U U THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLEN ' TRAIN.-SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily * From' ToLedo . Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains "r Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotav in Toledo; and Co- lumbus MADE-TO-ORDER STYLES R[GAL SHO[S College Men Almost )everey Regal style isdi recetly copied fross a new design tathas been produced by the esost ecuiecuomesboot-nmakes of News York and London. Ad t he Regal models that are most popuImar in the col leges every- we e aeeact and faithful ee- pr5 cions of celLain costly m ade- t-rler shmes that have comse isto hihetfavorsamnsgthse men of the This special brenel of the Re,;al biesss is dircedlby sur newly 'estalishod College Bureau 1 - r partssent,sssnsposesd wholly of ex- ' _unises so y men. Yousonss'hase tossndsasyto :f secue tsestyle sisal saits yos. A complete tusck of College ttegals atj -' -' $3.50 and $4.00 * iclitlhereinAnssAslsssr Thsessnsy shsoe thatsadesin quaersize X25 R. A. H. THO.MPSON, Agent Yr Studet Shop y 611 E. William St. Ann Arborj ' ACADEMY GOFFCE: r ORCHESTRA 31 Mytred 1' : .xaTk'S: i x .' The Right Styles in Men's Spring Clothes Esverything 11ha's sets aol rightwll xbIeIs..found Itere tow. All liies greater inl varsiety sasd Illsret itpritce ltill equlalqutali- ties muay be obtdiniedi 5niny0111er slore. Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits $10 to $20 Top Coats - - - $10 to $25 Rain Coats - - - $15 to $25 MEN'S FURNISHINGS A splenid cIShills hg sof 'l's N e Sass jllleS.iirs t, Neckwxear Gloves, Holxsiery and(1Und~erwear. MEN'S SPRING HATS Thae new shapes ist black anill ors111ar'1e to be seem s ausutal. Up-to-taeness, sure dualtiy ar11etev itt I clghollI REULE, COINLIN & FIEGEL -M S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH. ______ SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. 'Washington St.I BAILEY & EDMUNDS 0 ANU I 121 East 'Liberty Street. f I The cold, damsp weatiher coan't last Iluchl lonlger, and when it begisxtoiwxarmsutp vott viii ,, ant as nexw sut. Get bijsy a110 let us sho11115youtl11ur .NEW DOPE,'' alsiosur Nixx Ovl'l'I 111'. I HENRY anrd KYER , T Mdors to Metri t _ I I Suits and Overcoats ~ ~ e-tir 1-mni Buy Direct and Save To MeasFre $16.00 to $28.00 nU U1ers J1UU1111bp YUCin an11 Money. 118=120 E. Liberty. U. of V. BARBER SHOP Phoo;r hr. NT H E 319 1. Huron R AN DA L L Trojonowski State St. P H OT oGR A PH E R .................. - I + AMAN'S Alma Mater distill- _"#1 guishes him no more r than his cigarettes. R ; Men, critical in their selections, smoke ) eas of their, origi- nal and exquisite flavor,- and because, they -find that flavor uniform day- in and out and un- equalled in every point of highest quality. 10 for 15' Cents\J By maileos Paid-If you can't get 1/s 4,zcs/les t I'Oufser dealae's, seadzr5c. for ens; 7yyeofc ity; ,i o oe al' losad ALLAN RAMSAY,,1ii Fifth Avenue, New York City./ UNIV RSIY NTICES. oock o m orsoe ate'isrnsoon~. Very 11mp1)111 111 a large Iattendlane'usrged lissoisg of she''Mosrtass-Board 'slat the .[s m eting .vi iily ssutsi els ssnd soe usnesmalters 5mu1 st b idecidedi. Caer lu eetinsg toni5ghss, at 7 o'clock, sl los 309,lenineeringbulig mcn hers who haveIot s~lvet sigsnesitile ciIltilltis '1Iwill ihe exptetedi Is 1)1 s- cIt. isito'rxswelcomsedi. I'eoc i55 ssion15of)tiehi -ihigant Sltil Niseo-' lassociatlions wiil 1e ildl atSarah (asxx'ilhssgell sail XWesinsexay afternoon.sIn till111evencsinsg ia esosslimsesl-