THER MICHIGAN DAILY J THE LEADING_ Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [U[[ DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY A311 S. State St. A n Arbor Mich. If You Play The Game Be It Bane Bal Tennis Golf or auy of the popular sports your pleasure will be ehaced if you use Sporting Goods of ty. Our stck is a complete oe *aud we'll be glad to show you the goods at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watehes and Jewelry repaired. Bagisin Wtches & Diamonds Ann Arbor. Hourans:tol1:30 a. m.,to 3:30and to 8 p. m JOSEPH C. WATTS r r r r r r r r r P r r. r r r r r w r r THE MICHIGAN DAILY l Entrdasneon. Clss matter at,thAn tAo Potoffie YPublshed dily (Mondays ecepeddringi the coege yiea, at 1p7tEast XWashngto Y street. Bell phone 89z. Hooe phone 76 Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW SBusiness Manager, WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. SAthetis........ClareE. Eldridg Newss............ Loais . Stikey Exchainge....... hres E. Wintea Mousit ............A. H. Ortmeye Womno..... .Effie J. Artstrong EItTORIAL STAFF. lHugh Allen Franklin C. Park Arthr C. Pund. ASOCIATEiS. George A. Osborn Hrold C. Snith Frris N. Smith George A. Barnes Robert H. Clsncy. Frank J. Clark Henry F. Schulte- Henry A. Mntgmery t). F. Sterenson 'John F. Wrz Glenn 0DIBeadley Floyd H. Jone tioy V. Lll RATES: -$.5n per year, r $.no it paid in adance Address WALTER R. AS Business Manager. 236 S. 12th St., Phone 840 L. t'k l)NPS~I)Y. APR11, 4. 196. Editor Todlay-HENRY F. SCHULTES CALENDAR. April 5-Phartmacy department banquet at Cook House. A\prit --Concert by octmber. of the School of :nuic facutt.riere Lecttre by Dr. I;.6. Pratt ott "Oi- fciat tDiseass.'' Homoeopathir o- pital, o o. tt1. Lecture tnt )r. T. D. Sttittott "TIuberrrulosis fromtthe Statdpoint of the Surgot." Upper lectttee roomt,thotmt(eopathic college, 7 :30. Meeting tf Sketchelubitt. Drawitg roomtt old engiteerig btiding 7:30. April 6-erry lecturee by Professor Monlton. Chicago. Newberry all, 7 IP. It. Aptilt6-Associatiott banqute, MMilan tall, 8 p. tt. Meteting of tird Ct.1n.tsetmtle- Itrse toomt7n . I tt. Lecter ty tr. W. A. 'Tthe Thteatettics nf Ttberctlosi."' Itonta opatiic college, 7 :30 p. tt. M\letintg of te Mihigan Nurses' asiationt. SarahtCswellt Angel Lerctttre ytrtof. R. G. Moulton, it Prry lecttre series. Netwb erry all, 7 t. tt. 'pil 7-B-anueltrtotf sophottttor lit, at Wh'litmtttre Lake. Asnnua track tteetnf te Womna's Athtletic assonciation. Barottr gytn, 2 I. li. Sitecial initatittntitttoor tratck meet. lSateruttntogymtt, i t. 11. AX writer itt the Ittlatder akes "Stagi Ptaradise"t task, tdeittng tat plas ~ as a statetf stciety tatIecttde'twotete fromtttt elt society of ttat. le decide: 'thtat tis sort of paradise is a snare ant tldetusiott for tte coluege yoth, since it degetterates iteiatly itto a mre story- tetitgtonttest itt thichethIte stories art rit'oSf tie est. g Whiets'htere utat itt.a tmodicumunofs trttut inth e writers osrvraiots, itt mtakes his ctndutemtnattiott far too general Ttoneay tatI evere ettllege gaterint t hrethie fair sex is liot it etdence uldegenerates itttnontbargaintcontter of s"stoilet" wit is atbstrd. To te satte ex- tett, his .emphutasis otn ti'. feature of 'stag''ettertaitttmetnts is tttjst. WSe t ate attentteud ttatty "sttoter" at which titatltquesiots of colege' life tere dis- cssed tottte exctsiott ofP r. Deutou's "stotry-tellinug"tdigttfieto1)te false pos Beccausetf tis gneralizatiotun Otte asisunof ittsttficenttdtata, teyotthtful phtitsopthter's retietw is taleess as att ethtical study;inetedt, it falls little sttrt f te farcical. No, Mrt eniutot, it is atltays Ifiter tt get Ittll commnudattof souse utmtteriatilitefr eottdecterfrotttit uiverrsatlprootsitionus. hart yott beet attmore freqiuernt visitor ithie "Stag Paratise'' yutt delore, yotr cncltsitnst trouldtiatintetenttastlty differet. Conttiterabtle tamtusemettuuh as bett ts- casiottuteti y te antuttncemettsutsotte days ago otf on girls' track uetr. Many sttttentts tdo tttt sethiat it is a serious, sell-plattuted ettertnrise. They graely clait that the girls cttttempttlat a bmr leqeotn SitiMilltard's ''ealy-trtly'' m~ets. Ilowtteser, tere catt be btt little douttbt tht th te promtotrs of te girls' tactttet ateearnulest ad aue u itsmitt ottty tile'Iractica ettts to inc attaitet its srettuotus athletc ctmetitinon. Such tractk meets toter beett htld frotttyear tnt year. teeinevire, ittte ipsiatnti Nor tmal gy-tttn auttlsays teth good resuts. Aloretoeer girls' track mets ae bett htedtat iticligaut beitter an iis time testrang'eesatf temetorn sbus nwoff. 'fle oactiont tf te Athletic Associatitst itt htatittg ant class. choose oors fotr its teloe college course is certaitly a goodi one. It twill cliiasay twitithie greatcttnftsionttatttttil sork for a etter and cleater class sirit just ats tdt college colors tdeeltp a stroger col- lege feeittg. 'fir geteral effort at sys- ttem tttttng sttchmlines cattottbr tonshigily cotmtmtnettdc. I.ECTCRE ON INSUR- ANCE POSTPttNEDt Tite lctrterottitsurance tehiht tas tnt tare ]tcett giten lsteening iTfa- an htal y' -Alies M al. wonson los bett ittdefntiely posttotted. The pospone mnettotf tite lecttre restlted fromtthle re- ceipttotf a teegrattttgveng tiene tws that Jut. IDaweson is datgerotsly ill attd is confitnd t itetatte rost of is ardutots atbors onthie Armustrong ivtes- tigating cotmmtittee itt New York. Do Ita seenthie official attary ithle ittes- tigatintg conmntitte itt New York City atntlha takent a very promsinent prt itt thte recent remedical lgisation. M INSTRP.'. ,C ARN IV;56. ISesterdaoy ainertnonnte"tint'e''"ton tthe .Unionmtnstrel carttinvantIhadnan stiff rehtearsalt. Jttdgittg fromthttie nernd n escapednrn t'tttn' 'nt.therolthere tw-ill Inscv f rannovtnel nnners noffereto'theinnic itt Utuivrsity nail.,.\ayn-I andnn . Next nteels lie cihor ttsnwill negin its regtular er'lneotesin. '1.1 nennn haveont al- readybleetn cttns'n forn tit.' cihnoruns .'nnn innclsu tottaly nil tn' the tes'tnt le intthlis tins. Itowevesns''. nirn namenns '.ares askednifor,'.tins' 'commnnitte' lt'es'ensa spthinx- like silence .nd mennely' loonts wnise. Tine farte'-.nas blncmsletted m nid its. catsit'asI t selecctd, bunt in tints itnstanntces' oist-nme"slnhave 1been'n glv out. Tictsc(t ,tittn'cptints'n ontave'nn finl rehes' alotinf tine farce itt Univitsitn hatl te fort's hie 'spring vacatinns.'Thesn dutritngsacattionthtit.'atttot's swillear thirt'litnes otat n llsnwill Ins'innts'nadiness' for tonstaktitng 'srenarsals whnsoleg PERJMiANE NTf SrCRF.ARP' tFOR UNIOIN )oP'I1NT't' 11. Cliffordu Stev's'so'.nn, 'uni, lbus'iness.' tanager' nf tins'.51ninnut'..atntp.otinted'n ipernuntusecesttary of in' the litigann Utnionu at01 umee'ting of thincirs'sn es-o terdone aftt.ernoonn. Sin'. Stesonts will inane on desk in tine Aunusn otficest. 'lie apoittntmttent Iotf an ternnnnon sec-sos retaurywsninecessitantend my line vaOsItin- ctease inl nuiontbutt'ine''ssit'llt toI) circnulars stunt nnnt inlst mntnhn i. l"tvtiy mtail nuitug'. insubsip'tittionns inrespns ino tinpe alutuontf tine Uunionn d itltisnhns canusedna on t am.lonuntofndItanf mint1 Sit'. Sirtenon itson s'niornn'itennen' stnt dnt utt on hs alwss ]Wetpromientii lis' clots. te wsnot' nstins smtf fTht e o1hicinigtn Danilyttdurinng tnhis irtt~ cr in college.bsness itingof thIeiil' tn aneduinnhs jnuni5' y earond, th it' year hsttmaunangedI tinebu'.sines''.'.pin' t- mtetonf tine Silumnus'. Iteias one onf tine 'nstenttunemsuitrs nsf tins'thi boaronunf stnonto. «'11,1 ClII SI [gon ChIES. At osnmnetng nof tine diectors' of nine Athletic.n Asnociaotln yesis'dnat ern ns o it statsdecidesdi toicalont nge'tnser .n11ml tine freshmn ofn Itinsesuntvesee'inino its' finitely agru poitntini (3s) ilacl'.. rsnn e. 'fie conmmnttuterof cons'. rsietsls Sauttunrdty sickesdutthreeuses'ts olos uwhiceh w tu e onffredntoinntineclot'.'. 1909 nsf nil deprtmenntnt'. 'lie colos. ntoinnse'ls'cin arca follow :ns' Darkom greniann vs its'.e nes dm inline, otstnd estanulgroty. 'fie connr, chtosen usill lie tine 1(10(1olnsle'tnhrnnln- suit teir colleg e enusue'e. TENNIS RACKETS Finest Line in The City Wright & Ditson's "~Slur" $1.00 Surprise" $1.50 "Hub" ' $2.00 Undersold THERE ARE COAT' SHIRTS AND HUT THERE IS ONLY ONE INS;S.'eON THEE LABEL---I TMEANS RIGHT- NEES,'-l ,Noon, V~HITEN'.SS AND COLOR FASTNESS $1.50 AND MORE. lILTO, bIBODY& Cf., TROY, N. Y. - -. nn...r n .(',;li "5rn !;lnits N nth eold. 0, YI.JYartllFUNERAL Office 209) S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 AMBULANCE ON CALL For thu Ltest ideas in uhtoognap come to Alexntder & Co., IHeutni block. eod -r ic Shirt waists umade. Prices reasonnable. 708 S. State street. if Cap atnd gown pictutres at se'nionr roles. Wer nave caps antulgonstofInn lii oil Alexanduer & Cut.. 1=tenutung bnlocko. enon , Don't Torture your face with poor shaving soap. Avoid irritations and shave with ease. Insist on W ILLIAMS' SHAINCG I i Students' Lecture Association -S._L.--A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to 6 P.. Ma Monday, Wednesday, Friday. i -We have a complete Line of supplies at posi- tively the lowest prices in the city. The quality is just what you want. Do You Play Base Ball? flitts osGloves ° Base Balls Bats $1.00 to $8.00 $ .45 to $3.50 $ .25 to $1.24 $ .25 to $1.50 1 ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Ta'a..taa LanveAnn Arbher Going North 9:05 a. on. and 4n35 p. on. Goiog South inns a. on., 11:35a. m. adis:51 p. m. J.3J. OdhIHY, WT. T. WILLS, Oon't Fans. Agent. Agent, Toledo, Ohiou Ann Arbor, tick Hell phonue I35-1r Home phone 698 ICHT6AN CENTik IT'e oNiigara Falls Roadt , Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains Bast-.18 a. mn., 1.40 p. on., 4.55 p. mn., 0.30 p. on.1t.s5 p. on. Locals East-6O.0on ., *t1.10 a. m., *405 p.m. *8.36p . Throgh Trains WNest-t.0t a m~,,7.58 a. on., 9.t8 . m.,2.3p. on. 10.20p. on. Locals West-its a. on., no.2 a on., *1.40 p. on., n6.ts5, on. *lA(Except Suandaty.) dConnecions at Ckicago for St. Louis Kasnan Lity and the wnt.. W. WV. CASE. Agent, Ann Arbor Let us order a base ball suit or shoes for you. A good fit is half the game. BUSY AT Uhe CO -O P. New Oxfords Just 1Received WAHR=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.