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April 04, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-04-04

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The Michigan Daily

('Of. XVI.
Conglomerate Aggregation Defeats
Regulars 5 to 4-Weak lit-
ting in [lame.
tor the first tme this season the ar-
It sealles were di ideul into tio
sota tstrtay andiaot game resnted.
tolyRolin ed titeYnttiigais, whoi
--"4at"la" Sgr, cltnpionshit-
ill)g liuiciltblia score of - to 4 after
sie nings of tlasy. Cch McAlister
us t bik fromt Buffalo btttte squati
Slolaenlarsof b Ctin Wedeell.
A. srryci etil islnot yet in coiihtoii
torspatices the'game was heldonithtie
fai roset Thde1infitell lad eleei
itape anti is i fairshapein salttgl
ttisi-fult of 'gavei andtll iistones,
,hletheitoutitieldt is rettgi The iti-
fsaoablescotitionsof the giondts tas
largelyc repiblethormithe imetiocre
is ork oiiiheiietldltrstbtt tei as a
thitc the fielig teas fairTie play-
isteatdlofticvin teelopeel a gooti
btting eyey tirs ix week s'c sone:itt
lie cage scnt tos liiielost swhtatever
hitssnitility tyev sedidiilhave, til
the twrs hardt iithe Isatmntcisttiiletetcv
Flit featutis ofltes'initialI Sitseisetc
-s catchiig -andibasetrowit-at-of 1 ott
stegetht ito traI -Keit, isiit
it: fr thehato po ittion, to its
!"itingfotti hitot its imssutp
elnap payiig shor t folesi t s iisits
taSangotersps loltternit esool
wosaitwileot prigtsiomid-hiason
sellstiilsaditisire t it ttey illi
h i lownteir ieold positoil. Ihelie-t
Varsits. 'u usigas.
Wardi Lieffels p .. tae, Gilblert
Keeta.t .. . .i . .,, .. .. o ell
Ketlly Sils.. . 1 .. . .. . . oli i
tettl.. . . . . 311 .. .. .. iaiaetlsusy
Pel it .. ..- fks .. .. .. id i gs
'iaiu .. .. ..utIf1. lis issr. ileass
Isauiffma n... .. ..-f ... .. .W eeler
Sl ivan .. .. .. rf .. .. .. .. Jo es
Varsity ..... i.010000300-4
'usitiigetis ..... 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0-
Newi York, Apri3-Seil-Newr
Vorkunitvterstythe ftst collee tisabtlu-
sht fotbtiatll anelIcelsir of thes sixty-eight
easterti collees tehici recetly baniisheel
the spher, ihsasensisersilits etctinitante
till pey;footbtiall inext fll OTis si-
iisiiticeiitiws madi els ti Canciellor
McCrtieken this eening:s
"Since New Yorkuntsttiesiistestssthe
fist is abolisslithe ldl gtate f foeiotall,
i devlesvles upioniir teegisite iewet
goose etfair tilet Ftotl siill tios
certinlyle 11-pslaydby siewYorke utni-
versity tiesr isthe stewrles nit ifall.
'tLRI' 11N1C141RCI-l 1 \'
FTis eveintg t h o'csons1 Dr. Iteari
ef Malrsltll wiill Isscttrsott"Cutrhi
Law," its St lTomstschutcli.Dr. Beari
is the athtotitifisesea'l woilksion catoit
suewad asaatisicitg"atotrey list
hanttiledliiatny crses del igwit-lltchurch
prop~ery He is osiderelian authotrity
oni this formit of prirte popert,.swhih't
coi-ers antimmentitise etnt of holintgs'
ini this counittry, ittcluintg churches, nrph-
ani asylitms, mostiseries, setools atnti
Dr. Batrwsill iel nitte reltitotn
of church ad oiler formts of priate

porty. His tinsisstonmake liiilecture
of iparticular value to studtents of the
lair departmntt, is whsom this subhject
is of considerablle imuportance. Dr. Batart
spteaks tuder thie auspices of thie Ctholic


Nit. 1 34.

SENIOR 1'I_;k N-fF101Ff01 FPARTY
Fomr itieir tntuait paitlishemsnbes
of the seniorsiliiilsl gave 'ani-April
Fosolpaty it (Gsanter's eMonsdayeivsit
lng. Thes cietisasespssciailly enijoysable
biecautse,f hueriiti ottttssis atsisaltitlis
ithiche nt ii toiisdlintseseneteriaitnmest
if the guests. Fischer's orcesstra playesd
for te dacingita-ttefutrnishedltmtre tt-it
iteir tcustm-ary nttumbeet of stuts.
«'hlctthe guets comentttcedlii to rive
it et-as foutntdl tht i thrught' i tIfseiil
nioticemtttthe ils eitsti astd iwomtens
dressntgroomts hli-telien-ichlan"eel tate
the sotnfutsin slush resutltedewaitmisits
uathistic.'Ytutu"laties hutreitsto
thir cutstottiyiretreasts isonly ts fintd
matescutlinesapparet l inthiiselssard
places. iAll, tossvrsestwiztedlthe joke,
andt tisettg the tnwly assignteedroetss
huiediouiiitose-se lthes eefthe flitr-iex
ITe dantce 0-is oeneed hy a grandti
tmtarchlt icuh tootk the guests titpsstirs
andt itreoughi earious-roositsnitthe sbtiil-
lug. ITie guests sere lhned utilontltg
the sidess of the tall at the ettdl of the
maisrcht attethe ihtsunepectedlly-titrned
slit. Duirigthoi--emarr-ssmsent of the
mtiettheIts estsrat stairtedeloiitid
Yotu lhike ts SpsoenstitMe '"-lut til
tite sit least gaves-an-audiblte aswsier ts
thase hush s thllenge.
the y-outngg etii-tteieartl- felt itemt-
iiselvs up againts itimakeeout ju1st
weith itlieomitheey eswere to sdance every
Swsee t ItIonits titled elsfter the tinitih
whlichi followi el suppetri isas servedi.
after this sleveinititthiumerthe hatntd
dlismts- if -sometof the dantcers wsi-id
ditntg a dreamy waltz whisleunsill if the
tinglles;ssweethaimigly- st their
bst. aferoistebull tdngldtshedsIupost
thle fleseoortanlmin himittself genterally
butsy, Irise manyi tof the fair sties teo
thte refit~eiiof lie edressinig rootti sone
an lteirtet- ing n eighb torhiod of the
chisansettistees aloteit"thenstll.
'ilte uprogramitcotnsistedlof twsenity
dasnttes iw it islretxutmrissttidwhtenthe
piar i tlr se ipt i twoisee'ctlcin isthe
moiirningicer--ole tgreedl iniceosmetid-
lng the ss'iitiitto e fortihde most etnjoyablle
BlIt DI)BOYsT10 1E T1 FATI 1
ItY gi'SI'IUR 1IN 11ST I TI'
lTe FPisisuriii tittits oiltIts camtpuis
still clutituetorslee et raiess sasss for
treailtmet. Isesterday-ty leI i iiYorki
blittdlblestfrthsi e Lan1 tsingischooel feti
the blit tis letssbright in.i IIseisaisbitt
ten by- e strantge dotg wtihe lyitig eitthe
sire saidtto sble ttuterouis stratyedogs iii
Lantsinog.severatl if wtichi sresaidelIti e
madi i.

Dr. Copeland Gave Interesting Lec-
-ture Yesterday- Portrait of Dr.
Sawyer to be Presented.
Theutithi antnutal patitionser's esoirse
of the ihomttesoatic ll egesillhle con-i
tilued itomorrowuuus y the folloissutg lee-
tutrestush atvitis Itt G. J. Jonetsof
'T'oltedotrill i letsreot thishitsit iiiit
this moutrntig out 'itseumoiaus dsItits
Vtituims,"utnd in ths afternoonm atth
samte plitseiwill le uheld a cussali med
teeth shutsc Ati730 inithseseseing,'itt
Hinsdalesill lest utue muthus csllege
buiingitot sT tuerculosssantd itsV
thus.* At 8:30 stilt hue teldla iecepuutin
itt Baorhourigymt iinhuonor o f hDrs. (aJ
Jons if Tolsedo, G.A. iTrapptof Ciii-
cago, and W.'m E.FCl-uris of'Tree Rivers,
whoe are ths gutexssof huonmor of time
hosmweoiatiuedeetiarhtmet. At use re-
eiontm sill taike place time presentaetion
of the torirait if time site Dr. Alfredi
D~r. R. S.opelasmih deliveredi etlecture
heist eu-s'itg before--aimixedud uise mutt
te stulmuect if tumherculosus. The lctuure
5505shistraitedl lixstemseopiticolutitsems d
rceivedula5pouhamuratter thai a m itt ntsu
tifis treatmt.
IPiciures wteres'howni m of thsvIiouss mum
situtisums mumnte Airondackumimu iouta itts
ti-lustsomu efurhmtesutilut ae heentsit
tiedi biithiexiteshiairutemnt.IThue
pitsamereq siuirel teo sptendmstils of
this elmy mumthusosistirottanidishe-eliiuneder
sitediilke-structmur -elitpen-itenm tie slur
's ntet ssi-iernicosed whentthserui
therm- sistirregitter s 23°-isowszeres. All
heind"h of siomtris-ances are umeade fir time
ems-shutmitsitonmomithoucse eafflctedltith
T1s." humoeliehospital eohldstreet
casm werissu e tipmttfosr ptenets. tDr.
Copielandm veursmtdmmitoisremsarke thaet ini
eels th sta-lte sanatmarimmumme to .Anst
Arhor itis ioion0 cuditsiy h
IiT'heecturerusaseslmsthestten liiia
conms umptuionuucanmmhue siured, at iseist ir-
restedl for timemits tetfortymyeuss unutil
thie ptienutmimes of sosmme sitter casums-.
Dr. Coela d mmiii: ush (tlof five lumuu-
diredl teotisexsaumsied by hsemmuemi t
spia~list mmIl uerctulosisIDr.Nagli, 497
meesfundi ltinsifetedewtrth cosumpt-
titu gris.SThss fikures sre indeesd
alar muming.S lieu susiethust fetw peohple
sire asolu elyei free froumithts T.1B.'
gerus." lime ipeaker coninmumed,"If
etle wosuuldh getthtol-asoeed isis
limt tol thusir teast ha i tnikhtir-iis,_mu-
jutriuousthiseituecsuiis germim trtld
tceaetot exist ini suchla rge utumol -r
Tlhcre us somthitig abuhmt ftres- itur timaI
kills this genii ; it smimly cannotuu exist
mu a goodh, healthy emi ronmmenut.
D~r. Cophelnd made the staing thu
Sserion tat ies iveIsu'yearms thus pseoile-if
this cunmtry sill hueitting tinelsleepinug
mit their sorchues mitre tnthu ies m bimimll

ini August. "Witer swhist andti estpar-
ties itill behisemliimmiitime porches, amid peo-
tile itill sdeepm i-it timei-siesopens
'T'heu- till hook to the natural freeth air
remuedies raoter tuitime esven-increasing
list: of life and lhuealiiirestoraivies, fur
all mumrmiinamy oaiets.
Thtsps-taker mum csnmludinmg shoswed time
icurems of Fresiudent iAigel ltr.Hums-
title sand Coseh Yost amid incidentally
retuusrkedi that hue thuouught time great aed-
vantage eof foothill is mumgetting min
ito thise entin htmlt.
Toummorrowieenimmg mum Barbouur gyhm-
nassiumi -ll behue shld arecetionuin ushonor
ofi mte memtoury if ittAlfredl I.Suwyer,
time itemmanvitesabe a ll mimmost t shalt-
lishi time huumueisotiusdepaistent lucre
ait Slicuigmus 'htsfImily of lime great
houmeoptmhist will ipresenut theusmniversity
wit snit ml paintuingtof te lute udeseased.
STe speech if acceptanuce sill lie shells-
eredby Pesidnt Agell STe portramit
smillth r hut hung1-inmmtime luuumsmemithie
Asestcheel Dr. Sauwyer's full life
wo uu hubhe a sutruuf aem nummedous strug-
hle ut mitseiunuully succnessful. Bhorn
mm (thuoimu1823,mad one ofItselve cnil-
mitsni hueasrty descidedi upon ma itrofes-
suis Ic-in-r. seenteenmi he leftltommie
andi afis et hardnusipicompliteted sui
aae iaseucits nutunmmthree years.liii
college course s-es interrupitedl for fotiur
humus hby thus ret seicholuerascousurge. i-e
rsmdhums studuies ini thus officeof IDns.
JouhnuTaIftmmmiditI). 1.heskitmiiof Nor-
teeth Oio (ilum tum 12 his entermedl lie
We'str Css ollk uege of Ihuuuuucopshm st
tievelasidiltgrad utingstem18,4sera(hr
BeckittuinMumSlmiets mmiiid/Zanesville,
Ohio. I Tuo is aI ter hue obtineud a
dee smiiiphthamoic urgnery unduer Veal-
entinme Siuuth uhf Nets York City.STe
ptu 'siusar he settlsedinMum\onroe, Minim,
siltsru hueremi e u tilmiihits udeathM ay
7, 185i
hiesosontm buil t utumittsof time longest
pracmtices i suthernM iigan. ~usAll lilts
ttme snotfruomhumisnrctise wsi uduevoted
tim a luihst lt1ith Lansigauthorties and
this hostrdlofl regents for lime estahlish-
mmmciiiof ameousupathmicudeipartmnt at
theusnmivieuristuadtuhie placing int thati
desiamutmenut uponuuit emiualu ifootuinugtwith
the alistst hshumnthis storklie teas
alty suttportedlmy Dr. 1 N. Eldrlige.
hum siteofuhfstinstmmerest ini time udepartmienth
it uldlnemiser sacceptt a professorshtip,
for its felt thut ithe ucoiul work nmost
efhecua llysiise of time tuniersity.
Nevrelucess, hue thirsy-s heldl lie highest
tposiut if restinct mmmiiesteem in hot-
ur>Lisemuiic cinches ems wass shown hy his
smpinthme mnt Iits1881to hum imenternational
meue-inmg uof hmwopmmsathusit Londlotn,Eng-
em mlad dini1894lite smas chuosenm by acclasm-
athionusto thse presidlency of time Americanj
Instittute of Hhoieopathiy

Lower Classes In Lead-Entries Open
Until Thurday-Close Competi-
tion Expected Saturday.
Tie preliminary tryouts in Barbour
gymmiasium yesterday afternoon resulted
ini tiefolotwimng isetes:Freshmen, 98
poimnts;sopomoures, 74; juniors, 52, amd
senirs, 36 'Thcemmntries ihavec mit yet
all csome imm andltie list will e held sprint
untuil Thunrsdamy. It is expectedi that by
Semimruay afternoosnitie relative sori
of thinfoum classes till be somewh-at
chianged. ihere are mamy oflie best
girl atletes of tietpper classes who
mve not yet enttered.
The mmmct Saturday will begin at 2
o'clock andu will he a strictly feminime
affair Admiissioni will be by ivitation.
There till be teniremints and commpetitionm
will be y classes 't'hre is hardly an
evemnt that till not ae fromm eight to
twenty-fiee entries Tie etemt consist
sit clots coumpietitionmma ierchimg, rope-
climbhing, runinmg high jimnp, swing
jump~, ithirty-yardlmish, sie-lap relay
race, sht pit, trateling amd flying rings
andi hbalance ibeamumwalkimg 'he scorimng
will hemistie by several commpeent judges.
'Tle umarchimnmgwtill cosislt of several
soilierly evolutiosus perfsrmed by about
twemty girls fromm each class Inmmtie
roipe-clinuhing there will he eight or ten
emnriesiTe object will be to go clear
to tie top soflie gymmiupion a fair-sized
rope.'lie runimmmmmg high jiump, the thir-
ty-yardi mis-itandi the sht put will be
tie evemnts muss-Ineuarly akinm to regular
mmm's woirk S'Thc first will have sot
tsrcnty-ne emtriso'A height of four
feet omne or two inies will doubtless be
reacied. The girls' record as far as
knownm is 4 feet 4 incies. The best ever
doeu with tietshot, a six-pounduer, is
shout thirty-onue feet. 'Tle relay race
of moe lap will be a new stuntu for the
girls. Tie track lately put in by Dr
Carrssv is of tie latest and best make
situ is proving an atracion No tr-
pirisinug records have as yet been made,
but if lie interest continmumes it will be
quile a) blessing for tie younmg wommen.
The mert, as already annouoined, will
hegini at 2 o'clock prommply, istead of
2 :30 as tfirstanmnoummced
T'he annuual electionm of the board of
control of the Michigametsiaum will occur
mmxl Saturday, April 7, between the
hours of 9 amdi m, at the places namei
below : Fratermnities, Main buidjg,
Roonm B; literary department, Mai
buildinig, Rooum B; medical department,
ew buuilding;I law departnment, law build-
log; engineering departnmenm, new en-
gineering hbuilding.
Candidaes repretsemting tie various
departiments have been approved by the
no-athletic committee Tie elections
will be conumctedl by tie preidents of-
the various junior classes.
'Phe Casters club held ameeting last
ight mmnlie engineering buill 1gm Roost
309. Several professors wr& 'dmitteui
hum honorsry membershipamong thms
being Professors Scott Strais.s How-
andi amdWillard Fin 4 P ~gavea
paper out 'Piotographiim eass" The
chum dedciie to give i!smoker in the
tear future
A ew undergraduate orgaization at
New Haven s the Zionts club, com-
toed of all Jewish students in Yale
Its ipurpose s to oulith ie world move-

unt started 1im 1894 to re-establish the
Jewishm people 1mm a legally assured home
in Palestine. Already there are 300,Wl-)
tmcmi throughout the world advocating
athe plan -and climbs are being established?
ain all the colleges to batten its perfec-

Nab.igation Is Open on the .Huron.

Nasvigaionm is opsensout mte iHuron.
'lithetimehuv essel owsemndmshlake
catansmthttsstisutnnouncemientmatuy must
mean machmsmbunt to itestsuduent it mteainms
everythig psim e qute sinipop-
ulasr astmng thue studsicl itnswarm
weathuer ems canoingt'sand the usnumer onf
time Intiai llft hmtmlotesthe inter yes-
teruday waus manothieruo te tever-failinog
limitht spimg itascomte.
Asususlathsimittme ofyear, tl iei-r
is mightantut hie cutrrent Itecomes steift
mmmi stronug espmeciallhyalien time canoeist
roundsus time sendmlbuend labotee mbhoat-
tommse.mOneuudvanumage of te highm saten,
howev-er, is that it cutvers timplime stontes
mm time rapidls just undmeer time Michigani
Censtraml railroadl bridge amid fiurnishes
sventluretsome spirits wills aimoportunmity
for sonse _rare sport mm 'shmootinigte
rapiuds" Not a few essayed time feat
yesterdasy-mny tmtheir sorrowr, for it

us emi especially ediffictit task fsr te to thue sarcastic remarks of the observers.
novsice, ande a numbher experienmcedl lhe Jumel romsityestereday, it seems that
hmumsiliatuionm ut being os-ertunsedl mu time lboaing sum lie fHurommwill hecomne a
col water anmd retturnuing to toswnm im their mosre ipoipular pastime this year ihan
drippinug karmnuits, use'answhile listening ever before.

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