THE MICHIGAN DAILOY 6. 1N. WI[D Co. THE LEADING Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL DREfSS SITIS A SP[CIALTY L311 S. State St. Anne Arbor, Mudls. If You Play The Game Se it ]maas Ball Tensl Golf or anyv of the popular sports y ou r pleasure will be enhanced if you use Sporting Goods of y'. Our stock is a complete one aud we'll be glad to show you the goods at Sheehan & Co Is Students' Bookstore i THlE MICIGAN DAILY. Enteed as second class nmatter atitAn Arbor P totffc. Publised idaily (Monday excepted) dring the cllege year, at zut 9EFst^ Washington street. Bell phone 85. Home phone 76. MasaglagEditor. CL* E W- J1lsl5seu. Massge, WAL.TERR. MANS EDITORS. Athletics ......Clarence E. Eldridge News............Lous .Sticney Exchanyes.......Charles E. Winstead music.............A. 1H. Ortmeye wome......... :.E3ffieJ.Armstrong EDITORIAL -STAFF. Hugh Alle n a klin C. Parks Arthr C. -Pound.: ASSOIAT. George A. Osbon Harld C. Smith Ferris N. Smith Gno4;eA. Barses Roert H. Clascy Frank J. (Clr Henry F. Schult., Hiry A. Mnngomery D. F. Steenso John F. Wr Glenn D Bradley- Floyd H. Jones Roy V. Lult. RATES: loseo per year, or 0a.n5 it paid in iavace. Adre9.l WALTER . 5' RasaBlsses U assagr306 S.12thSt..i'oae 549 L.. TH-URSDJAY. APRIL 5, 596. Editor Today-GEOROR A. BARNES. CALENDAR. April 5--Pharmacy depatmentl banquet at Cook House. Thursday eveing metig at Mc Milton hall. Leader, Otis Staunch- fied. -April 5-Concert by emlbers of the School of Muisic faculy. Frieze alt. 8 p. s. Lecttre by Dr. E HL. Pratt on "ri- trcial Diseases.' Hlouopathic o- 1010, in a. t. Lecture by Dr. T. D. Smt oni "Tuberculosis from the Standoint of the Strgeon." Upper lecture room, homeopatlic college, 7 :30. Meeting of Sketch club. Drawing room, old engineering building, 730. April 6-Ferry lecture by Professor Moulton, Chicago. Neserry al, 7 p. tt. April, 6-Association banquet, MMilan hall, 8 p. m., Ohio club smoker. Meeting of Bird club. Museun le- treroom, 7 p. m.. Iecttre, by Dr. W. A. Dewey, on "The Therapeutics of Tberctlosis." l-otusopatlic college, 7 :30 p. m. Peetillg of the Michigan Nurses' association. Sarah Cawell Angell hall. Lecttre by Prof. R. G. Moulton, in Ferrylecttreseries. Nesberry hall, 7 p. 10. April 7-Banquet of sophomore ils at Wltlltniiore Lake. Annusal track meet of the Womat's Athletic associaion. Barbour gym, a p. t. Special itiation indoor track mee. Watermatn gym, 8 p. n. Thle attention of the regests should be called Is: the codtitiont of the biats in sWatermatn gymnitasiutm. The codsi- tion of these bathroomis is fltthy beyond expressios. One visit to the basemett of the gymtasiumo should covince ay-- osne that the oed of a sprig house- cleaninsg is imperativ-e. At this season of the year the dtnger of infection is inttcceasedl std at etiemcsic of typhoid feverc tmight easily le started its this pIc. Theb athroom~ssoIf'Watectman gymnttasituti are a (disgr-ace t tttielt- versity. Thei prspects for tec lascbal seasot re brighter tiantsutssal. We've ssca strotig bucl left os-r frosts last year anidlonly three positions remsan to lbe filled. A swek front Saturday te teat will start onittc anual spring trip. Thsece is little doblt that they siltsake g(od ut swhatver their fortite ttay he, let is cheer them nth e lsir swot sith our hearty good sill. TIhe great datger of the svhie plague to Ireset day society swas swelI set fortt by Dr. Copeads address before the Itotitwopatlic practitioners. Thlis britgs to osr attentioni the cryig eel for store outdioor exercise amtong utiverity stuieneuts. It is anitargttiett its favor if the retentitint of alt forstof ioudior athletics. Fr this reason,tooreoer, i-. terest inin tierlass athletics shtuls be fostered andsecoraged. DSEBATING SOCIETIES BEGIN PRELIMS FOR CUP CONTEST' Thle deatitg societies of the literary and lassdepiarmseits are Iodig pre- limtinaries this sseek for the atitnual cup debate, which is to be held May 18. 'The iter-society deates aret le Iheltas followso: 'Webster vs. Alpha Ntt, April 27; Jeffersotiats vs. Adelphi, April 28. Those choseit to ake part itt the perlint- ttary conttests are: Alpha Nu-Luiza, Nerrit, Darrow, Backbnll, Friezie, Everest, Clattcy, Watt- old, Witer. Rytan, Steveson, King, Freiberger, Steitberg Henry, Clire,. Peters, Davidson, Bohr, Cogrove. Welster--Voss Wietrick, Betnt, Hll, Pipes, Jones, Boelli . fichoson, Black, MPherson, Mrpy Sipman,. Bird. Browsn,, Coroden, Wiley, Warner, Girsebtitai, Tate. Cole, Boose, Meyer, Mahioney, Foot, Cleary, Cattatn, Pass- tmore, Boldidge, Soether, Priest. M- Kissick, Joerger, Youtng Metger, Hall, Elssell, Glenn, Bowler, Stooer, DeWitt, Hatmndie, Carr, Colisk. effersonian -Warrein, Winer, Welch, Carlson, Well, Crahen, Jesont, Hoffma, Alletn, Talbot Devose, Ifagy, Baes, Sanford, 'Waters, Crempot, Pindall, Cusrtis. SEMIFINALS IN THE FEsNCING TOURNAMENT The setmi-inals its the fettcitgcruttest swere held last tight. Rberto Saa who swottsecotd place last year. was nt enttered as he cats tit fitd time to par. tice. Gradle, Zeellier asd Cook iwoit their bots and they sill attle et Saturday ight for te campiosshit of the univtsersiy. CHIORAL UNIONS RSO.LU-- TIONS ON PROF. IBE PONT 'Thledeaeot of Professotr Psitl R:sseaii Beltoss de Potinas ast sa deip sadowu ester mnty lives asset Iis presetce atd true coitnsel sill bei'tsadlyttmissedtl by te oats)organiationsssof whli eli swas a tmember. Posslyitonec sill feel Iis oss siore keenlythaibathle msetblers of itse Choral Usioni, imanty ofi sl tat-vectsenassociaedisithtimsssfrmtheli early lays oithsirorguiztte sns.They. as twell as those wsolhvesklint - hiiism but si short tie, realize ishast si ls the socieity has sustaisedit.itstthis isovr shiadoedeebly tir sesse of 5personaslle reavemient all muitst feel. Professor tde tPont sas pesietiof the Choral Unioni for the greater patrofi its ecisteitce, anitus tinstleil tcd ilthial capasscity iunitertpedly sicec itsre- gasizatioss its888. GiftidIwitiistact ttu a wsoderful grasps of dtial, le Isad mintsisteredt Iis sorf itf sice sad iral tatd sitssuch edis rmtintinthaitthsie itunb triusiveness ofiiIsismansisss celtchnigh cn rented the fereeandsisstomtofi sisct ion. It is isspossiblei to sitestte te services rendsered ts-y stimt lteateie Isised so swel, lut they canitnicer le for- gottess. How great these seviesler asset lon- msuschof self-sciticie iandlde votioss they sdemndsedes, only tose :o1 its whlo ster initimatslyipsasscites sit init csissfully lknsoss. Realizinigsll this,uwe ests but fe-sh-i ti eser. thtsitinte dasys tseoeie st s lisigesr stint-cfrcquenttly ,-iisl mores-sisnd sore loin gly ott thesvirtes ftseissas. Pure-hsearted, symspasei, loa--si. lf- sacrificisig. gesissicorsteousislie