THlE MICHIGAN DAILY THE LEADING ITailorsm Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and farics for any and all occasions. FUULLDRSS SUITS A SPEICIALTY 311 s. State t. IAnn Arbor, Mich.. If You Play The Game Be It Base Ball Tennis Golf or any of the poplar sports you r pleasure will be enhanced if you use Sporting Goods of proven quality. Our stock is a complete one and we'll be glad to show you the goods at Sheehiin & Co's Students' Bookstore Special Prices on~ Leather Pillows Including fICHIGAN SEAL Vntil April lst DARLING & -riALLEAUJX 224-226 s5.5tate t THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Pubishe ddaily (Monays exceptd during thecolletg yar, at117 tEast WashngSCtn street. Belt phone 89. IHome phne 7. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager WALTER R. HANS EDITOS. Athetic..........CareceC E. Edide RNw............ Luis u, Stickny Ex.chanes........ aCleslE. Wisetad Music ............ A. tH. Oteye Womn.. ..._..... EFffi . AmtrongC~ EDtITORtAL STAFF. Htugh Alen - Fanki C. Pak Atur . Pund. ASSOCIATES. Gorge A. Osbo Harold C. Ssith FeCri N. Smith Gorwg A. Barn Robrt I. Clacy Ftak J. Clark Her' F. Soute henry A. Mstgose' 11) F. Stvsensn 3J1hn F. Wars Gna)1) IBradley Flod 1. Janes oy V. Llt RATES: $250 erFCyear, or ss :1 itaid is adanc Address: WALTER R. HANS Business Manager. 236. 12th St. Phone 849 L. 'LESIA\Y. APRl, 3. 190j6. Editor tody-PIDL" STEVENSON. CALENDAR at look Hoo.. tpril 6-PoFrry lctre 1w Proeor Moltton,. Chiago. Neobrry all. April 6-Association b.-otqttt, MclMilln hal,I8 p. t. Malnager Ilirti> ,noocemetaof (1an iniatin ahleic ourametttfor fa- ulYty tmember ,tattlthoir families i novelty11tha11111 (10-0 i cC 100rgoltlont. In these da(1117) ote pofessoors an1111th- letic1a1utoritie1110e C supp~oe1d1to 110o0) opp1osit 0sides Illfte fonc, i1 s0re fres-hing o seeC(0a0g01111110effort to1 britt heto par hties closer1((0tochl. 1\av ftatlty 11(01 0w1o00w111ld lt oterwOie ifyllttOstttt CChelt speciallytnvted. Ter they wil11l 00 tec tthe tlts ittctonk, ato impttressedlwit(h 1110 usefulnesof (1atletic 1iv.; e ffort a 1- (eeltmatdeIcto) make 11he tournament(01(1igl dive rifo. B- (0001) fencing, toni (11g. gm(((1tics01and rck and fiedoleents, lto factt (wi11 net rslt-gratetr sympthl~y 1between (110 two1 bo1d1es0so o1ftettaliged iagitt AToe aolxitlo-. Of te 1u1v1r0ity1'suit dergradulate1s1povidthchtolioe0(1(00of te 'froeadvertsing Alioigao 00001001s ill 11(00111010 ((1 to yar. Somtetimes (his0 publicity is far frohIleflI lte hair-cut((tintg e1(iso01s 01(1(e)littloels lut ire in1te aerage 00e(1e. At ote times1.it1has. littlo to do wit ltoearistic Cid ((o(f ((((versity1life. Iutithetr tare (((100r(ocasions when(( te rerognitiot of theo (((Cr11 of (1u0 fellos make us proud of tem. Jut now00(we a re glad to see that(the faone of the Detsrer Verein produc((tion( (f Freyags Die Jotrnal- i11e(1 1as spreadl to Detroit, reulting in a future prduc((toni 1(7the stdten ast in tat iy. This1willplaee te (un(1er- 1117ty a training 101(1o(11for(dratatis and(1 li1tetur 1(01000eatt i(tmenseC adt- icnec. Thetoetscher wVerlo (deserves con(gratulation((for is 5((uccss, by wih the univerity gis a(s (i((Olt 1as te It.