THE MICHIGAN DAILY and -MON[Y LAE FoNC ECHINGege VBIoys and all High Class dattel Lower in Price ..o ~leeWscis issi~d eer Better in Quality e For the college ho~ s, we arc showing new Spring Sili of00thAr OsotCutHnr Sh Colg''bad S al pateins nmade in the top otchi of Two doors south of new YMC.A Ask A. MA. SMITH style. Long coas with deep side v eits.Trosrs owipe- OweCE tOS 830 to 11:3d; 1 to 5 i. ops nd wde a thehip.N( zto a871 II Ann Arbor Savings Bank Blck adil a h i I More real " utp-o-daetness ' i these sisthant any cohe~s Bsiess Siety Cenfidetil we know of, and at a big Saig s comnpaired to the miercait --- -- - -- ftailor's price.I RATr MEN ATTrENTIOrr We are exclusive sellers of F JINE LVNCHES }<~ iur~(p(.' If e st oa it. i.eW e asy the arest line of TRK~stL, S p oei ansod i -nitet t-u . ll'Y,. ' DOESTi 0 & IMORTED Cigareteaand 11: ii to d yos= otp College Draflu lotesDomestic& Im use Cgar. Acome c lay thay(ice oth-c',+ for Dasseon & Co., LINKMAN & Co. asd ejlsii lx.W pn b lly2s ae$5'0 0$5' PIPES, aso for TACY'S & SHAFFEEN w r at bc h or ci s- o har en.S .u uT$~wc fine chocolate BON-BONS. ... ic. ...-..--.-..-. .-c....--.. -... ....--. -. ..- R. E. JOLLY. Stat. t. mpusBarer Sop I -Ohio CentraIlLines 1510 abrShp t e 'W u r h A , 705 N. Univ ersity Ave PAotR-iieLs'OeisCARSei elto oiis r. teiis tlr t ' o ldor enrs Colwmiii tialeSrice h wIioorCt,with. oiiiiisas aeAnn Arbor Savings BankIo«,;V.....r.".,:. ,.'c:...Sevc tenTedClmsad Iiesorcis. Charleston e~ea akng lusness Tae1'1 ~ b x ~ttl itt-n ('SosBankikingBsenesiTCaesactied l1.\ i I '('';:II. oc oh l'rrl~i( h"Ic f ,ttl Ba i A. G. SPALDING & BROS. r . ,ice ies.: M.21 Friitrashe t I al i I ii)f ttie ter tsh il ofgotfiialiuotie iti upites.~it~ f) ,,ilattulBase all, Lawn Tennis oot Ball o es Laundrv to it o iiiilccitck oit hapimd Sito\hl e)tteln f>ra l~i litpar tesd htArchery [oque (ol Quois (~t e tci-iiltcti ttitt h t l ''~~ ii Cricket Lacrosse Croquet iil. mlpiii illpie enfor al Sports ,Thomas Rowe, Proprietor h li ii ueuti i Strilsi itt iitt tiet- a ll -ii eo te0ie iitta ,(,ko tcnicosratfl ppn orvr qatert 320 N, Fiithi Aer.rdh w I cttlt c leftg tt, - it he of< t d l e)l i a.ii , tt ii artt1,t1-(k -r "+ tur. Spadig's Trade-M r t~ii.,( . l)t il th hoyrr~ - e n Bse Balliiimemiets iias ".,I'in t Bel1,on7 , il lettCa'iifiiiit,, ])il l nt heii.,itt I n th rttt IIta e I i lcc i ifrd iun al the 1 iii khafie f roh m e d the d vas it ,l) o f'lo tti v--r --,st ueevoy rqisiite -fori-Less' itt[FARRIRS AND MECIIANICS BANK t-I cl tttntis lip tiee t ni t ct rcsal e lael it i i i ' hei f.(ef;ilnct vl ssil nIi S pTnesld He rk o rolih :nd ou~fili th ftllh cl.aft''it ie ex cIi by heieltoftthAilihi~f t.ic'D yo r Ailetc sIple e tt ici, 500,000 os yiiu hos a ii,'ilil riill(' loilt(itiiii'r'- i;sptl 5,0,srlu~e tues ad oi, Coy5,000- ,tiuu i i~ u- 'ui i safe. olty Depoit Boxiies to rout (,iii ii Iii ilii i Siiiiif 'iiiiiiii~iiiis i i ire. S C e,ct S. itcetPres. - p or inl-, w ttuint ii iii iiitti ie i itt tiP A. G. SPALDING ea .BROS. T etnialieatnei ndr i-e(, tlestlitit 1 l ii- ]iitti>'c iheI i -hal.pnt he pu-i' i e1-D. 