THE MICHIGAN DAILY kAL F-TO0NE S and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality 1AskC A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block FRAT MEN ATTENTION!i 'We Ilavee laltetpiece of reat estitle nearthetcampusnd int(eeytsectttjutt hething ftraratern-tity. couldtiuie-ti is- enit ouefora fewtye-en . Tistrus b sold withint iidays.. We have another Fine thtca eaghpurnhniilcheaply, alsitihave a new tinter nity houtt fors-ale or for rent. If interestediicall1 at'. G0 J.IALLER &CO. Campus Barber Shop 0. A. MOE, 705 N. Uni, ersity Ave The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $50t000. hSurpluts, $200,000 Rhesouares, $2,200,000 A Ueneral Banking BuinessTransacited OItFrS: nChas.iiE. iint'tte, Pres ;W. 1) Itt int Vte ice r it t . itt.Cashie Rowe's Lau nd rv ..SWAGGER CLOTHES 4ON[.+ON. O a i t . i ii .m ti nt Ie%-1. FrteFor College Boys, and . LOa~a euriM tFrtecollege boys, iwe are showing ntew Spritig Suits of '' tl t n- _ te" College" brand. S martlpatternts made in the topt-ntch of Two dIt rst t nt h fr ew'.1I- . A. ;?: _ s~tyle. Long coats with deep side vents. Tronsers wvith peg- 4. ONr tee ;S 0t 1:It:It ttp n wd ttehp * 41More real "tp-to-datetiess "ini these suits titan any clothes '. Basnes e nitty Coofidntia +t we know ofr and at a big sasitig as compared to the merchant >tr y t tailor's price. " We are exclusive sellers of FINE LUN~tCHES College Brand Cohs"lwDsit EI, m r111 ik $15.00 iiit ial o r Ptd hi is ! iTi < < .JOLLY. State St. tae ber ( Wueth o Central Lfines >*t S e le u4rPARLOR CARS f>, otn all It it iitin 1r t n Tti n d tin lt t Ia .C.ans iMo tirn i'ol't L itht 5 t ttlt i 4 , 1 r T) Thomas Rower, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ate. Ntet Phone 457 it'll tionte 4t7-1 THE FARMERS AND MECIHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREEtiTS Capital, $50,000, Surplas and Profits, $65,000 Dones a General tRanini-iBusiness nod iay 3 pertcent interestition Tietitd Savntgs Dieposits. Safety Dleposit Bonstoi rent at $2.00 and upwards It. KXMoe r en. W. ('. ht.ereeSo, Vine-tees. B.H BELSER. Casht i1.A.Isir toAiAst. Tla eCelebrated MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. STRINGS Italian, German, and of American Manufacture FiORSALL STISINOiEDrINSTRSUMEINTS REIASONABLEt PRlICES. SCH-AEBERLE & SON I14 W. Liberty Si. ANN ARBOR En~och Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance--Calla at eade 1 day toe aighst. 210 S. 4th Avt.: Reidiiee sm Phtonet-404. AriaAAche. ALARM CLOCKS $1.00y to 1.30.Sa $1.00 toGsa $1.50e OurDolitar Clonits are tie tiestnmtade f or thteitoney. Pine watchirepairingO aspecialty. J1. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. Ynanaceangetm. Hot Lunch At TsttS.'s, 338 5. State BILLIARDS POOL HUSTON BROS. 312 S. STATE ST. TOBACCO CANDIES lll 1- T'El tinMORNING ' Continutedl frnotmopareoun.) MilleiritLantage ti-conf erence toibin'lli ini Roomit G. UCiversitylihall. at tono'lnock ths m r in in Istllowi : Chirmn. Prof.lan NWitklcr .'kii vk st f ititi t1 I iN i t ltiett ii 1. Rece1n111hliii.a litPractie ini I" reach iTs i. iProf 11-. l. t'. tlnI it. . lltitilfteiNewIniernitiona I tgng i'iltmtntt"t Prof. htmls iii tutu-lint iyear, 1111s ttowed liilup inhe t itir . 11111e W ite C iiixihaIstiacceptedti In li ()il li'e: lanpe-lltre ti, iiti t opeing ofthec - tesnwithliegitnih-it-il tudsinire turntfrthliiislieotit'hle faci? tien it t 1th idway. AniCIA4 111411 NITY HAS RAPlIDsilGROlWniTH ...++. C5"l.+i~~. t.. +isfi+ar+ir+ i Ji~'~s+ r'nifi en~+a+s~s +..+.+. . ini lie Ohio tate ui erts'ity. rIt'. l isno ton liihil y nto Dtmou'uth cotllege. Ve'tilt ftergill icht tewll. nzc of-ll s lva ii I gi i n \1,;i the first chil.ap iiter loi iizI andeown. as twenty-five mer tiilts jw e -t it, i i The Acciai ralenity at[_[,3_''as It11o sittnret, I.whimht otin oretnized-itlito IFOR.1R Nl-For nine yer,Ifrotit rears anĀ°',gi aimoittg li the isnittunitttt l iut- mo6, large tirick residenee, n-ell len witete rlit'i-ilat Lilandti tall-tityii. ii ford, atthe' U'ivtenis Iit tt n utan fraern-tity becametat' ational ut Ionet lar-ii at inn StitdtitlSitupliiI;\ illia-tlt origaniizainhaslts tt intalledl at it-titer1 lease nallliii' J. 'N1. pipest. ti in-1- hul 1 Acl 1111tm'. let'liet'eiitt I. ni.ucl me1et1' ingII.1.1 41 to a.i 11l--Gieint-lilillsineiii' illliii- not ACtietgiiothiill In etuie ineitinit lit!it(;itno ii C I;:litiSt~llt .\i In tinfirs t i ti t inseal a elofi te te I -tI Make Money Dusring Va.cation $100 in Gold One year in College Otr all thne year, liii that matter. on leinute $75 Top Baggy days. We Pay Good aoney fotimt---helping; thin dealers to introduce or Coaprte Coal. Coarse Aa~o altK m de Parlor Furnlture A ainT be s sle Stocik Footdstat ii iii, itt'. tadietsican easilyearni$100t Ladies' or Gents' Tailor ini a ningit- nonthithtuouritottehottltid-remitesten.Soap. Made Soil and 100 Spe. iMasisage-Cr-ant,Toillet Arti-lestif altin, Extrrats. I erfumes.etc.,at Common Sne Pices. Vrmit hi cial Preaiam Offers. Biooklet N'N. Schofisil B-.lidinag Ci.velir.Ohmi I I I_ \OXFORDS OXFORDS OXFORDS E -'FOR MEN AND WOMEN -, C'idtol A. G. SPALDING & BROS. of tliiatAtheti, htlliii t-t Base Ball, Lawn Tlennis Foot Btull Archery Roque (Golt Quroins Cricket Lacrosse Croqueti - tiley Sealrign"Trae Mark tn i ro niseB litor 11lhemi-it i - 't ii' l tin 11111 'iii ii i I \ rjit - ~lti mt t lt ' loi 'lit eri r(Ittiiie o L w .sgf4 Spaldint ic Tade niark c~ yourit' Athtletic' 11111 etilts '(ve O U an 1 alii 1111 tiaetner liiinioter1' 11 you have111a iStititii niii t 111 ittittitittt l5iiaciv A. G. SPALDING CaL. BROS. 'Now Yorku. (kii te 'allt 'arri :' D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY wii c'i lars to 1 1roi t: n;. 1 I lI c - cr t1111 it ii ti' 1 1).11 int i pect l C st 111 ci oi '::11.1 1-11 111t'or tit- ar Itt- l 8:i-i a.-itt i. i itli i 1 t~oit-i ttloal iS n-i'le t i~ct it tI it .!~t WAI~TI titlist. itettior. inlmS~t)FI Ni i O la 'ls t1Irs alt I l- I e Bthr IGHTONe o lo vvaemaeo Conast but air ent a ir.No thertget-01 h r~as e rigor Idolc ortm fr te adlon weair isit urnsr toe FRIRIT THEY HAVE ARRIVED Fine line of iow shoes all leather, all shapes. Up-to-date exclusive designs CALL AT WA[I(-OV[R SHlOP And have a look. 111II South Main Street. "J , , II C hole. Cunt Fin-n'.-.ainrd Pa,, Chapin St betweeanlHartiiand liller Ace. Phone 84ir KODAKS INSTRUCTION IREE to ill ttu hi 1 i 1iitty lu-sons is 51OI imit The University of Chicago TimetUaiversity'yunt us dividdtoou r mmi quaarters. Witer, Spri', ting. mr amid Aim- tumrmn. 'Adriisiotiintratteti'iiietp'titigf tieh, on tanuacy 'Id, Apill2di.Tune1thtut.atil Ocetober tnt. Gradutateintrimctionsofere ins time Gradat-etmchls ofAets. and ittera- tares and time Ogden l(iemumou et untol of Science,. Profesttinal intrauctlioisofere in the ivinity-Schoolu thum- toutSnchoolm. the itashr;MedicalmiColleigi' lilihitti-u, andtihie Schrol of Edacatioin. iSurnmertuatrottee 19o16. tarre 16 Septermher 1. iHirst ewtm: uneiW- Jaly Ot Second Teem:tilt y 2tO-A turuit 31. Registratmion i ermittedm fur time enmti-e qua r- ter oreforeithrerm.u. llantireguar rit-u i is given to osmrkmudone-. Spimiatl entearct oftfered fum echerst. taor inrformantion maddres The UNIVERSITY OP CHICAGO, Chicago. Ill. IIAS.A A &- A A -A -A A A - A A -A h" ii I Lits ! Medics ! Homoeops ! Dents ! and Pharmics ! If you want a copy of your large CLASS PICTURE, you will econfer a favor loy ORDERING NOW. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED Phonea Mich. 895-JI r1 nj8k "'Horae 367 L X N E O I ALL. THE NEW 1906 KODAKS Are in stock. Let us show them to you. E. E. CALKINS Dr-tsggist 320 Snauth Stat, Street r_ _r ., WPF 4111?NEVER UNTD RSO14D---GOODYIAR'S DRUG STOR-E