\SEIIALI. SQUAD PRACTICES OUTDOORS Thtaoks1to te tpleasatitweater, a number1( of baseall meo(wCOe able to get some1 ((outdoor (1o0010yesterray afteroo «t 11(0 fair groun(ds. The suta was led by1(9r 1B10111an bTaft n-lo gae te men,(. 0(10011119-yte ifielders, a1 g01o0 CIorkot. Althoughlthte layers did no1 have a chance(0 for ay excpioally good work,10.they- ffv1e0eviece(thatte it- door((0work10has not(1s1)0110(1teir hiting O:Ii3AII 6PHI HOLDS INTERESTING AIEETI N 11100regular m((eeting of the Omega Phi litrary society- was 1e101at thei room(1s in University hltl 0(9 Satorday afternoo((((((v(00 clever dicussion ott "My DoubI1(1((1 ad ow He Otdid Me" 0w11 gvenob197isAllf atser. This Iwas folloswed by a toast to te soetey lby AMiss Rebecca Greatose. Te meeng ((as pa1riularied 1(y entus(iam((ado OHIO CLUD SMORER. fOn Fridaly eeing, April 6, te Obio club11 of theo (((19eCsity willl give a smoker ito1(1a11 0v00 Ctmigas's cotfec- tionery storeono Washntgo street. A program is b( ieig preparedl adin ttad- dtiiont it is planed to have a bsiess meeOtingo ittconecion Cw1111the smoker. Panor 1(0a clbl h oeatholer h- por(tan(t mt terstO will b tdiscssed. Every membe(9tr sould make10 all possile effort DA I FESTIVAL JOUR- NAL IS ISSUED Theo official 1AI ay Festival joral Ias j(t been isued, ad ayone deiring coplies (((y7get tettiat te secretary's offcer at1 the Shool of Msic. Te Jour- 1(al 1(as (It the frott page a ct of Pro- fessorSan-ley. It contains a progran of te Aay Festival cotcerts, a list of te arists 11andctsofte sate, also the railroad rtes wict have bee fixed at1 o((( fare plts twetty-five cents for r111oundtrit fromi 1111points ith le sotht- Thte A1ri1 ool party of te setior laws w(a115held wi111 great eclat at Cra- ge001 last eening. April ool stnts enliveed te 11occasiotn ad lgave wide ran(ge tte versatiliy of (le etbryo Websters. Intercollegiate Notes. OnlPriday-ngtluH-arard ((((11 (1( eigteettb a(((al debate 1(0(19e00(1t'al and Hlarvard, upon the sut1jct of (m(((- iial owtnersi of s(00eet 1111(1wa1yC in New- oktCity.The IHaova(001ea0,01(- 'eldI toe afirttative sideC of tol lc(10 1(1 Inthte intecollegiate gmtat(0i ((100 1ma1rh(30 the Uivrsrity- (f NI Vork tealntwell((fit 1(1ac0. Priceon o ol((( scotnd, andt(lVe1tid 11(heall110011(1 catmpiotshSiwent((to Mcaeof (1Priooo- ton. A numtiber of Columbia studntsle((90- cently orgatizedl ((hat 9w1(101110(1 to -Ponetic Spelling Assshtod((t(of ol (ttb(11(Untiversity,"1bitdigthemlves1 10 to1 adoplt the piniples1 o(f thereorol methodl (f orthography, o- r 1(01)ch(1And(1( 0r(w Crtegie recently(1\1prov('iedllfun of $s 'o,ooo. Dleciing tat the tcu(stm((ft1kin girl to collegc gattntes 99a tnd(ing(f to deeroriatec ollge Cspiit, 11he(junior,,Ca) Syracase 1(19vce1unanimou(1t(sly (10c1(0e11to sectionts will proably he organized-llat these gatues ottliehtm ilar1(1t0o(1tho(se in sotIe of thIete rn1I0c(o(llgsC during1 11(0 last fooblllseaso(1(. Prof. Eugetn I\I(1(oamto, of ior uttiversity, has b1(n011in(1tell a (t- tMatnysrepresenttve at11(rv or 110 1( (ext college 7011, 115(sucedlProfIWil leltmOsw-alod,of Leipzi0g it to 00econd year o0(1 11(0inat(1(iona111iterchange," not lretglarly0 esalised 1(011(0(1 1that I(ttvst('0y athe Itoermn oveff9nment.