for Art and Skill in Tailoring Senior Caps and Gowns MONEY LOANIED
Call or $1.75 From Swlngout to Commencement On Watcheslsiamods jewelry
adall High Cass httel
$1.00 Fow" Commrenrsomt week an Collateral security
SAM B UR CH F IELD 0 &jCO Wool Serge Caps and Gowns-No better wontby U. of M Senor W. J. LOVRIM
* Classes, at any time, no hatter what the pic le. Leave your order at 104 4th Ae. Opposite Court House
once. Two dooseuh ofnew Y MCA
O rICE HO US N3 to 1130 1 to v
The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City M A K 8 C M AN usns 7t SIty tonfidntia
We carry the tar et ine of TORI~S
andDOMESTItI & IPGORTED Cigarettes an
Doameti & tnt orted Cigars. A cM pi
aIC nT HIG lieof allosmohineartclces. We are asna
S fine chocolate BON-BONS.
Lower in Price A L N .L OL.Sae t
Better in Quality
Ask A. M. SMITH Advance Styles in Spring Clothing Now Ready. O i eta ie
II An AborSavigs ankBloc : ! ~oall tinsto' en Tot loledo snd Colombo'.
11AnAbrSvnsfakfokYoungs Hats, Spring Shapes. None Better Made" Elegat mdernsParlo Cars, wtirt-clas
W. J. Booth Jo. V. Sheehan 1,1R O ATIItLCTI,5 CS 'ONN't'.t. cretit o a eresingorig nlt y t of
Wai. Arnold Dr V. Che. aga R Vaughan PLAYE'R STUNG totgiaedlita hi lyetertining stle. Larget Mafatrers in the Worti
.Js.H W d EF .Mit of Officil Athletic Spplie.
N. J. Ktyr John Huoarer ChIicago'.slseem of lailt after-diner A partculry x iestiit'leaer rs an Base Ball Lawsn Tennis Foot Ball
Jno.Koch Prof. HI-S Cahar xmntosi rvn ole tiea rn caduo h aePo.Abr .Ace
Ilan F. 'Zimtmermtan Christian Miartin Antt.amp1 -lg' indtti'l ocuered 'lees- estlt ioi otllg t eq ie ltotte l i oefll'le lrt .hbe .Acey Roque Golf Quots
_________________________day______ i ht i t htoj astwoei-kntlont enist'hardslhipI itstd of te teptorft athlete Pt~tlttiilil, by iCilttrd Setl'Ins . 'lThe Cricket Lacrosse Croquet
tell, ie. ha t tfoetn lywon.To hrie last tmeet ite latter 1is pa tilaly el l ott- liell-4 foe lpleents for si Sports
plri1 lthle ttstelarrle iTet ti tinott- Fior oer a luattr of a es-
PY (J I'ln 71oi11 ahlete hadwiththei umpres re tI last Doig to is toryitionwitdtr og'pal Trade-MarkMar
Prescrptietion room il ouse w ihi ott-t blac l o lt rs-tte inis o stalyo t" 1 ifu atoil' n he har o ' titton a 'tBlimple ent hr
m earkette eadvancem'tet o
Coitbjli .a°lspcuuslclltl o a huge te it ola tord ttht trak o ok it vey m hoitie tr lil t ro.111 YA- . thib s prtlry prt. frLw
Otottto elt t-co t lis frlo t ailng te mtctititlti selhrttet is-t 1 tt l e" aesftentse h - ' I its I ttisi't It:\otlte. a 'loty it nne' Tennis stio li,
(oltm boin-goeodhit'oesst it h qe\stis il oerlo" iee eeoei t-- ligtx o'seetst~Spaldings Trade-hak n
drunuLto hcnr n wrshto rus -ytttr At reteie l lnioorts
yrs thuOttt5tttit e ac rd n oit otits ' s t snig, ti st~noilttvollelto-of sos tt itos 111 \ttI~ e stii- t lfty gle ooo d-tlgtoe is ttcoar-
wietyoitt ar ttttet ~lt" 111 01-1 . 100 0 co o stttl l t- s'yoo tae a bet 11cr artilo, lats o ntgo er,
theuitouS tttlot-lo yla Itde osar.it onei ed yu g a t,. to a llee o a n the.5 i ~o llo a d wnt hey t i thdrewto I r o t e fi eldStttts- -a d st acouit o f.ttheNs ctstoo l ie ve .0 tt t otlt IIS ii t itual h hs i.Slttltlt.to c-
S~ttth pyy ont ill y o lo'd i s ohear t. le t-ad oo-bee ato hostrsidence t antt o theOi numbert werx eleft. o ur , I.\.OC. 1. is-- ni Jt-.. a.tv-- ot- ittot-by SEverytotte-BI- '!Sw"-ce..,lb lone
itosexit-iSSSO twitittitra itOttS S a
D ont-Ibet eriitot oooeoooir 1 aItObu t ea few 1momen swht heret o watlilt ho wu ~ltrIswill10 11oub tl o ver 0. d is 11111 0 C.s ul , rarth.ote aA. Gt- . AL NG 5 BR S
S eroiiegii nnetl i lta Iep Inxto h orad ai m otn-poe e 's reattnt.to to tiltatues.A ..S'SSrt tiol o othrac
yhee Rrn 015 o-son rlo- is . tett t h ttt o--t ioii -itl tts si 1 0ot ils i 51 i.t as It~ I
00 eatmiao a Facic
yerofvxhte Iene W1 o o ttoe 111 ootki nnovidulew ; s htoo redoaoit01wlos Thbs ebalthy t ratio k andol ..so oIim,,gao
haiguopet ieo .ony11.il sTrytto t tltxPh an elpsit'OPrtaion csop laste pff s pn-0Cent toi t o col y
dy am uan t to o col-h atttl idtimelf '5 lible t $0g iteb- tecndtos ta e woretiof.Ott f) _________ _two iou~rs unil8p.
dente. breaking jquatti o -'g Itrtttheb b'lsud svn o misin ooeSpecial Cors toS ist)sS.8:oS a n, sotieery
ansollote Tie o ho io'sio i xtiooti ttnooo'i a t i osatScony tailonoig as -atisfatory 0tw 0 ours util 010 p. n.
Q U R Y ls rieto 'id 00wio loror.sd: lser, iitcher; Sulliovtn, topries Follr &OCoonior. 619 1. 'il our local ev-ce to Detroit 6:i15a. t,, to
QUARRY St I Snid h lptt," pthr Tmltnsottop.apc91 i., tet11:1i.
cxe. 'soioot ts I ii Iti ot Isoti o -ontp I r~ - lam street if Tw t-iouroal srvc-ee tooJachso 1i ~it.
oxe lw ystr id tt proetto se lfa otl~stlti r N-ttoaItocsatrier; Paner nd-ooto ii1oil p. in.
goo felowanda ried o th sudetsCho n, utielers Th tacktea tun-WATNo1ROM. HUON OSIST. WESTeOFMAN.
"11 soIl tonstoo]tels)frioot in 5t oiot I' 100 10ttt ts iInmcisi iscase.SENIOIRS -h av-c your ortes foe
__________________________________________ - itell yot oti to hos rse i tp sleast lusttheionseevices of gofisteits 00111oalshslilos at Anoldo
00ee a(,. t o epttotie'so atciioto foe Quigleyoquatrterlert asndtiParr} 3is\tad- coowery ste. if * *
yoiif ontout I'llgr aleadato toti Idigatoo aotlW illamtsont. weighott ooin. ______________
tatteratention wittot ou s el akot ttin linoht l ke ssitr, Goe15s stoot C. Ii. Gsasses repaired.
t u or"Schtt wel a me st'to o rst e ter olo tea-mt. -Eyes ncarefuolly fitted ad tested.
togr tefu longonian o lloedstietotGEORGE HALLER, Mole, St. a aa
rcim pityandotids neit"i t I'STAG PAtR AISE FEA- _____________
thehak o lota nt oi 11 ei asdlose TIRES NE'oX Nt. 'NO:R 1iigio ls o n te-af off. $.00 plts make a big' hit I'with college men.
PehasYheYststiknfatreof_____ony _______jwlrsor.0- u teschs snugly, neatly. Bre
B d s Itoe f h t xxof ostt to t a i too n isle etotiled"ta.SsogPsraiseio.blyp FOR RENT-Foe 0on year, rot and clasp
di ot t'd t010hee w s o nlip tr G ongs1;. IDeotto. It is at thilois ical Joly. i, to, lage iricksresidence well PURE SILK 5 P I
O y ste r B Ina n uaran~ttieftrimeaslesthat inquir ntooltionelts smokter, anl wat- furnished ades antlt l so itate. Sit- .~
FOR efiee Mir
OSES New Spring Goods! ar ____
Of Assn.Arbr, Sth.
ADSuits, To oa s a dIrv ne tl D. Kinn, Pes. Harrison Soul,V
Top Co ts anS.5,W. Clarkoshie
Capta, $100.i00. Surpus and Profits, $40,00
LNTL UNCIIES Hats, Caps, Shirts and NeckwearGEREBSOF
Chafe. Cutat low.- and Pl n I.
Capin St between Hro and 'i11r Ave.
Everythinlg SEE O UR SHOW WINDOWS Phone_______
Toalpurhaers-as manyor lesnsayuwnt
Open Evenings We Cas ndsons esioryoue
Gliven on ALL THlE NEW 1906
StudioI T these KD K
Ar nstock. Let us show
46a898-Je 67. ALFEXANIIER & CO. Heintiizig Bik. E. 6- 2 othStaeeSre