'Y. A. A. J. RAILW AY TI-h rd :tcsftl im i . s isii lilf ftr uc > tcke i a ms, l iti In sttl, peia C rstoDerot a m, ndevr t'h inlt fr i , ci ifo m h ie seitl Crsto.Ja isooi830asi, aiideveery NN'5 DRUG ifu( ishaliht, litcIisifti to'tt ylf t.ifur tical srvsice t toit6eii 5 a. is, to he eco d tene; lso th t tis aue a d a lic~m n fr ach ,aiti he - iiiiii I''ft o i ' it itshab it i eliisp. s. nI 213 S. Main St. titiitpt i ieltt. ttmiiii iii stt iint i icc lilt')cIsc l ves c f t 11i: iipiio. oio 5 ners~N 1 1 p fl( cr icll( in te ex stt colie liporani-,eo dlm ieta lc u ee ,alI,,, en pu t i. tain, (ernmain,and of Amrei can -n esf- rl na - oitclitlth Twiiii iistitte.s imokcel.iit FOR StAiLSiRINGiED INSTRtUMtENTS (itif hund anI alotertctsof -imoe tepl -ifor0 iioli o tl. it ?es crefully fittedl id tested. iREA iONABtLE PRICES5. ncesry olinecc i eIptic tic sal ulsrei' d k) h i tit 1y ithr( te I ( ' t( I IIHALU,t M itiSt. SCHAFII3E LE &CSON h hititif itenyad. fpistie iii iii l se W iberiypSt. ANN ARBOR I 51 ict i m ul< i i a . Our, Diolilar-Clou-i artbui-st, nii's ftieiiumoney-. Iiniewathrcpaiint- cuse ity. J1. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. Ynsennaragne otLunch sAt T'"ddle's, 338 S. statea BILLIARDS POOL. JIUSTON BROS. 312 S. STATE ST. TOBACCO CANDIES I i i i AOXFORDS OXFODS0OXF OSA FOR MEN AND WOMEN - ' Pioneer i Il/II rMatesenerfMaker ~~jMrket St. .,Supenders. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mc. lE. D. Kinne, Pres. Harrison Soule, V S.-W. Clarkson, Cashier Capital, $100000. Surplus and Profits, $40,0 UEORUE BISCHOFF THEY HAVE ARRIVED Fine line of iow shoes all leather, all shapes. Up-to-date exclusive designs CALL AT WALK-OV[Ii SHOP And have a look. ~-o Ill Souxth Main Street. \ rS .r.r . { ; , , , " F,. ; _'. le 'he Ulniversity of Chicago t uitdmission 'igrntd t tueeiipeninutos e i< i. ii on ittoes til.AuS itt-ut u it . ()t'L i.,iIlitiGra uateiii'isri o it so ffere it ut l'iauiii-SchoolsuofArtie andLii' iii tures-a, d th ()"(en (radute) Schooiil of 'scootoil*iduatin. Surier ueiiarter OiS( ,Dane ticSeipti -iiiie1. ifirst en:i ln 6 ii Asticiitinisperit iiiuforiitiiuetii uir rorif~itheii-r itni. n - glxcei ioe iliicaddress i he UNlvttlgSlTvOF uCHiICAGO, Chicao.s1Ill A WWIIwit I FLUORIST Chaole. Cut Flowers arid plet. Chapin Stibetween sHuroneandl5551er Ave. Phonn 800 KODAKS INSTRUCTION FREE To all putehasers-as many lessons as you wont. ALL THlE NEW 1906 KODAKS Are in stock. Let us show them to you. E. E. CALKINS Dr,~sglt 320 Soueth Stat. Street We Have Caps and Gowns to Fit at Studio CAP anid GOWN PORTRAITS Senior Rates Given on these Photos Phome Mich. 895-J A"Y~hRR " oe367-R COOHennig Blk II i "-" WV 4ENEVER UNlDERSOLD---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STOR.i