(O His course0s at Harvard next in(l~t1r ((1l probably (1ea11chifly will) 11e.01lassic 01(001 of Ger-man1(1lierature, a(1(1 (0th Germnaaliteraureandth~ logt(f fil- present day. I II(0000(l representativei bas (((1 yet bee announced(Il~. JEPPERSONlAN O(IPIRS. At it spiri11ttlCetig(f 1110 Jefferon-~l ian society, riday 09veningf tfolf--I-n itg weCreelecedoffiesf or9 110ile losml('( tertl: Presidet,1Braley; 9100-1(e0- iden~t,Wrigt;1 scrtry,. Baes; c0111c. Curtis;1 reotderof (diplomas.(((IJCeItsoo: treastrer, AWarren. 'Te lprogratt at Gangers toighi(wll start at 7:30. Sixteen olunllr w(1111 odanced. Theo close see ort 'M11 alvI. Tbe assetmblliesconttitue to 01(110 of1 (n(- versity. 11 FOR SALE-Sets drawig illru etls,llCEIiott's Gent. Practioe,. DIItier100 Dictiotnary, Piate Corpoatons, (1ia- motnts atnd wathes. J. C. WaIL, .13 F. Liberty sret. 3233 Satisfactory tailoring at satifaoIIr\ prices. Ftllr & OCotnnorf61g E. %Vil- 1am street. tf SENIORS-Leave your orders fo 196 stits andc oakosields at Arnolo's jewetlry store. tf I i ' y* 1 1 CATCHERS' ills w~e arc c'Iillp 11 .11 sp ix w IithI all oluttlleo ho1 711-h 'g(a1010lIlt' (f Antlis ever(1manu- Mitts cod Pt-ices Foloaw ISpalding's Perfectiotn, $6.00) Spalding's League, $4.00 Spalding's 0. A. Mitt, $2.111) Spaldinsg's Anmateur, $1.50 Others at $1.0)0, 50)c, 25c and t0o The Bookstore That's Nev er U~ndersold. C. E. BAR THELL, -Law and Medical Books NI-PT AND) ;F('0NII IHANDI. DICTIONARIES PRACTICE BOOKS (QUIZ COMPEND3S OUTLINES, ElTC. Cash or [xchdtge for yttur old books. C. E. BAR THELL 325 S. State Street, 2d Floor Ann, Arbor, icht. i Well Lathlered is hashave11d. No m91109emnl be well lathered Awithut tit:; rich, thick latheCr of WILLIA MS' STAICK TO BE WELL DRESSED IS A PLEASURE Stuet'Lecture Association S. L. A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to 6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Let us enjoy the pleasure with you by mak- ing your clothes. We give you the style that pleases YOU. Our Cutter, G. E. Mit- chell, of Detroit, makes a special study of young men's fashions, and will cut for the most fastidious dressers. 'i ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tre.a s .a Lav asAnnAerbor Gog Earth 9:5..m. asd 4:3i p. m. Going South 7:1.0a. m,11:35a. mand 7:51p.ttm. J. J. EtEHY, WV. T. WILLS, Gen'l Pass.Anent, Agent, Tolsdo, 01h(11 Ann Albor 11(011 Bsll phtone 1351rIt Ionte 0110(10198 Al H%1AIN CEN'nAi; Chicago Buffalo Blostot New York Thsrough Trains East --818a. III., 2.40 potm., 4.55 p. in., 9.309 p. 01. 11.05 p. m. Locals East-.5Otat n, 10 Ia.m.,a*4.05p.m. *8.a6 p. m. Through Trains Wst--2.07a 5i,, 758a. m., 9.18 a. mn., 2.O3p. mn. 10.20 p. m. Locals West-224 a. mn., *8.28 a. in., n1.4,0 p. so., *6.10 p, . *11(Exc-ept Sunaday.) Connectians at Chica for St. Louis Kaosas Lity and tho West. - W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor Uhe CO-oOP. STORE Kindly call and inspect our line of Spring and Summer Fabrics. C I[GARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE, MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST