out of starch. Ill Shredded Whole'T"heat you have all the body-building elements of the whole wheat prepared in digestible form. The Government uses it to build soldiers at West Point and sailors for the Navy at Annapolis. It is on the "training table" of eveiy college and university. A food for the brain-worker, the outdoor man and the in- door man, for any meal, for any season in any climate-i food to grow on, to think on, to work on, to live on, Shredded Wheat is made in two forms, BISCUIT and TRISCUVIT. The Biscuit is delicious for break- fast with hot or cold milk or cream, or for any meal in combination with fruit or vegetables. TRISCVIT is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nourish- ing an~d appetizing. Delicious as a. toast with bever- ages or -wiih cheese or preserves. The " Vital Question Cook Book " ii sent free for the asking. THIS NATURAL FOOD CO. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "It's all in the' Shreds" ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING