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April 05, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-04-05

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The M ichiga n Dailyl", -1
ANN \RIIOR, hIICIA II \ 1-1is1 T 11RSD1. RIL5,-19 06-

vrotL. XVI.

INO. 135.

The Practice Was Snappy Last Night
as a Result--Thirty Men Out
For the hirst timc since the stuad went
ontdoors they were led yesterday by
Coacth McAllister. Nearly everyone etm-
mediately felt the effect otf his tpresence
for there was no loafing, only fast work,
nd robably- some-thirty et were ttttth
tireder last night tan at aty tie li-
ing the season.
After a very itle fetdingprectire,
i or picked til two teams which played
abotutt seven itnigs. Nearly all of the
itcn presetswere plottit sme Iositiot
pon(1ote f te sides. fll of teI'Mi'
taie ere oitt ant their eorkcris very
encouraginegeetcitlly tat f "Ted'
(OlBrien, wtottte tuptlteveryttingthat
caetiithistas. 'Te players delnte utseemt
tee gel their eyes tie the all as yet, ade
it ctt e lented thatthrine stwIo got
the least cage lratice are hattitg the
>t roneelgt.
Pitchter Stnger ceetitieto tekee ic
a trm ttarmecit ip is ustai, teteel thtougi
lie edei o htetireevtikintetee, there
is no edobtetht lile is i asiegetete forte
as ever. Ceache MclAlister keptela etet-
ter of ther tent at ws-ork beutting and
tryitng tee eat euet the hatll tee irst bstee,
this alsoe giing theififelders athaeetee
ler fast reoeery tandelthreeowig.
'Yeeeefellowswtill hlitolework lareer
ttensottcs-ct-diet it setteelit-c- rot
utwetil A pril 4'le sto eetIiesgat-
ifeel tlaers.
\WitChet Ttafteot frst Kelly- t se-
on. OtBieeeitttited, eeteaneasortmete
ofi better tic worse tetet cvterg the
shotrtsteeteIpositione, therinielis ftr too
ftast tir the ordinatry-atteuttr aggrga-
io.The st-itset hires-lte apuititrotetee
ther diaonuelcertaitl metke tier-frsh-
((ttneStecttors ptick uptiteritetrs ted
taket-ntotice. Ketit. Lots-lI aet Allac
seemeeto lit- natttiy shlarig terbatcktup
positioni. Keets atutatid lsuei ht
iug maetti m ttu desirablelem((til -espec-
klly- for ther erlyBgaitces-lhenteves-n
setter f the reol tteten tiannothit aiforte
of tartns. CptiniWedtell, Kttefftae,
hltrti etanelmuniy preteisiug ontlilel s
piants roundel cittti fereeieallle-uettchl
fo (stieit thleseaso.
fltter cesses hler ianuecul t eli
t10eterlve, vtriuuusttgairatiuuns hate-
lrst fleeceed the iteopheterle.- setitr
tles haeedesecratteeedd jtiteelit5hlee
,)raterd ut the soupthocumure- lit ctiss agreei
tee eqtuttettll these eoters ted ((tetemlee
wsither in imptenrtrlt jealousy. Theyltice
thatettheir ctss benqtetetwshie is t el-
held at Whittmor Lake, Saterelty-"ight,
will le the brighet star f terfirmateta
of ctas ontimtssantuthatlits success
isill le a. just criterionueof tateeuneit ic.
flee ctss prrelstide, lee Haris, urges
tht tll les-el oS mene atteted,aste ircar
ftre delere-tses ieeeersely s tierattendti-
The fellowinglist cit tosts cwiii e
introdlerec ed yhF. H.Butsby:
Almea hMater-RolaOtr. IBisee.
Tlee Clss-BietnHrns.
Seeing the Wild-Prof. Vtan Tyne.
The Tie Thatt Btds-Roy D. Welch.
Cotns an Pltcks-D. F. Stevetson.
Utndergradutaete Amebiioint-Prof. Jont
"Dope-Cltaretnce . Elrideg.
StudtenttiRelatiots-Prof. i\cLlghleih.
College D~ays -F. G. Kne.
The traitn wilt leave te Attn Aror
stttion at 6:45 P. te., ated those wo lave

neut putrchasedl tickets leforeheattdlrot
eo so at the stationt. One dollar itn-
cleudes car fare and adnmissioen to the

As t rescuetof agooutcuieredctobntet
aterr tierregulter traecke tratice, te broade-
juprewas(uearetedee whio etay- rie-elect
untie te coneferetece pinlht winneer. It is
to othter then the gretly hecraeledelserite-
eec froemeKanesas City-, Clark. Ott sev-ertel
teitals tst ight lie e raetgedl neliosver
tsenety feet attdlion citeeoccaesiou mpjiedst
oser twvenety-onee feet. As this wtas his
litrst apeeorac e intthis evetnt, octetaletost
lee fisteoutdooree cwerie if tmevkintehuis
year hsmokwsvery- promtisinge.
Clakwh i afreshmaunue, enteredt
frometeKasais Citc lest foliwithe a gooder
lirep reecerdinittthe foo-y-trdl cash,beut liee
hats beerie tneeetee meee ei-ry-geoodr
shetn-e in- the c shorter rioithideeor-.
Hoee-ser, lee lis steareceeutdri orkc
tutd looeks as fle maty-tmake goodcinit
tie hunduured.i
All colege ti-tea ire cordilely- in-
s-iledtoa suppte-cateNewe-berry etch, tFri-
daty, atl5:30 o'clocck. Tier ericeif tile
teeter w cilice fifterenenlis. The state
cuuuuetittee if the Y. \W. C.. A. ccilbe
lirescenttiaedtiehetders tilt the rucemmuittee
ciii lee gtladtoemeert a large ecceteler of
colege girl-, hIrcs. Robtinesoni, of D~etrout,
ctill siteg tendhMesirteelaue Sibley, et for-
ter Michiga(It girl1 willtterkabtehc wtoi-ik
tamounuefactocry- girls. Secmte cf tiertther.
teethes if the stetercoetuitee cciltalkr
ciii ee tiewor lieing donreetbiy othere tsso-
ciationes of the staits.
Temembtelers of theecomtetittee tire:
hiiss-Heln Keep, IDetrocit, chetirmant;t
htrs. F.I Rateetey, recorediteg secretory-:
its. J. ettuepsouetretasurer; Miss
Leela P.Joehtusuuue state secretaery ;h'Mrs.
F. A. Rointsone stuentee weork;hMrs.
W iel Creaegcetyccworek; hiss hWtey [I.
Setert, Graece Cotttege; hMiss h-Madge
Sibley, buelletien: \'Misses tKate 1fetuns,
tFi-leeter Candetler, hire. 0. T. Carey, hMrs.


The secoendl ettia eneeteeni of the
Dr. Hiinsdale Delivers Lecture on Con- hhichigee State Nurses' assoiattinsl,last-
sumption After Which Reception itegeherrogte itcpril4, -, 1thd6, woe tome-
is Given in Gymnasium. althy oipened en-Saerah CaeswellAngelh hall
yestereday aternoneat 5o'clock. This
lat-ieveneinegtir. hinici-legas-n a er- erg-.-ieettiecee eclchccas estalhishe thti
toe bcefe-re-hepreactitioners couirse itee neteter Isheep of.onehunedred'lee Detrocit
the' 1 uuc eiitttheir' buihdhing-,'cilTeuiter- en11904, enow lutesenerly three heunede
he- e ndIt Vctimhs''" lye. i itesci emteeeebers andelis itt every reslpect gainineg
'cnieedihis - cciii ret undurer seer in its tpeestige. Tieh ee iterobject of the
eeds, Ilie crecrl ciothe'retesoni shforv enzaeeteiht is tee effect staete registrationt
tubedreulhesis heitg ced chei, toldwi yfee t ii esters, tiusgis-ihgegtler lprutectiece
iis cled ia hitgie'ssiive' disetse, anl tee the nuteehes teed the-uicii. As mtatter's
baeits ciins t-ldes. lie' thene cteslowst imutri rteethrhcsotnecute tes s a
the easos wh thre aheno m ee tnedtiliuse. lie tiin cutthee essoela-
dce's ccftitleerctutosis andctolhote w(cvthe tithe -s teeelect a defetteite- stamtp ieee the
deseisteroptueitech tied distributtedl. professirtnesue thesetusworthey or incisee-
Th, r emaid'reefthe lecteurn dealt phun red ctitithe re s'a hue recognizedl
uitl consumpt'e5as a indiividualtt, andtassuchl.
whatle h ehohriceice tiler eturof iiee- The ee-tiueg y'esterda-y afterntooce rae
self. lie diciussuuit-rutenticothee itt oenedeby ate iocttuionty Rev. C. S.
l~uttenctecfeuionenit,Iherecdilysuciety, Ptton, tfter ewhich Presuident Angell
heeltehclimate an eerie lye-uae.slierhencedd crt euhuese elcomeee. Dr.
dlee eli]c the genertal ucethodci of tretatinhi- Anugell firet receherithe day sof tie -boy-
cccii eve a dcentree-led thehomuerhtiddwenethe-ileae of autren eite crse
de iducei alethir etenut wtthe hi l ((scut ecue-irf the tees leetthose lays
ue tci pl ecusn. e'cc aseres tiestanucreuo,-the -ukiswas .mnettereth hy
lisleetue oe o aseiesofamteuhrwcthersseed it rwas a very
serirheusteatter:e. - ,to taeke or adeiec-
ix iic le i b eitug gienre before tle eti_
pratitioeres'couurse. Tlc tre w slutr titters.h-he alesalluceecto thee fact
tolloe useliy a reeputionccine iembnheegy--et her sehd ived1 icesaniosecoeuenies
tau , e i hchews ttltdidibiy-th s- w here tenspitalssenweere ukenweeoctetlie
ccc vrtu icref~jfuerther delnt at soccerheength utpon theI
eeuuuelwoetlueii eiiteth. udeporabhle stateeof conditiotns existieeg
lic h it(treelie rreiucg 5 is t ire theeseseethe, ref whiche Chietais ca great
setch i cc tee thencivieriey ocit full-exeaempelee Incencludeineg Presilene tugn-
eli, satid-
leee o l ii ei c. hpctuese Vse eofteenstpeak eel the braevery of
-ec' ct huctnic h ise lce cetue sldicers goung cettic tattle amtidset the
lee ec itit-u S (tree t tethe shoeuuts- fetir, ceyrsehes andththe-bsare
set yeeutss (ruof-MiIhitw hteen fcut ireal eatusic,, btettheedeity -that he
dersqieetly pernerted hey the Irsinetnrse
aegi 'tehnd eC-ci too eryprmenu dtpthpeiee
the e stadues1 uciert oeelthehoceuuenes thm tee terbeeeutreteeoteees teeuteee s a t'racery'
hr lii~~~~~I Lihdia-tt service tnobile r thntheat perfourmed,
lice g-csets Ocitonor erePiecef..II. yhuehe soeldier.h:luany sereousc trials seedh
S tM D.ofCiecaeo - I heeumneeesthee 5te ese e etcs eectu puia
'clleeg slle--dIetc -Gcits J. Joes its i I.,t- tetheaeethlonug Hours. orontthedere
\V-cn"it .hunk upote*eercaellitng an
eol< .Saeredtad uce ca lleeiteg at e enetered
_____only______itch ec slofty sperit: I-conegratulate
o ite ees hav inutg enteredl upruetthis cat-"
I:hthlh O tFittl\ttL II It-N e lingthe seen usethe pubhlice roctiratuhate
AT -,\I.( C .I )AC? f,' e=rtudeseises focr the effo'rts yoeulit forth.
teeth eeccesuefeceg tend teet rreeieMenis
lic - uuuue i Cedied at- ~tuuuui J sech icen ticreotehee y youerats.'
C'hristianee esueiatiucee banquueeltterett's-.-
Fuehec rd (ith (iiitreielei tute' ie1 Ralph' C Dig-gices,'o n cuteron D-
fescue hhcuitet's levue ectNewerrcy medit, waes etarried yesterrday ts hMiss
hatl. ePrdes-ee'r Moculitoiciilbee lien Carloeitth-ieeieeisof AcuteArtbcu.

J. 1". I heesertle, hirs. it- CColemanetece. hi cc.h
J. J . Robhintsone hirs. C. hi.- timballeh, anecu
.\iss hariniee Readeer. It is exptsed thaht
et oftede laties still hen resent.
'Tle scuupernteeh ltks seill hue-oeeuh'ice
ieter tee ne'rProf. hicetuce's lleurre
Newbterrry- coil oh 7 (eClckeh.
the noinauittionts teen officers cut the.
CC' n' teth thuletic essocciathiotuu willtae i
i-iee1 rithey tft ernoonedeeAterii 6, eel4:30 l
'clhcek. Tie heelciten scull taeepdlude-
efther spmringsvacatione. Then membcu ereofr
tie associaeutine urged tee cutterFri -l
lees. Goodcelofficersw-ciii str ac e-
cesel eassoeciaututionxtseer.l

Non-Athletic Committee Announecs
Names of Student Candidates-
Contest in Law Class
Spritng politicssate warmtitg up its the
Variosus detparteentcs audtehiis wihtrove
a busy week for thecamptusth5poitiitns
',ci Saturday the electionuccu er~r for thee
officers of the Studenetts' lecture associa-
lione,teet at ele samse timencd duhrig
thee saeehocurs there withlneedir the ee-
tiones frthee1rstuent' ebeeoeers tee thee
Therer teieelsuenut membeuhers oilethi
'boardl whotoegether with the two fa-
uly meetbhers appointed hy theeUie-
c~nve-ity Semiete, maeke up thile pswers that e
i Mciaen naais-hee junuiorn les, thee juiorit, te
juneior etngineeers, antd thec fratencities act-
ig jineitly, re each entietoheheo re-
presentte;irstee thislbord. Theedm-
ikal edepatmhret tandththehd e elttenets
-thuaretirs, ioenoe andeeet nhtal-are
:each etitledl ts oneueeane, meaking tp the
Ieee stuent memebehers. MIr. Thonmas atd
h~lr. IHlbirnook atentheefactlymemenoers
of this year's bonthdaath they will prob-
abhldct hrouughiiinurer to give thee
tem boardce entucei cud their years
Prof. A. S. Whitneye, cairmcan of thee
commieuette-recun tuee-etietic torgnizations
furnishes the -followiteg list- of' nlams,
whice hane eed approved y his ecm-
mtitee. TltdXtithie for (thug enaesas
catediedates for the hioard closed Sat r-
- tay see the list is final There is noon-
tet except in the lace dleparteoset, where
'Deed' Gunedry andth'Jackt Regan are
opposineg IHfT Martien atdF R y--
h-atedThee couttes thee, it is laimiad,
will nl ee ieclose eec thee'sise ones say
that 'iDah'"tGundery aned jock" Rgan
base evierythitng onthieir opponeentes The
namtens of thee candeiates teed their de-
partmnets foellow:
_Literary-tHenry F Schulte, '07; E-V.
Fratenitites-C H Cement, '07 ,en-
ghioer;Lny LE.lHoyt 7 lit.
tow=Care M. Gundryd.'07; Johen -.
Regatn,'07;tF h-h.iHylateet,'07; i. T.
Etugineer-C PhI loeoY, '07; Ed-
worth Bscen, 07
hheicel-les. McKinneey, '07
Pharmicueneeetalaned leeoeop ating
jointly-R G.Fralick 7 dnt
As was announceden e yesterday's Daily
the hours cut rlectiotn are froece9 to it,
ande the electiones wl ccii uer ice teir a-
customced plades ini the various depart-
teettal-huileitgs fle eectiote for the
represenetative fromu the odde departments
'will occur itt the deetael isuilding
A programe of nmuche interest to con-
cert-goershto eheet arranged for thee
Facuelty concert whiche is schedleed to
take place toeight ice Frieze hlat Mie
Schaede andr Mr. Rree will behueeard ice
tacht numbeher, Mr. IHowlatend will sing
the "io possente" fromc Faust, anti Mr
Lockwnuoed will co-operate with Mrtree
en a suite for violinooctetpianohy Pro-
fessor Staenley The program nt full is
as follows:
Suite inE C pajor for iolietacd piano
-.... ......A AStaeyiu-
Henri Enn atnd Abeert Lockwood
Recit anid Caratiena
"Olo possente" (Fatst)-...Gasenuf
William Howland.
Preuide andc Fugee for violine aoie.Bode
Henri Eri..
Preludce and Ftuguee- - -.....Bade
-Marie Schade
(a) Corrente- - - --.........Ether
(It) Meenuet- - - Maon

(c) Serenade-------------Ent
HniMrs. Gi'eorge B. Rhead anud Minnie M.
Davis, accompanists.

respon~ di to (tash. Ail addeitioneeluts
hen cemae tichelethe -list onetodntsts. 'htiutias
C. Sits, tier usity dtieruu, seill rsndecuc
(c ''Tie'iIArou hiditc.,

Pried . ' N.Scottieha eseartedloneme
eatenetrite ut a, feweweenks'.duraetiroe.
lie esill steakheoemThumrsdlayeeenitng lee-
tee mice stmudenuts ittfhBryne Mawsr.

Ilie Comedy Club Contributes $200 to Club House. fund

MeFm eeccaS cur sem;r,-usmeewCe- de-e.uINmeTIIEmnRECINt PE-hVORNeehsAeN cue 'sutouseus"
'Tle funrd for ithe Mhigaen UnioneechbThis icscracicaelly tll tie'miontey clearedt andi tlltat is1n0w enecessary is the ap-
heouse citt receive a subhstantialinitcrease itc then veceed ternfonecures of "The tune- el; of Professor Glover' aend this is
151pertically .asseered.
tee a short tine wheen the Cotedyeluels t-utsidern.''Th eueeommitthen emchaerge of '1his t oect 'ofthe -largest 'donations
will turnethe sette of $aoo over ice Pro- thudeiffairs cut thee Coeycly ieub-hs voted theft- the clhhouse fund' has receivedt
tensor Bates, treasurer of the Union, to turn the moeney over toi the Unione thus far,

r ~a --'r''- h


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