The Mil.chigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MWII I(;AN ~)V R1 , lOC. i %L. XVI. No- 1 33. MICHIGAN HAS CHANCE FOR TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP Keene Fitzpatrick Discusses the Indoor Track Season-Urges Men Not to Get Overconfident. The i indoor tacik seasont Just closed was very encou raging and taking the resul ts as 'a lasis for'a'gtintent, I tinktl Mi ichigathtiis teartitti litta'e a teami the twesternit champ~t titsit.Fveet'sitter oile defeattl1ast June inl the con ferencee tht ienIhave ben imtued witlh the Sptnotoattiof ittt bititofi defettttig Chicago. It they ottti keeti this sptirit andtido ttot Ibecottettotvrconitdsenit, tee Te itttltotrvse iltnaotetnedth iis yeart iMucihtimorettuiious ly itthn il10'j. Fastsiyetar 11a11lIsall of the itent ewho ot oitsin itile wotitderfuli cotnfer- eice itteeltviifiiie tiearee ewere i- tliegette. Rosteil-Jahnlevlloigande tPerre wereiot iof51chotel, wiltisChicagoe,otil ieatrest riahdrcve the lbenetit li te acictltiitilt atf eel istar traick etten it Mcligaiiiliveganithe seasonelbor itditvsevre ietlt ititigrea.tte J ue 3. reversedl.Cicavolisevcrithles1 by the hiss if Catain11 Friendl I igitlitty, Blair, IiogetiscitiCattin,Gromi ian thdtirobeably iLyoni, ehilie Xichitg'ttthis lost but itle poits-foin ithye hutrdlesathree ini the twvo-imide andtwolie n ithe datshtes. We yeentuefatvoriedl by itheaveysntoweftall eef star athletes. hut the meltwhovidt li tot imatle goodii ltst rearlitter imtproveed andi 11111 these lieu'seveig tint tetpendts Miichigtan's chatncees inilth est cotifer- As tihe imeet lwihii \iu ntlinttwats un- fortuinttely hut of neeessity canctelledl. otir inidoor sceducltle miighitlie teittedi a disaipoaitntet. Tiecotest weitih id- mutt hardly gavee the icheligattnn a chatntcete shtotw its tiroiress. Somtie of lheeotiler imeets, hiowever, the etarsty meet anit the Rtamiey-Carrels meect, showed in titmeatireewhat thtieutmeitrate I 1 le ti fatoir ii the contferetce. twoi-muile antd iiotget illiithe tirditce sholdtitatll sio iproemtentercthint ltst year's iwork. andi if they tinthe will le valutable acutiitios, Of liv mieen liho hee'sowntitie mlitte tttrolc mciii this year treMtriRtley ite l- diecke iii '11ev'lttf-teile, e11 tittiey ]iliiih uile, PinchliniithIe high ijumpi, Schekt i the qutarier.adtutltl inittile vsies ittd tiitcoiiisttnt efotiatll itt tile etnt sholttd tmttke' good. Poec-itaits btent ot ,'eree'blte srprise ini the short dashi anid the qtiiotnocw retmaittlng 1istehether r not 1101 litiile tile to Ilatiltrtooasteeloetarynds iTt' il tilehitrtleeBris111111iitie sprints, West ii il t tlt tm ilad ae i the eli ill all tie ito itrceItso. Iwas v'eimorestliefaectirytle ani iI had ex- vilr tprosec stre gotd. tinweci, ise hatte t'letysteeraivii l h in ss coited with.Firt ciof lliithe'is Cii'goitelio till tevr e caughlt unapi gan 111111 whomiwetut e1111sitlisexeteeurpitse. Next toilieetonideeaetiv i vavcitets-e tite voi til thiigsteicthl11111ke tie reel of a tkel' tso ncviterti, iad sec-e itllywteni eteted sevesetlcioithttie iad- etitce. TPnlet I tcpiiroabliy of ll mos51t important, oveatiltieitee mailya team his beeni defetedl by an olpotl iferirtiistetgith, e elylectse the litte tesitdiffernt, seure ii iteviewi p rowessee ihilthe tilerisviht ig iii etil despeiratiotil We lice 'a goodvicantce toi defet Ciii ctgo, ut11n111ilhstndiig the seemineigly geniril iio.iti t111 -wailikwa y- If -c e tiltinii, it mieasthatiiieere' mat mtlaboitr Itaithfu tlly t prealre himutsef for the ciiitest.tutd that we emust noht cosidier it'e 'aion ushurlts befte the teet ished PRI h ilT RIES FOR GIRS' \II'FiART; IE NG HELD 'hpitrelititiaie tr tie'gils' iter- cltse"e-isteic meeliiin ror gyiti nasittimi legiiiSatrda y nurnitng. Te e'v'ntsiru1111111weyre tile hige jup. seeill" jump,11trevel ig'rngs tutd bltncee letms.Te scoetn owtstaids: Fresh- itet, 31'seiirs, 17 ' sdom res.15 juir,4 ltheestvf tilt' ireliitries iill le eeotkedv off tttday froiti4.-Ia(tv yeeiy giileho linstent er te eet imutst coettle1a1 t this titettand register ler nie.ePrcicelihrs treTesay tromut to Pt A X vil ci ty iandituany tther tile leun lisiwrk os nt~ Ticketsefirtihel e il be givei 0u1 Iy DritirookseTietredyi Algrlln teriing the meet will le alowede four tickets titd lmembilers of the tleti aso- ciatiouni nd girls reistered in te g yi- nasitm ile iile aowed cie ticet Ui-t ve-rsitey "ileeel1le adnittei ciitoti tickes 'Teqciiitiniete fr smialica',e s e miovecdlyeterday from itiXlliit Bxer hosue335Calherinee street anithei PROF. R. G. MOULTON FOR FINAL LECTURES i i Gifted Lecturer and Scholar to Con= dlude Series of Ferry Lectures Nest Week. migtlpr leparaionls fioi'the latsiseries if Fiei'' lectutiesto lie (te'tet'lt-bIly Irf itt I. 'Mittilt it. iof(tC'ic'tuittt'- site' Sitdets is' lo theenot ss'ii'v' d- them1 at11 eet e tile~ bc1-yhals The lectures y611 lit'iideliveredt is folt- Fritht, Aptril i, 7 P. mi., Newebterytail. -'ThieLiteitaty Stuileofttetie11111'as Distiiiguitshed frim 'Theolotgy tied 0-Ii- i 1 1 1 1 ltesI'to- elit, ath ithistswlveltext-booiks,"'ile Litrai tudyttleoftile Bible"tittd s"A Shot Intruc ilt 11icnte itletrlitlreof tlfidle. I hav i eoenevdttanillttuely ten', fa'il 11111' tiltintucttveueleethdof IIIclinterpreiivittun.lStdetseofithie 11111 11111famiiwi tits coni itetihae 11111111a111111o11Jobhe1I veesiat ey Retel'- 111111' iiiiiwit nli- ceciati tls itt the hcrlIty nd snn itlne iii thee imesstage, reng- Of" iitil CltuCle av eeen cecletad toi gee tlelsilililves iftpltasuitetanudi- sp11irat in inl tit i tey hiadi teer'tim- -I IG' SUCCESS SPECIAL INVITATION INDOOR MEET ARRANGED Combination Track and Gymnastic Meet to be Held Saturday-Coe Have Anther Chance. Siiice the fresh-interschoastic inet he aandtiiedee it hils bcern deided to etb- stitute aniiiiivittioienmeet to flliotet tie schiedulie anth thesvuhitet will le held Satiurdaty niglt intterrmanti gymnauts ium.tAbutiseceithundiiiiviiittions trill le issuud.thevtutu betweenieftculty miember's aditiudntisti No admtuiuissioni unil he chaige. 'hue iee-ti ucill cnth ofc 01venofthit ie regular rac vnsicu ig thur sot tilt tithieve-lh ae t40-yitchclash 40- teet highthurlyshigh nunp, ioeiaheeiut tutu reltay ric.The inalftc ioaienut fer thurfen'in g chiaimpionshiphcof tier uiii- tiescilhe a featre of themetr, antl thur gymouas si tit e nwll consiist of cdli swingingtua paralllibariicontesetutud t hoeruizotaitlar vonteis. T1ev conutestants ittthe rtcrerents usil he CapltaiteRaieyLueIRowe, Gtu- tee I Dunla, GtoodcwiI f loge,inech, CuteCutits rt,i ii iHut, iBishope~, Maic I' ullLomti ltaut ttii(trk, iBristol, Pot u tXi heutesent Fyirris autnd IHetpihit. 'hue reltiy race ctill bhu we cnetwteo tesr'chosehy "Ony" GtahetiundiiJoe Citrus. Wesley W. Cue, celia ts 00 his three formter trials failed teesnipas RalheRosesindore cor, will be giren his ash opporuniity this year 1o mattke ti record. It is probabily largely fete this thaet the meet was arratged. Rowe, Cuoe, D~ulliandciWadec began n-rk ati Ferry hield yeserdaty, aed al- thougitig h ie frost is noeteirely out of ithe oldltrack, tie ernceappreciate the chenige to autidoor work. Thur ten jogged a mile itabouoit52,aftler ehich thevy rantoh the gymena-situme. If the weatther coniuteftvorablev Raney, M- Kituney, Maliouney aitdlMgoffi, the other loeng-istiince meni will get otntodeay, anerfromee tow ait the lach will e kept btuy uteil the tryotts Aprlrt. D~irectrrFitzpatrieksidl yesterday thati e e wuulget tve wigt mto e wirktchtdaiy ifposasible.r Pierhanmer- throuwers a eaItcwil1beginiea work- teut eticheaten uoont, an if hard work will accomtepishetanyting, Micigan will hatue a good aieeieer-trwer when the timten comtes fr the conferee. "OlE~ JOURNAISTEN" TO BE PRESENTE0 IN DETROIT 'The ilenteeler erein has aceptedl -the invitatioin at the Ilanieoniesoit a f Detroit ha pesent teir play, "Din 1 Journaisten," ttndrer the aspice of thi organizationu. The performance will be I iventehMondaly eveig, April 0. Man- eager Johnt G. Nsenmarher is completing e arrantgemntis for tier evente. 'IThe iiviaion front Harnmonie came -soont after te successful preeniation gof thee popular Freytag coneedy at the - ta neu an4 th Vrehve ince I had it under consideation. Faculty con- fscull for ate appearaince itt Detroit was I givete a feet days ago. k Promteienit Germeaiis of Sagitaw hae halsoe aced fan ti(tile tier ater part of -April. 's There will he btt one chatge in the e ast of chitraces, Carl Schrieber taing tier part of "Seneru" itsteat of Mr. it Loeereg. sR. A. PARKER TO LECTURE SON PATENT SYSTEM S, R. A. Parher, of Parer & Burton, the 'I well-hutown Dtroi patent attorneys. al will appear before tier Engineering so- ciety a I oclock, Friday eening of thin t week. His leture will be one "The Pa- eteut Systenm of U. S." Mr. Parer grad- e, stated from Michigan ie '71 and in one d. of tier forenost speciaiste itt in line. a-TheLEtegineeriteg society are expectiteg us a very interestineg talk and will torn out in a body tn greet the npeaker. dho. Of tst c-ncr's hi titweehave Catp- taintRainey' ioeen 1 es, Car,tDuit- hap, Freh. With LIgththeady ucuuf of the hunc hiueyenIRaiety sndCute sheotul hen esilhy hletole tk e hue eeltheir ec- spectivecevtethilt Rowe is cithouit a dutthue test eolhveeute two-mteter in then counuutry. iDunlapandutelFrecehiave tilt hlia runestloetpattuntity theis year to showeu whtth hecy'cant theebut iDunultap uisiutth h nlfnyeslitccarty iiof thur Sauttti eday i itr i i p It. ee \ eeu Ii ' ih e l i' I eeagtee' tas held test Stuttrt- teeth St. Jouhn'sRevseltionueuTh1e Chi si-euay lli'ig at heel tuu 'ymnuasitimu. cue Inteii tterpreta I tio ' itr. wwohe undereted cdtheti)iee col-lege Suitidasy iiiiApr ilt . ewer vwmnt iendtied so ehiat itall.-The hFooel:. eelJetrem ieh, liii tut smlsuet than it t yar b toee tinge etclu -kteutobirpynuhfretlestitl o i ut eeueeuu an11th comufort. Suundy,--krilt8, 4 P. i., Late l'it ud V.1'. Jolre t and 11( tis. C. Ali Baesr itl.Th Boo Ti ofut e Job, oeeltile'Msteryivil th culeron;,s whot, toegethert wills eel Sutetrtug. l a emaeup uutthen receptionutlintu chnate y' Api i P.en1.ittNewtey lie elienI uttrchit sartedlit I8:30,let hell.-h Pitt oktiof eelIelemtesc iiorites b cSitayi'ueiek ha ttirmanteoeelthe Presioni.' Eglandi, elofI tttlfamil fpeach-itectuer-spteetie-ely as hi Titus- tic. iftediitishichs tilnic:ty lnth andetetoeale dsteel nyt, tumakineg atrkingkut she'llatt- heelhu tuo the yturetiede coupulte.NttuhMiss Reni'tk ini a broad- hue the Uihersnities of eLtellntilldICanlull rimedteuee ttha ti-cnt-clakvevt boerouant trudge, hreeterci uponee Iits ilet wit:hill nsshrn ise els Cathey illiaugownetil ocf brining promeneeeutie hefr lethe:M vlow moeted itspaeetgts, loaeduut try~n tie stuituethure valeo itvuersitt cx- tei ethe1111lues andibrIlenets, an aulat utck teutsionus a peulicedhuctioteetheaIecy'eeeini ltteeMatitlla drae ite trute Spattish 1890-91.chstsle lim e rlieuatie e Lcties 'iitch 'Itty- Sitter 1892hhehaeerisnnctetht r e l na a,]Ifasioenedi speister', lienCtiuercisity eel Chicagot asunitfessortecths tu eethnd S ic IcRuthe Ricer us cii iEngliushlerai'uture.'v'ndutslnow hileditil renche teasatll m suiecoynhtdh eel the dupten tiufee e11111111teeny-ute 'el( ee:;rand 1marchias ptu atediclit itt Ftihyiu- uo s O ivreileedcuptioneus frout Whiile iehuetas euaitnet -tueniaeuhhr epee-teeanu nationts 'atnd itfrtet eeaty tuges tationutasuantinterptetiieelofthi n-ecienteTh eewee he-hit, lt ow n suIndituns cltussic ndie ofelSitketspearve ellet tilemost tusotethi lithme's, Ic1thu thu lii tes, Pets maedtu nlsucycess hl eenett it the ei el t illas, i t u e lstuturlieu midts,teures bilicaetl literautur- e, lieuy hue hits tdtne lullescate-littlef tututhee X-uW intlrittfOz,' moetre thutnt aeuy etre m1 ar iiltiisnlye se. t'luteyeolthi setumIe; etre originet the Bibe lloedseulitertutti tithestidshut-a-lieclln hIoletuheuisuunot tutly' 'ug'uted ltectueri I, stills temuicwuas furiu'ishuedhiy teat hut a scholareft luluusut ii thty atutu s'Gan e'eorc'stra. StussMaltri, tfuuuuecuis. 'tie is lteuetoeelfthin'Tdel 55eisetiad hiaelei-eegelfhue diutintgeronm erie Readhers' Bilth res fteuty-e eel hltoftteIe adtutrutullehicwere sent-ru oevoeaututes in nwtuththileyIcit re-The title itas tieor-tiedti-tiltreilcarnae printedhin iteiurary feetmuiiso ta ty leuerthens and sia, ulewol ffair we soneofettlture caneni ujoy it s a litrarytu greatuceceesse slthulrdefetuat y'sheet puttyer inthue et huouse hastuenuetihoerouughly' fumtigtated, ewithe the extceptitnetieel~sley Cite.Of Tier boardl eel healthlhas givete certificates Gairrels nwetay' exietedsoee at iee-ttr-itt huelthi toellthi ~e iventtaes andthed ey fotinctutes.-is wornklatsphetingin the hae ce suttedutheir iiniv'tiual evorkras uiscus tlttes lhuet at te hied intthiethutghenoting had happtened. 'Te evetlwhtile huts wirkene the' Ion' hueutus smaelpox petetietus ath today' ler thee is taluetas otusewoueerthey. WhtViithecwiii f fret timiu. he tutle to t1e ini the high iettirdietisattic a teettter for conjecture. NO'TICE TO ISASFtSALL MEN. 'heis nutcleuisof 'hi." mitsestregth- enedl by' thur acdditionutof Ray Stwart, 1f theeerathter cattihnues ftuvoralethee wholiiintttierdleuis andcspritswottneheteasttall teateewill tractice ou thlen ftir "A"uevtiefraltheaetrcs ago. i ciiWttiteGa srels ciuundsthi attetn. itisveyleai-th "a-i"g severleas ago.writhlGpro]le-gatusiheareprteontitiserryisae- tblyhehytcsauedu foe thinstprintisetutd cs le to briteg a sweerc. Practice begins at rante ie t o fiat tewo years ago lie shotul t p. tn. Wendell, Capt.