THE MICHIGAN DAILY fTHE LEADING ITailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [ULL DEISS SUITS A SPEICIALTY 311 S. State t. Anno Arbor, Mch Base Ball Gloves Of Provens Qu~alty Even a casual coo- parison w ill convince yon tha't Spadings Gloves are far sp- rior to olery in d- sign, nual i t y and workanisip I lhe favorites thsp yeare. P X.--Finest Buckskin, $300 X L--White Horsehide, 1.50 S -Good quality leather, 125 Others, too, at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. BH rgains iii Watches & Diamonds Offieo airesidence 33i . Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours: 8toi11:30 . n., 1to 33and7 to 9 p. m ALL nSUSNI8OeNINaTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS THE :MICHIGAN DAILY. Enee tascnd elansmatte tthe Ann Arberotfiie. Ptblisehed daily (Mondays exceped) dutrin the eolirge year, at t1t7 last Wiashingion streent. Bell phone 892. iometrhoner 76. Managing Ediior, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS riIiTORS. Athletic ........Clarernce E.Eldridge News............Lnuis 0. Sticney N'.chaiiee........hareI;. Wittead Miusic .........A. H. Ortmeyer Woenie.... .......lffie J. Armsntronng VinRoiAn. ScAFF. ilugh Allen Feankiin C. Paeki Arthur C. Found. ASSOCIATEtS. Glenege A. Osborn Hiaroid C. Smith Feerii N. Smeith Gorge A. Barnes Robheet H. Ciancy Frank J. Clark Henry F. Schultre IHenry A. Montgonmery ji1. F. Stevensonn chniF. Werz Glentn It Bradley Floyd I1. Jones ioy V. iLuii RATES:t$Sa5e pee pear, nr $2.00 it paid in advance Addreiss: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 236S. 12tih St, phone 8491- PItIN PRII, i ot events', tiepse Oct's ciithbethle yel- lowi andi 1lue will againti ake flcstplace' Th.le best lwishles o1 every' X iciigan s.tudent accomepatey Archie [Hahn to Athlens'. Hchi t 111nlyiihitsicon it- numerilabile poitsi'ftir his Altec Meater. bulis .faithiful wtorkdeithl the spinters if liie' warmiicgartilof icheligatn itce. ofi yeriot enethle qti. utceotmes liefote lie' Sttidets' Incltre asso.tcia tiotiastiote thei disburtisemt itofliii, protfitsdurnited frothtie seasonsit lecture coutrsev. lihe crttd oiifi stdeitsat ii'hetiocent liy idicte that theiprirth ii'.yeer selditi bei lairgercthtu everiteftirie. Asa ibolder of atssoiai'tinticklets tutd terefotre'