wsone ofi those rare stuitr suts o cotibiisete vigor of stintsisitste tettdletinss of wsosoas. I-Iis irsue esissnle mstsfitting-e ly suiie it sp inthie sentimet in5scibedt 055 te tmbshof Iis litfriendsandicilt ceage, to is-nit all uslesuusial itercests of this isittutitn tuand stsssisits tois their isitialsimipslse. )r. I liepy Sits mtonst Frieze-" rltnclsiee cntineis whliter soul." Sucs is the smemsory litswsicheish, ands feeling grusiilsssc tast wsicv knsownshit, los-c imut, aisshavlibts losed by hts. te it restlvedt: 'lists we, tse mseststers of te Cotrst iontlutsdot hereby express onrst-seof ii1 creseictt its tesdeathiositProfessotr se foti swe extessdousr hearfelsmpathysto 5:: bereas-esdfatmity; tatu,as aiissr, ofire- sedt, liiiset inthes chosrst shall rmi unsoccuspie,sisisthttheissireslutioss lie spread untste ricrts of uctheogan-sitto Catrsic .. tDi-ls--tt L. .s'arshl. M. E -lliswrthl ~se. Julis Rssitttgcr. A. A. Ssisley. L. D. Winises. LOST'-Ladiy'sgodswtchte-itii Isi FI engrased onutfrost. Lstlesseen sChe- ser, Thsotmpsons std E. Usisersit.-Re wsared if returnseto Isu N. Ssate. 35-6i Somuehuig est-Massqueradel-otirotls ir skates at the armosiry -tnisght. 35 Shirt waists made Prices reasosnlie. 708 . State street. f ................_._ 1 y 1 1 f f t 1 1 i 1 l E i t TENNIS RACKETS I 1 A- wom muss = yy', 7 y:. ' .:. l Y Finest Line in The City Wright & Ditson's "Star" $1.00 Surprise" $1.50 "Huh" $2.00 "Park" $2.50 Others at $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 antd $Z.o0 WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. C. E. BARTHELL, Law and Medical Books N 1,W ANT) fl-luONI) BA ND. DICTIONARIES PR~ACTICE tBOOKS QUIZ COMPENDS OUTLINES, ETC. Cash or [schange for your old books. C. E. BARTHELL Phone 761 325 S. SttenStrret, 2cd Floor Ans Arbor, Mich. Special Prices Olm Leather Pillows Including fIICIJAN SEAL Until April lot DARLING & I IALLEAUX 224.226 S. Stats St I 110 You Play Bas al Students' Lecture Associationy S. L,.t . 6It GI 6;~ URS, S5to,6.P M. Monday,, Wedesday, Friday. r;; We have a complete Line of supplies at posi- tively the lowest prices in the city. The quality is just what you want. 1litts Gloves- Base Balls Bats $1.00 to $&o- " $ .45- to $3.50 " $ .25 to $1.24 *$ .25 to $1.5o I 1 ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tsndssa Lenavse.Ants Arebor Gouing Nurth 9:t05 a. m., and 4:35 p. mi. Going Southt 7:t0a. m.,t11 :35a. to. andt7:5tp. m .1. J. KtRBY, W. T. WIL.LS, Genl Pans. Agent, Agent, Toledo, Ottio Ann Arhar, Mtch Bllt phoce lit-ir Hoe ephuoe 69 IOHI(GAN CENT~ sTihe g Nagaara Falls Route. Chicago Buffalo Botos New York Through Trains East--8.18a. mo., 2.40 p. m., 4.55 p. m., 9.30 p. m. 1t.5 p. mo. Locals Etast-6.05 a,.to., *1t.10 a. Mo., *4.05 p.m. n8.36 p. m Through Trains Wet-2.0t a in,,7.58s a. mo., 9.1 a. m.,t2.33p.m. 10.20p. m. Locals West-224 a. in., 08.28 a. mo., *IA0 p. mo., *6.10 p, to. o (Efxcept Sundtay.) Gunncetuons at Ghicagu fur 05. Louis Kansas City and the West..- W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor a Smiling Faces are those that are made happy by the creamy, comforting lather of WILLIAMS'SHAVING Let us order a base ball suit or shoes for you. A good fit is half the game. BIUY AT Z1,e CO -.OP. *IIU C IGARS, TOBACCO, CANDiIES -, , .._rk f__ THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST