"TI-fE MICITIGAN DAILY Hockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT Sa TRAIN SERVICEIP You will find' -3-c- -for Four Try ihs Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Caslon Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsnin Toledojand Co 'lumbo's r S . E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. I - F. J. -SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. BLEY & EDMUNDS BM tf G oo~ I 21 East Liberty.. treet. Y PEA NUTS fnest Quality Roasted Pesnuts per lb. 1 Oc.- alted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c. eanut Brittle per lb. I15c. We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-lbs. Doing our'-own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts lean money than any house in this vicinity. t44onth DEAN CO "' Ann Arbor ain St. Michigana m~SELF-FILL0 to3-ING 3311PEN tosotheobi -talli fwseons oftm. Te es3l prsesa y in lsderelas tic nrsvoir, whic(h,1133en31he rlesed drawoske nen . in nd the enis intantl filci3 ledrayf r une. S' simpe sti03 opratontht3 te3u35-'NG Pe (Ogor, 5350Pl33_N0533-st Realbylty Fills s elfr.'. f ie~i al foce t agin.Jrl e spls t, ne..oledo. Oico. tefi INow Ready 00, _ fr '1 Y 1 r- j' 3 IS'y 1 SC o/,r ? ' RGTD0, New Line of Spring Hats Very Fine and Dressy. You Must See -Them. Lindenschmit, Apfel & Co. I ro To 16.00ld 1 t$2hin0 Momr n e y. 118120 E. Liberty. U. of M.i BARBER SHOP photographer R N S HLER 319 E. Huron R A N D A L L Trojonrowski State St. PHOTO GRA PH1ERR l 7 C -IPO GAHE , :. ... r...r-- These Eight Pipe Tobaccos Are the Largest Selling, Most Popular, Highest- Grade' Tobaccos in the World Every pipe .connoiseur, the world over, knows one or ;more cf these tobaacos; arid knows that higher qtality wasi never produced. He know;~ too, that a good pipe, . ~~seasoned'.,by and' filled with one of "T these ,tobaccos, is better than the * best smoke of any LAAKaxizsl si SwlL . ARRe jLd...h .0 3Fin3est o&L nd.lt 5 3 01 w.,Oli c. carnia,-, Id, on vacuum tins..,/Sin.; diumandful. ,'I RtKhe besSo 503.-31 ditun, -03.1, ndld33 svacu-l a . urn3tins313/ oz.-325.;3IP -RIL 0CUE 3C ' =-- - 8, oz.,V45. GA., CK Finest im in c333333tins.312/3 oz., vacuum3 tins.32 23oz.P C1. 5312..C.s 3333 .33333333333*333G" vacuu33mos.40.ns.h312'333 03z,3 5555 TAT5OE 250.; 3-,oz..;45c. Some MXTUEAeolr moxtre-of Mthese famos abandsewilquTuito n yuie afnt ond t yurdelersgstpota sl IHODCU- i. 111. Fifthz. Avenue, Havnw YrkTRESAS- -l 1 .The Stamp of Superiority UNVRIYNOTICES. hoses in the whiteness of thn linen laun- UNIVESITYdored by 330, its just right" starching, its ju3st-enouigh, nut-too-much gloss, the Uppe3einsula3533 3cluii) meets5Saturdayli comfort of a well fitting shirt collar, ditto attriiool i Room C o'clock. Rn detached collar and frayless-edged cuffs Meting33 of Political S~ciclub 131to\-" as we turn 'em out. The only superiority dayat 1:5,inAlhaNu33roo033'. Win-we ocek is that of priee---ours is rather stead,( 1Presidenit.Iunuder than seer others. Good place to igois cogineci baseball men ot forsedyuwahni'tt? praictice it thei cornter of Church aiid snc or ahig snti Hil11 strecctslThuirsday at 3 p. m3. Cox . Frieshmcn of all idepartmlenits meet 'in, Vae rsiy L .id y Room C, Univ eisity hall, at5 o'clock 31333 117 U. 4th Ave. Both Pharen 928 todaty, to seclcct igog class colors. By cardtec 331 \tlilctic Associtiioni. See story a f t 1 F U NIVE.RSIT Y MEN D)ISCOVER FtOSSIILS AT PORT HIURON Michigan mcei are to lie credited wsith ail implortantodiscov ery if fossils t tPort 1Hutroit. 'It wsas last Studae that the party uearthecd a cuatity of shetis ini Xtgonteiii heach oii Lake Hurons. These fossils iiiticate that life camie into0 the Gret tbakles region mutchi earlier than hits lbeen ithiierto siisptiedc by geiologists. The fossils are the reiiainis of life fle iir louiiisaiid yearssslcd. Tlhle ptarty cisisisted of Fraiik Lever- eti, C. C. Acdams, curtlor of thle musetum, Mr. Riithasveii andtJ. V. Eolcdlthwites cif Nosrthwesternunieersity, and(1the idis- cos-ery ofitic foiilsntis itadec lipMr. Adaims. 'Thle idiscovery is ta very" important ate for geologists," said Mr. L~evereti. "It shiosws that life cane linoIte Great Lakes at ti s-ry remlote age, probably tive or tenl thotusunid years ago. Thle life wets the sam~e lkindo to is found in the ltikes, anid camse tilt 1r0333 ake Erie. ' The fossils exist in consideralble qulan- lilies ill Algotiquiti beach tiind Professor Adanisieilltake Isis classes 3113 there In shidy it. Thle 'specimlen3s lave-3301 been dlefinitely classifiedl,"bit.lMr. Adams is now workinlg oiilbtem an3331 will tmatke an annilounlcemenst later." O~fficial 'o6 Michiganl seals, price, Iwo Idisllars, soltd only at Ye Student Shop, 6-ti1 C. Willianm. Senmior laws and junior Ieniginleers please call for J.' M. pipes. New line of L. andi P. pipes in this week. 3411 The Ann Arbor Press (fortoerly Par- ker & Snyder), priters of tie Michigtn Daily, Thle Aloumnus, Inlanlder, Yost's j greatlbhonk ottfootball, Ihe 'lechnic, S. C. A. hatndbook, etc., stc., are priter, to lbestsudenl tly 337 R.Wasbiog"- ton street. tf I I I Fuller & O'Connor. t Ftildrelh's genitne relvel kisses atF Cushitng's. COOK HOUSE I Opposite Court House Square FIRtST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Steam Heat and Elevator Alt night service SUNAYDIsNs A SrErIALTY'. 5ne Euebh Save a Walk Down Townl Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of Pl. Pinsj where they keep a fut1 line at the L ow es t prices. No -Yc~r poorstc in ourstore. 0:9 Not h in g charged for .8 lookiga our goodsuor ge tt i ng prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right placo. opposite Law Building. BILL -4IARDS AND BOW-LING S. Rorl'rENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. GAS ,STUDY L AFIPS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1-3 Cent per Hlour Save Eyesight, Money I and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS S CO. BRNG} YOUa UNFRAsMan PICRSTO DE[RIES ART STORE and have them framed with Choice Mouldings Only the Best French Ws$ is Used. 223 S. Main St. f ML- ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR TUE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORtIN4I